24.48% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 24: For You

章 24: For You

The cheering only ended when Edric raised his hand, gesturing that he wished to speak.

The main hall drew to complete silence. With his crowning complete, the High Septon stepped away and withdrew. Edric turned to his crowded hall of subjects and smiled, taking a deep breath before he began his speech.

"Over six moons ago, when I was first legitimised by my father… some of you may recall my outburst. I'd imagine it would be hard to forget if you bore witness to it." Edric chuckled, shaking his head. "My outlook on this matter has changed, naturally. Otherwise, this crown would not be on my head."

There were some chuckles and smiles across the court.

"Though I am young and inexperienced in regards to kingship, I make this pledge to all the people of the Realm:"

"So long as I hold this crown, I, Edric 'Storm' of the House Baratheon, the First of my Name, will do everything in my power to maintain the King's Peace, bring stability to the Realm and ensure that all my people prosper. Everything I do will be with the interests of the Realm in mind, disregarding my personal wishes and biases."

"When the day comes that this crown passes on from me to another… I hope that my reign will be remembered as a truly great one."

Edric's words carried a wave of charisma that charmed those who would hear his words. The moment he stopped, the applause continued, with Renly being amongst the loudest. Lords who admired his martial prowess, especially those from the North, were just as loud. 

"Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!"

"Now, now…" Edric chuckled, raising his hand once more. "I can't reign for very long if the number of Kingsguard numbers only three… as such, my very first act as King shall be to raise a young knight who has already saved my life once before. A loyal friend and brave fighter who strives to make the most of his talents. Someone… whose vows hold weight."

"Step forward, Ser Arthur of the House Tudbury."

Edric gestured to Arthur Tudbury, who stepped forward and kneeled before the Iron Throne. He turned to Ser Barristan, who unveiled a white cloak.

"Do you know the complete oath?" Ser Barristan questioned.

"By heart, Ser." Arthur nodded.

"Then you may recite it."

"I, Ser Arthur of House Tudbury, hereby swear on my honour and my allegiance to protect and serve the King and his family. Should his life be threatened, I will not hesitate to give my life for his. I will do my duties until death, and through that time, keep all secrets of the King safe from being spread. I will not speak unless spoken to, and I will defend the King's land or pay the price. I will wed no wife, father no children and hold no lands. I will master the gate, pluck the bow, handle the blade and serve my realm: for now and forever."

"You may rise as a knight of the Kingsguard, Ser Arthur." 

Edric smiled, watching as Ser Barristan put on the white cloak of the Kingsguard around Arthur. 

"There is another… two, in truth." Edric turned to Renly and then Loras. "I wish to extend the honour of serving me in the Kingsguard to Ser Loras of House Tyrell and Ser Balon of House Swann."

Renly pat Loras' shoulder and nudged him forward. Loras nodded, stepping out from the crowd alongside Ser Balon.

"I accept this great honour." Loras nodded, bending the knee.

"So do I." Balon followed.

They both said their vows, and Ser Barristan officially inducted them in, giving out two more white cloaks. 

"As for the seventh position… I have it reserved for someone who is not currently present. However, I am not done making appointments." 

Edric withdrew the Hand of the King pin from his pocket, presenting it before the crowd. Its golden lustre caught the eyes of all. The Hand of the King… he who rules the Realm in the King's stead. He who dreams the King's dreams, speaks with the King's voice and rules with the King's sword. 

"With the unfortunate passing of Lord Eddard, Warden of the North… I wish to appoint Lord Stannis of the House Baratheon as the Hand of the King."

Renly smiled slightly, though he wasn't all that happy. Littlefinger raised an eyebrow while Varys kept the same expression.

Stannis Baratheon stepped forward as there was a mixed reaction to the appointment. Stannis wasn't very popular and had hardly any friends. However, Edric believed that he was the most suited for the position, given his abilities, personality and context. Smart, dedicated, loyal and a man who doesn't take any nonsense.

Edric placed the pin on Stannis, officially making him the second most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms.

Given his age, perhaps the most powerful.

"And, of course… as I am not quite yet a man-grown, I would require a Lord Regent by law who would rule as King in my place." Edric smiled, turning to Renly. "I cannot think of someone more worthy and suitable than my other uncle, Lord Renly." 

Renly's deep blue eyes lit up almost instantly as his lips curled into a charming smile. The main hall's cheers were far louder than Stannis' were. Though his ability to rule wasn't anything impeccable, he had a great skill to unite others under him which counteracted Stannis' unpopularity. 

The eccentric and charismatic Lord Regent Renly, the dutiful and stern Lord Hand Stannis… and King Edric Baratheon, the bridge between the two. 

The Three Stags stood united, holding all the power in the Realm.

"Brother, as I am Lord Regent… does that not mean that I hold more power than you do?" Renly questioned, smiling.

"Until the King is of age," Stannis replied, nodding.

"Try not to fight each other, or I'll have to find uncles from my mother's side to replace you both." Edric jested. 

"... We both have the same intentions in the end. To serve our young nephew." Renly chuckled, spreading open his arms and embracing Edric. "Let us put a pause on all those dull appointments for a day… and celebrate this wonderful day! The day of my most handsome and mighty nephew becoming King!"

He turned to the crowd, and they all cheered.

"Well, we did get the important ones out of the way." Edric nodded, smiling as he stepped away from Renly. "As my first command… I order everyone to eat and drink their fill! Should you disobey this command and fall short, you will be hanged for treason."

Edric spoke with a clearly sarcastic and jestful tone, being received quite well. All those years of learning under Renly weren't for nothing.


The difference between the wilder northern lords and southron lords was very much apparent, especially when it came to the likes of Jon Umber and Rickard Karstark, who made the main hall twice as loud by themselves.

"What's wrong, boy?" Jon Umber questioned, chugging on his cup of ale. "You ordered for us to drink our fill, yet you haven't had so much as a sip!"

"A King should act with a clear mind," I replied, smiling slightly.

"Bah, your father would be rolling in his grave!" Jon Umber shook his head. "You are Robert reborn… a few cups won't hurt you, hahahaha."

"The strength of a warrior, the stomach of a child!" Rickard Karstark added, laughing.

"The stomach of a child?" I raised an eyebrow. "I could outdrink you both, old oafs."

"Prove it!"

I wasn't going to back down from a challenge… no way.

Drink… drink… drink…

Way too many drinks later…

Jon Umber and Rickard Carstark laid on the ground in their own piss while Edric (the drunk demon) stood victorious.

"No man… in the Seven Kingdoms… can outdrink me!" He proclaimed rather proudly, standing on top of one of the tables. "Hear… me… ROAAAAAR!!!"

Everyone laughed as Edric jested on House Lannister's words, almost falling off the table from a lack of balance. Raiden Shogun smiled slightly, shaking her head. Even Stannis was affected by Edric's vibe, being a bit more outgoing than usual. 

"It's clear who he gets his charms from, hahahaha." Renly laughed. "I am beyond proud of my young nephew. He has gone from the smallest of rabbit slayers to putting down golden lions and krakens!"

"Raise your cups once more… to the greatest archer to ever take breath!"

"Aye!" Randyll Tarly joined in, having been impressed time and time again by his martial prowess. "I have not seen an archer half as good in all the years that I've lived."

"Anyone who says otherwise is lying." Alester Florent added, smiling. "He had those Ironborn fools filling their breeches at every battle."

"Heh." Dorian chuckled, joining Varys' side. "What webs are you weaving today, Spider?"

"I am celebrating our young King's coronation."

"Our…" Dorian raised an eyebrow before smiling. "Interesting. Have your opinions changed?"

"His ability for a youthful boy… is truly remarkable," Varys admitted, glancing at Dorian. "He has his father's gifts - and more. Lords and ladies rally to him so easily while he wields martial prowess that would leave Robert envious. Magic… or not… ability is ability."

"You are beginning to see the light," Dorian remarked with a sharp grin. "He is the way forward… for all of us."

"You've become awfully devout for a sellsword."

"As you said… he is a remarkable boy. More than even your little Egg." Dorian had a drink, stepping away. "Enjoy the night, eunuch."

"Oh, I will."

"Arthur, I command you to have three cups of Stag's Fury!" I chuckled, pouring him some. "Go on."

"Stag's Fury…" Arthur raised an eyebrow, probably recalling the day Robert and I went bonkers. "I must humbly refuse, Your Grace. I can't protect you if I'm piss-drunk."

"Hahahah." I laughed. "That's why there are five other Kingsguard… drink up!"

"..." Arthur sighed. "One cup."

"Two and a half!"



"... Fine."


When the party came to an end, I was way too bloody drunk. I don't remember half the shit I did, to be honest… but I knew it was a blast. I hung out with Robb Stark, Arthur, Bryce and went on a mini King's Progress, chatting up every lord and lady. 

It had been a long night… but, at long last… it was time to retire in my kingly chambers.

I stumbled my way there and dropped straight into my new bed when I made it there.

The bed was bloody huge, probably enough for four people to sleep in. I bet Robert and Cersei slept on opposite ends so they didn't have to so much as breathe on each other. Actually, Robert probably went over to her side… and well, did Robert things.

Since I was King and had ears everywhere… I had to be a bit quieter than before. Wouldn't want to be known as a schizophrenic. Though, I might be.

"If it isn't… my beloved Shogun." I turned to her, delighting in her beauty. Nothing in the world was more beautiful than her purple bewitching lustre. "You must forgive me for being so drunk, your Excellency-"

"An acquired taste of yours, it seems." She observed.

"Mainly for bonding with my subjects…" I chuckled. "Though, wine doesn't taste so bad to me anymore."

"You've… grown since we last separated."

"But, of course… blowing up the girl I loved and then leaving me to handle everything on my own has such an effect," I remarked with a sarcastic tone, smiling. "Everything you do… is for my benefit, right?"

"... Yes."

"Certainly… not for an agenda of your own." I chuckled, looking her in the eyes. "As I see it, there was no reason for Alysanne to die. For instance… you could have told me that you'd burn her alive if I gave pursuit. She… would still be alive."

"... Would you?" Raiden Shogun tilted her head. "Even if you did, would it not irk you if she married another?"


"Would you be as focused as you are now?" Raiden Shogun questioned. "No… you would always think of her, of your failure to state your feelings earlier. Perhaps you would even curse your royal position and the power you've attained. If you've still not come to terms-"

"You speak of my benefit… but how much of that is for your benefit?" I questioned, sitting up. "I wonder… if you felt threatened?"

"... Threatened? By that simple girl?"

"Yes… by that simple girl." I chuckled. "Did you… think that my love for her would come to supersede my love for you? That you would be forgotten?"

"Were you… jealous?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Raiden Shogun shook her head. "I had no reason to be jealous of her. Simply… she was a distraction from your goal, and I chose to remove her since you lacked the resolve to do it yourself."

Even though she denied it, I felt like it was a lie… 

"Ah… and what is my goal, Your Excellency?"

"My resurrection."

"Why do you… think that is?" I closed my eyes. "Why would I want to resurrect you? Why did I make that promise?"

I wanted to hear her say it…

"Because you loved me."

I opened my eyes, and we looked at each other. Maybe it was all the drinks I had taken, but… the feelings I had for her far eclipsed anything I ever had with Alysanne or anyone else. Part of me felt shitty that I couldn't bear a stronger grudge for what she did…

"I still do, no matter how hard I try to fight it." I sighed, shaking my head. "Everything I do… is for you. For you, I would take up this duty of being King. For you, I'd put entire kingdoms to ruin. For you, I'd be the so-called hero of the world…"

Raiden Shogun's eyes glowed a warmer purple tone.

"My happiness, my love, my desire, my passion… you are everything to me."

I reached out.

"My greatest wish was, is and always will be… to one day hold you in my arms." I smiled. "When that day comes, I will never let go. You could hurl a thousand lightning bolts my way, but I'd still hold on tight."

"Who said that I would ever halt you?" She questioned. "I never intend to leave your side again."

She floated down to me, and I felt the warmest I had since I could remember.

"Never…" I remarked. "I want to hear you say how you feel, my dearest Shogun."

"... Don't you know already?" She blinked.

"I prefer if you were more blunt and honest rather than dancing around it…"

"So you wish for me to spell it out for you…"

"Yes, precisely." I smiled. "Would you indulge your sole retainer?"

"Very well…" She nodded, taking a pause.

"I love you."

Those three words made everything else seem irrelevant. 

"That's… all I wanted to hear." I closed my eyes. "Goodnight, Raiden."

"... Goodnight."

Even so, I could not forget so easily.


Status Page

Name: Edric Storm

Age: 12


-Charm: 60 (Diplomat II)

-Leadership: 50 (Inspiring Leader II - Your men are more inclined to put their lives on the line for your success)

-Steward: 40 (Midas Touch I)


-Athletics: 86 (Titan IV)

-Battle Instincts: 60 (Hyper Focus II - Able to slow down direct attacks)

-Warhammer: 61 (Thunderous Warhammer II - Your warhammer is more likely to crack through armour)


-Sword: 70 (Swordskill III)

-Riding: 65 (Riding II)

-Armour: 53 (Fortress II - Heavy armour weighs you down less)


-Marksman: 95 (Sniper IV)

-Scouting: 42 (Scouting II - Able to perceive tracks more effectively)

-Throwing: 75 (Throwing III)


-Blacksmithing: 32 (Blacksmithing I)

-Engineering: 52 (Engineering II - Engineering projects take fewer resources than usual.)


-Roguery: 17

-Trade: 22 (Merchant I)

-Medicine: 16


-Storm Manipulation: 25 (Stormlord I (Storm's Ascent) - Controlling Storm-related elements is less draining. Also grants one limited access to the Plane of Euthymia, where one can store items and draw them out.)


Advanced chapter (25) alongside a timeline are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev

Advanced chapters up to 28 on my pat, which will always be +3 ahead of Discord and +4 ahead of Webnovel (pat reon.com/SovereignOfHeaven)

Author's note:

I've made the resolution to write Raiden's Storm every day instead of being lazy from time to time or focusing on other projects, even during workdays (my days off are usually when I complete chapters, namely Tuesday, Friday and Saturday). I was inspired by Stephen King, who once wrote;

"Once I start work on a project, I don't stop, and I don't slow down unless I absolutely have to. If I don't write every day, the characters begin to stale off in my mind --- they begin to seem like characters instead of real people. The tale's narrative cutting edge starts to rust, and I begin to lose my hold on the story's plot and pace."

I wholeheartedly agree, as I've experienced it first-hand. The last time I genuinely finished a book was in the summer of 2020... which was a long, long, time ago. It was my first real fic and the only thing I wrote during that point in time. Of course, I had a shit ton more free time back then because of covid and the lack of any responsibilities irl, but that's beside the point. I choose to be more disciplined as a writer and put pen to paper every day - even when it's not particularly 'easy', or the words aren't exactly coming to me. 

Anyway, that's enough of my tangent. The next chapter is likely to come out tomorrow. I appreciate all the support this story has received so far and hope to cook up a true, completed masterpiece.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C24
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


