
047: Tan Bingyu (I)

The two children were given an introduction, and Long Haotian joined them for afternoon tea (or snacks). The old man also sent the other soldiers away, explaining that it was inconvenient to have soldiers observe while they ate; these men were actually on standby at a nearby hut, concealing their presence and appearance from the others.

Long Haotian asked, "Yatou, where did you pick up this rude brat? He keeps glaring at this old man. You should change your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Grandpa Long, are you talking about Yangyang? Hahaha~ you are wrong. Yangyang is my assistant as well as my foodie buddy?" Yue Xuexia said

Long Haotian was confused as if he couldn't understand the words the young girl had said. "Foodie Buddy?"

"Someone who loves to eat and loves to eat with someone," Tai Yang said.

When Old Man Long hears this, he turns to face the two young people, who see him back. The two saw each other as friends or close acquaintances rather than as romantic partners.

Yue Xuexia suddenly said, "By the way, Grandpa Long, you should avoid eating meals with oil, especially nowadays."

"Hm? This old man is healthy. There is no need to avoid some food," Old Man Long said.

Yue Xuexia said, "Well, as you wish. Do you like tea, Grandpa Long?"

"Well, I enjoy it a bit," Old Man Long responded.

The old guy was a little taken aback when Yue Xuexia took out a can of tea from her bag; he could not help but glance at her rucksack.

Old Man Long said, 'Just how much can that small bag have? I saw her pull out a lot from there just now?'

Meanwhile, Tai Yang looked at Yue Xuexia in disbelief. He had seen her plant those spiritual herbs and dried them as tea leaves. He did not even know what she did to make those disgusting-tasting herbs to be a delicious and refreshing tea. It even has a slight effect on marrow cleansing and rejuvenation. Only her family can enjoy such a luxurious thing. Now he is giving it to this old man in front of him.

Little Taiyang said, "Xue'er, are you sure you're going to give something that precious to this old man?"

"It's only tea. What do you mean it's precious? I can just make more next time," Yue Xuexia said. "Moreover, I plan to send some to Grandpa Tian too."

Tai Yang sighed. "Do as you wish."

She unhesitatingly gives the tea can to Old Man Long, "Here, Grandpa Long. A small gift from me. It's tea leaves I've personally dried, though I've also added a bit of fruit to sweeten it, it shouldn't be too sweet."

"Thank you for the gift, Yatou." Old Man Long said.

When Tan Shenyu finally returned, it was at this moment. He saluted Old Man Long right away, even though he was secretly afraid that his new master had offended the Old Leader. Instead, it seemed that they got along well. His Mistress is truly magical; she has the appearance of a regular beautiful lady but possesses divine medical skills, and she is not even afraid of the Old Leader who rules the nation.

Tan Shenyu said, "Salute, Sir!"

"It's okay. Do as you plan to." Old Man Long said.

The rude brat had just said something that made Old Man Long wave his hand to welcome Tan Shenyu, but his eyes were fixed on the small, adorable tea the little girl had given him. The tea leaves in this adorable can are not ordinary, even for someone as powerful as the young man.

Yue Xuexia looked at Tan Shenyu and said, "Are we going to meet your daughter now, Uncle? Let's go."

"Sir..." Tan Shenyu felt a bit guilty. This is the first time he used his authority to bring over people to the military secret base and he was caught by the Old Leader.

"Go ahead." Old Man Long said. "Yatou, next time go have some tea with this old man and Lao Tian."

"Okay, when I'm free I will go!" Yue Xuexia said as she just finished cleaning up and carried her bag on her back. Tai Yang is standing beside her, on guard all this time. He might look unguarded by even the Old veteran like Old Man Long can find any loophole to his guarding towards the young lady.

"Uncle Tan, shall we go?" Yue Xuexia asked, smiling.

Tan Shenyu said, "Yes, Mistress. Please follow me closely. Sir Tai as well."

Only when the three of them had disappeared from the building that a man in military clothes appear beside Old Man Long.

"Sir, do you want us to check the contents of the can?"

A refreshing fragrance that even lightened one's breathing assaulted the men's noses in the vicinity as soon as the Old Man long ignored him and opened the tea can in his hand. They had never experienced a feeling like this before, as if something inside of them was being cleansed.

"This is... A Spiritual Tea!?"

"Impossible! That little girl said she made this." Old Man Long said.

"But this scent and effect just by breathing, it's a high-class spiritual tea. Its effect is no different from an elixir for mortals and a panacea for cultivators."

Old Man Long's expression turned serious and immediately closed the tea can once again. "Have you checked their backgrounds?"

"The young man's background is too little. We only got his name, Tai Yang and he is that young lady's assistant. There is nothing anymore about him."

"He is a cultivator. There is no way to check on him. What about the Yatou?" Old Man Long said.

The captain pulled out a tablet and gave the old leader the information so he could read it for himself. Even he was taken aback by the information about the young woman, whose assets are too numerous to list and which extend beyond their nation to some other countries. Her family is ordinary, but she is unique, and everything changed on her 26th birthday.

Old Man Long was stunned, "This girl is amazing. Her ways of making money are much more amazing than that old man in Tian Clan. Hahaha~"

"What should we do next, Sir? Catch her?"

"Try it and that young man beside her will start a massacre. Keep her information confidential. Only the Upper Hierarchy can request it for an efficient reason. It seems I need to visit Lao Tian one of these days." Old Man Long said as he recalled what that little girl told him about avoiding oil food. "Summon Doctor Fei. I want to have a full body checkup."

"Yes, Sir!"


Meanwhile inside the hospital building in the base...

Yue Xuexia and Tai Yang were taken by Tan Shenyu to one of the VIP rooms, which resembled an advanced intensive care unit but had more sophisticated technology than regular hospitals. A woman with long white hair, who appeared to be in her thirties, slept on the bed, and the room's temperature dropped as they got closer to the woman.

Tai Yang mumbled, "Cold Mist. Is your daughter also a cultivator?"

"Yes. Bing'er is a talent cultivator. She is much more talented than I do. But suddenly one day she fainted and never woke up since then. It's been ten years. She was only 20 when she fainted." Tan Shenyu said as he tried to hold back his tears.

He bowed his head towards Yue Xuexia and almost kneeled, "Mistress please save my daughter. I promise to serve and do everything you say!"

"I will try my best." Yue Xuexia said as she approached the lady on the bed.

When she went to touch Tan Bungyu, the tips of her fingers suddenly turned to ice, which she had to melt with her Ice Flame Natal Fire. When she touched Tan Bungyu's wrist a second time, the ice no longer attacked her as if they were scared of something within her. Yue Xuexia then accessed all of her brain's stored knowledge, which included both ancient and modern medical knowledge. After that, she released Tan Bungyu's wrist and stood up in front of the two men.

"This sister is not sick. Instead of saying that it's an illness, it's more like..."

Her words were cut off as Tai Yang spoke up.

"A physique. This woman is born with a special physique that involves the Yin. It might not be as powerful as Xue'er's but it is still a special physique. Nine Yin Meridian Physique." Tai Yang said.

Tan Shenyu wasn't prepared for this; every physician he had asked to consult with her stated that she had entered a state of vegetative unconsciousness, but that she was awake and able to hear everything around her.

"A Special Physique? You mean a Heavenly Body?" Tan Shenyu said.

Tai Yang looked at him with disdain and said, "A mere Nine Yin Meridians is just a physique but it's not a Heavenly Body. Only Gods and their reincarnation can have those. This girl did not indicate being a reincarnator. Her bloodline is quite special compared to the others though. She didn't get it from you then it can only mean she got it from her mother."

Tan Shenyu recalled her beautiful wife who was taken away by her clan just after Bingyu was born. That clan is someone from the cultivation world.

"Then why is Bing'er not waking up?" Tan Shenyu asked.

Yue Xuexia said, "It's a backlash. Her meridians are frozen making the flow of her qi erratic. Her body entered slumber to protect her heart. Her physique must have been activated ten years ago. You guys didn't prepare any Flame Yang Pill to aid her?"

"Flame Yang Pill, what is that?" Tan Shenyu asked in confusion. This was the first time he heard of such a pill.

Tai Yang sighed and said, "Xue'er, this is the mortal realm. Pill Refiners in this place are all low-leveled. Flame Yang Pill is a High-grade Pill. Most pills in this realm are too useless; they don't even have a grade. Moreover, to make such a pill, it requires a natal flame."

"Have Natal Flame so I should be able to make it. But... It's a waste of time. Yangyang, help me melt her meridians. Though I have a natal flame it's half yin so it would only strengthen her backlash. Yours is pure yang right?" Yue Xuexia said.

Tai Yang said, "My Pure Yang Flame is too strong. That woman will turn to ash!"

"I don't need a lot. Just a wisp of flame I will split it into small pieces and control it properly without burning her." Yue Xuexia said.

Tai Yang frowned, "I'm not going to do it! I'm afraid of burning you too!"

"Just a little bit. The size of a lighter flame will do. I will not be burned. I will be careful!" Yue Xuexia said.

"No!" Tai Yang said.

Yue Xuexia was pouting and said, "Fine. I'll do it on my own then!"

Tai Yang felt his pulse pound violently as if something was gaining control of him, as he saw Yue Xuexia coming toward the bed once more. He collapsed to the ground and muttered,


"Are you for real? You are spoiling her too much."

Just before Tan Shenyu was going to follow his mistress, he heard something fall from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he spotted Tai Yang, the adolescent who appeared to be in pain and hurried to him.

"Sir Tai, are you alright?" Tan Shenyu was shocked at what happened next.

The teenager beside him suddenly grew into an adult man. The immaturity of his features had become refined and an extremely handsome man with a cold gaze glanced at him. He couldn't help but take a step back and avoid those crimson-hold eyes which looked completely inhuman. The system took over his body.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C47
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


