8.91% [VRMMO] Dead One / Chapter 23: Chapter 24 – We Chose Our Own Roles.

章 23: Chapter 24 – We Chose Our Own Roles.

[You are the first party to ever hunt: The Corpse Of The Amid.]

[You will receive additional rewards.]

[The Sword Filled With Griefing Screams.] – [Epic]

[Chest Armor Once Worn By the Soldier Corpse] – [Epic]

[Self-Living Undead Hearth] – [Epic]

[Bracelet Of The Dead Soldier] – [Rare] x2

[Class Book: Poison Swordman] – [Rare]

[Necrotic Gem – Lesser – Weak] x4

[Poison Gem – Lesser – Weak] x4

[Reinforcement Crystal – Lesser] x30

[Money: 39 Gold Coins / 97 Silver Coins]

"Holy shit, there is a lot of stuff. And there is even 3 epics!" – said Shri.

"Yeb. So, how do distribute this stuff?" – asked ClownFrog

"The first is epic rarity sword. It appears to be two handed longsword. Anybody wants it?"


"Nobody? What about you GreyHunt?"

"No. I kind of want to have one hand free so I don't want to wield two handed sword. If it was one handed sword then maybe, but two handed is no go."

"Oh. Then maybe we should skip it for now."

"Second item is an armor. It has high defense and even has magic defense. It also as a buff that provide HP and MP regeneration based on how many debuffs as well as poison type attacks you applied to the enemies." 

"Em…. None of us have any debuffs or use poison." – said Oron.

"…. Say, is it light or heavy armor?" – asked GreyHunt.

"It has some weight so I say between."

"Anybody want it?" 


"…. Again?" – said ClownFrog after nobody said anything.

"Fuck. Okay. The third epic item."

[Self-Living Undead Hearth]


[A hearth that should have stopped beating for a long time but the fusion of the necrotic energy as well as will to live combined and affected the hearth, making the hearth still beat even after its owner death.]

[Because of the mutation, the hearth is filled with massive amount of pure necrotic energy that makes the hearth beat in the first place.]

"…. So…. It's just a hearth? Based on the description it maybe a crafting material and it mention necrotic energy, so maybe its useful for me?" – said ClownFrog.

"Then you take it, since you are the only necromancer in the group." – said Shri.


"Next are 2 bracelets. They increases the user health, mana and stamina and provide a small regen for all 3."

"Oh, they seem quite good." – said Oron.

"I took the hearth, so you 3 decide wo take bracelets."

GreyHunt, Shri and Oron began discussing for a bit, however they could not reach the conclusion.

"Hm…. How about we look through the rest of the items and decide after? It seems everybody would like to have those." – said Shri.

"Agree." – said both Oron and GreyHunt.

[Necrotic Mana Crystal – Lesser – Weak]


[A special mutation that made the necrotic mana manifest into the form of the crystal. Made out of as well as contains necrotic mana.]

[Poison Mana Crystal – Lesser – Weak]


[A special mutation that made the poison element mana manifest into the form of the crystal. Made out of as well as contains poison element mana.]

"Hm…. These two are maybe crafting materials, but they seem bit unique per say? Maybe they are somewhat special? Its better if we take look around the city and find if any NPCs knew about them." – said ClownFrog.

"Next is the class book. What is that?" – asked Shri.

"Well, when you use it, you will unlock a class tree. I already used a class book myself. The burning skull thing and the burning undead are from the class [Burning Necromancer]."

"Oh…. Wait, so you have rare class?!" – said Shri.


"And if I were to use it, I would get a rare class as well?"

"Pretty much. However, there is something worth noting. This part. "Ingor the original condition of the getting the class". You can probably guess there are other ways of getting the class in question, but if you use the class book you can skip them." – said ClownFrog.

"Huh. Question. How strong is the burning necromancer class you got from the skill book?" – asked GreyHunt.

"Very strong. I have only 3 skills from it but all of them are very good. So honestly the skill book is very valuable. But there is a catch. To use burning necromancer class book I needed to have necromancer or a fire mage class, this book is the same. The person need [Standard Sword User] or [Standard Poison Magician] and none of us are either of those, so we can't use it."

"Oh, shit." – said Shri.

"Wait, but none of us specializes in either poison or sword. Then isn't this useless for us?" – said GreyHunt.

"….Oh fuck." – said Oron.



"Well, the last thing on the list are those. [Reinforcement Crystal – Lesser – Weak]. There is freaking 30 of them."

"That is a lot. Anyway, what do they do?

[Reinforcement Crystal – Lesser Enchantment]


[Can be used on the equipment, weapon or a specific item. When used the item, the item will be enchanted.]

[The enchanted item posses ranks from 1 to 20. On the rank 1 the item stats will increase by 5% and on the rank 2 it will increase performance by 10% and so on.]

[The enchantment can fail and even decrees the rank of the enchantment.]

"…. Huh. So, you can use it to make item stronger? That seem extremely good I'm being honest." – said ClownFrog.

"Sometimes in the game similar gimmick appears with enchanting and making the item stronger." – said Oron.

"This seem very valuable."

"Anyway, how do we distribute it?" – asked Oron.

"Hm…. Honestly, I don't know. We still have to confirm the value of those mana stones and even the hearth and see what do we do with them and don't forget about the bracelets." – said ClownFrog

"However, there is problem with the sword, armor and the class book. Those 3 are the most valuable items, but they don't fit any of us. So, does anybody want it in the first place?"

"Hm…. No, I want stick with the crossbow."

"Same, I like my guns."

"I have fun with the whips."

"…. Me neither, I'm not a warrior type of guy. So, the 3 best items are no go for all of us? This kind of sucks big time. Then what do we do with it?!" – asked ClownFrog.

"Hm…. How about we put it on auction?" – suggested GreyHunt.

"Auction?" – asked Shri.

"Yeb. People would die trying to get those items and we will probably earn a shit load of money if we do this right. Does anybody disagree with my idea?" – asked GreyHunt.


"Well, I don't hear no so I guess we will sell them."

"Anyway, lets quickly get back to the city have the NPCs tell us the value of the things we have."

The party quickly returned back to the city.

After getting back, the party quickly went to the blacksmith.

"The crystal you have here is the stuff that is used in crafting. These are quite weak and small, however there are still very valuable. They can be used for enchanting specific characteristic like poison skills performance or make them have a special ability." – explained the blacksmith NPCs.

"So, they are really crafting materials. By the way, what is the cost usually for these?" – asked Oron.

"Around 4 gold each." – replied the smith.

"Oh shit. There is 8 of them in total, so 32 gold?! Fuck me." – said Shri.

"Ah! One more thing! Could you please take a look at this?"

ClownFrog took out a hearth from his inventory.

"EH?! What the hell man?!" – said the blacksmith while quickly backing away.

"S-sorry! We manage to got it from the undead monster and we are wondering if this is crafting material as well." – asked ClownFrog.

"O-oh. I-I see. But warn me before you take out a freaking hearth!" 


"Anyway, let me see.... Hm…. Yea. This thing can be used as the crafting material and maybe even something else. This thing can maybe be used in many different ways." – said the smith after inspecting the hearth.

"Then, can you make equipment out of it?" – asked ClownFrog.

"Nope. This thing is beyond me and you probably won't find anybody able to craft anything with it in here. You need to go to the better blacksmith if you want to try your luck." – said the smith while giving back the hearth to the ClownFrog.

"I see."

(Well, at least I know this thing IS valuable.)

After having the blacksmith inspect the item, the party left the shop and headed to the [Fluff-Fluff] to hold a meeting.

"Okay, now we know what we have on our hands and how valuable are those things. Now we can maybe distribute the stuff we have." – said Oron.

"First thing first. The sword, armor and the class book will be put on the auction."

"All that remains are the hearth, bracelets, the mana crystals and the enchantment stones."

"I want to keep the hearth. I may not be able to use it yet, but there is a good chance that I will get something related to the necromancy with it. Everybody good with it?"


"No problem."

"Okay. Now the rest of the stuff." – said Oron.

"Does anybody have any propositions?"

"I have. If you give me 15 enchantment stones, you both can take the bracelets." – said GreyHunt.

"Hm...I'm fine with that, what about you?" – asked Oron.

"Same. But you do remember that it warned that there is a chance the enchantment can fail right?" – asked Shri.

"Yea and that is why I ask for 15."

"…. Okay. I warned you if something."

"Now only 15 enchantment stones are left the mana crystals." – said ClownFrog.

"By the way, can I be greedy and ask if I can all the necrotic crystals? If you like you can reduce my portion of money after selling the items on auction. Does that sound good?" 

"…Meh. I think its ok." – said GreyHunt.

The party continue disusing the distribution for the while and before long, they disturbed all the items.

"Okay. And that is all. Everything was distributed. Everything is fine?" – said ClownFrog after distributing the items.

"Yea." – said Shri.

"No problem here." – said Oron.

"Honestly, I was expecting a lot from the raid, but this is way too much! When they log in back, they will be so freaking mad after they find out the boss is dead" – said GreyHunt.

"You are fuking asshole mate! And I love it! Honestly, I was expecting you to betray us or something in the last moment." – said Shri.

"Nah. You saw how much that bastard could take even when he was dying. If I betrayed you I would obviously freaking die as well!" – said GreyHunt.

"….Heh…. Well. Our deal is finally over. Honestly it was more fun that I though. Anyway, after we sell the stuff, I will just take my portion and be gone. I want to continue being PK player." – said GreyHunt.


"…. Em GreyHunt. Actually, I have proposition for you." – said ClownFrog.


"What is it? Another deal?" – asked GreyHunt.

"Kind of. I'm planning on becoming a villain. Not a PK player, but a straight up villain and I want you to work with me." – said ClownFrog.


Honestly, I've been wondering for quiet some amount of time.

When the two parties were fighting against each other for the dungeon, I was planning on killing the eating winner. Honestly, I didn't cared who won, the good or bad guys back there, I just wanted to kill them and steal the dungeon for myself.

The same thing was with the boss raid today. I just wanted to fuck people up and steal the loot for myself.

I had fun.

I had fun when I was killing those greedy bastards, even though they weren't the real PK players and the guild members of the PK guild.

I had fun playing the villain.

Honestly, my entire life I tried being a good person, but sometimes times it ended up biting me back in the ass. 

I ended up getting beat up and even getting a scar because I wanted to help a guy getting beaten up by bullies, however he didn't said even thank you or tried to help me stand up after I was left beat up. He saw me and just abandoned me where he could help me after I saved him!

I ended up being backstabbed and framed for something because I was trying to be a good friend and teammate. 

I tried being good person, but why the fuck I ended up eating dirt because of that, time and time again?

I did nothing wrong and yet I was one who suffered?


I have enough.

I have enough fuking dealing with bastards and bowing my heads to the others and other stupid shit.

I'm sick and tired of all this bullshit!

Fuck this shit I say!


The people should have their own fun when playing this game right?

The people themselves chose in this world what path they want to purse, be it either farmer, adventure, noble, king, hero or even a villain.

I had more fun being villain than when I was playing as a good person.

This is the world where you can be either hero or villain right? Then why don't I fuking play the role of the villain for FUN?

"…. Wait. You serious?" – asked GreyHunt.

"Yea…. I've been wondering about this for quite some time, ever since that ant dungeon."

"Why should I be just a good guy in the first place?"

"As the developers said: "The players are the ones that write their own tale and their role.". Then, what is so wrong about becoming a villain? They give us free choice and I'm using it the way I want to." – said ClownFrog.

"…Huh. Okay. That is interesting. I wasn't expecting you of all people." – said GreyHunt.

"Well, let's just say I have enough being good guy and want to become a bad guy for a change. I had way more fun being an asshole then I though." – said ClownFrog, while scarring the fluffy animals around him.

"…. Heh. Can I join in as well?" – asked Shri.


"…. And why do you want to become the bad guy?" – asked ClownFrog.

"Simple put, fun. Like you said, we are the one choosing the role we want to play."

"Playing a hero? Screw that! Becoming a real villain? Yea, this is something new and I want to see it with my own two eyes! I want to become a villain and have my fun as well! I don't want to become a protagonist, being antagonist sound way more fun! This world is free and we are choosing what we want! And who knows? Maybe I will become a demon lord or something." – said Shri.

"…Heh. You are crazy." – said GreyHunt.

"Oh, you two are no good either. You are both crazy as well, just like me :3" – said Shri.

"...Well, I guess I will join you as well. I can't leave my sis alone and honestly, I like with you two. You are a lot of more fun than I expected. Count me in as well." – said Oron.

"…. Fun huh?" – said GreyHunt.

"…. You know. You are right. Honestly, why did I only wanted to kill players and be just a simple PK player, when I could be just a straight up villain? Fuck you guys! Let's all be villain!" – said GreyHunt while pulling bandana, revealing an evil smile.

"Well then, I wasn't expecting that, but I guess we will become a partners in crime then." – said ClownFrog.

"Then how about we form a guild? A guild of the bastards like us?" – said ClownFrog.

"Huh. That is a good idea. Then how about you will become a guild leader ClownFrog?" – suggested Oron.


"Yea. I'm fine with you being guild leader. You showed you can be smart and strong. You even killed me when we first meet." – said GreyHunt.

"I'm fine with that as well." – said Shri.

"Oh. Okay then? I was expecting for the Shri to become a guild leader or GreyHunt, but okay?" – said ClownFrog.

"Then what should we call ourselves? Any suggestion leader?" – said GreyHunt.

"Hm...Then how about Purple Hyena?"

"Oh? That quiet interesting name. I like it. What about you two?" – asked GreyHunt.

"I like it as well." – said Shri.

"Nice." – said Oron.

"Well then. From now on, our guild shall be known as [Purple Hyena] Guild!" – said ClownFrog.

Load failed, please RETRY


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


