
Chapter 47 – Sunset 

Enjoy your extra chapter as a reward for achieving the Power Stones goal.


Yukio originally planned to send Ishizaki and Albert back and take a nap in the dorm, but after encountering the bulk of Class C in the restaurant, he was dragged to a karaoke session. Amidst the cacophony, occasionally there were genuinely pleasant voices to be heard.

Following the karaoke, they all went to see a movie. Every student was brimming with enthusiasm, as all expenses for the trip were generously covered by the school. This fact sent the students' spirits soaring as they made the most of the school's generosity.

Leaving the movie theater as dusk approached, Yukio separated from the Class C group, who were heading to the opera house, and went to the deck alone.

Students from other classes were also on the deck, admiring the rare seascape. For most people, enjoying the sea view is a perfect, cost-free way to relieve inner stress. The gentle blue tide seemed to silently soothe everyone's soul.

It's easy to believe that at the end of that azure ocean, where the sky meets the sea, there lies a nebulous belonging where one can have the most tender dreams, shedding the rush of the world and basking in unique tenderness.

"Ah, Yukio-kun." Just as Yukio was lost in his thoughts, facing the sea, he heard the lively greeting of Ichinose behind him.

Ichinose, without any awkwardness, naturally stood beside Yukio, leaning on the railing to gaze into the distance. Her eyes, as gentle as the sea, were filled with warmth.

The sea breeze playfully tousled her hair as if it were a mischievous child, but Ichinose smiled contentedly, not minding the wind's antics. She occasionally raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Yukio watched intently. In his artistic perception, there are two actions by girls that are incredibly beautiful: one is the delicate act of removing high heels with a single hand against the wall, bending slightly with one knee raised. The other is what Ichinose was doing at that moment, lightly tucking her hair behind her ear, revealing a glimpse of her graceful neck.

"Yukio-kun, you might need to get ready," Ichinose said, apparently captivated by the majestic seascape and unaware of Yukio's gaze. She started to discuss something else.

Yukio, not getting lost in her beauty, quickly grasped her intention: "So, the class president of Class B came here specially to warn me, her competitor?"

While everyone was enjoying the luxury cruise, her sudden mention of preparation was a clear hint. It was almost as if she was pointing out the obvious, that taking advantage of the school's generosity might have strings attached.

Yukio's implication was clear, even if the school had arranged some sort of competition, Ichinose had no reason to come and warn him. Her visit indicated that there was more to the situation than just enjoying a luxurious trip.

"It seems to be the case," Ichinose said with an innocent smile, seeming a bit embarrassed. "But we are all classmates, and if possible, I hope everyone can be well-prepared before facing the competition."

"It's not just Yukio-kun. I was actually planning to remind the students from Class A and Class D as well."

Yukio suddenly remembered a line from a book he had read in his previous life. It was an intriguing thought: "I dislike gentle girls because they are gentle to everyone, and I mistakenly thought she was only gentle to me."

He felt it was a pity that he hadn't finished the book before his unexpected journey to this world, still unaware of its ending. However, Yukio had a different perspective on that quote. He didn't dislike gentle girls at all.

To Yukio, what's there to dislike? If you can make a gentle girl yours, then you will receive a special kindness that others can never even imagine, let alone receive. The gentleness everyone gets is mundane, but what you receive is unique and special.

"Yukio-kun?" Ichinose, noticing Yukio lost in thought, called out to him a bit awkwardly. "Do you not want me to warn the other classes? That wouldn't be good."

"I already met with Katsuragi-kun from Class A at noon and told him. And even if I didn't say anything, students from other classes might figure it out too."

Yukio shook his head with a smile, discarding his tangled thoughts. "You misunderstood. It doesn't matter if other classes know. I was just wondering, have I ever told you that you are very kind?"

"Ah?!" Ichinose was momentarily confused, as if someone had suddenly switched topics from mathematics to the Renaissance in the middle of a discussion. She became slightly embarrassed and shyly lowered her head, her cheeks glowing in the orange sunset. It was hard to tell if it was the sunset that colored her cheeks or if her natural blush was more radiant than the evening sky.

Despite her shyness, Ichinose's etiquette was admirable. She only paused for a few seconds before shyly nodding her head, "Yes…, you have."

Her demeanor clearly indicated she was not used to praising herself. Yukio couldn't resist teasing her a bit. Before he realized it, his right thumb and forefinger gently pinched Ichinose's cheek.

Standing at the bow of the ship, they could see the beautiful sunset in the distance behind them, the sun no longer as blinding as during the day but still stunningly beautiful.

The lingering twilight, as if spotlighting a newlywed couple, cast long shadows on the deck. If a painter were present, they would surely be inspired to create a masterpiece that would garner immense attention.

"Eh? Eh! Yukio-kun?" Ichinose finally came back to her senses, a bit puzzled as she looked at Yukio, not understanding why she was being pinched.

"I was just verifying something," Yukio said with a laugh, withdrawing his hand. "It seems you really are exceptionally gentle, Ichinose. You don't even get mad when I pinch your cheek. Now, I believe it."

"Is that so?" Ichinose appeared to be easily convinced, looking somewhat dazed as if still assessing the truth of his words.

Yukio quickly turned his head away, pretending to watch the sunset so that no one would notice his eyes crinkling with laughter.

The sun seemed to sink into the sea, first disappearing from the bottom up, gradually accelerating. It resembled a worker finally going home to rest after a day's work.

The last rays of light turned the distant clouds red, slowly fading away as if they were colleagues bidding farewell to the sun after accompanying it throughout the day.

"Uh!" It was only then that Ichinose suddenly realized, Yukio wasn't actually verifying her gentleness; he was just joking around!

Realizing this, the girl playfully chided, "So you were just being mischievous, Yukio-kun!"

"How about I make it up to you by watching the sunset together?" Yukio casually threw out another comment, causing Ichinose to fall into thought again.

"That... do we have to pay to watch the sunset?"

Her question was met with Yukio's uncontrollable, joyous laughter. The sound of his laughter at the ship's bow drew the attention of many students nearby.

The image of the young man laughing heartily in the twilight, with the girl playfully tugging at his sleeve, painted a picture of youth so beautifully blissful.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C47
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


