38.66% Naruto: Ōtsutsuki lineage / Chapter 29: Epic Entry

章 29: Epic Entry

Their discussion was abruptly interrupted by Shikaku's worried voice. "We should check on Fugaku."

With unsettling calmness, Chen responded, "No need to panic. I have precise control over my strength. At worst, I might have broken seven or eight of his ribs."

The onlookers stared at him in horror.

Noticing their expressions, Chen added, "I did hold back quite a bit, you know?"

The casual way Chen spoke sent a chill down more than one spine.

If he had truly wanted to, he could have killed Fugaku with a single blow, but doing so would leave no place for him in Konoha.

Even with Tsunade's support, he was merely a member of the Hyuga clan's secondary branch.

Knowing Hiruzen's personality, if Fugaku had indeed died, he would undoubtedly hand Chen over to the Uchiha clan personally.

Hiruzen did not want internal chaos in Konoha, so he would surely hand him over.

The Uchiha clan at this time is very different from when it was annihilated by Itachi.

If the current Uchiha clan decided to rebel, even if all of Konoha tried to suppress them together, it would cause severe damage, and at that point, other villages would take advantage.

Turning to Mikoto, who still looked shocked, Chen softened his tone. "Don't worry about leaving the Uchiha clan, Mikoto. They've been living off the glory of the Clan Wars era. Since Madara left, they've been in decline."

Mikoto offered him a strained smile, thankful for the attempt at comfort, though his words didn't fully ease her worries.

"Besides," Chen continued, "if you need a place to stay, my house is quite large. And to be honest, it feels a bit lonely there."

Mikoto's face flushed a deep red. She opened her mouth to reply, but the words stuck in her throat. Her expression was a mix of confusion, embarrassment, and curiously, a hint of hope.

Chen, observing Mikoto's reaction, thought to himself, 'Well, well, Fugaku. By threatening Mikoto, you've actually helped me get closer to her. Maybe I should thank you in the future for this unexpected assistance.'

Meanwhile, at a distance, Fugaku's followers were helping him to his feet. Fugaku, visibly bruised and furious, began hurling threats at Chen.

"You'll pay for this, kid! The Uchiha clan won't forget this humiliation!"

Just then, a cold, authoritative voice cut through the air like a knife. "What's going on here?"

Everyone turned to see the newcomer. It was Master Kuri, his imposing figure intimidating even from a distance.

His eyes, cold as ice, swept over the scene, briefly resting on Chen before fixing on the Uchiha clan members.

"Are you threatening my student?" asked Kuri, his voice as sharp as a razor.

Without waiting for a response, Kuri released his killer aura. It was as if the air suddenly became heavy and suffocating.

An invisible but palpable pressure fell on everyone present, making most tremble uncontrollably.

Nawaki, who moments before was full of energy, now seemed about to faint. Hiashi and Hizashi clung to each other, their faces as pale as wax. Even Shikaku appeared to be struggling to maintain his composure.

Fugaku's followers, who a moment ago were full of bluster, dropped Fugaku and now looked small and scared, unable to meet Kuri's gaze.

Amidst all this, Chen remained impassive. The killer aura from Kuri seemed not to affect him in the slightest. In fact, a small smile played on his lips, as if he were enjoying the show.

Kuri slowly advanced towards the group, each step echoing in the deathly silence that had fallen over the place.

He stopped in front of Fugaku, who, despite his pride, couldn't help but step back.

"I hope," said Kuri, his voice barely a whisper but clearly audible to everyone, "this isn't what it seems. Because if someone is threatening my student, the consequences would be... unpleasant."

The killer aura intensified for a moment, causing several of those present to fall to their knees, unable to withstand the pressure.

Chen, watching the scene with interest, thought, 'Wow, Master Kuri really knows how to make an entrance.'

In the midst of this suffocating atmosphere, a subordinate of Fugaku, visibly trembling and pale-faced, gathered enough courage to speak.

"Kuri-s-sensei" he stammered, his voice barely audible, "i-it was Chen who first injured Young Master Fugaku."

The words came out choppy, his eyes, dilated with terror, flicking frenetically between Kuri and the ground, unable to hold the gaze.

Kuri's penetrating gaze turned to Chen, who remained unfazed by the situation. "Chen," he said in a grave voice, "you will be punished for this."

Then, turning to the Uchiha clan members, he added in an even more threatening tone, "However, threatening my student is unforgivable."

Suddenly, Kuri's attention shifted to a spot in the training field. His eyes narrowed as he noticed a large hole in the ground, and his brow furrowed as he sensed the remnants of chakra in the air.

"Who used ninjutsu within the academy?" he asked, his voice laden with authority.

Before anyone could respond, Nawaki stepped forward. "It was Fugaku, Master Kuri! He launched a jutsu and nearly killed Hiashi."

Kuri nodded gravely. "I see. I will personally inform the Hokage about this incident and handle the situation."

Turning to his students, Kuri ordered in a firm voice, "All of you, return to the classroom immediately." Then, he approached Fugaku, visibly battered.

Kuri knelt beside Fugaku, his hands glowing with chakra as he examined his injuries. After a few moments, he stood up with a serious expression.

"He is severely injured, but his life is not in danger," he announced. Without another word, he lifted Fugaku with ease and headed towards Konoha Hospital.

After leaving Fugaku in the hands of the doctors, Kuri made his way directly to the Hokage Mansion.

"Hokage-sama," said Kuri as he entered, bowing respectfully, "I need to inform you about a serious incident that occurred at the academy. Fugaku Uchiha almost killed one of my students."

Hiruzen, with his pipe in hand, listened intently as Kuri outlined the details of the incident. His expression grew more serious with each word.

"I understand," said the Hokage finally. "This is certainly concerning. Thank you for informing me, Master Kuri. I will personally handle this matter."

Kuri nodded and, after a brief bow, left the office.

His next destination was the classroom, where he hoped to find out exactly what had happened.

Upon entering the classroom, his eyes scanned the students until they stopped on Minato.

The young blond, with his reliable and serene appearance, seemed the ideal source of information.

"Minato," called Kuri, "I need you to tell me exactly what happened. All the details, please."

Minato, always the good student, nodded seriously. Calmly, he began to recount the events, from Chen's arrival to the confrontation with Fugaku.

As Minato spoke, Kuri listened attentively, his mind processing each piece of information. The situation was more complex than he had initially imagined.

After hearing Minato's detailed account, Kuri remained silent for a few moments, his gaze sweeping the classroom until it stopped on Hiashi. In a stern tone, he called him.

"Hiashi, come here," ordered Kuri.

Hiashi slowly stood up, his face a mask of resignation. He stood in front of Kuri, awaiting the inevitable.

"Idiot," snapped Kuri, his voice laden with disappointment. "What did you think you were doing? Did you consider the consequences of your actions?"

Hiashi remained silent, accepting the rebuke with his head bowed. His fists were clenched at his sides, the frustration and embarrassment evident in his posture.

Kuri slightly softened his tone. "Hiashi, I understand you feel the responsibility of your clan, but you can't carry all that weight on your shoulders. You're young, you have much to learn still. You can't let pride blind you and lead you to make reckless decisions."

Hiashi nodded slightly, without raising his gaze.

"I want you to reflect on what happened today," continued Kuri. "Think about how you could have handled the situation differently. Now, go back to your seat."

As Hiashi returned to his place, Kuri turned his attention to Chen. "Chen, come here," he called in a firm voice.

Chen approached calmly, his face showing a slight smile that puzzled Kuri.

"Why are you smiling?" asked Kuri, his tone reproachful. "Do you realize you almost killed Fugaku with a kick? Have you thought about the consequences this could have?"

Chen's smile faded, and he lowered his head. For a moment, the image of his old master, from his past life, crossed his mind. He remained silent, offering no explanation or excuse.

Kuri sighed deeply. "Chen, you have great potential, but with it comes great responsibility. You must think carefully before acting. Your actions can have repercussions that affect not only you, but the entire village. Do you understand?"

Chen nodded silently, without raising his gaze.

"Good, go back to your seat," said Kuri, his voice softer now.

With the reprimands concluded, Kuri turned his attention back to the class. "Now, let's continue with our lesson on chakra refinement," he announced.

As Kuri began explaining the advanced concepts of chakra control and refinement, Chen pretended to sleep at his desk while secretly refining his chakra.

Hours passed, and while Chen didn't notice a significant increase in his chakra reserves, he persisted in his efforts.

Finally, the class came to an end. The students began to gather their things, ready to leave.

However, before Chen could stand up, Kuri's voice stopped him.

"Chen, I need you to come with me," said Kuri, his tone neutral but carrying a seriousness that did not go unnoticed by anyone.

Mikoto, who was nearby, looked at Chen with evident concern in her eyes. Chen gave her a reassuring glance, trying to convey that everything would be alright.

"Don't worry," Chen whispered to Mikoto as he stood up. "I'll be fine."

With those words, Chen followed Kuri out of the classroom. As they walked, the tension in the air was palpable, but Chen's calm demeanor suggested he was prepared for whatever might come next.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


