57.14% The Clone Commander / Chapter 8: New Everything?

章 8: New Everything?

** I'm changing a few things. Dust was promoted to Senior Commander. It's the same shit but I'm renaming it. It will be like this

Grand Army—10 systems armies (3,000,000 troopers) led by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.[18] The number 3,000,000 was Sifo-Dyas' initial order, as the number of total clones increased during the war.

Systems Army—2 Sector Armies (294,912 troopers) led by a High Jedi General (Jedi High Council Member).

Sector Army—4 corps (147,456 troopers) led by a Senior Jedi General (Jedi Master).

Corps/Division—4 legions (36,864 troopers) led by a Marshal Commander and a Jedi General (Jedi Knight or Master).

Legion/Brigade—4 regiments (9,216 troopers) led by a Senior Commander and a Jedi General (Jedi Knight).

Regiment—4 battalions (2,304 troopers) led by a Regimental Commander and a Jedi Commander (Jedi Padawan)

Battalion—4 companies (576 troopers) led by a Battalion Commander and a Major.

Company—4 platoons (144 troopers) led by a Captain and a Lieutenant.

Platoon—4 squads (36 troopers) led by a Second Lieutenant and Sergeant-Major.

Squad—9 troopers led by a Sergeant and Corporal.

So Sinker, Tyr, Cheek and Stenge is Regimental Commanders. Gonk and Boost is Battalion Commanders


Oooh, now I remember. It's Hunter, from the bad batch. What was their squad named again? Squad 99? Oh, Clone Force 99.

He was training with a Vibro knife. Why does that feel so familiar? Oh right, shit the Vibrosword. I totally forgot I had that. It should be on the ship. Well Hunter would be a nice guy to spar against but I need to warm up first. 

I went towards the bot panel and I quickly selected the Commando Droids. Even though they weren't known I had found one of them and they were researched and transferred to every training facility. I then press on Vibrosword for the bot. However that's when multiple options for my Vibroblade came up. 

"Commando Vibroblade"

"Mandalorian Vibroblade"

"Naydin Vibrosword"

Oooh, the Naydin Vibrosword looks dope. I quickly pressed on it. 

That's when a sword was lifted out of the ground. The Metal had a beautiful white color and the hilt was black. ( Search it up. ) It was about the length of my back but a bit smaller. A little shorter than the Darkblade. 

I had gotten some information with the Vibroswords from the Commando Vibroblade but I did a few slashes to get familiar with it.

I then engaged the droid. The droid's skill level was set to medium, about the level of the command droids. 

I immediately started with an overheard slash with both hands to put extra power behind it. The Naydin Vibrosword had a handle barely enough for my two hands but it was meant to use with one hand. 

However the droid was much stronger than me and blocked the strike, he even pushed me back.

I jumped back and got myself back into my stance. With my right feet forward and left feed sideways. This time the droid attacked it did a right slash. Instead of holding my sword still I parried by using my right hand to intercept the blade. Both our swords were pushed backwards but mine more than his.

He went for another slash but I stepped into his guard and attempted to hit him in the face with the tip of the handle but he jumped back. 

We then engaged again, the results being mostly the same. Him overpowering me, I parry and try some new tricks and he steps back. In the end I got so exhausted I had to end the simulation.

That's when I heard a voice behind me. 

"That's a Blade, not a knife. You're not meant to use it in close range. It's too slow." 

I turned around, it was Hunter.

"You're meant to use it like a sword, keep your distance just far enough that the blade reach and attempt to redirect the sword. Not parry and step into his guard." Hunter said as he looked straight at me.

"Alright" I simply said as I started the simulation again.

I was exhausted as fuck but I continued. 

Me and the droid continued the battle for 2 minutes until I saw the opportunity to redirect the strike. It was a cross slash from top right to bottom left. I quickly put my sword into a guard position diagonally over my head. And when the sword was about to hit all time slowed down as I began letting my sword downwards just under the commando sword, I shifted my sword upwards as I let it slide across the sword until it reached the midpoint where I in slow motion put my sword over the commando sword and pushed it down with all my force.

The droid had no time to react as he stumbled forward with his sword due to the unexpected force and he couldn't take it back. I then sent my sword straight towards his stumbling body with a left slash and beheaded that droid. 

"Good job. You're a fast learner, Commander." Hunter said congratulating me.

"Thank you Sergeant, you're not too shabby as a teacher." I said.

"Puh, not too shabby. Okay. Well here, that's a training manual on Vibroswords, been sitting on it for a while without using it." He said as he threw me a small device. A Holo Transmitter, similar to Holocroms that the Jedi use but not as fancy.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I said with a smile and a handshake.

"No problem, call me if you need help." He said before walking away.

After Hunter walked away I continued training for about 3 hours until I got completely exhausted. I then sent a request to the Kaminoan armory through my comms asking for a Naydin Vibrosword as my combat arsenal, usually request made by a commander is accepted. 

After getting back to the dorm and showering I went to the cantina. I took a new set of off-duty clothes and sat down to eat. However as I arrived I realized my guys weren't there so I went to the officer spot. It required a ID to get into. 

That's when I spotted Sinker. He was sitting there alongside 2 other clone troopers. I decided to approach them as they would serve directly under me in the future. 

"Greetings, Commander." I said sitting down. You didn't say "Senior" "Regimental" unless it was a full former salute, but people just knew who was the senior commander among them. They moved to stand up and salute me but I intercepted them.

"Sit down. No need for all that." I said with a smile as all 3 of them slowly sat down.

"I'm Senior Commander C-8788, they call me Dust." I said making the groundworks for our introduction.

"I'm Regimental Commander CT-4355 they call me Sinker sir." Sinker said as he turned to his fellow mates. 

"This is Battalion Commander CT-6573 we call him Comet." Sinker said as he moved his right hand from Comet to the guy beside him.

"This is Second Lieutenant CT-4860, we call him Booster." Sinker finished.

I guess me becoming the Commander of the Wolfpack and it being a legion now changes up things. Sinker is meant to be a Sergeant, Comet a Corporal and Booster a normal trooper. They are all now officer. 

"I see, well seeing as your unit didn't change much except your Commander. You guys have the day free. But tomorrow morning we'll form up and introduce our new guys. We have a total of 2 regiments and 2 battalions of newly trained infantry, we also have a new shiny heavy battalion." I said as they became quiet.

"Either way, we'll move with the 9th Corp to the Dantooine system and the 1st Systems Army. Tomorrow morning. We will travel alongside the 10th and 11th Corp to a checkpoint where we will wait for the rest of the army, I do not quite know where this is but we'll be briefed tomorrow while traveling." I finished as all 3 of them nodded. 

With that we began talking for about 30 minutes about different topics, from weapons, to the war, to strategy to the republic. After 30 minutes I left them alone as I went towards my office. 

That's when I spotted 2 of my men walking with something in their hands. It was an armor, but there was indeed something unique about it. And I found out quickly enough, because I saw the guy who wore this get killed. It was Jango Fett's armor. The first guy was carrying the weapon under his arms and a large suitcase which I presumed the armor was in. The second guy was carrying two suitcases. 1 about the size of a jetpack, meanwhile the second looked like a pistol suitcase. I guess the big one was for the jetpack meanwhile the small was for his dual WESTAR-32 pistols and his vambraces, which included a flamethrower, wrist blades and a fibercord whip. 

This would be perfect if I ever entered the underworld business, but how do I get ahold of that. I decided to improvise.

"Trooper, where are you taking that?" I asked with a loud voice while approaching them. They put the stuff down and saluted me.

"Commander!" They both said in unison.

"So?" I asked. I didn't have my helmet on and was off duty so I just stared at them. 

"This is to be taken to the armory on Kamino in respect of Jango Fett's service to the republic." He said. 

"I see, well Mace Windu informed me that they have a Mandalorian Armory at the temple and therefore told me to bring any Mandalorian armor we receive to him. So could you bring it to my quarters and I'll get it transferred to the temple later?" I said with an air of confidence.

"Yes, sir! Right away, sir!" They both said in unison as they turned around and walked towards my chambers.

Great, now I got a disguise and armor for the off-duty shady stuff I might do to get some cash.

After that I just walked around for a while. I saw cadets doing the citadel training. I remember when I did that one. 

And in the end I decided to go to the shooting range. However this time I chose the DC15S. It was much better at close range than the DC15A. My aim with the DC15A and DC17 Pistols were extremely close to perfect and I therefore decided to train another weapon. 

It took me 2 minutes from the Citadel to the shooting range. I entered the building training simulation. I immediately put the difficulty to max. The building was shaped to the same size as an average building in Coruscant and it was an apartment complex. I was meant to enter room 302 at the 3rd floor. I spawned outside the apartment. My armaments was the GALAAR-15 Blaster Carbine, which was what the Mandalorian Guards and Death Watch used and DUAL WESTAR-35 which was what I planned to use as a Mandalorian. My armor however was the usual clone armor.

Immediately after entering the apartment complex I saw the 2 guards at the door turn their blaster pistols towards me, they were pyke men with pyke pistols. The GALAAR-15 was an extremely accurate gun, it was extremely hard for newbeginners to use due to the slow rate of fire, however when you got good with it or at aiming in general, it became an exquisite gun. Luckily for me, I was extremely good at aiming. And 2 shots to each of their heads ended them. 

I quickly moved on, out of the corner of my eye I saw to civilians sitting by a corner jumping to the side indicating enemies coming from that way. Additionally I saw the receptionist reach something with her hand. She had to bend sideways due to it being long dow.

Bad move.

I quickly took my carbine and shot 2 precise shot at her, one in the arm and one in the head. To be safe. The mission was also to exit and I couldn't do that with hundreds of Coruscant Police Droids outside. 

With that I went to a table sitting closely to the entrance. I pushed it to the ground so I had cover and peaked up just in time for another pyke solider to rush around the corner already firing. 

However his aim was way off due to not having properly spotted him and only a Commando could get even close with that speed and angle, so I didn't even bother following the shot to dodge and instead shot 2 shots at his chest.

Another jumped from behind the corner and took cover the same way as I did before I could shoot him and then 2 others came around the corner. One having an actual blaster, who crouched to begin shooting while the 2nd did the same as the first guy to come around the corner. 

The guy standing was an easy finish but I couldn't take the second as the guy behind cover had begun shooting. 

I realised It was very much unlikely I would win if this continued so instead of peaking above I peaked to the side of the table catching the only guy with a proper position lacking and he didn't live long. However I didn't get back to cover and shot the guy crouching. He was finito. 

Then instead of going back behind cover I stood up and held my finger down on the trigger, releasing laser at a slow pace, but still enough to temporarily stop whoever was about to come around next.

I continued shooting as I moved towards the stairs, and when I went into the doors to the stairs I ceased my fire and began running upwards. 

I moved upwards in military formation, having my gun stationed upwards and glancing towards every floor I passed. I reached the stairs over the 2nd floor when someone came charging through and without even thinking I turned around and shot whoever it was. 

It was civilian with a grenade. Damn. Well rather me than him but that's unnecessary. Damn Kaminoans.

I quickly reached the 3rd floor. The door looked like some old school high school door with two small windows in it. I just slipped a look through it and I got shot at. Around the door stood 5 pyke guards, 2 with automatic rifles and 3 with pistols. 

The doors could go both ways so I put my Carbine on my back as I took out my WESTAR-35 Pistols in both hands. I was lying sideways with one foot on the corner of the door which I would use to throw myself back and another at the door ready to kick it. 

I kicked the door and immediately after 46 shots lazed over my head each of them firing multiple shots. Due to the door being only halfway open I could only see 3 of them. I could see the heads of 1 man with a gun and 1 with a rifle, additionally I could see the feet of the 3rd guy who had a rifle. 

Before they realised I was on the ground I shot a shot from each of my pistols, ending the 2 men I could see properly, I then used my right hand to shoot the 3rd guy in the feet just as I used my leg to push myself backwards. Just in time for 2 shots to land there.

The Rifle guy would be incapacitated for a few seconds so I quickly stood up. Put my pistols facing straight up but infront of me. Waited 3 seconds before I kicked the door. This time they shot the air 4 times before the ground 2 times, immediately after hitting the ground I jumped forward rolling on the ground before turning in a crouch position and shooting 2 shots, killing the 2 last guys. Complete Rex style.

I put my pistols in their holster as I took out my carbine and shot the last crippled guy.

I immediately turned around 360 degrees checking everywhere for possible hostiles. After clearing the entrance I began walking towards room 303. After following room after room I realized room 303 was around a corner. And there was definitely guards outside, and they definitely hear my gunfight. 

I had a small mirror which I used to look around the corner. There was 3 guards situated outside the room. 1 standing in the middle looking both ways and 2 on each side looking left and right each. 

Luckily they hadn't spotted me.

There had been 15 seconds since the gunfight and they probably didn't expect me yet. I don't even know why they standing out in the open. Would be much smarter to stand at the corner I'm at. Either way, I took a quick peek around the corner with my carbine and shot the guy looking at me. Without giving the other 2 the ability to respond, 2 shots boomed out of my carbine, and 2 things hit the ground. 

I quickly walked up to the door, I needed to enter the apartment quickly as I stood in the open right now. 

I had gotten a small door bomb in the mission which I used. I put it on and ran behind the corner I arrived at. I was aiming at the entrance and just as it exploded 2 pyke men came through. The carbine was just as optimal at this range as anytime else I've used it, if not even more. 2 shots and they were down.

After they got killed I turned around and entered the apartment. 

There was 2 pyke solider at the entrance being dazed and on the ground, they were probably waiting for me and didn't expect a bomb. I quickly fired at both of them. Ending their daze. However I didn't stand there, I had gotten the blueprints of the room and knew where the target was. However I didn't know what the target was, could be an item or a person. 

I had to go through the kitchen first.

I expected them to stand behind the counter or something, but instead of waiting for me, they attacked.

When I came into the entrance a pyke man jumped onto me from behind the corner with a short sword. 

I used my gun to hold him away holding on both sides of the carbine. 

After regaining my composure I used all the power in my right foot as I kicked his feet, tackling me to the ground.

However he held onto the gun and I simply let go of it.

Before he could understand he held a gun and was on the ground, a shot rang out.

I had taken my right WESTAR-35 and ended him. I put the WESTAR back in the holster and I took my carbine back from his dead body.

After passing the kitchen I arrived at the hostage room, and there a senator stood. 

L0rds2278 L0rds2278

3000 words, god damn

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


