97.77% The Betrayed Hero and the Idol / Chapter 44: chapter 44

章 44: chapter 44

Chapter 44 – First Day

"Ruby, you're still not ready? We'll be late at this rate," Aqua says from the front door.

"Don't rush me! These uniforms are complicated!" Ruby says, struggling with the buttons.

Ai then walks over, "Yes, but at least they're cute. Here, let Mama help with that."

Lifting my eyes from my computer, I look over to Aqua.

"Are you two picking up Kana on the way?" I ask.

Aqua shakes his head.

"No. The second-year students don't have an orientation like us, so they arrive earlier on the first day," he answers.

"I see. Make sure you tell her to come over for dinner, okay?" I say.

"Got it! Ah! Thanks, Mama!" Ruby says, patting her mother on the head.

"Don't do that!" Ai responds with a pout, smacking Ruby's hand.

"Why not, Mama?" Ruby asks.

"It makes me feel short!" she responds.

But... you are short, Ai.

Though, I know better than to say that out loud.

"Speaking of short... Ruby, isn't that skirt a little high?" Aqua asks.

"It's what makes it look cute! But looking at your sister like that... so creepy~" Ruby says with disgust.

"I-I'm not looking at you like that, I'm just trying to look out for you," he responds.

"Creepy sis-con~" Ruby teases back.

"Don't be mean, Ruby. Aqua just cares for you. But! I agree that the uniform is cute! But make sure not to seduce any boys, alright? Idols can't have boyfriends, remember," Ai says.

"I know! Speaking of idols... it's been two years, right? Will I-"

"We'll talk about that after you get home, okay? I've already been talking with Ichigo and Miyako, so don't worry about it and go to school. And remember to have fun!" Ai says, cutting Ruby off as she hugs her.

"We will! Ah! And you too Papa!"

Ruby then skips over and smothers me in a hug of my own before going back to her brother.

"See you later Mama! Papa! Love you!"

"Bye Mom, Cassius. We'll be back by five."

Closing the door behind them, the house became much quieter as Ai looked out the window lovingly.

"Ah, the first day of high school~ While I never went, I've heard how fun it's supposed to be," Ai then says.

"Yeah, but they aren't going to a normal high school, so it probably will be a little different, for better or worse. Anyway, about Ruby's idol thing... were you telling the truth?" I ask.

Ai turns toward me, glaring at me as she puffs out her chest with a pout.

"Hmph! Of course, it is! Didn't I tell you to leave Ruby's stuff to me? Besides, I already got her her first gig!" she says pridefully.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Her first gig? She doesn't even have an idol group yet," I say doubtfully.

"Not a concert! It's just a way to get her name out there! I've already taught her how to show off her natural charm, so now all that's left is to enchant the masses! And what better way to do that than a dating show!" she responds.

A dating show?

"Uhh, aren't idols supposed not to date?" I say.

Like what you just said earlier?

"Duh! The show isn't about that! It's about getting the audience invested in the cast, which is a great way to gain some fans! Trust me, I know what I'm doing," Ai says, nodding to herself.

"Well... if you're sure..."

Hearing the rumbling of footsteps coming down the stairs, followed by a gentler stride, I turn my head to see my two youngest daughters appear in the living room.

"We're ready Papa!" Amethyst shouts.

"Haa... Amie, you put the buttons on wrong," Ai says before walking up to her.

"Did I? Whoopsie! Anyway... did Brother and Ruru already leave?" Amethyst then asks.

"Yep. And we're leaving now too, so get your shoes on," I say, getting up from the couch.

Looking over at Freya, I nearly facepalm at the guitar she has strapped to her back.

"Sweetie... are you bringing that to school?" I ask gently.

She turns her expressionless face toward me, her head tilting in confusion.

"Isn't that obvious? Papa... aren't you always talking about situational awareness?" she says almost... dissapointedly.

Haa... I take back everything I said about Amethyst, both of these girls were troublesome in their own ways.

"Yes, yes. Just... make sure you only play during lunchtime, alright? I don't want any calls from the teacher," I say.

I mean, I was almost certain Amethyst was going to cause trouble eventually, so let's limit it to one problem child.

Freya pouts in response, making sure to stick out her lower lip as far as possible.

"But it's boring..."

"Too bad. Just be a good girl, okay? Let's get going," I say, opening the door.

Feeling something pull on my shirt, I look down at Freya.

"...What?" I ask.

She raises her hands in response.

"...You want me to carry you?" I ask.

She nods her head.

"...Why?" I ask.

"Too tiresome."


"You're lucky you're cute. Come here."

Taking her into my arms, I sling her over my shoulder before turning to Amethyst, who now had her shirt buttons done up properly thanks to her mother.

"Come on, Amethyst. I'll see you later, Ai. I'll pick up groceries on the way back," I say with a smile, taking Amethyst's hand with my free one.

"Alright, darling! Make sure you get potatoes!"

"Got it."

And so, with one lazy daughter slung over my shoulder, and the other overexcitable one pulling my arm as she skipped down the street, I made my toward their school.

Hmm... I wonder what Aqua and Ruby's first day of high school will be like?

----- Aqua POV - 30 Minutes Later -----

Yoto Highschool. The greatest performing arts school for young stars that even requires an in-person interview just to be considered for the general program.

While it didn't have any specific courses relating to improving your performance skills, it was the best place to build connections in the entertainment industry, while also removing any troublesome things that may arise from going to a normal high school.

Plus, it's a great way to ensure that the attending teenagers, who were in the most important phases of their lives for personal growth, did not get arrogant or prideful with their fame. Which was important for someone as... childish, as Ruby.

She could be a bit troublesome at times, so it was a good thing we were in the same class.

"Hey! You two!"

Hearing the familiar voice, which sounded more like it belonged to a delinquent than an actress, both my sister and I turned our heads.

"Kana! I forgot you went here!" Ruby says, embracing the smaller girl in a hug.

"I'm the one who suggested you go here! How did you forget?" Kana asks, squirming out of my sister's hold.

"Oh right, you did! But wow... now I can actually call you loli-senpai!" Ruby says excitedly.

"I said don't-! Haa... why do I even bother anymore," Kana says, hanging her head as if resigned to fate.

"A-Anyway, Aqua... so you're joining it, right? Sweet Today?" Kana then asks.


There was that.

From the first few episodes that came out, I didn't want to join such a low-quality production, but after Kana asked a few days ago, Cassius and Ai suddenly became adamant I joined.

Talking about how I could show off my skills in such a shitty show and help Kana as well. But from the sly smirks they were wearing during the talk, I had a feeling there was something else they wanted as well.

"Yeah. Though I would rather something a bit more... professional for my first role in a while, at least I get to be with you," I say with a shrug.

After all, Kana was skilled.

Compared to the other riff-raff with nothing but a pretty face, the two of us would shine on the screen.

"O-Oh? 'B-Be with me', huh? Umm... thank you, Aqua. I-I'm excited to be with you too," she says, averting her eyes as her fingers tapped against each other.

What was she all embarrassed for?

For some reason, I could feel my face heat up as well.

"Ahem! A-Anyway, what class are you two in? I can show you guys around as your beloved senpai!" Kana says, finally escaping Ruby's arms.

"Our beloved loli-senpai, you mean," Ruby says teasingly.

"Ah-! No. Never mind, just follow me," Kana responds despondantly.

I guess she completely gave up, huh?

"By the way, Kana. Are you coming over for dinner tonight?" I ask.

"I hope so! I'm out of rice, after all."

----- Ruby POV - 3 Hours Later -----

My class was filled with pretty girls and handsome boys, to the point that my brother and I, who turned heads whenever we walked down the street, were somewhat normal!

Though... I still think I'm one of the prettier ones.

And speaking of pretty girls!

"Aqua! T-That's Frill Shiranui! The Frill Shiranui!" I say while bouncing on my toes in excitement.

The multi-talented performer who was already famous for her work in that night-time drama!

And she was in our class!

"She's, like, my favourite personality right now!" I say with enthusiasm.

"Is that so?"

So nonchalant!

"W-What do you mean, 'is that so?'. She's really awesome! Way more famous than you!"

"Well... I only really idolize Mom, but I can recognize her talents," he responds calmly.

M-Mou, I wouldn't lose out on Mama's love!

"W-Well, of course I love Mama, but that's different! Shiranui is just so cute and awesome, don't you think?" I say, turning to him.

"Why are you acting so embarrassingly... you're like a fan right now. She's in our class, right?" he asks.

"Y-Yeah. She sits a few seats behind you... Were you not paying attention at all?" I say.

"Not really. It's not like I would learn anything anyway. But regarding Shiranui... do you want to be her friend?" he then asks me.

"D-Do I want to be her friend? Of course, I do! She's pretty, famous, nice, beautiful-"

"Alright then."

Aqua then gets up and starts walking towards her.


He wasn't going to-!

"B-But I can't, Aqua! We live in completely different worlds! No way you can just go up and-!"


He did!!!

"Hm? Ah, hello. Did you need something?"

She responded!!!

"Not exactly. I just wanted to introduce you to my sister here, Ruby Hoshino. We're in the same class after all, so I thought we should get along," he says calmly.

"I see... well, it's nice to meet you..."

"Aqua Hoshino."

"Hoshino... no, considering you two have the same last name, I'll just call you Aqua. Is that alright?" she asks.

"Yeah. It makes things easier."

W-What the hell?

That brother of mine that Mama called 'denser than a black hole', the 'enemy of all women', was talking to a pretty girl so easily!?

"Hmm... I feel like I've seen you in something before, but I can't remember it..."

"I did a few roles as a kid, most notably Prominence in Moonlight, but it's understandable if you forget," Aqua says with a shrug.

"No... I remember that one. The one with the legendary action scene, right?" she asks.

Aqua's eye twitches.

"'Legendary'?" he asks.

"Yeah. It's been reviewed quite a bit in the filmmaking scene, how they seamlessly merged CGI for those inhuman movements and the natural actions of the body double. You wouldn't happen to know how, would you?" she asks.

"N-No, I don't. Sorry."

Why was Aqua averting his eyes?

"I see... and you're Ruby, right?" Shiranui then says, turning toward me.

"Y-Yes! Ruby Hoshino!"

"Indeed... sorry, I don't seem to recognize you. Are you doing anything right now?" she asks, tilting her head.


"Uhm... I'm kinda... trying my best, I guess?" I say with a forced grin.

"Oh... well, good luck?"

That just makes me feel worse!!!

O-Oh no!

At this rate, I'll just be an ordinary girl!

I-I'll get bullied!

----- Cassius POV -----

"What is life... but a perception of our own reality. Uhm! That's a good one!"

My heart ablaze with inspiration, I quickly jot down the line before it fleeted away from my memory.

"M-Mama... what is Dad talking about?" Amethyst says from behind me.

"Tsk. Spouting stuff like that... That book getting published really got to his head, didn't it? I think we should teach him a lesson, Amie," Ai responds.

Haha, it seems my deep literature provoked those two.

Well, I guess I'll play along with their 'punishment' if only I get my own in bed tonight.

"Yeah! Here, I'll get a knife from the kitchen!"


That doesn't sound quite right.

Luckily, my foreseen stabbing was interrupted by the front door opening and the pitter-patter of footsteps.

"Mama!!! Make me an idol!!!"

Well, Ruby's home, I guess.

"Oh? What's wrong Ruby?" Ai says, taking the crying Ruby into her arms.

"I don't wanna be bullied! Uuu~"

Haa... never a dull day in this house, was there?

"Aqua? Kana? How were your days?" I ask, ignoring the whining idol-in-training.

Aqua shrugs his shoulders in response, "Fine, I guess."

Well... I should have expected that type of answer from him.

"...How exciting. And you, Kana?" I ask.

"Eh, it was alright. Saw some old friends, but nothing much," she says, twirling her hair.

Wait... hold on a moment.

From the way she was avoiding eye contact with Aqua, yet keeping him within view... did something happen between them?

No, Aqua was too dense to do anything, so I bet he accidentally flirted with her or something.

"I see. And what's with her?" I ask, nodding toward Ruby.

"She... found some motivation, let's say," Aqua says with some difficulty.

I see...

"So someone asked her what she does?"



So it was like that.

"Well... it's good timing, I guess," I say with a shrug.

"Why's that, Papa?" Ruby asks.

Ai then stands up before striking a pose.

"That's because... Mama got you an idol job!" she says.

"Really! W-What group?" Ruby asks.

"'What group', you ask? Well... none other than Mama's old B-Komachi! Version 2!" Ai says, flashing a wink and a smile.

...She couldn't have told me this?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C44
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


