80% Harry Potter and the Magical Tok'ra / Chapter 8: 8- Harry's Future

章 8: 8- Harry's Future

As the dullness exited his mind and full awareness retuned, the first thing Harry did was consult Einar.

*That was weird, I was awake but not, did anything weird happen?"

*Yes, the potion wasn't harmful, so I let it do its... well, magic and you answered everything truthful, even questions meant for me. I was also aware of her mend delving and while unpleasant, compared to other experiences it wasn't bad at all. Overall, I say she didn't have any harmful intentions and she can for now be trusted. *

*Good, thanks buddy. *

"Now Mr. Potter..." Savannah began before interrupted by Harry.

"You can call me Harry if you want ma'am."

"Very well Harry, you can call me Savannah or Captain but since Sammy is also a captain then Savannah will be just fine. Now that we know you are who you say you are and are no a threat the question is what now?"

"What do you mean?" 

"Like what is it you want to do, you are now in a very peculiar situation. You are a wizard with an alien being inside of you and have the attention of the magical and no-maj governments on you as well as the British ministry." 

"What are my options?" Harry asked now realizing how much attention he had on him for the first time.

"Well you have plenty. From going back to Hogwarts, transferring here to Illvermorny, if you're not aware it's the American version of Hogwarts. You can also be a consultant for this base or just leave it all behind, with your family name and fortune I bet you could just retire if you wanted to." 

"What does my family name have to do with it? I know alot of people know me as the boy-who-lived and I saw a good portion of my money in the vault but retire?" Harry said looking extremely confused. 

Savannah stared back at him also confused. "Harry, while your title does make you famous... your family dates back to Roman times and is one of the oldest recorded family trees we magicals have. Your name opens alot of doors and since you're a minor I am pretty sure what you saw was just a trust vault as you wouldn't be able to open your parents vault until you became of age or became emancipated." 

"I... I didn't know about my family name or history at all. All I know is that I am all that's left and how my parents died." Harry said crestfallen, him being alone aside from his abusive relatives was always a sad subject to him.

"Oh you poor thing, how about we move this to a better environment. I'm going to talk to the General, you all are more than welcome to join me if you want." Savannah said while addressing that last bit to SG-1.

As all of SG-1 followed Savannah out of the room Harry sat in contemplation until his new roommate spoke up in his head. 

*It's a big decision Harry. * 

*Ya, it sure is. I just can't believe my family has so much history and that I know nothing about it. It is just so frustrating not knowing the basics about my family* 

*I can help you find out.* 

*What about your family? Lantash and Jolinar and the rest of the Tok'ra?* 

*Unless they let us galivant across the stars I doubt we would be able to meet them anytime soon, I also don't know where they are as I am sure they have moved often to avoid capture. So... unless we get a lead on them, we can focus on you. After all we will be together for a very long time.* 

*How long?* Harry asked, not really thinking about how long him and Einar would be together. 

*Ive never heard of a blending with a wizard before so I am unsure how that will affect things if at all but without the use of a sarcophagus which we Tok'ra wont use, then 200 years, it is usually double the hosts normal lifespan.* 

*Ive read that my headmaster is 110 and still kicking and the oldest wizard lived over 600 years but he used the philisophers stone to do that which is gone now. So at the minimum I look forward to the next 200 years with you Einar.* 

*As do I Harry, as do I* Einar replies smiling in his heart. 


**Scene Break** 


With SG-1, Savannah and General Hammond all seated together in the genral's office a meeting was held. 

"He is perfectly safe and not a goa'uld, he is indeed a Tok'ra and should be freed." Savannah states. 

Now having signed the same document as the others and having been briefed on the magical world or at least what little he could know Genral Hammond replied. "Captain Writter, I am inclined to believe you and have been informed by the President to follow your advice on this matter, but I must ask, why all the importance? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what he did for Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter as well as helping get SG-1 back here and I even understand the need to keep magic a secret but why was it so rushed for you to be here. We didn't even have time to interview him yet before you arrived." 

If there was once thing General Hammond knew in his long career it was that the slowest thing on the planet was bureaucracy and higherups coming to a non-combat decision. So, he was truly baffled by the efficiency of this magical government. 

"Honestly General" Savannah starts. "If it was anyone else besides Harry in that room, we would have removed him, disposed of him and whipped all of your memories of him instead of going through this dog and pony dance but with Harry being who he is we had to do it this way." 

This brought Sam into the mix. "Why only because of Harry? He called himself the boy-who-lived and you said that both he and his family are famous. Can you explain?" 

"Sure Sammie, Harry James Potter is one of the most famous wizards ever, with only a handful more famous than him. Some you may know as Merlin or Morgan LeFey and others you wouldn't know like Grindelwald and Dumbledore. He is particularly famous because he survived the unlockable killing curse, a dark spell that instantly kills anything it hits, he is the only person to have survived this. In surviving this somehow this caused the death of the most recent Dark Lord Voldemort who the British refer to as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. So as a one-year-old he defeated this dark lord and survived the killing curse. His family is also one of the oldest family's in the magical world dating back to the Roman Empire. His death and/ or disappearance would cause a riot and outrage. I am sure even now the British ministry is panicking to find him" 

This caused the room think about the 12-year-old boy in the holding cell downstairs. 

"He said he was being beaten by his uncle when he... teleported to the off world... Will he go back there?" Daniel asked feeling quite bad for yelling at the boy earlier in order to get some anger at goa'uld off his chest. 

"No." Savannah replied. "I have been assigned as his for lack of a better word; attaché, bodyguard, friend. I will be making sure he is safe as well as being the communication between the SGC, MACUSA and DoD. He will be placed in either a safehouse or one of the properties his family owns if any still exist." 

""""Good!!!"""" The entire room responded to Harry not being thrown back into an abusive home. Because if there is one thing everyone in the room hated, it was a child suffering. 


**Scene Break** 


With the interview/ Interrogation finished Harry was brought up to Genral Hammons office alongside Savannah and SG-1, the once spacious office now seeming cramped. 

"First Ide like to say that both myself as well as Einar are thankful for your trust in us and we will do whatever we can to keep that trust. We are also very thankful you did not ship us off for dissection." Harry finished with a chuckle at the end. This lifting the mood of the room. 

"Now young man and well Mr. Einar we have talked about your situation as well as your status in the wizarding world but I'll let Captain Writter continue as she will be with you alot from now on." 

"With me?" Harry responded confused. 

"Yes Harry, due the combination between your status as a famous wizard and your... partnership with Einar I have been assigned as both your bodyguard and liaison between you, the SGC and the DoD and MACUSA. I am here to help you as well as coordinate between all parties. Also you will not be returning to your relatives and an investigation has been opened on them." 

Tears gathered in Harry's eyes as he heard that he wouldn't have to return to the Dursleys. His torment is finally over, no more beatings, no more going to bed hungry and no more being called a freak. Before the tears could escape through, he pushed them back with the help of Einar. 

"Where will I stay?" 

"Well we can either stay in a safehouse the MACUSA has in Britain or you and I will go to Gringotts and see if any Potter properties are available for you to live in. I will of course be living with you while you are not in school if you decide school in Britain is what you want." 

"It is, I want to finish my time in Hogwarts, I have friends there and I have so much to learn about my family. So Gringotts sounds like a good first step. However I would also like to help Sam and Jack out as well as try to help out the Tok'ra. So if you find anything related to them or need a wizards help please let me know and I will be more than happy to do what I can." 

Sam Smiles at that. "Thank you Harry but you'll have to grow up a little first before you can join a team but we will keep in touch if the Tok'ra come up." 

"Ya kid you saved me already so I am more than happy to have you save my butt again." 

"thanks Jack, Sam... So now what?" 

"Now... Savannah spoke. "We debrief you on some of the goings on in the galaxy and see if Einar can give us any information then if you want you can get a tour and then you will need to be debriefed at MACUSA which then we will portkey to the British ministry where once again you will be debriefed about you dissaparation then we will go to Gringotts and see about your properties and any other information they can provide about your family." 

"That sounds like alot to get done today..." Harry spoke overwehlbed at the amount on his to do list. Harry's head dipped slightly before raising up eyes glowing and voice distornting 

"Thank you Captain Writter, SG-1 and General Hammond. My name is Einar of the Tok'ra, I wanted to introduce myself officially even though Harry will more than likely do the talking as I am sure you all would be more comfortable talking with him, though I will provide my direct input if needed, also if anything Tok'ra comes up I will be the one in charge on this body in communications. Do not worry, Harry is fine with this. Now we can go through this debrief." 

The arrival and short speech of the Tok'ra gave pause to the group especially Savannah as she has never officially met a goa'uld or Tok'ra before. 

"Thank you Einar and we are sorry for overreacting; we have been fooled before by the goa'uld." Daniel speaks up. 

"It is alright we completely understand, no harm was done to Harry or myself. Also, Harry would like his wand back." 

"Oh right, here you go." Savannah says as she pulls out Harry wand and hands it to Einar. 

"Thank you Captain. Now shall we begin. After all we have many places to be before summer break ends." 

With that the long process or debriefing, tours, portkeys and more start for what feels like the longest week of Harry's life but one he would trade anything for because he knows at the end of it he will never again return to the Dursleys and that is worth anything. 

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