34.09% Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

章 13: Chapter 13

After the bath. I ended up training the whole night. The strange thing was that. For doing nonstop exercises the whole night. Only a moist layer of sweat covered my body. I was already getting addicted to the feeling of my muscles spasming due to overtaxing them. As a second later my aspect would kick in and I would be as energetic as I was.

It was like that for the whole night. But it seems that my body needs some more stimulation to get a satisfactory upgrade in regards to my strength.

Anyway. After taking a shower and wearing my slightly wet clothes. The ones that had blood dripping all over it last night. I ignored the moisture of the clothes, Before I headed out of my room with a refreshing smile.

It was early in the morning. With the sun dotting out the sky like a big blob of warmth. Shining down a golden red hue onto the world.

I took a deep breath of air before puffing it out in a cloud of warm Vapor that disintegrated a second later.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I turned to the source of voice. A disoriented and sluggish sunny. He was dragging himself along the ground like a snail.

I smiled as a reply "Not a morning person huh?" Before grabbing him by the shoulder and dragging him along the ground like a rag.

He didn't seem to mind, So I took him- more like dragged him to the classroom where he was supposed to be learning his course for the next month or so. He was going with Jet's recommendation of. Wilderness survival which is taught by professor Julius.

On the way to the classroom, We of course drew a shit ton of attention. But I paid them no heed as I walked while humming a song contentedly.

When I reached the classroom. The professor was already there. And when he saw me dragging what looked like a dead body. He had an incredulous look on his face that turned even more so when I threw Sunny's body on the smooth floor.

I smiled innocently at him "He's all yours professor." Then I left with a small wave.

Now on my way to the course I chose. I started contemplating whether it was the right choice or not…

'Of course I chose a combat course, Why? Well first of all I can't get rid of the itch that's been slowly, But surely spreading through my body. Longing and yearning for battle.'

'Besides, I would take on caster. Who has an ascended aspect specifically focused on speed. That fucker is fast as fuck…. I would also be sparring with Nephis. She's a genius in combat, After all she was the one who taught sunny the art of combating in the first nightmare. So screw the professor, I'm looking forward to what she is capable off.'

I walked hurriedly to the training hall. Where we're supposed to start our first lesson, With an expectant smile.


A few minutes of walking later. I reached the hall and my oh my was it amusing.

There. In the expansive but desolate hall. Was Nephis surrounded by a bunch of little rats, Screeching and yapping away while she just nodded her head from time to time. Her face had the perpetual, Never changing Flat look.

Once my presence was noticed. Some of the rats looked at me with cold eyes, Probably thinking they have the chance to get back at me. As basically all of them were included i when i ridiculed them gleefully.

I also noticed caster and his group of underlings eyeing me in a particular way. Almost like they're looking down on me….

I had a wide smile that didn't reach my eyes as I walked in with confidence and ease.

'Just you wait, You'll wish you haven't looked down on me, After all nobody is as petty as me.'

Enduring the disgusted eyes was a bit of a challenge if I say so. And coupled with the itching of my body. I may have…. Thought about putting them through some unpleasant experiences. That would in turn scar them for life.

'Not my best moment for sure.'

While I was thinking about what I've turned into, Believing it to be the Side-Effects of the hell I was in. I didn't notice the lithe and straight man entering the hall.

He was dressed in what seemed to be a tight gym outfit. Outlining his muscles that at a glance, It painted a perfect visage of strength and endurance. On his head tufts of short blonde hair spread out. While his sharp brown eyes inspected us, Trying to understand our value and strength. He didn't even hesitate when he was examining the girls bodies. Which insulated the hall into an awkward silence.

He spared my body a single glance before breaking the silence by stating in an empty voice...

"Welcome sleepers. I'm awakened Edwin. I will be teaching you how to survive. Not how to fight. Not how to be heroic. No, I'm here to make sure you're a coward who would do anything to survive and carefully plan every single action you take For the sake of me and you."

Everyone nodded simultaneously. Our faces changing into solemn expressions along with the professor's.

'Well at least they aren't stupid like some third-rated villains of a Xianxia novel. No, They're smart, Very smart. Especially the legacies. When I said that they were taught everything from birth. I meant EVERYTHING.'

'They are taught how to scheme, Betray, while also socialising and picturing themselves as the forefront of humanity against the spell. However in reality, They've already gave up on earth and its inhabitants.'

At that thought, my resolve flared up as a sharp mood overtook me 'that's why I will do anything to survive and gather as much power as I can. Before I reach the time when Antarctica was overwhelmed by countless gates, Causing millions of people to die.'

'Antarctica was an arc that probably brought out the most depression out of the readers. So I have to be ready, Not everything will go my way. And the reason is clear. It's because I'm here in this world existing, and alive. I'm very wary of my [Anomaly] attribute.'

I shook my head out of the trance I've gotten myself into…

"-Now we will have you spar against each other. Don't be concerned about any injuries, We have a special awakened just for this course to heal you kids back up to your feet. So go at it and give it your best." Awakened Edwin said with a small smile. Encouraging us by nodding his head.

Eventually we were split in five groups. Each group containing six members in total. After that, The instructor explained the rules patiently. Answering any questions the students had on their mind.

Basically each group will have three one on one spars, And the winner of these matches will face each other in a free-for all in one decisive match.

Coincidentally or not coincidentally. I ended up in the same group as Nephis and caster. What irony. Is this fate playing with me? Or is it just as confused as I am?

Who knows.

After everyone settled down in their own groups. Awakened Edwin clasped both of his hands behind his back and stated in an easygoing tone "Good. Now that you have your own groups. You will all have the chance of learning and experiencing from each other. So keep your backs straight, and watch your classmates carefully."

Luckily our group was the first one to engage in spars. The teacher then began putting us against each other. Making sure to not create an unfair match due to him having a bit of knowledge about the capabilities of the two monsters. Nephis and Caster.

So unfortunately I was against a nobody, Who was actually taunting me by the look in his eyes. And the laughter of the audience was making him more arrogant.

'…..These kids.'

I couldn't help but let an unhinged smile spread across my face. Suppressing down the itch that was beginning to resurface like a wave of raging water.

The sleepers cleared up an area around us, And gave us more space. While my opponent was fixing his stance causing me to get into my own, Which was a boxing one.

The instructor stood in the middle of us with a stern face "Listen up you two. You will have a spar. You will also not hold anything back on my watch, So don't make it boring for me and your friends. Now fight."

Hearing the instructor's words the kid was stumped. And that was all I needed to dash across the area in a second, Towards My target. The idiot who now tried to compose himself.

Like a ghost I appeared right in his face. Immediately sending him a few precise jabs to the jaw that made a crunching noise.

Oh the bliss I felt was truly unbelievable. I finally had something to break and beat all I can. Whether or not the kid was conscious after those two powerful jabs wasn't my business, As I reached for his face. Gripped it in an iron grip and smashed his head on the ground brutally. Creating a horrifying dent on the side of his face. Even though I didn't use all of my strength in fear for the repercussions of killing someone at such a time.

I breathed out a sadistic sigh as I watched the boy writhe and shiver on the floor at my feet.

Now this is what you call a primal beating. Where the strong bully the weak for fun and entertainment, Do I feel bad?


Why should I? He would've done worse if he was more powerful than me….. So no I don't feel bad nor guilty, And I liked it. Thrashing a worthless fuck around who thinks he's him is pretty fun.

"Move!" An urgent voice broke me out of my mental beat down of the kid. It was Awakened Edwin, He moved me out of the way forcefully before kneeling and picking up the already going limp body of the boy. Whilst everyone watched in silent horror at the situation except for some of them.

Professor Edwin looked at me as if he was evaluating me again, This time with a newfound caution….

"Sleeper Ariel, We will have a talk after this."

I blinked my eyes and then shrugged "Sure."

Edwin then turned his head to my frozen friends….

"Class dismissed."

A/N: Thank you guys for the support I really appreciate it. I hope this ch is to your liking and if I made any mistakes point them out pls. Also send stones! We have to get first place no matter what! Don't give up.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


