
章 13: 13. Treating the Poisoned and winning their Hearts.

│3rd Person POV│

[Grand Line, New World, Whitebeard Pirates Ships…]

Two hours later, Ron's tightly shut eyes fluttered open.

The power of the Healing Flames had successfully restored his once sore and paining body to its normal state.

Not only that but as his condition improved, he could distinctly feel a significant overall enhancement in his body.

The excessive trauma that his body had suffered this time was certainly beneficial, though he wished to avoid such scenarios in the future.

"Ron! Ron!"

A voice called out, "You're finally awake."

The door to his room swung open, and Thatch hurriedly entered.

Upon seeing Ron well, he visibly breathed a sigh of relief. He urgently said, "Ron, now that your injury has recovered, come and help.

"Those who were poisoned before have been suffering miserably for the past few days. If you didn't wake up by afternoon today, I was going to contact Marco."

Speaking of this, Thatch's eyes revealed a sense of helplessness.

The fight against the Poisonous Wolf Pirates was undoubtedly beyond his and Ace's expectations.

They didn't think that the Vice-Captain of Poison Wolf Pirates would have such a trick under his sleeve.

The poisonous gas resulting from the self-destruction of Ed was several times more potent than his usual attacks.

"How long have I been unconscious, Commander Thatch?" Ron asked.

Thatch replied hurriedly, "It's been two days already since you fainted. Today's the third day."

Ron nodded and smiled calmly, he didn't hesitate to swiftly get out of bed, saying, "Take me to where the poisoned people are! I have already recovered, and I can start treating them now."


Hearing this, Thatch did not hesitate and immediately escorted Ron outside.

Soon, they arrived at the area where the poisoned individuals from the Second Division and the Fourth Division had been quarantined.

As they approached, numerous cries of pain became audible.

Even with the doctor's treatment, the poison had only been temporarily suppressed in these people's bodies, not cured.

This caused immense suffering to them, to the point that some even attempted suicide.

Fortunately, prompt intervention from the doctors prevented them from harming themselves, averting a potential surge in casualties.

"Take a look and see if you can cure them."

Thatch led Ron to an intensive care unit where the most severely affected were kept.

In comparison to those outside who could still scream out in pain, the individuals here lay silently, appearing on the brink of death.

Thatch turned to Ron with hopeful eyes, urging him to take action.

Ron, without replying, swiftly approached one person and immediately covered his whole body with his Healing Flames.

In a matter of seconds, the sounds of burning could be heard.

The man's skin began to blacken, and the poison in his veins started to be ejected from numerous small pores before being burned by Ron's Healing Flames. In just a dozen breaths, the toxins in the person's body had been cleared away.

"AH~ It feels so good!"

The man's furrowed brows relaxed, and after saying a few words weekly, he fell asleep.

"Quick, check him."

Thatch urged a nearby doctor to examine the person.

After a while, the doctor reported, "He's cured. The poisons in his body are gone. As long as he takes plenty of rest for the next few days, he'll be back to his prime, maybe even stronger than before."

"Very good. It really works!"

Thatch cheered up significantly.

The successful treatment of one of the severely affected people signified hope for the remaining individuals.

"Ron, I am leaving them in your care."

Thatch looked at Ron with a sigh of relief.

"No problem!" Ron replied with a smile and swiftly started to treat the severely poisoned individuals one by one.

The Healing Flames cleared away the poison in their bodies, causing many to fall into a peaceful sleep.

After treating all the people in the intensive care unit, Ron followed Thatch to where the remaining people were being looked after.

"Commander Thatch is here."

"And he brought along Ron too."

"I don't know how Ron has Commander Marco's Devil Fruit power. But now that he is awake, we will definitely be saved."

Seeing Ron and Thatch, the group of wailing people was overcome with joy and relief.

News about Ron curing everyone in the intensive care unit had already been spread among them and they were fully aware that his Healing Flames could neutralize the poison in their bodies, providing them much-needed relief from the constant pain.

After an afternoon of intensive work, everyone in the Second and Fourth Divisions was treated.

Now, instead of painful wailing, cheers resounded throughout the area, signifying a successful resolution to the crisis.

"Huu~, it's finally over."

After finishing everyone's treatment, Ron walked to the bow of the boat and sat down to rest. The high-intensity action during the afternoon had been extremely tiring for him, but he also gained substantial benefits along the way.

His control over the Healing Flames and its potency had significantly improved after such intensive use.

The development of his Devil Fruit had reached 17%, a 2% increase achieved in just a single afternoon.


Sometime later, Thatch and Ace approached. Both held wine bottles and upon reaching Ron's side, they put down the bottles and said, "Thank you for your hard work.

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid our two divisions would have suffered heavy losses this time."

"What are you talking about, Commander Thatch?" Ron picked up a bottle of wine and took a sip before saying, "I am also a member of the Fourth Division of Whitebeard Pirates. How could I watch as the others suffer and do nothing?"

Hearing this, Thatch's smile became even more prominent.


At this moment, Ace solemnly raised the wine bottle and said, "Thank you for saving me back then. If it weren't for you, Poison Wolf's last attack would certainly have killed me."

Saying this, Ace's eyes were filled with gratitude.

After all, he had watched as Poison Wolf's attack came ever closer while being completely immobile. Just when he was certain that he was going to die, Ron came over and saved him; otherwise...

"You're welcome, Ace."

Ron also raised his wine bottle to toast and humbly accepted Ace's thanks before saying, "If it hadn't been for your last Fire Fist, I'm afraid we would all have died facing Poison Wolf's direct attack.

"And I'm learning Flash Step first to have a life-saving technique in my arsenal. It was within my ability to save you, so I acted swiftly.

"If I were not capable enough, I would have just watched helplessly.

"Ultimately, it's all thanks to you and Commander Thatch for sharing precious techniques like the enhanced version of Marine Six Styles with me. So, thank you Ace and thank you too, Commander Thatch."


A/N: One reader (Thanks @dragonNEET2567) suggested that I shouldn't keep the smaller Chinese Elements like calling someone with Brother prefix. For example: 'Brother Ace'.

So, I thought, If I am gonna continue the story my own way after Chapter 82 anyway, why not do it as suggested?

So, if you guys come across any Chinese Elements in the story from this chapter onwards, that you feel would be better if it is written in English or Japanese format, you can comment on it and it would be really appreciated if you also include the replacement.

Anyway guys, if you like this FanFic and would like to support me, throw some power stones, add it in your Library, or post a Review. Your choice. Any support to help reach this FanFic to more audience would be appreciated. Thanks.


Shameless P@treon plug. I've got one;

👉 patreon.com/ChaosWriter;

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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