100% Tvd /The Originals : Harper Freed / Chapter 36: chapter 36 : What you feel about her

章 36: chapter 36 : What you feel about her

Damon, Rose and Stefan were in the large main living room of the mansion where tension was at its peak.

The growls of the wolves were heard around the mansion but also in the basements where Mason in his animal form was struggling to get rid of the large chains used by Damon to prevent him from moving as much as possible but they were heavy and effective.

Alaric had been particularly ingenious in protecting Damon and the others, they had used bear spray and replaced the contents with an infusion of Aconite, knowing that wolves as canines had an ultra sensitive sense of smell, this spray would have devastating effects on them.

 This idea of ​​Alaric's was both simple but brilliant at the same time because it was certainly a powerful repellent at the same time painful and incapacitating, if a vampire had vervain in their airways, they would be damned in the middle of a fight but for a werewolf whose sense of smell was several times more sensitive, the effects would be nightmarish.

Damon even though he knew he was strong had a feeling that facing a completely mutated werewolf with his hands would be far too risky, he had an ax on which he had applied Aconite, Stefan had a decorative sword of the mansion and it was the same for Rose.


 They suddenly heard the sounds of several broken windows and approached back to back to cover each other's backs when the growls got closer and Six wolves entered the room through several exits, baring their long canines as drool flowed from their mouths and their golden eyes burned with bestial rage.

One of the wolves and more precisely a female advanced in front of the others and it was Jules, she started to growl louder than the others who immediately charged towards the three vampires and immediately, Damon put down the anti-wolf repellent with aconite.

 As the liquid was sprayed into the air, Jules and two other wolves were able to avoid the poison with their super speed while the other three wolves were directly hit by the wolfsbane and the vampires wasted no time , Damon with an ax blow with all his strength decapitated one of the wolves who was moaning in pain on the ground while the aconite burned his eyes and the inside of his muzzle like acid.

Stefan and Rose also moved but they weren't as fast as Damon and the other wolves didn't stay still, Stefan wanted to finish off one of the intoxicated wolves when another one jumped at him from the side and even though Stefan had seen it was impossible for him to dodge because the transformed wolves were much too fast and powerful, even for a vampire over 500 years old (Haylay was able to track down and kill several Strix single-handedly, Strix are far from being baby vampires but the bestial form of wolves is really broken).

 Stefan was pinned to the ground and the wolf attempted a big bite on his neck but it was Damon's arm that blocked the beast's mouth.

 "DAMON, NO!" Stefan yelled as he watched his brother take the bite for himself but Damon didn't even answer him and pulled a wolfsbane grenade out of Alaric before putting it down the wolf's throat.

After a brutal explosion, the beast died as blood flowed copiously from its mouth but also from its exploded throat. Stefan wasted no time in finishing off the other intoxicated wolf from the start as well.

 Damon got up with Stefan's help and he saw Rose struggling against one of the werewolves, he applied his repellent once again but this time the wolves avoided him except the last of the three wolves poisoned with departure who took a second dose of the repellent.

Jules and the last wolf standing disappeared into the mansion and the vampires regrouped after Rose finished off the last intoxicated wolf.

Stefan asked Damon if he was okay but he didn't answer because his eyes were fixed on the bite mark on Rose's lower abdomen.

 Worried, Damon wanted to take a closer look at Rose's wound but at the second, one of the wolves came out of nowhere to attack Stefan and while Damon wanted to help him, Jules attacked him to bite him between his neck and his shoulder.

Stefan was struggling to push away the wolf that was trying to bite him and while Rose wanted to help, the wolves began to moan in pain as several people entered the room reciting an incantation, they were Bonnie, A few other witches and Greta Martin.

 Damon, Stefan and Rose stood up to look at them in astonishment while the wolves who were writhing in pain on the ground gradually returned to their human form but it didn't stop there because despite their human form, their bones were breaking and were constantly putting themselves back in place, they were in a phase of mutation without transforming.

 "We arrived late, they were bitten. I'll accept the fate that my lord will impose on me when he returns..." Greta said looking at the bites on Damon and Rose.

 Bonnie: The spell you just taught me will really keep them like this?

 "It will only last this full moon, it's a temporary curse for them. (to other people) You can come and take them they'll be useful to Lord Klaus..." Greta said as a few men entered the room to carry Jules and the other man completely naked.

Bonnie for her part immediately went to check on the others, Stefan was fine but the injuries on Damon were really horrible, Rose's injury was also worrying. Stefan immediately went to get some blood bags to help the others heal while Bonnie examined Damon.

 Damon: It's going to be okay little witch, I'll heal soon and with luck, this werewolf bite thing will only be a myth.

 Bonnie: Your injuries are serious, Damon.

 Damon: Don't worry about someone you hate, Bonnie. Who protects Elena and the others if you're here?

 "Your friends are under the protection of the original lords, they are the ones who sent us to save you. Moreover, regarding your injuries you can be assured that they'll be fatal to you and this is anything but a legend." Greta said in a disinterested tone.

 "Did you talk about the originals ? Who are they ?" Stefan said as he arrived with the blood bags which Damon and Rose quickly used to feed themselves.

 Greta: The Originals, the first vampires and the fathers of your species. They were the companions of our lord, several wizards and witches put themselves at their service because in exchange for finding our lord, the regulator. I abandoned my own family for this purpose...

 "Damon..." Rose called to Damon as the wound in her stomach seemed to close, this immediately gave Damon a smile who started to taunt Greta but the witch looked at him emotionlessly.

 Bonnie: What she calls protection is a hostage taking. Harper's wife is being held by them.

 Stefan: Lexi !

 Rose: And Trevor ?

 Greta: The traitor is currently reporting to lords Elijah and Klaus, they were ready to kill him but the blonde said he was under my lord's protection. If upon his return the regulator denies what the blonde said then the traitor will be killed as he deserves.

 Stefan: If you hurt Lexi then-(interrupted)

 Greta: She's my lord's companion, even I would face the originals myself to protect her if necessary. Lady Rebekah wanted to kill her when she learned that your friend was the companion of the Regulator but her brothers stopped her.

 Suddenly Damon groaned as he grabbed his neck wound and that alerted the others, Stefan opened his brother's shirt to see the wound and it had started to become infected and it was the same for his arm wound.

Rose felt her stomach hurt and she had the same infection as Damon, Greta looked at Damon with a wry smile as the others realized the misfortune that befell them.

 For two days they waited for Harper to return but in vain, he didn't even answer his phone until this evening when Alaric managed to get him on the phone.

Alaric stood in the Salvatore basement in front of the metal door of a cell where Damon and Rose were.

The werewolves' venom had already begun to torment them and Rose, under the effects of the hallucinations, the excruciating pain and the horrible thirst, had become particularly aggressive but Damon, who was resisting for the moment better than her was with her to keep Rose in the cell.

 On several occasions Rose fought against Damon to get out but he was stronger and even though he was horribly tormented, he had hope that Stefan would find a solution.

When Alaric told him that he had finally been able to reach Harper, Damon's hope was renewed.

Stefan for his part went to find the originals who had settled in the large Harper mansion while waiting for him, they were holding Elena as a "guest" because Klaus was going to use her for his ritual and become the original hybrid.

Unfortunately for Stefan, Klaus told him that at the moment there was nothing he could do for him despite his pleas and he even restored his memory about their meeting in Chicago in 1920.


Recommended music [ When the party's over - Billie Eilish ] 

Harper was running full speed towards Mystic Falls and his speed was such that he couldn't be seen, there wasn't even the blur of the other vampires' speed, the armory was less than 10 miles from Mystic Falls and barely 11 seconds after Alaric told Damon that Harper was coming, he was already near Alaric completely speechless in front of the metal door.

 Rose was lying there shaking and crying in Damon's arms from the pain. Both of them were sweating profusely from the supernaturally high fever and Damon watched Harper enter the room with a desolate smile, he looked at his friend and could blame him for being late but Damon only thought of asking him a only thing.

 Damon: Is there a solution ?

 Harper listened to Damon's exhausted voice and looked into her eyes, shaking her head.

 "I'm sorry my friend, there is no cure for the poison that torments you and it'll be worse. (looks at Rose) She shouldn't suffer like this, Damon." Harper told him as Damon took a deep breath.

He knew Harper and if he said there was no cure then they were doomed.

 Harper: If you want I can-(interrupted)

 "I'd do it myself but first I have to talk to her away from all this suffering…" He called Alaric and begged him to give him some wooden stakes.

Alaric listened to Harper's words earlier and understood that he had no solution for them so he and Damon said their goodbyes.

 Damon: (to Harper) Stefan is desperately looking for a solution that doesn't exist and he shouldn't see that. I'm going to take Rose into a lucid dream and talk to her there, when I count to 3 you're going to drive this stake through my heart and I'll do the same for her. You were right my friend, it was her and these years of suffering were worth it but now that she has come to me I want to leave with her.

 Harper : Whatever you have to say to her, tell her everything you feel for her . I'll miss you my friend...

 "I don't know what a pathetic vampire I would have been if we hadn't met in New York. Thank you for everything you have done for me, you are a true friend even if you are an annoying psychiatrist(laughs)…I'm counting on you to look after Stefan for me" Damon said sincerely to Harper who told him to leave in peace.

Damon closed his eyes and placed his stake on Rose's chest and Harper did the same on him.

 Alaric and Harper stood waiting in the room for over 10 minutes when in a weak voice, Damon started counting.


 Harper placed his stake on the ground and placed his hand on Rose's stomach where the infection was.

He had dealt with the interactions of the vampire, werewolf and witch factions in New Orleans so he had seen these infections many times before when the wolves gained an advantage during the full moon.

 He lied to Damon earlier because he knows a way to cure this infection, it was simply to siphon the magic from this infection because the werewolf venom contained magic that its contact infected the magic inside normal vampires.

At the end of this infection, the magic that was supposed to make vampires immortal would now decompose their minds as well as their bodies.


 Harper began to siphon the corrupted magic and the infection on Rose's body began to disappear as Alaric looked on in surprise.

 At the third second Damon wanted to drive the stake into Rose's chest as tears flowed from his eyes when suddenly he felt resistance, something stopping him from acting and he opened his eyes to see Harper holding back his arm.

 "Look..." Harper told him before Damon spoke and Damon watched the infection disappear from Rose's body as Harper's hand on her stomach glowed.

 Harper: I knew you would never tell her how you really feel in other circumstances because you're afraid deep down of rejection. That's why I told you that there was no solution, now you have opened your heart to her and I am happy to tell you that this was your last consultation for my psychological services.

 "You freak…" Damon said smiling in huge fatigue, Harper took the stake out of his hands before starting to heal him too to the relief of Alaric who sat on the ground because of all the stress he had endured.

 Later, in the big Freed mansion, Harper entered with a cold expression as Alaric told him what happened with the originals and Lexi's disappearance for several days.

He arrived in the Great Hall where Greta and the others saw him and immediately, she prostrated herself before him just like the 9 other witches present.

 " Who are you… ?" Harper asked Greta coldly and his tone was so bad that Greta and the others immediately knew that the moment Harper had an unpleasant answer, all of them and the vampires serving the originals would be dead at the very second.

As she wanted to respond, a voice was heard.

 "It's been a long time...my old friend..." Harper recognized this voice and looked towards the top of the stairs to see Klaus who greeted him with Elijah and Rebekah by his side .


 [End of second book]


For the sake of consistency, I had to change a lot of things, especially regarding the stupid conflict between Elijah and Klaus in the series. When Elijah appeared with the sorcerers Jonas and Lucas Martin, he had a plan to lure Klaus to Mystic Falls through Elena to kill him as he believed that Klaus had killed Rebekah and the others.

This conflict was insolently ridiculous and very incoherent because Elijah is the character who knows Klaus best, he knows that Klaus fears loneliness and rejection more than anything, he would never have killed his brothers permanently. In addition, he knows Klaus' methods to incapacitate his brothers, Elijah has repeatedly helped him stab Kol with the dagger dipped in the ashes of the white oak. How could he have thought that Klaus would have exterminated his family ?

Also, when Klaus and Stefan met, Elijah was away. This means that Klaus put him into the dagger coma for some unknown reason as the reason why Elijah would have distanced himself from Klaus at that time has not been given to us. How did he manage to get out of his coffin all by himself and plot against Klaus for all these decades?! 

In the series, Greta abandons her father and brother to follow Klaus because she knows that he will be the original hybrid and the most powerful creature on earth at that time except that in this reality, Harper is also a powerful hybrid who has more in common with witches so it is normal that she chooses to serve Harper by seeing him as some kind of messiah.

The second book of this fanfiction is finished so I'm going to continue with Game of thrones for now, but if you want me to continue with TVD, say so in revew of the chapter. Thank you for your time, this story is mediocre but it makes me happy to know that people enjoy it. 

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