

"Keanu, wake up sweetheart." My mother's voice sounded softly as she shook me awake.

It's been around twelve years since I reincarnated into Twilight and I had zero complaints so far, it was great. My twelve years of life have been a mixture of hard work learning to live as a blind person and fun as I could play music whenever I wanted with the support of my parents.

In this life, I was named Keanu Godfrey, yeah, I was named after the guy I looked like but it was fine with me, at least I wasn't named Bob, Doug, or Chad. I was born on December 25th of 1987 and currently, my family and I live in New York in one of our penthouses, yes I said one of our penthouses, My family was very well off.

The first part of my second life had been spent just learning how to live without my sight which was definitely something that took me a bit to get down but my senses and cane helped a ton. My senses were amazing, to say the least, the enhanced senses from the boon I got were no joke.

I could hear and smell everything within 50 meters easily, the sound of ants crawling on the ground along with the fragrant smell of wet soil beneath them, my senses covered everything thoroughly, and at first, it was very hard for me to get used to it, my senses in my first life weren't anywhere near as strong as they were now.

My sense of touch was even more outrageous than my other senses, when it rained I could feel the water drops in the air, they all caused a shift in the atmosphere and I always picked up shifts in the atmosphere, I couldn't see but I could feel.

Outside of my amazing senses let's talk about my inheritance. As the boon description mentioned, I inherited everything from Deadpool, his memories, experiences, martial arts, healing factor, and all that good stuff and it did cause some changes to occur to me.

For example, Deadpool's personality and mine mixed which created the current me. I was a calm and collected person who was too tolerable for their own good in my previous life while Deadpool was a funny menace who did what he wanted when he wanted, nothing held him back from doing as he pleased, and once I mixed with him the current me came into being.

It should be mentioned that I wasn't a copy-and-paste of Deadpool, I was the me from before as well as Deadpool as weird as that sounded, but it needed to be said that there was a difference.

Now, other than the benefits I gained from the inheritance let's talk about my day-to-day life. My days are spent doing schoolwork, exercising as I know it's important, and music, my life was relatively easy and I had a family that spoiled me rotten.

My school time was weird since kids always wondered why I walked around with a cane and glasses. Yes, I wore pitch-black glasses similar to the ones Gojo wears, it was fashionable and it stopped random people from asking why I walked around with my eyes closed as if my cane wasn't enough of a giveaway that I was blind.

Now although I was blind nobody picked on me like you saw in movies, in fact, everyone was nice to me, and outside of the people who were genuinely nice the reason was that I was well known for my musical skills. I played instruments all around New York in many competitions and that made me known to a lot of people and with the help of a family friend I was able to make myself known easily.

As I mentioned before my family was well off so my parents had connections to pretty much everything and that included the music industry. My music career in this life started off easy and simple, it went down like this.

I asked my parents for a violin which they soon got for me, I then asked them to watch me play which they did, then came the teachers who declared me a musical prodigy, then came my entrance into competitions, then came the family friend who promoted me in every way they could until I now.

"I'm up..." I said as I woke up groggily, it wasn't her shaking me that woke me up but her steps down the hallway.

"Here you go honey." My mother, Tasha Godfrey said as she handed me my cane.

"Thanks lady." I said as I took the cane from my mom.

"Call me mom." My mom said as she tapped the top of my head lightly before continuing.

"Breakfast is ready honey, go brush your teeth, your father and I will be at the table." Mom said before making her exit.

I was blind but I wasn't helpless and my parents knew this so they didn't insist on helping me with every little thing. Doing as my mom said I made my way to the bathroom before cleaning myself up and walking to the dining room.

"Mornin' son." My dad, William Godfrey said as I entered the room.

"Mañana." I replied as my cane tapped the ground light enough so that only I could hear it, I was using a sort of echolocation so that I could travel accurately, another way for me to 'see' without actually seeing.

My parents and I ate while talking about random things until it was time for me to depart for school, they had grown used to my odd sense of humor and weird wordage over the years.

"Have a good day sweetheart." Mom said as she planted a kiss on my forehead.

"You send me to the torture chamber then ask me to have fun, how cr-." I replied before hearing the door to the car I just entered slam shut, mother dearest didn't want to hear my response.

~ Time skip no Jutsu! 5 years later! ~

"Are you sure about this honey? Maybe we could take some time off work and come with you." My mom asked me with concern in her voice.

"Stop worrying so much, I'm 17, I'll be moving out soon already." I replied with my usual nonchalant smile.

"Plus I'm only moving in with Grandpa and Grandma." I continued.

The situation was like this, I asked my parents if I could move in with my grandparents who lived in, you guessed it, Forks Washington. My reason for asking was simple, I was curious about the story of Twilight, I wanted to snoop around a bit that's all, so I told my parents that I wanted to take a break from everything and chill out with my Grandparents who just so happened to live in a town away from everything.

My life in the last five years has been even more amazing than I could express, my career was booming and I was living happily with my family, I had literally zero complaints. Life was going as good as it could be for me, but something important was happening soon, the beginning of Twilight, and how could I miss that? I wouldn't, so with that in mind I decided that I wanted to move in with my Grandparents.

"Are you sure son?" Dad asked me just as concerned as Mom was.

"Yeah, I'm sure, I'll be fine." I said with a smile as the butlers put my bags into my private jet that Dad had bought me for my birthday a few years back.

"Then I won't try to persuade you anymore, remember to call whenever you need something, alright?" Dad said as he pulled me into a hug but since I was taller than him I'm sure it looked pretty funny from an outside perspective.

I was taller than the original Keanu Reeves standing at 6'4" (or) 193cm which I attributed to the inheritance but either way, it didn't matter much, I was neither super short nor super tall, in every other way I looked the same as Keanu but I did look slightly older at 17 than he did.

(Image of the mc)

"I love you, sweetheart." My mom said as she jumped into the hug, my parents were the definition of overprotective, so the fact that I was leaving was a lot for them.

"Love you too mother dearest." I said returning their familial affection.

"I told you to call me mom, not mother." My mom replied as my Dad interrupted.

"Alright, get going kid, don't want to keep your grandparents waiting long." Dad said as he and my Mom released me.

"Okay." I replied as I got onto the jet with the help of an attendant, although I didn't need it as I always say it's better to keep up appearances since I don't want to raise even the smallest of eyebrows.

"Here we are, sir." The flight attendant said as we arrived at my seat.

"Please call me if you need anything, sir." The flight attendant said as I sat down.

"Gotcha." I replied as I pulled out one of my braille books, I loved reading and even if I was blind I would figure out how to do it.

I read my book for a few hours before falling asleep, Forks was a pretty long flight from New York so I should be able to get a decent rest before I arrive.

To be continued...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


