70.96% Playing With Magic / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Hogwarts Kitchen

章 20: Chapter 20: Hogwarts Kitchen


Chapter 20: Hogwarts Kitchen


28 October 1991 - Hogwarts Corridor

Jonathan Grey


As I approached the door leading to the Ravenclaw common room, I let my mind wander on the next big thing I would be getting from the system, only to be brought out of my thoughts by Professor Flitwick standing near the doorway. The tiny Charms Professor seemed particularly eager to see me, if his chipper demeanour was anything to go by.

"Ah, Mr. Grey, just the person I was hoping to catch," Flitwick chirped as I approached, waving a small stack of papers in his hand. "Firstly, allow me to congratulate you on advancing classes—a remarkable achievement indeed!"

"Thank you, sir."

Flitwick continued, "Now, to the matter at hand. I've been tasked to discuss your choices for the O.W.L.s subjects, so we can get your timetable sorted out accordingly." He fanned out several timetables from his small but nimble hands, showcasing different course schedules. "I came prepared, you see," he added with a wink.

"I see you did come prepared, Professor," I remarked with a smile, appreciating the effort. Having already considered them beforehand, I didn't need any more time to make my choice, "I'd like to take Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Care for Magical Creatures, sir."

Arithmancy and Ancient Runes were an obvious choice, though I didn't really need them. One helps create spells, so people will Be less surprised when I start using spells they've never seen before. The other, is to make sure people know me for being well rounded.

As for Care for Magical Creatures, it was the easiest solution to being around as animals many as possible. I may have copied how McGonagall's magic moved for her Animagus but that only really means I can now turn into a cat, I need to scan other animals to be able to do the same with them. While I'm at it, I will need to buy the Magic Animagus ability from the system.

"Excellent choice, Mr. Grey." Flitwick's face lit up as he shuffled through the timetables he held, quickly pulling out the appropriate parchment. "Here we are," He said, handing it over to me. "This will be your new timetable, incorporating your selected subjects."

"Thank you, Professor," I said, as I took the parchment. I could have gone for a 'Hermione' and taken all the subjects in order to get the Time Turner but I will leave that for next year.

"One of the free staff members will come by the common room to take you to buy the new course book, so just wait once you are dressed."

"That won't be necessary, sir." I shook my head, "I already bout them before hand, its actually why I was able to get so far ahead." 

"Ah, good. In that case, then just attend class as stated on your timetable. If you have any questions or need further guidance, my door is always open," 

Before we parted ways, Professor Flitwick paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as if he had just remembered something important. "Oh, one more thing," he began, "Have you, by any chance, considered joining the Charms Club? Your talent for the subject would make you a fine addition to our group. We meet weekly to explore advanced charms techniques and occasionally take on challenging projects that you would find quite stimulating."

"I'd like to, Professor, when I find the time. It sounds really interesting." I replied, not wanting to commit or out right decline fully. It could still be an easy avenue to earn more system points.

Flitwick nodded understandingly, not wanting to press too hard but clearly hoping John would find the time to join. "Of course, I understand. Just know that you would be most welcome."

Then, Flitwick's expression brightened slightly as he added another piece of information, "And, Mr. Grey, it's not just the Charms Club that would benefit from your participation. The other teachers have also noted your talents. Professor McGonagall, in particular, has expressed a keen interest in having you join the Transfiguration Club. She believes you could contribute greatly and also benefit from the advanced techniques discussed there."

John was both flattered and a bit overwhelmed by the interest his professors were showing in his extracurricular involvement. The idea of engaging more deeply with both charms and transfiguration was enticing; these opportunities could provide him with additional skills and knowledge to further enhance his magical abilities.

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick," I nodded. "I'll definitely consider it and try to manage my schedule so I can participate.."

The Half-Goblin beamed, "Splendid! And don't worry, Mr. Grey. The clubs are meant to be a joy, not a burden. Participate when you can, but always put your classes first," Flitwick advised, always supportive and encouraging.

With a final nod and farewell, Flitwick turned and walked away, leaving me to get ready for the day. As I entered the common room once again, having applied the relevant hygiene spells before getting dressed, I found the group gathered around, chatting leisurely.

"Hey, guys, I've got some news. the advancement results came- looks like I'll be joining third-year lessons, I did well, apparently."

"That's brilliant, John! What O.W.L. subjects did you end up choosing?" Terry leaned in to ask.

"I chose Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Care for Magical Creatures."

Micheal, chimed in with a light-hearted comment. "Three subjects? That sounds tough. Wouldn't it have been easier to just pick Divination? Everyone says it's the easiest."

"Maybe, but Divination isn't for everyone. If you don't have 'the gift' of being a seer, there's not much point in picking that class. I'd rather focus on subjects that genuinely interest me." I shrugged.

I planned on buying a Force user template anyway so the whole future sight thing would be covered. Doing that will also give me Mechu Deru to controll technology for when I finally purchase the dimension travel ability form the system and go to more advanced worlds. The only reason I hadn't bought it yet was because I wanted to get an ability that negated any madness from the dark side, just to be safe.


I was able to get through breakfast without much fuss. Luckily, I managed to convince Dumbledore not to announce my advancement in front of the whole school. He did give house points, though, so now Ravenclaw is 200 points further ahead in first place.

As he navigated the bustling corridors, I spotted the Weasley twins' figures soon after I had parted ways with my group, as they headed towards their regular first-year classes.

"Tweedle Dee! Tweedle Dum!" I waved to get their attention.

"John, what are you doing walking this way?" Fred asked curiously, as both twins stopped to wait for me.

George looked equally curious, "Yeah, aren't you supposed to be with the other first years?"

Catching up to them, I replied, "Actually, I've advanced to third-year classes. I'm on my way to Transfiguration now." I gestured to them, "With Gryffindor."

The twins exchanged an impressed look. "Already jumping up the ranks, eh ya' nerd?" George commented, giving me a playful nudge.

Fred clapped me on the back with a smile. "Looks like we'll be classmates then! Transfiguration with McGonagall can be a tough one, but you'll fit right in."

Of course, I would. I'm basically the star student of the entire school. The only bigger star here would be Harry, and that's not even because of anything he actually did through his own effort. Then again, I am technically cheating, but sometimes, it's the result that matters most.

"So, where were you guys coming from just now?" I asked casually, noting the slightly dishevelled state of their robes as if they'd been in a hurry…and the food sticking out of their pockets.

"Oh, we went to the kitchens to get our food," George replied with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Sometimes it's good to lay low for a bit after pulling a prank. Best to keep out of Filch's radar, you know?"

They definitely pranked Filch. And here I was thinking they were trying to make a potion to make a student quack like a duck whenever they want to speak. Poor guy, maybe it will teach him a lesson to treat people well so they don't come after you.

Who am I kidding, it's just going to make him hate children more.

"Got to keep him guessing. Plus, the house elves are always good for a snack or two to fuel the brain," Fred added, as he shared a conspiratorial look with his brother, clearly pleased with themselves.

That reminds me, I need to get a house elf or two of my own. If none of the kitchen elves want to join me, I'm sure they will be willing to find one that will.

"Or.." I trailed off as I gestured towards their pockets, "You woke up late and went to the kitchens to get food that can fit into your pocket without causing too much of a mess."

They stared at me for a second, gave each other a look, before looking back at me through squinting eyes, causing me to start laughing. Then, slowly, retrieved the scones they stashed in their pockets and started munching as we went back to walking. Which only made me laugh even more.

Fred, George and I continued down the corridor together, discussing various other ways to…better apply our education in a practical manner. As approached the classroom, the twins caught sight of another familiar figure lounging near the doorway. "Ah, there's Lee," Fred announced, waving over Lee Jordan, a black boy with dreadlocks, who was chatting animatedly with a couple of other students about Quiditch. 

"You alright lads?" Lee nodded towards the twins, "This the bloke you've been hanging around with more, then? John, right? The metamorphmagus?" Lee asked, extending a friendly hand, which I shook.

"Am I that famous already?" I returned the handshake.

"Heard a little rumour you've been the brains behind some of the twins' latest successful... projects. The 'nerd', was it?" Lee said with a mischievous smirk, an expression shared with the twins. "Suddenly, they've got their potions down pat, ones they couldn't manage before, too volatile and or unpredictable. Anything you want to confess?"

"Well," a true nerd would never fall for such a trap, now would they? Besides, a true prankster would never leave any evidence, even in someone else's memory, if they can help it. "What was the phrase again?… Oh, that's right. Ask me no questions, and I shall tell you no lies." My response drew a round of laughter from the twins.

The class entered the classroom together, each student dialling down their conversations as they noticed Professor McGonagall standing at the front even before she said the words "Class, settle down."

"Today, we have a new addition to our class." Gesturing towards where I was sat, next to George, she continued, "This is John Grey, who has advanced to join us after achieving an Outstanding in his advancement exam."

I should have made a point of telling Dumbledore that he should let the other teachers not to make a big deal of this as well. A few students turned to give me curious looks. I only offered a small, polite smile and nod, acknowledging the attention.

"Now, let us begin,"

Moving on to the day's lesson plan, the class was too deeply immersed in the content to bother with me being there. So, the lesson went like all the others I had up until now. 


As the lesson wrapped up and students began packing their belongings, I nudged George, gaining his attention as he gathered his books.

"Hey, could you tell me where the kitchens are?" I already knew where to find it, but you know, sometimes it's best to ask. That way, people don't feel like you're ditching them.

The twins exchanged a grin. "Sure thing," Fred said with a wink. "It's right under the Great Hall, mate. Down the staircase leading to the Hufflepuff common room. Just tickle the pear on the painting of a fruit bowl on the fourth floor. It'll turn into a handle, and you can go right in."

"You…" I trailed off, "You wouldn't happen to be pranking me, now would you?"

"Course not, we promised. Remember?"

With a new destination in mind, I thanked the twins and made my way out of the classroom. He navigated through the corridors, finding the painting, I reached out and tickled the pear. Honestly, listening to it giggle and transform into a green door handle was kind of weird. I have no idea what was going through their mind when they created the enchantment. I just hope I don't get some of those bad habits.

I pulled the handle, and the door swung open, revealing the warm, bustling atmosphere of the Hogwarts kitchens. Upon seeing a new face, some of the house elves paused in their work, one particularly sprightly house elf detached itself from the group and scampered over to me over to greet me after receiving a nod from an older elf.

"Hello, master Dragon, sir!" the elf chirped. The elf was smaller than the others, with large, bat-like ears and bright, inquisitive eyes that seemed to take in every detail. The lack of wrinkles clearly indicates his young age. "I be Tibby, sir. How can Tibby help, sir?" The elf's eyes shone almost as much as Dobby's from what I remember. Almost…Dobby was built different.

"Hi, Tippy." I blinked "Did you just say… 'Master Dragon'?"


"He can run faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo." 

― Fred Weasley.


Author Here

John meets Lee Jordan, has his first third-year class and plans to get himself a house-elf soon. And I know, 'Tippy' isn't the most creative of names, but in my defence, Wizards are weird.

I planned for this chapter to be longer, but I haven't really been feeling well. Hopefully, I get rid of this soon. I have 2 guaranteed worlds to travel to, 1 mainly for a few spells, it isn't very well known so don't expect him to come back with a sling ring and the infinity gauntlet, he'll only be there for a short time. The other is pretty well known and he will spend a while there before coming back.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


If you want to support me, join me on Patreon. Any support is appreciated.

Pat reon (.com) /Lightest_Reader


Thank you for reading.

As always, stay awesome.

Until next time.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


