100% Playing With Magic / Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Yule Plans

章 29: Chapter 29: Yule Plans


Chapter 29: Yule Plans


8 November, 1991 - Friday

Hogwarts - Library

Daphne Greengrass


"The initial plan isn't going to work." Tracy's voice brought Daphne out of her thought as she continued to take discrete glances at Grey and his group of friends while they studied and joked at their table. A group that now had the Boy-Who-Lived now joining them semi-consistently in the last few days. It may have been on days they were given homework, but it was still better than spending every waking moment with Weasley, of all people. Being part of that group basically guaranteed a good grade, whereas Weasley guaranteed the opposite.

 "After what we read and what your father said, he has no reason to be on our side when he can get the same things from Black as a reward for his help in getting out of Azkaban." Tracy continued from her seat on the opposite side of the table, doing her best to make sure Daphne didn't look too obvious in her stalking—not that a lady of Daphne's stature would ever stalk, of course. "We'll need to alter the plan, maybe have it be something that involves teaching him things like Wizarding politics, how to become a Lord or even what he would need to be the next Dumbledore."

"He hasn't cancelled our session for tomorrow, which is a good sign. We can get a better read on him then and act accordingly," Daphne said, as she took another glance from the Flock, or rather Horde, as people have started calling it after finding out his Animagus form it a giant dragon of all things. Whatever changes he made to the potion or ritual was definitely done before they had met so she couldn't even take credit for it and have him more indebted to her in a way, which only served to irritate her. 

"You realise no one our age really talks like that, right?" Tracy responded with a sigh, her shoulders sagging as she slid down her chair with a bored expression. "We don't all live in a book, y'know."

"No, but he does," Daphne replied, tilting her head at the Grey's table. "I read that people who like certain things tend to like other things that go with it. For example, if a person likes American culture or history, then they are likely to like the accent. If they like European history, then they are likely to like the accent and speech pattern…if the person likes books and knowledge, then…" She trailed off.

Tracy stared at her blankly for a moment before responding, "Daphne, I was the one that gave you that Witches Weekly magazine, I read it before you did and even I think most of it was nonsense. If someone likes you then they like you, if they don't then they don't."

Daphne frowned, turning her full attention to her friend and asked, "You read and constantly reference a magazine you don't believe in?"

"Well, not everything you read is true," Tracy replied with a shrug.

"...That didn't actually answer my question." Daphne shot back with a blank expression.

"...Anyway, I like the hair," Tracy said, attempting to change the subject. "I think this one is called two-strand twists. He's stopped changing it from one style to another, so I guess this is the one he's settled on. My two favourites are that one and the huge afro that somehow stays perfectly circular. What do you think?"

"It looks nice, but not really important right now."

"Hmm," Tracy squinted her eyes in thought as she brought a hand to her chin. "My guess is that it was actually a way for him to analyse the spells and improve them to last longer."

It was moments like this that her Slytherin traits shined, moments like this that Daphne would wonder why Malfoy would choose those two…imbeciles instead of more competent friends. It would even be better to help improve their Knowledge, at least to bounce ideas off. It's a shame Tracy wasn't fond of politics.

"Has your father written up a marriage contract yet?" Tracy asked innocently.

"Like I said the other times you've asked," Daphne said as she sighed in resignation. "It's too early for any thoughts on marriage, it's too difficult to tell how the Wizengamot might change in the next few years, and there's no actual guarantee that he will be able to heal Astoria."

"Yeah, but he's probably gonna be our generation's version of Dumbledore, everyone knows that. Even your dad said he expects him to do his Masteries, that's Mastery plural, with Dumbledore so there was no reason trying sort it out for him." Tracey shrugged. "I'm just saying."

"It's too early to tell," Daphne said as she shook her head. "For all we know, Dumbledore might have a plan for Potter that no one knows about. The fact that Malfoy got a trial and Black didn't was just too odd. It can't be a coincidence that he kept him secret for the last ten years, something is definitely going on."

"Urgh, this is why I don't like politics. It's so boring," Tracy huffed.

"You're in Slytherin and the firstborn legitimate child to your father, politics should be a natural part of your life by now," Daphne said blankly, before going back to her… 'information gathering' of the new Dragon Animagus.


Jonathan Grey


Well, the last few days went as expected. The moment the other students found out about my Animagus form they asked to either show them, if they could get a ride, or if you're a Weasley twin—if I could turn them into one too. Each request was denied, easily throwing McGonagall under the bus and mentioning the possibility of a botched ritual and its consequences.

It was Wednesday that I got the notification of Pettigrew's death, a day before it was in the newspaper.

[Kill Peter Pettigrew.]

[+3,000 SP]

If it weren't for the notification, I would have had to finish the job myself. But, luckily for him, and the other Azkaban inmates, I won't need to bother. Considering the amount of points I got for him, my theory of 'main story events' being more lucrative is becoming more and more believable. Maybe the system takes into account its difficulty from a normal non-magical person's perspective.

As for Harry, he talked about getting a letter from Sirius saying he was thankful for getting him out of Azkaban, as well as wanting to meet Harry and having them live together when he gets better. That led to Harry himself thanking me, which I simply brushed off with my usual 'anyone would have doe it in my position'.

The kid was smart when he actually tried. He does his homework at an above-average level and is still improving here and there. If he studied outside of these sessions, I see no reason why he wouldn't be in his year's top five.

Hogwarts itself wasn't actually that hard, regardless of my new life's insane intelligence. Just one extra hour a day outside of homework, and you have yourself a top student of the year, provided the student is studying correctly. Add another hour or two, and at some point down the line, they will start to call you the smart one, if not a genius. Those hours add up throughout the year.

The downside though, is that doing that means the student might lack time to do the things they actually like, in Harry's case, that would be flying and hanging out with friends. Considering how I think his childhood had gone, choosing friends and fun when you were deprived of it does make a lot of sense for an eleven-year-old.

Then there was Ronald. He wanted to join the study sessions, but anyone could tell that it was for the wrong reasons. He wanted to use the time to just hang out with Harry, saying that Harry was spending too much time with us. Not that Harry actually listened. It was kind of funny seeing Harry's face when he found out some of the stories Ron told about their friendship and adventures, about how close they have been for years and the adventures they got up to. The kid just wants out of his brother's shadow.

"I suppose congratulations are in order, for having the first magical Animagus in history. How does it feel?" Daphne asked, having finished her work before Tracy.

We were currently doing another weekend study session and she had brought a few more books for me to purchase, I only purchased three I hadn't already read yet and weren't in the ROR. Although they would be now, having brought them within the Wards. But it was always useful to have a paper copy to hand out to others.

"Feels pretty good, honestly," I responded, looking up from one of the new books I had purchased from her. "There's something especially freeing about having the ability to fly. You would think it would take a while to get used to having extra limbs, but it was surprisingly easy."

The blond knitted her eyebrows a little at my response, "Is that because you excel in Transfiguration, or does that apply to all Animagus?"

"Well, transfiguration only helps with Changing into an animal, it has no bearing on the Wizards' motor control once they change," I explained. "Unless the transformation itself was done incorrectly, which can then lead to other problems down the line."

I knew she was trying to get me more comfortable before changing the subject, but I didn't mind. The dynamic of our deal had changed a little due to my hand in helping Sirius escape, so I was just waiting to see how she, or her family, was going to go about it.

After a moment's pause, she asked, "So, what's the orphanage like?"

Blunt and to the point. Even Tracy paused her writing to slowly glance at her friend after hearing what she had just said. But Daphne knew I preferred it this way—at least not in public—based on our previous conversations, so it was just fine.

"It was alright," I answered with a shrug, "A little crowded though."

"Was?" Daphne asked, with a small confused frown as she tilted her head.

"Oh, orphanages aren't really as popular With muggles anymore. They use the foster system now, so…." I trailed off, not really wanting to explain further. 

"I see," she said, looking down at her notes for a few seconds before trying to casually ask, "Do you have any plans for the Yule holidays?"

There it was. The initial reason for the whole conversation. Slytherins were just so weird. "Actually, I do," I replied, noticing the slight flicker of disappointment in her eyes. Keeping the conversation going, I asked, "Do you have plans over those two weeks?"

"Not really, no," Daphne said with a small shake of her head.

"Really," I said, as a small smile started to make its way to my face. "No Rituals, no travelling…no dancing around a fire?"

"Witches and Wizards don't tend to do rituals as young as we are, at least not in Britain anyway," She responded. "That doesn't seem to apply to other countries, though. Like Uagadou, a magical school in Africa, which has let their students become Animagi early in their school career for centuries."

Now that I kew, even before coming to this universe. And I still think it's something that should be implemented in Hogwarts today. Not only would it help them get better in tune with their magic, but it would also allow the country to produce more competent Wizards to show off to other countries. The more I hear about different countries and schools, the more I want to go there. Even Durmstrang. The lack of restraints in regard to what I wanted to learn would allow me to truly run free.

I noticed Daphne hesitated for a moment before she spoke, "My father wanted to have you over for the holidays."

"Your Father," I said, slowly, as I raised an eyebrow, ignoring Tracy's constant glances as she closely listened to the conversation. "A man I've never met before, wants me over for the holidays?"

This was bound to be politics-related. This is going to give Dumbledore a field day.

Daphne looked a bit uncomfortable but answered honestly, "My father just wants to get to know you. He knows you're tutoring me, and he thinks it makes sense to get to know the person who's been helping me with my studies."

It's not like I don't believe her, in fact, I knew that to be most likely the case. I also wasn't afraid of kidnapping, torture or death, because I would raze their manor to the ground….and burn them all. But I wanted to pay a visit to the Gaunt shack for its much-needed exorcism and have at least a week to 'create new spells and potions' to present to the magical world when I got back. So the whole holiday was out of the question. A few days, though?

I leaned back in my chair to consider. This was also a chance for me to meet Astoria, maybe even a way for her old man to start fostering a friendship between us, so I was more likely to spend my time working on a cure than whatever else I may have on my plate, well played. After a moment of thought, I looked back at Daphne. "I suppose I could make some time. I'll be free after a few days, maybe a week, I just won't be able to do the full two weeks."

The girl's face brightened slightly. "That's great. I think it would be good for you to meet him. He's really interested in knowing more about you and your skills. You might be able to get a few more books that I was unable to get to Hogwarts." She added, as a way to try and sweeten the deal.

I nodded, "Alright, then. I'll come over for a few days. You guys will have to pick me up from Diagon Alley, though, so we'll have to set up a time and place to meet there."

"I will contact my father and let you know when the time and place is set," the girl said with a relieved smile. "Thank you."

I couldn't quite tell if the relief was due to having a lot of pressure put on her by her parents this time or the pressure she usually put on herself, but at least it wasn't to the point of worry. Good to know I was in so much demand people were starting to sweat. I'm still surprised the old bowler hat Minister still hasn't tried to strong arm anyone into getting me to do my Mastery with the Ministry to keep me yet. 

When I get back to Hogwarts, the first thing I'm doing is stealing the Cloak. If it has any extra skill, I'll need them for when I go and try to get the Cup from Gringots…and gold, as much gold as I can get before tripping the alarm. I'm robbing those guys blind. Just because they treated me nicely because of the times I traded with them, doesn't mean they shouldn't be punished for not keeping people's money safe. If anything, I'm helping them. Yes…I'm doing this for them, to improve their security. They've already been 'robbed' once this year.

"Finally! That was so boring! Now we can actually practice spells," Tracy exclaimed, stretching her arms out. "And then we can go watch the Quidditch match!"

"Nah, you guys can go ahead," I said, a small smile playing on my lips. "Quidditch isn't really my thing."

 "How can you know you don't like it if you've never been to a game?" Tracy looked at me in surprise.

"I like flying, it's one of the best parts about my Animagus," I shrugged. "But I'm just not interested in the game itself. I mean, the rules just don't make any sense. I prefer simpler sports, call me old fashioned."

Tracy looked at me with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "Flying is the best part of the game! How can you love flying but not want to see it at its best?"

"You think Quidditch is flying at its best?" I asked rhetorically with a chuckle. Wait till she sees me using wandless flight, I'll see if she still thinks that. "I guess I just enjoy the freedom of flying without the competitive aspect. You guys go enjoy the match. I'll catch up on some other things." I continued, gesturing at the book in my hand.

Daphne and Tracy exchanged a look, and Tracy shrugged. "Well, suit yourself. But you're missing out on a lot of fun."

Oh, I know, I'm pretty sure this match is when Quirrel tries to knock Harry off his broom, and Hermione decides to commit arson. The little criminal. I have no doubt it will be an exciting game, but I have an appointment with a Dremora.

"We can tell you all about it later, then," Daphne smiled. "Are you sure you don't want to come, even just to see what it's like?"

"I'm sure," I nodded. "But thanks for the offer."

With that, we got to work on their spells until it was time for them to gather their things and head out to the Quidditch pitch. Using my usual disappearing act, I left as well, heading straight for the Room of Requirements. There was steak to eat, a lot of steak.


"As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all – the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them."

— Albus Dumbledore


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


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Thank you for reading.

Special thanks to my patrons.

As always, stay awesome.

Until next time, Light's out.

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