/ Book&Literature / Hogwarts: the magic of music

Hogwarts: the magic of music オリジナル

Hogwarts: the magic of music

Book&Literature 96 章 1.3M ビュー
作者: Monty_Linden

4.33 (21 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Eddie Carter is a young boy living in Cokeworths, England. He knew he had been reincarnated from another time. He retained knowledge from that time but not memories. He Didn't Know, however, that he was also in another world filled with wizards and magic until Owl tapped on his window and gave him a letter.

Eddie is conflicted because he knows the world's plot but is unsure what to do with the knowledge. But he will strive to make the best of his situation and let the music of his magic guide him and maybe have some fun along the way.

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. Cloudxemnas
    Cloudxemnas 貢献した 105
  2. Monty_Linden
    Monty_Linden 貢献した 97
  3. Jacob_LIBBERT
    Jacob_LIBBERT 貢献した 75


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Hey Author, I just wanted to start off by saying you’re doing a really good job right now. Your first few chapters tingled my insatiable hunger for more. I think most readers know what that’s like. I really dig your idea of having music as some type of power for him. I also want you to take care of yourself when writing this. Defintely not for my own self interest that I want you to be healthy. Your book could potentially be a better one then Arcane Thief. No pressure though lol. If you have any writers block or something along that line. You can always ask your fans for help. 90% of people on here are good people. The other 10% on the other hand. I’m not so sure how they aren’t ostracized by society. I hope to see this book be successful Author. SIncerly, Rambo

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Bad grammar, arrogant and irritating MC, bland side characters and Snape, Malfoy, his two goons and everyone in general acts out of character

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3-3-3-5-4: Writing needs improvement but readable. Story has unique music components in it, but still didn't show any impact on the story as a whole. It also didn't help that there are chapters with just lyrics. Udates are fast, world background facts seems on point.

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Writer should start writing songs instead of fanfic, no really really anything now Read the lyrics of songs in fanfic........................... . ............................ .

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This is truly good...I've been looking for a reasonable Harry Potter fanfic with a music concept for a while now..keep it up author and please update it consistently also do not drop it.. 🙏🙏🙏.. Thanks... 🫡

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Hogwarts is a magic school not a idol school, their is to much singing in their it just one of the worst Harry Potter fanfic

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Very nice story More chapter update please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

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It was beautiful, I was listening to Hedwing's violin performance while I was reading it, it was really perfect.... Don't give up and it's a pleasure to be able to read a story so full of color and of course music

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Realmente bueno el concepto es mu bueno y la ejecución perfecta hace tiempo que deseaba un fic de HP que se le diera a la música un papel protagonico gracias autor por hacer realidad

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I am not going to lie, I have been waiting for a music based power for a while, especially in Harry Potter. Although there are a few grammar and name errors here and there, It isn't at the level of ruining the experience. Be proud, you are the first I've seen to write about a music based power in a fanfiction, and I certainly hope to see more of it.

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One of the unique HP fanfics I read as of yet with it's special MC and Unique power, this novel is an enjoyable read. I hope the author will update regularly and finish the book as dropping books is far too common here.

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definitely one of my favorites so far. keep up the great work

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Great start I’m 14 chapters in and it is good so far

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love your book music magic is relly cool

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This is a great read, hope this continue.

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this is an good fic , meanwhile the songs are pretty old obviously considering time period and not really what I have really listened ever just hope this fic's FMC isn't Hr or luna cause I've been bored of seeing MC's simp over them . if it is then I would want to jump down an cliff and bury myself .

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I love reading this please keep up the good work it’s really good to read to read

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good story the writing is a little janky but it has good plot

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1-41 Review I have to say for a first attempt this is actually pretty good. I do have a few issues mostly be being it's straight up Canon with a Sprinkle of some extra don't get me wrong the extra is actually very good but there's no real deviation when he's clearly interacting at least somewhat with the Canon characters and should be making a difference even if small. It makes it even less when a lot of the extra content is written songs. I would have to say now that we're in second year I'm really hoping for at least some minor Canon changes at the very least.

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作者 Monty_Linden