
Chapter 3: Preping up for the Future

(One week has passed in Gullontown)

(Mc pow)

It has been a very successful week of pickpocketing I even got so good I started taking daggers out of their wait belts or rings from their hands.

But all and all I got rich and it was time to start getting ready to spread Afrul's name and my power.

Before I started my body changed a lot because I got a much larger and powerful upper body yet a swift lower body a great balance.

I had to run from time to time from city guards or crazy merchants from the rare times I was caught.

But now I am twice as large for one my age 8 name day boy with a great body.

Well after I collected a lot of gold stags time to use it so I went to the best blacksmith in town.

As I walked through the streets I saw the sign and name of the blacksmith and whispered it out loud.

"Franks up and arms" with two axes in a cross as his shop's symbol.

I walked into the smell of sweat iron and coal and saw a lot of weapons and armor on display.

I saw Frank hammering away at a hot new blade he was forging.

Frank stood a 5.5 grey and white hair and a beard tough huge upper body with lots of burn marks showing his skill with forging.

I walked up to him and waited until he was done.

He grabbed some cloth to get rid of the sweat turned to me with an unfriendly look and spoke.

"What do you want brat I am busy" he spoke with a deep voice staring me down.

"Well I like you to find me some stuff and I will pay you for it" I spoke in a calm voice.

"OH PLEASE! As if some brat like you can pay me for my work." He grunted in displeasure at me.

I said nothing and threw a bag of 50 gold tags at his desk.

"There will be more if you work for the price" I spoke with my still clam tune.

"All right I'll bite what do you want?" He replied after starting at the stags for a few minutes.

I pulled out a piece of large paper with my blueprints on my Armour, blade, dagger, and bow.

"I want you to make these for me" I spoke to him with a mad grin.

He looked it over with a calculating look then looked at me seriously and said.

"These are some serious stuff not only will it cost a lot it will take dame long time." He spoke looking me in the eyes.

"I'll pay what needs to be paid and extra if you can do it fast" I responded.

"How much are ya willing to pay I have to send the longbow to a friend up north to build I am good with making bows," Frank says to me.

"For the Armour and long sword, I'll pay 100 gold stags each for the dagger 50 stag which I paid for now, and 75 gold stags for the bow and I can wait for your friend to make it," I said giving a grin.

Frank whistled at what he heard and with a small grin of his own said.

"We have a deal and by the way where are ya getting this mush money you the son of some lord?" He asked

"Yes, I am." < I am not lying just a bastard of the lord duo but he does not need to know>

"Very well I will make it it will take at least 2 - 3 weeks and the bow a little longer," Frank says.

"Very well I'll pay an extra 100 gold stars if you can make them in 2 weeks the bow I can wait for," I spoke with the same grin.

"I think I can manage that for ya." He replied

"Great I'll see you in two days to get the dagger" I spoke and he nodded in return.

I walked off happy with what I got and returned to my new home I had found while here.

There was an old secret passage in the south wall of town very well hidden I found it with my gifted eyes using my see-through powers.

And quite a distance away there is a cave in the mountains that I turned into my hidden base for now.

I had worked hard on it to make it as hidden as possible and thanks to my new knowledge I knew how to work with stone and more.

I set some traps around the era as well as some cage and world pits as well as spike and log traps.

I had to buy a lot of supplies and tools to pull it off but it was worth it.

As I got there I took off my civilian clothes and put on my hunter clothes aka a full-on guilli suit that reeks to hide my smell from prey.

I grabbed my makeshift spears which were long sticks with sharpened ends and went out to hunt.

During that time I learned to hunt and track.

I have hunted many different things such as deer, elk, wolves, birds even a shadow cat on accident.

But it gave me good training on how to hide in the woods how to track my different prays and how to tell how many there were as well as my throwing with the makeshift spears.

It does give me intel on the lands as well that will be a great help in the future.

And I found out another gift Afrul gave me which was fotograficmemory and I like it a lot it comes in handy.

During the week I learned how to read people to know when to strike and whom to strike those poor drunk bastards never knew what hit them.

While thinking about this week I started to laugh like a madman my sanity was also slowly disappearing but still there.

( hey guys hope you enjoyed and I will give the discrimination on the weapons as Hunter gets them sorry for any bad grammar but hope you all enjoyed)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


