29.03% Playing With Magic / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Albus Dumbledore

章 7: Chapter 7: Albus Dumbledore

Previously on Playing With Magic

With a nod of acknowledgement, Dumbledore stepped away from Moody and withdrew his wand. With a swift incantation, his travelling cloak transfigured into a formal suit, fitting for an official government representative.

"I shall report my findings, my friend," Dumbledore said to Moody before heading purposefully toward the orphanage's front door. It was time for him to investigate the matter further, for he knew that appearances could be deceiving, especially with magic.


London, February 29, 1988,

St. George's Orphanage, 16:48


With a gentle but firm knock, Albus Dumbledore announced his presence. Stood before the weathered door of the orphanage, his tall figure casting a long shadow on the worn steps. He adjusted the collar of his finely tailored suit and tilted his trusty fedora hat with a sense of nostalgia, having not worn such an outfit in so long. 

The door creaked open, revealing the matron of the orphanage, a woman with greying hair and a welcoming smile. Dumbledore inclined his head slightly in greeting.

"Good afternoon, madam," he said with his customary twinkle in his wise eyes. "How are you this fine evening"

"I am doing well, good sir." The matron's smile widened as she greeted the distinguished visitor with a gesture. "Welcome. How can I help you?"

Dumbledore stepped over the threshold and into the warm but modest entrance of the orphanage. He cast his searching gaze around, taking in the cheerful atmosphere and the children engaged in various activities. It was a sanctuary for those in need, nothing out of the ordinary in that regard.

As they walked through the hallway, Dumbledore's attention turned to the subject of his visit. "I've recently heard remarkable things about one of your new young residents," he remarked, his tone as genial as ever.

The matron's eyes sparkled with pride as she spoke of the exceptional child. "Ah, yes, that must be young John. He's quite the remarkable boy. His intelligence is truly astonishing. He excels in school, particularly in mathematics. A prodigy, if I may say so. The first day back to school, and already the teachers say he might be skipping a few years."

Dumbledore nodded, going along with her thoughts of this being here for school reasons. Which technically wasn't wrong. "I've heard as much. His talents are indeed impressive."

The matron led Dumbledore into her modest office, gesturing for him to take a seat. "May I ask what brings you here today? To my understanding, the tests will be conducted later this week, and I have already given my consent as his guardian."

Dumbledore settled into the offered chair, his eyes thoughtful behind his half-moon spectacles. "I've come to inquire about John's well-being and to discuss potential opportunities that may be available to a young mind as gifted as his."

The matron leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "Opportunities?"

Dumbledore's gaze never wavered as he explained, "I believe that young John may have a unique destiny ahead of him. I am the Headmaster of a boarding school, you see. It is my hope that he will find guidance and support in realising his full potential at my school."

The matron nodded, acknowledging Dumbledore's words. "I see. We only want what's best for our children here."

"Of course," Dumbledore replied with a reassuring smile. "I am here to offer assistance and guidance, should it be needed."

Dumbledore couldn't help but wonder about the young boy, John, and the role he might play in the future. He found himself making comparisons to another young orphan he had encountered decades ago who had also possessed remarkable abilities. However, as the matron described John's positive interactions with those around him, Dumbledore couldn't help but notice the stark contrast. While Tom had often been associated with ominous incidents and insincere smiles, John seemed to be surrounded by genuine warmth and praise. However, he knew couldn't come to a conclusion just yet, as the boy had only been in the orphanage for a few days. 

"-with that said."The matron's curiosity extended to other practical matters. "Could you tell me more about the school, Professor? The costs, its name, location, and requirements for continued study?"

Dumbledore nodded in response. "The school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is located in Scotland, in a place concealed from the non-magical world. As for costs, all basic expenses, such as tuition and supplies, are covered by the government for young witches and wizards. However, any non-essential expenses, such as optional textbooks or extracurricular activities, would need to be paid by the students themselves or their guardians."

"…Witchcraft and Wizardry", the Matron replied with scepticism. Assuming the worst, she tried to divert the conversation to 'reschedule' the meeting and get him out of the orphanage. "...I see. Maybe-"

Raising a palm in a placating manner, Dumbledore powered on. "Allow me to paint a picture of the magical world, dear Matron. It exists alongside the world you know, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, not including the guardians of magical children. It is a place of wonder and mystery, filled with enchantments, creatures, and spells that defy explanation. In this world, we teach young witches and wizards how to harness their magical abilities and use them for good."

The matron, though intrigued, retained a hint of scepticism. Her religious beliefs had always anchored her, guiding her to help others.

Dumbledore, sensing her hesitation, decided to provide a demonstration of magic. With a graceful wave of his hand, he transfigured a small potted plant on her desk into a stone gryphon. The creature sprang to life, its wings flapping gently as it hovered above the desk.

The matron's eyes widened in astonishment as she reached for the crucifix on her chest, her disbelief momentarily suspended. She watched in awe as the stone gryphon moved with a grace that defied its solid form. It let out a soft, melodious cry before returning to its stationary position as a potted plant. "Sweet Jesus."

Dumbledore smiled kindly at her reaction. "Magic, dear Matron, is not limited to the pages of stories or the realms of the imagination. It is real, and it exists in the hearts and minds of those with the gift. It is a force that can bring joy, healing, and wonder to our lives."

The matron was left speechless, her scepticism replaced by a newfound sense of wonder. The demonstration had shattered her doubts, and she now understood the incredible possibilities that lay ahead for young John.

Dumbledore continued, "Should John choose to embrace this world, he will find a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he can develop his talents, make lifelong friends, and discover the true extent of his potential."

The matron nodded slowly, her mind still processing the magical display she had witnessed. "I... I never imagined..."

Dumbledore reassured her with a gentle smile. "It is a world of endless discovery, Matron, and I believe that John may find his place within it."

The matron listened attentively, absorbing the information. "Thank you for clarifying, Professor Dumbledore. It's reassuring to know that there are opportunities available for children like John."

Dumbledore nodded, his eyes filled with a sense of purpose. "Indeed, there are, and I believe that young John may find his place among them. However, I must stress that the magical world maintains it's secrecy for a reason. Not everyone would be… accepting of magic. The safety of those who would act on their… base impulses would end poorly."

Dumbledore, being the skilled Legilimens that he is, subtly delved into the matron's thoughts to confirm the sincerity of her newfound acceptance. He sensed her genuine belief in the existence of magic and her commitment to keeping the magical world a secret, ensuring the safety of John and the magical community.

Satisfied that the matron posed no threat to the magical world and that she genuinely cared for John's well-being, Dumbledore withdrew from her mind, maintaining the delicate balance between trust and secrecy.

"I understand," The matron replied with a resolute nod."I wouldn't dream of putting any of my children in danger. I assure you."

"I am convinced of your sincerity, Matron. Thank you. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated." Dumbledore's expression softened. "Your understanding and discretion will be invaluable in safeguarding young John as he embarks on this journey," he said with a reassuring smile.

"I suppose you will be wanting to speak with Johnathan now?" the matron asked. Receiving a nod with a smile. With their understanding firmly established, the matron rose from her seat and left her office to fetch John.


A few moments later

Soon, the matron returned with John in tow. John entered the matron's office with a curious expression, his eyes widening as he saw the distinguished man who awaited him. There was a fleeting recognition in his eyes, a sense of familiarity that Dumbledore couldn't quite place. He extended his hand towards Dumbledore.

"Hello," John greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Dumbledore shook John's hand warmly. "Good afternoon, my boy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Dumbledore couldn't help but notice the aura of magic that surrounded John. It was a substantial amount of power, far beyond what one would expect from an ordinary young witch or wizard. What intrigued Dumbledore even more was that this magic was unmistakably John's own, not a result of any enchantments or wards. After sending a small pulse of magic through skin contact, he received no indication of potion use, resistance or change in looks. Possibly ruling out a disguise through position or transfiguration. 

As their hands parted, Dumbledore began to explain the magical world to John, much like he had done for the matron. He wanted to ensure that John had a clear understanding of the extraordinary path that lay ahead.

"John, I must begin by telling you that there exists a world parallel to the one you've known—a world of magic. It is a place where the impossible becomes possible, where spells and enchantments shape reality, and where creatures of myth roam. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a haven for young witches and wizards like yourself, where you can learn to harness and control your magical abilities."

John listened, glancing at the matron and receiving a reassuring nod, he returned his attention to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore continued, "In this world, we teach young witches and wizards how to use their magical abilities responsibly for the betterment of themselves and society. You have a gift, John, a gift that sets you apart and gives you the potential to achieve remarkable feats."

John's gaze remained fixed on Dumbledore, "I take it you also have this gift?".

With a genial smile and flick of his wrist, Dumbledore decided to provide a demonstration that would solidify John's understanding.

Dumbledore raised his wand and pointed it at the nearby potted plant on the matron's desk. With a whispered incantation, he transfigured the plant into a stone gryphon. The creature sprang to life, its wings fluttering as it hovered above the desk. It let out a gentle, melodious cry before returning to its inanimate state as a potted plant.

As the stone gryphon came to life, John's eyebrows raised in recognition as a twinkle made its way to his eyes, similar to Dumbledore's own when he found a situation amusing or when he was really interested in a particular magic. 

The headmaster smiled kindly at John. "I understand that this is a lot to take in, but I assure you that you are not alone on this journey. Should you choose to embrace it, you will find a community of like-minded individuals at Hogwarts who will guide and support you every step of the way."

"It's a true blessing from God, isn't it?" the matron remarked, her voice filled with conviction. "Young John here, with his gifted mind, and now with…magic."

Dumbledore nodded, acknowledging her perspective. "Many have described the magical gifts as such, Matron. The belief in magic and its origins varies from one person to another. Hogwarts, as a school of magic, welcomes students from all walks of life and beliefs, fostering an environment of diversity and acceptance."

The matron smiled, appreciating Dumbledore's open-mindedness.

John raised his hand slightly and asked, "Mr. Dumbledore, you mentioned that wands are used for magic, but what exactly are they for, and how do they work?"

Dumbledore smiled kindly at John's inquisitiveness. "A wand, my dear boy, is a magical instrument that helps witches and wizards channel their magic. It is a tool that allows us to focus and control the energy required to perform spells, charms, and other magical feats. Each wand is unique, often crafted from special woods and containing a core made from the tail hair of magical creatures."

He continued, "When a witch or wizard performs magic, they use their wand as a conduit, directing their intentions through it. The wand then translates those intentions into the desired magical effect. It's a bit like a musician using a wand as their instrument to create beautiful melodies of magic."

John nodded, absorbing the explanation. With a genial smile and an amused glint in his eye, he asked, "You wouldn't happen to have a spare, now would you?" 

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he added, "Choosing a wand is a very personal experience, John. It's a moment of connection between the wizard or witch and the wand. It's as if… the wand chooses the wizard, not the other way around. When you arrive at Ollivanders, the finest wand shop in Diagon Alley, you'll have the opportunity to find the wand that's truly meant for you."

John couldn't help but have a few lingering concerns. He hesitated for a moment before asking, "Mr. Dumbledore, in the books I've read, there are mentions of things like voodoo, curses, dark magic, and even dark wizards and stuff like that. Are those real, can they be used to cause me harm from long range, and if so, are there any defences against them?"

Dumbledore's expression grew sombre as he addressed John's questions. "I'm afraid, my boy, that such things do exist in the magical world. Dark magic and dark wizards are real, and they can pose a threat to both wizards and Muggles alike. Curses, hexes, and dark rituals can cause harm if not handled with caution, regardless of range."

Seeing the concern in John's eyes, Dumbledore continued, "But fear not, my young friend. The wizarding world has its own protectors called Aurors. They are highly trained magical law enforcement officers who specialise in dealing with dark magic and capturing dark wizards. Hogwarts also teaches students defence against the dark arts, providing valuable knowledge on how to protect oneself from malevolent forces."

"...I see", Jonathan replied thoughtfully. "...Muggle?"

"It is a term used to refer to a non-magical person."

"Ah…that makes no sense. Why not just say 'mundane' or something? It kind of sounds…derogatory, to be honest."

"Different countries have different terms. In america, for example, they say 'No-Mag' instead."

"Honestly, I like that one better…I'll be recycling it."

"Happy to help, my boy."

"What does-"



As Dumbledore continued to converse with John, he couldn't help but notice the young boy's mature thinking and behaviour. The way John approached his questions, his thoughtful inquiries about magic and magical law, and his level-headedness were all indicators of a remarkable intellect and maturity beyond his years. After delving into his mind, he found nothing but a normal boy who had lost his family and a mental block from a certain point onwards, near what would have been the accident that resulted in his hospitalisation. With mental blocks of that degree being mostly found in situations of extreme trauma, that was understandable.

Happy with the capacity for kindness he had seen, the headmaster's eyes twinkled as he spoke, "Johnathan, I must say, your inquisitiveness and the way you ponder the mysteries of magic are quite extraordinary for someone of your age. Your ability to grasp concepts and your thoughtful questions are a testament to your intelligence and maturity."

"Thank you, sir," John smiled, appreciating the compliment. "Mr. Dumbledore, if I excel in my studies and pass the planned exams to skip grades, could I start attending Hogwarts earlier than age 11?"

Dumbledore considered the question carefully before responding, "I understand your eagerness, my boy, but I must clarify that Hogwarts admission begins at the age of 11. It is a longstanding tradition, and the magical world believes in starting a wizard's education at that age. Unfortunately, you cannot begin your studies at Hogwarts before your 11th birthday."

John nodded, understanding the situation. While John was a young prodigy with exceptional talents and large magic reserves, the rules and traditions of the wizarding world were clear. Dumbledore's response, though disappointing, was a reminder that some aspects of magic were bound by tradition and convention.

As their meeting drew to a close, Dumbledore felt it was important to offer John some reassuring advice. "Before I go, John, I should mention that young witches and wizards sometimes experience what we call 'accidental magic.' It's when strange things happen around them unintentionally. It's nothing to be afraid of; it's a sign of your innate magical abilities. Just try to keep a calm mind, take a few slow deep breaths, and you'll be fine."

With that, John reached out with a wave of his hand and the same potted plant he had transfigured earlier gently levitated in the air. He smiled at Dumbledore and said, "Oh, you mean something like this?"

Dumbledore's eyes widened in amazement as he watched the floating plant. He hadn't expected John to demonstrate controlled wandless magic. John just chuckled and added, "It might not be as cool as yours, but... we can't win 'em all." He shrugged playfully, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Wonderful, my boy." Dumbledore couldn't help but smile at John's lightheartedness. "But remember... magic is supposed to remain secret. Using it irresponsibly and/or in the presence of mug-... no-mag's can be seen as a crime, with grievous consequences. You must tread with utmost care, my boy?" he stressed.

"Of course, sir"

"With that said, I do look forward to seeing you in a short few years," with a smile, Dumbledore bid his farewell and made his way out of the orphanage.


"A good first impression can work wonders."

- J. K. Rowling


AN1: Dumbledore meets John for a little chat. I'm not really going for a dumb or evil Dumbledore, just an old dude who thought he had no other choice but to put Harry and Voldy against each other to save others. I mean, personally, I wouldn't put so much stock in a prophecy, but technically it was right, so…

AN2: Do you think Dumbledore would have been looking for a way to get rid of the Horcrux but just couldn't find it, so Harry had to die? Or did he have a way to remove it but kept it there anyway so that the prophecy would happen the way it should have?

AN3: The chapter ended up being an info dump. These things happen. It only makes sense for a kid to ask as many questions as possible. As for Dumbledore indulging him? He would need to ensure all was well, psychologically and magically, before leaving. He seems like that type of guy. Or maybe he is just plotting ways to get John under his wing so that Voldy's people, or rather their kids, don't find a way to convince him later on.

You know what they say about first impressions.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


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Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

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