19.45% [VRMMO] Dead One / Chapter 50: Chapter 51 – Want to make a deal?

章 50: Chapter 51 – Want to make a deal?

There was a several questions in my head right now.

1.Who is she?

2.How did she got here before us?

3.Is there anybody else here besides her?

4.Why there are no monsters in this area?

5.What was the sound of that explosion?

6.What was that hole she came out of?

7.Why did she covered the exposed part of her body?

For the first question, I don't know. All I can say she is pretty strong. She bulldozed through the skeleton servants like they were nothing and she even took their attacks head on without suffering much damage.

She even took necro eruption like it was nothing. 

My guess is that she has a warrior class, shield user class and spear user class. She also activated some skills with a "Boar" in it. I guess she has a rare class? 

If I remember correctly, Shri said that when she was fighting the harem fucker party member, she said that she had some a rare class and she was also using "Boar" skills like her.

The two of them probably have the same rare class.

However, obviously she is still hiding something.

The more classes you have, the slower the growth of each class becomes, meaning that her classes don't have that high rank.

On top of that, she probably have a 1 or more unknown classes that give her a stat buff or something, it would explain a bit why her strength is so high.

Or by any chance she has some sort of epic or high rarity set armor and weapons? Or is it by any chance a work of a titles effect? Or by any chance all three answers?

Second question. I don't have any answers or anything, unless she tell us herself.

Third question. No, I think she is alone. She wasn't stalling for the time and instead went straight for the kill. On top of that, she was the only one who left through that hole alone before covering it, so I guess she is the only player here besides us.

Forth question. Don't know, but there is definitely something going on in here and she may even know why. It maybe even related to that hole.

Fifth question. I don't know, but there is a chance that the sound of that explosion came out from that hole. There is a chance she fought something or someone down there.

Sixth question. Don't know, but we will probably get some answers if we go down there, but there is also a chance we won't uncover everything. She may hold some important information that we won't get no matter how much we search inside.

Seventh question. That is the most curios part. I don't think that the robe she is wearing is to hide her identity, I can see her face. It also doesn't seem to be an item meant for the combat or anything, since it got easily damaged. If it isn't for her to hide her identity or is not an item meant for combat or anything, then that means the reason why she is wearing the robe is cover her body? She did used her hand that was wearing a gauntlet to cover the exposed part of the body after the part of the robe got damaged.

(And lastly, the eight question.) – though ClownFrog.

(What is the quest she is doing?)

(Is it by any chance connected to all the other questions?)

(She attacked me when she realized I saw that hole. So, whatever is down there is definitely connected to her quest.)

(Honestly, I though about her killing her instantly so we can have the hunting grounds all to ourselves as well as going to the hole in order see what is inside, but that weird reaction of having cover her body got me too curios. She is definitely hiding something VERY IMPORTANT and I want to know!)


"Why should I trust you at all?" – asked the female player.

"Well, do you have option?" – replied ClownFrog.

"Let me rephrase that question. How desperate are you right now?" 

"You said to your self that you failed the quest already 4 times. You failed and yet you try again. That means that the rewards are worth it."

"However, it will be obvious, we won't get your quest." 


"Why not?" – asked Oron.

"If we ask an NPC or a monster out of a blue to give us a quest, to a total strangers he or she never meet or anything, do you really think they would trust us and give us the quest?" – replied ClownFrog.

"…So, you are saying that you are not aiming for my quest?" – asked the female player.

"Hm… I don't know. How about we kill you after you tell us the location of the person who gave you the quest and then we go to the said location to talk to the person who gave you the quest and ask her if she would be willing to give us a quest. And when he or she would ask us about how we found him or her we will just reply with "Oh, I killed the person you hired after I beat her up to death. Teehee.". Do you really think that would work?" – asked ClownFrog.

"…Nope. The guy that gave the quest in the first place was stubborn bastard, so there is no way you would get a quest from him." – said the female player.

"So, you want an info as the reward for helping me in my quest?"

"Well, info obviously, but if by any chance we would fight something big and powerful, we want our share of the loot and rewards, obviously we won't take your quest reward and obviously we won't steal the items you need for the quest completion." – replied ClownFrog.

"…." – the female player stared silently at the ClownFrog.

(I wasn't lying at all just now. True, not getting a quest would be a big downsides, but from my personal experience the NPCs possess their own circumstances, history and emotions. Even if she were to tell the NPC that gave her quest that we are trust worth or something, there is no guarantee that we will receive the quest at all, since we are a total strangers.)

(The info we may get from her maybe useful and all of us saw ourselves how valuable some informations but there is also a chance that the info we get will be completely useless to us or the info she give us will only be related to the quest. So that is the reason I asked for the loot distribute.)

(We may gain something or not. However, I think this gamble maybe worth it.)

(Honestly, we only came here to hunt monsters to level up, so our purpose coming here wasn't to do any quests at all, but maybe by working for her, we maybe be able to gain something ourselves.)

(Everything I said to her was a true, but if she were to say no, then obviously we have to get rid off her.)


"Fuck. Wait, let me think for the moment." – said the female player.

"Go ahead. You there, move out of her way." – said ClownFrog.

The undead monsters behind the girl moved away and the girl looked confused after the seeing undeads opening the path for there. The girl looked at the ClownFrog with confused look before walking away, however while walking away, she kept her guard up and sometimes turned around to see if the ClownFrog or the others were not trying to do something.

Before long the girl walked away from the undeads and stood right next to the tree.

"So, what you game you are playing right now?" – asked Shri with quiet voice.

"A fun game. She seem quite interesting and she seem to also holds some important informations. I want that info she is carrying and know what she is doing right now." – replied ClownFrog with quiet voice.

"So, you just want to mess with her or something? Or by any chance you are trying to get something out of this?" – asked GreyHunt.


"If she by any chance do any big quest like we did like to kill a some specific boss or a NPCs, then there is a good chance that we will get some nice item drops or if by any chance she is doing something important, there is a chance that we would be able to gain a title. Simple put I want to use her while also allowing her to use us. Just a straight up a fair deal this time."

"However, her reactions were quiet weird as well. She may or may not holds some very valuable informations that maybe useful for us."

"I want to find out what the heck she is hiding."

"However, is she says no or try to run away, kill her instantly and when she would try to come back after respawning, you are allowed to kill her on sight."

"But do you really think she will agree to your offer?" – asked Oron.

"Don't know. It all depends on her desperation."

After some time passed, the female player suddenly began kicking the tree next to her over and over, while also swearing, before then stopping kicking the tree and walking back to the group.

"Fine you bastard! You have your deal." – said the female player.

"Good. Want to shake hands?" – asked ClownFrog while extending his hand.


The girl and the ClownFrog shacked their hands together.

"Nice to meet you. I'm ClownFrog. And you?"

"Rampage." – said the female player.

"Rampage huh? Well then, I'm sending you the party invite."

[You have requested player [Rampage] to join the party.]


[New party members had joined: Rampage]


[Leader: ClownFrog]





"Now then. Before we will work together, I have a very important question to you." – said ClownFrog.

"I know that in that hole is something related to your quest and all, but I'm very curious about something else."

"Why are you wearing a robe?"

"I can tell that you are not using it to hide your identity, since I can literally see your face and all or this thing is not an item meant for combat or anything, since it got damaged very easily."

"Its just a plain up robe, but I can tell that the reason you are wearing it is to cover your body. However here comes the question: Why? Why are you covering your body?"


"Do I have to answer that?" – asked the female player.

"Well, I think this is a very important question that will influence if we would together or not. So unfortunately, you have to answer that." – replied ClownFrog.



"Okay. I will tell you, but under one condition. You won't EVER tell a living soul about this." – said the female player named Rampage.

"We promise, but just so you know, if you betray us, we will tell your secret." – said ClownFrog.



"Okay. Then here comes the secret."

"I'm a vampire."


"Wait, wait, wait, wait. A vampire? Like the actual one?" – said Oron.

"Yeb." – replied Rampage.

"But from I know, there was no race like the vampire you can pick." – said Oron.

"Yea. I originally started as a human, but then I ended up running into a vampire."

"While hunting one day, I decided to venture bit away from the hunting grounds. I kind of got curios one day about the areas beyond the hunting grounds and I was kind of bored at that time, so I say "Ah screw this." And decided to explore."

"While exploring I ended up accidently running into some weird house. At first, I thought it was abandoned since it looked old and was in the middle of the nowhere, but soon after I realized that I was wrong."

"There was a person living in there. A vampire."

"I though he was a monster but when I fought him, I ended up being one sidedly beaten up."

"At first, he thought about killing me, but then he thought of an idea."

"He proposed me a job offer. Apparently, he couldn't leave the house for the personal reason and his only servant was busy doing something else."

"I was bit confused, but also bit curios. In the end I ended up accepting his quest."

"I finished his quest without much problem, then the next one and another one and even the hardest quest he had to offer."

"It took some time but I completed all of his quests."

"He praised my efforts and gave me a weird vial with a blood as a reward."

"The thing he gave me turned out to be a something called vampire blood."

"He told me that if I were to drink that blood, I would turn into vampire myself."

"At first I was bit skeptical about this, but then I realized that maybe changing my race to a different one will have some useful benefits, so I decided to drink it."

"After drank that, I became a vampire."

"Well, not exactly. My race wasn't a "Vampire" yet. Right now, I'm something called "Newborn Vampire". A vampire that is yet to be a vampire."

"He said that to become a full-fledged vampire I need to drink a fresh blood from living creatures or a creature that died recently like a humans elf or something like that in order for my transformation to be completed."

"I wanted to become a real vampire as soon as possible, but then he stopped me and gave me a new quest."

"The quest seemed quite simple, he told me that his servant discover some ruins and after he reported it to his master, he was send back to the ruins in order to explore them and see if there are any secrets or treasures hidden in there."

"However, the servant did not returned after the long time and the vampire think that he either something happened to him or he died."

"So, he gave me quest where I have to find the missing servant, he also gave me the location of the ruins in questions."

"Let me guess, the hole you came out of, it leads straight to those ruins?" – asked GreyHunt.


"I accepted the quest because I though the rewards I would get would be pretty big. I thought I could finish it fast since after becoming a newborn vampire, I got a little stat buff. So, I decided to first do that quest before trying to become a full-fledged vampire."

"After I got there, the ruins were filled with some undead monsters, but they weren't any big threat to me and managed to explore the ruins without running into any real trouble."

"However, after looking everywhere, I couldn't find the servant at all. I searched every room and everything, but nothing came out."

"After a long search I found the last room with some giant doors. Since it was the last room, I had yet to check, I decided to enter it."

"And after I entered it, I found out I was completely fucked."

"There was some sort of giant abomination monster wearing a bride outfit called "Forgotten Bride". She was level 200 while I was level 140 at that time. I got one shot one killed back then before I could even do anything."

"I fought a monsters, boss monsters and even mange to beat the dungeon by myself, but that THING was on the league on its own, even when compared to that vampire. It was also not a regular monster but something called unique or something."


"Wait! Did you said unique monster!?" – asked ClownFrog.


"Wait. Did by any chance you run into a unique monster yourself?" – asked Rampage.

"Yea, we did, but we did we realized we had no chance winning against her, so we gave up. However, we were able to make a deal with her and she gave us a quest." – said Oron.

"Oh. That vampire I meet also was classified as the unique monster." – said Rampage.

"Anyway, I tried leveling and then fighting again it. I used to fighting monsters with much higher level than me so I thought I would be able to beat it somewhat while being lower level since I fought monsters with higher level than me and beat them in the end, but before I could do anything, I was crushed to death."

 "Then I tried again after replacing my equipment, but I got squashed like a bug."

"I decided screw this and tried going to the city in order to drink a blood of some people and became a real vampire, thinking it could help me out, but as soon as I got to the city, I realized that the city was swarming with the guards. The security there was no joke at all. There was no openings for me to quietly kill somebody and drink their blood."

"And even if I were to decide to kill somebody, I would probably get catched in the process. So, I decided to give up drinking the blood of anybody in the city."

"However, the trouble didn't end there."

"After giving up targeting the people of the city, I decided to gather some info. Maybe there was a place or a village with a low security or something that I could attack or something."

"But while gathering the info, I found out something while asking some question about the vampires. Apparently, the vampires aren't very welcome in this country and they were even hunted and killed by the people of this country."

"Even the vampires that haven't committed any crimes or anything were hunted down and killed."

"So if somebody were to find out that I'm vampire, that would obviously mean I'm 100% screwed."

"I also couldn't do a fast one by finding some village and drinking some random villages blood, since that would obviously leave some evidence that the vampire is on the lose with you know, bite marks, blood missing."

"I realized that I was completely screwed."

"I had no choice but to give up becoming the real vampire for now and try to beat the boss again after leveling up again, but yet again I lost, but this time I managed to run away with barely any HP left and after I recovered by drinking some potions and left the hole, I run into you." – said Rampage.


(So there are things in this game that can change your race?)

(Considering that the vampire isn't a race you can pick while making a character, means that race has some special or better benefits that regular race has to offer.)

(This is a very valuable information.)

"By the way, your current level?" – asked ClownFrog.



"161, tried fighting a level 200 monster that one shot you while you were 140? You are dumb."


"And how much HP you managed to take away from that boss?"

"1/2? 1/3? 1/4? 1/5? Hm?"


"So you weren't even able to put up a fight in the first place. Why did you then tried fighting it again?!"

"I panicked! The quest have a time limit of a mouth! I already wasted 15 days and I have only 16 days left! I really wanted to complete that quest since I knew that the rewards I would get would been very good or even I would be able to gain a title!"

"You happy now?! I panicked! There is your answer!" – said Rampage.

(So she knows about the existence of the titles? That means she has one or more already.) – though ClownFrog.


"Okay. I understand. Honestly, your situation is bit screwed up after I think about it."

"Anyway, lets return to the original question for now." – said ClownFrog.

"So the reason why you cover your body with a robe is because you will turn into dust when exposed to a sunlight or something?" – asked Oron.

"Well, kind of. A low ranking vampires are weak to a sunlight, they became much weaker when exposed to it, however for the newborns the sunlight is lethal. Not only my stat got a huge decrees but I also take a damage over time while being exposed to it."

"Even when wearing a full body armor, I still take the damage and the penalty. That vampire gave me this robe that can somewhat protect me from the sunlight. It doesn't completely nullify the penalty and it decreased the damage taken by 90%, but there is a giant problem and that problem was caused by that stupid vampire bastard! That guy didn't properly took care of this thing and it even manage to make it become something called [Lesser Worn Out Sunlight Protection Robe]."

"Its durability is a complete shit and because of that it often get damaged when I'm fighting and have no choice but to go to city and meet up with a blacksmith and have him repaired this stupid thing!" – said Rampage.

"Honestly, I was kind of going mad right now because of all this bullshit, so I'm kind of glad that you proposed that team up offer."

"Well, if I were to say something, I think you wouldn't be able to clear the quest even after getting level 200. Considering how you were beaten up one sidedly 4 times even after getting stronger with each time, I don't think you would have been able to clear that quest solo at all." – said Oron.

"Yea… I kind of realized that as well after that last attempt."

 "However just so you know, I'm still wary of you." – said Rampage.

"Same goes to you. But just so you know, there are four of us and I can already inform you, that these guys are quite strong are by no means a pushovers. So, trying to betray us will probably lead only to your death, mate." – said ClownFrog, warning Rampage.

"…" – ClownFrog and Rampage stared at each other, before ClownFrog finally spoke up again.

"Well then. Now that the important question is out of the way and we introduced ourselves, shall we get to the work?" – said ClownFrog.

Load failed, please RETRY


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


