
Contract with the Devil

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(Pov. Riser Phenex)

So, with the contract sealed between us, an unexpected new alliance is born in the darkness of the night. Medea, a sorceress whose story is marked by betrayals and a broken heart, now joins me, Riser Phenex, a devil from another world, in pursuit of a common goal: to conquer the Holy Grail and, with it, the chance to fulfill our deepest wishes.

The idea of making a contract with Medea, despite all the risks, seemed to me the most logical decision at the moment. After all, in a world where betrayal and power go hand in hand, having someone as skilled and cunning by my side could be the key to my survival and success in this war. And, of course, there was the curiosity that consumed me, the desire to understand more about this enigmatic woman and her story. I use my Essence of the Binder to bind her to me, as well as in case she is killed or destroyed in the war, I can bring her back, besides the fact of preventing any betrayal. After all, I would not be foolish to miss the opportunity to tie a descendant of a Greek god. (A/N: there's the fact that she has the Rule Breaker. With it, she thinks she can break the contract at any time. But, no the contract she has is at an EX grade the Rule Breaker is a noble phantasm C C+. if she can only destroy contracts below for example grade C it will be impossible to remove this contract. I myself put it in grade A to undo the contracts.)

Our agreement, sealed with flames that represent the depth of hell from where I come, is more than a simple pact. It is a testament to our determination and our will to overcome the limits imposed by our destinies. As I watch the flames consume the contract, I feel an unexpected connection with Medea. For a moment, our eyes meet, and I see a glimpse of something I rarely saw in others: a mutual understanding of the pains and sacrifices each of us had to face.

"Medea," I begin, breaking the silence that followed the contract ritual. "Now that we are bound by this agreement, I believe we should plan our next steps. Do you have any strategy in mind to get us closer to the Holy Grail?"

She looks at me, her eyes shining with a light that suggests a mix of cunning and caution. "Riser, the path to the Holy Grail is dangerous and filled with formidable opponents. However, with our combined abilities, I am sure we can overcome any obstacle. My first suggestion is that we investigate the other participants in this war. Knowing our enemies and their capabilities will be crucial to our victory. Another is to make my workshop in the Ryudo temple."

I nod, impressed by her insight. "I agree. And with your skills in sorcery and my diabolical strength, we have a unique advantage. Moreover, my ability to bring the dead back to life can be extremely useful, especially if we need allies or information from... unexpected sources."

Medea smiles, a smile that carries both the promise of vengeance and redemption. "Then, we have a plan. Let's start our search for the Holy Grail and, along the way, maybe we can find something more... something we didn't even expect."

I swallow hard at her words. She is indeed a temptation, isn't she? It's almost like my mother how she teases. Hm. Why did I make this comparison?

"You know that could mean a lot to a teenager. Don't you? Especially to a virgin?" I say to her to see a reaction, clearly not expressing my past life. And I see a mischievous smile appear on her face.

"In the past, men were made. You at 14 years old should be more active. At 12 in the past, you could even be a father..." I am speechless as I see her leaving the cabin with a tone of provocation and decided to give something more in return... I think to myself as I see her leaving before I start following her. Shouldn't she be more against men or handsome young men? Maybe the Essence of the Binder that adds loyalty, and so to speak against betrayal, made her return to her original personality?

With that, we leave the abandoned cabin, two unlikely allies united by a contract sealed with fire. As we venture into the night, I feel the excitement of the hunt, the adrenaline of the approaching battle. But, more than that, I feel a growing curiosity about Medea, this woman who now walks by my side. Who is she really, behind the mask of the treacherous sorceress? And what does she seek so fervently that she is willing to ally with a devil from another world?

These questions swirl in my mind as we move forward, ready to face whatever fate has in store for us. Together, perhaps we can rewrite our stories, not as heroes or villains, but as survivors in search of redemption and a new beginning.

And so, with the city asleep around us and destiny calling ahead, we take the first steps on our joint journey, towards the unknown.


I see Medea, working quickly to put everyone under hypnosis. After all, we don't have a home here I need food and a place to stay. Medea also makes a Bonded Field. If you think she is bad at putting others in an illusion so we can stay here. Then I really have nothing to say to you. She could have simply drained everyone dry. And get rid of their corpses with a fire spell.

Make no mistake, she would kill. But, she prefers to do it only when necessary. Even though her story was marked as the witch of betrayal. It's because it was imposed on her. I wonder when I return to my world. Will they make some trouble for me because of Medea? If so. Then my blades of chaos will be ready for them.

I see, after enchanting everyone she returns bouncing to me. With a hopping run. With a smile on her face which many could get lost in, even wearing a dress like an inscrutable night veil would prevent anyone from seeing her true expression. Riser could not help but have his heart skip a beat at seeing how she could still be so innocent, committing such actions.

I can't help but think about how she could rip off a head or burn someone alive. And how many other cruelties she had to commit, betraying her own brother and much more.

Medea approaches with a smile that lights up the darkness of the night, an expression that deeply contrasts with the image many have of her. The lightness of her steps and the almost childish joy in her eyes make me question the narrative that history has attributed to her. She is, without a doubt, a woman of many layers, each hiding secrets and pains that few can understand.

"Riser," she says, her voice laden with an emotion I can't identify. "Now that we have a place to call home, even if temporarily, we can start planning our next move. The war won't wait for us."

I nod in agreement, still absorbing the ease with which she manipulated reality around us to accommodate us. "You're right. We need to be one step ahead of the other masters and servants. But, first and foremost, I need to better understand your abilities. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses could be the key to our victory."


Strength: E

Endurance: D

Agility: C

Mana: A+

Luck: B


[Class skills]

Item Construction: A

Territory Creation: A

[Personal skills]

High-Speed Divine Words: A

Argon Coin: EX

[Noble Phantasm]

Rule Breaker: Anti-Magecraft C

Argon Coin: N/A

(A/N:For those wondering what the Character Rin Tohsaka looks like, this is the description given by Riser about her:

"When I first saw her, I was amazed by her beauty. Her raven black hair framed her porcelain face, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to read my soul. Her skin was fair and flawless, without a single imperfection. Her slender, elegant body moved with feline grace, as if she was dancing even when she was just walking.

She wore a simple school uniform, yet it accentuated every one of her perfectly sculpted curves. Her purple plaid skirt swayed softly with each step, revealing long, well-defined legs. Her small, rosy lips gave a touch of sensuality to her serene, impassive countenance. There was an air of mystery and danger about her, as if she harbored secrets I yearned to uncover.

It was impossible to look away, such was her hypnotic beauty. She seemed like a porcelain doll so perfect she didn't even look real. And yet, she moved and breathed like the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Rin Tohsaka had completely captivated me with her dazzling looks from our very first encounter.)

Kaioshin Kaioshin

Author's note:

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!



I have my patron to thanks:


Ben Phillips


Nicholas Berenguer

jose torres

clinton fraley


Kloud Paradizo

jeremy L.

tomakin flashian



Tom Oni

Edwin Xot

Aaron Gurrola


adithya padmakumar




Many thanks for your support.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C45
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


