
章 77: Fox's Sin of Greed!

{ Ding! }

{ Congratulations to the host for killing the Sin of Greed, Shatadhanva. }

{ You have met all the required conditions and the ability is being transferred to you. Please check the status screen for further information. }


"Hahaha, finally, everything I did was worth it. "

Aryan laughed excitingly and mentally instructed the system. 

"System, open the status screen! "

"Ding! Opening the status screen! "


NAME: Aryan


• Strength = A

• Agility = A+

• Physique = A+


Sin of Sloth - Disaster

Sin of Pride - Sunshine

Sin of Lust - Invasion

Sin of Wrath - Full Counter

Sin of Greed - Snatch


Spirit Spear Moksha

Divine Bow Vasna



With a sense of accomplishment, Aryan took a deep breath and focused on his new ability to see it's details.

Snatch is an ability that enables its wielder to "rob" physical objects and the abilities of other creatures, without making any actual or direct contact, because it is an intangible attack.

This attack is extremely dangerous if used properly, because it bypasses any obstacle on its way, this includes: magic based barriers, armors, battle equipment, etc.

Wielders are also able to temporarily steal the physical abilities of their opponents, including speed, stamina and raw strength, and add it to their own, thus strengthening themselves, and weakening their opponents.

But of course, the amount of strength it's user can steal is limited as his body can only contain so much before he reaches his maximum capacity.

Despite the advantages this ability give, it could be countered by simply having a strength beyond of which the user could steal.

For Aryan, he cannot use this ability to steal from someone who has higher attributes than him.

Although it also has many other uses but this is the main application of this ability.

"Woah, way to go man. With this skill, I think can also become a powerful archer in a short time by simply stealing other people's astras. Hahaha. "

Aryan laughed out loud in excitement but suddenly he remembered a very important thing that he had previously neglected.

If he remembered correctly, Shatadhanva didn't carry the Samayantaka jewel with himself when he escaped and had left it in the care of his other partner Akrura beforehand.

And in the original plot, after finding out about this incident, Krishna and Balarama immediately left Hastinapur to avenge Satrajita's death, hearing of which Shatadhanva fled on his horse, placing the jewel with Akrura.

He was later chased down by Krishna and Balarama, and finally killed by Krishna in the outskirts of Mithila.

But after not finding the jewel, Krishna reported these tidings to his brother Balram, who refused to believe him at first and blamed him to steal the jewel after killing Shatadhanva which almost led to a fight between the two brothers.

"Oh my god, in my excitement of getting the ability of the sin of greed, I completely neglected this point from beginning to end. And now if I return back empty handed like this, I am ninety nine percent sure that Balram and probably Krishna too won't hesitate to fight me before I can even explain myself. "

Aryan said anxiously as the realization finally hit him.

"What to do? What to do? Arghh! "

And at this time, Aryan suddenly remembered the strange meaningful smile that Krishna gave him while parting ways when he chose the direction of Mithila.

"Don't tell me ..... that this was Krishna's plan all the time. But what is the reason? May be he is suspicious about me and wants to test me? "

"Either way, with him involved, it will be even more impossible to explain myself and prove that Shatadhanva didn't have the jewel in the first place and instead it's with Akrura. "


Meanwhile in Dwaraka, the three ladies were currently having a face off.

"So, um, when did you guys find out? "

Subhadra said nervously.

"From the moment we saw you for the first time. "

Bhanumati said while barely controlling her smile.

"What? From the beginning, but how? "

Subhadra exclaimed in surprise.

"Duh, it's obvious from the way you look at him. Almost everyone can see it beside the two of you. "

Dushala said with a deadpan look.

"Then..... I... I... "

Subhadra said while fidgeting nervously.

Seeing this, both Bhanumati and Dushala exchanged teasing glances with each other and started laughing out loud.


Contrary to the banter among the three ladies in Dwaraka, a sudden calmness enveloped Aryan as he pondered his predicament. The weight of the situation settled upon him, and a plan began to form in his mind.

"I need to find Akrura and retrieve the Samayantaka jewel before returning to Dwaraka," Aryan mused, determination flashing in his eyes. "If I go back without the jewel, it'll not only jeopardize my standing with Krishna and Balram but also leave the kingdom in potential danger."

With newfound resolve, Aryan set his sights on the Kashi, the likely destination of Shatadhanva's partner, Akrura.

Riding on Moksha with a jump, he soared through the skies, the wind carrying the urgency of his mission.

Since the situation was a little urgent, so Aryan didn't stop anywhere in the middle and after flying continuously for about one and a half day he finally reached the outskirts of Kashipura, the capital of Kashi.

As he approached the outskirts of Kashipura, Aryan's sharp eyes scanned the terrain below, searching for any signs of Akrura.

There were a lot of people and carriages entering and exiting the city gate guarded by an elite squadron of soldiers who were checking the identities of all the people.

As a foreign king, Aryan knew that it would complicate things too much if he revealed his true identity to enter the city due to political reasons. After all, the King of Kashi Sudhanva was was Jarasandha's friend and supporter of Magadh. In which case, he was an indirect enemy of Udra kingdom and Dwaraka too, being one of the reasons why Akrura chose to come here.

So entering the city with his real identity was a no go. But he didn't have the luxury or time to forge a false identity at this time either.

If it had been before, then Aryan would have faced a great deal of problem. But fortunately for him, he now had the Snatch ability, which happens to be very useful in situations like these.

Descending near the city gate, Aryan simultaneously activated his Snatch ability.

"Zero Sign! "

This was a technique which makes its user invisible and undetectable, by "stealing" other's perception of him and making it easy to sneak up on enemies and other things.

Just like that, no one noticed him as he leisurely descended from the sky and walked inside the city gate.

After he successfully entered the city, Aryan deactivated the ability since it was no longer necessary and while he roamed the streets, he carefully listened to people's conversations, hoping to get any information about Akrura.

Before long, he finally got the information he was looking for as he overheard two soldiers talking with each other in a restaurant.

"Hey Raviketu, did you hear about that Yadav general who recently arrived a few days ago? I heard that he has betrayed Dwaraka or something like that. "

"Really, but I heard that he was a mole planted in Dwaraka by king Sudhanva from the beginning to get some insider information! "

The other soldier said with a gossiping mood.

Daddy_strikes_ Daddy_strikes_

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C77
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


