35.71% The Clone Commander / Chapter 5: Battle Of Geonosis 4

章 5: Battle Of Geonosis 4

** Authors note

Yeah, just realised I said muzzles instead of suppressors so just ignore that and every time I said muzzles it was actually suppressors. Sorry

When the droids turned around the corner they were not met by the expected 4 clones but instead 24 clones raining fire at them. However they did not stop and continued around the corner. They barely managed to get a few shots through the barrage that were fired at them.

The droids numbers quickly began to diminish, as my unit was beginning to falter and the droid beginning to fire back, the rest of the unit arrived, however they were not in formation and simply arrived beside the formation and began firing. However they didn't have suppressors and the full sound of the blasters filled the hallways. But In all fairness, the droids wasn't using suppressors, so yeah.

The droid platoon was quickly overwhelmed by a larger and more skilled force. They didn't even manage to damage any clones due to the perfect chokehold the clones had and the stupidity of the droids. After 1 minute the droids was completely obliterated.

I then walked to Sergeant.

"Seems you ended up causing problems after all, and you ended up having to be saved by the so called "regulars" I will have you as the vanguard, but alongside my unit." I said without leaving room for discussion as I left right after. I simply didn't have the time to argue about that as of right now. I quickly removed all the current formations, I told all of them to begin running towards the command centre. Speed was important now as the droids had definitely noticed headquarters and we couldn't let them get reinforcements.

Even though we had no formation we were stilling following the basic clearing procedure where we cleared hallways properly and not charging into them.

In the end it only took us 4 minutes to reach the command centre. We were currently standing behind a corner where we could see the command centre. However it was no easy task to enter.

When we were getting close to the command centre I had ordered Rex to go another way so he was currently on the other corner of the command centre alongside his unit. Guarding the doors were a platoon of 224 Droids. I signalled to Rex and at the same time our forces went out of hiding and into the open and began firing. Most used the covers of the walls to fire, others laid down and others were crouching, a few were also standing.

The same happened on the other side and the droid platoon was quickly diminishing by the second and after 25 there wasn't any survivors.

Luckily there were only two entrances to the command centre and we had control of both. Both me and Rex left a platoon to guard while the rest went to the command centre. A total of 7 Platoons was standing outside. The Command centre had definitely heard the fight and I'm pretty sure we would meet a few commando droids inside. My 1st platoon and the commando squad would enter first. We quickly prepared ourselves as Slicer was slicing the door open.

After a few seconds the door opened with a sound and the commandos quickly jumped in, rolling into the command centre. They quickly got a view of the situation. A large command centre extremely similar to the Venator but without the two control parts inside the ground. Instead it had different stages and it had space for around 50 fighters, there were 15 Commando droids and 35 B2 Super Battle Droids, Delta Squad quickly took cover behind one of the desks before they began firing back.

I also entered alongside the 9th squad, we slid behind a desk on the left while delta squad was on the right side.

I peeked alongside my DC15A and shot 2 precise shots into a B2 Battledroid making it explode and pushing another B2 of its feet.

I took out my comms and screamed.

"Focus on the B2's!!"

Everyone understood my command and began ignoring the commando droids. I realised that we had to move on as there weren't enough space behind the first desks.

I peeked and shot 6 repeating shots into 3 different B2's standing in the flank of the 2nd desk area. With them being down I slid over the desk and rolled down to the 2nd line of desks.

Delta Squad understood my reasoning and quickly did the same.

"9th squad, move down to me." I said into my comms.

They acknowledged the order by also jumping over their desks and sliding down. The rest gave cover fire. This continued till we reached the 4th desk row. We currently had 10 squads in the command centre and we had killed around 20 B2's and surprisingly 2 Commando droids. I then ordered everyone to lay supressing fire at the same time.

They completed the order perfectly. The Bs were built so they couldn't crouch and as such they were obliterated by the fire of over 100 clones. However the Commando droids didn't loose anyone. However it was at that time that a Seperatist Council pressed on a button on his communicator. Suddenly everyone's gun's flew into the roof.

Shit I muttered under my breath, this was bad. The Commando droids was monsters in hand to hand combat. Luckily my sword wasn't taken away as it was custom made to counter these traps.

"Everyone, get together in squads and stay together, do not fight these droids alone!" I said

However my shout identified my as the leader and 7 Commando droids quickly charged towards me.

I took out a sword and prepared to face them. But quickly four people attacked them, these were the Commando Squad, 4 of the commando droids was forced to engage them in hand to hand combat, they were equally matched with the droids having an advantage in strength. The 3 other droids quickly advanced towards me, however the always loyal 9th squad worked together to jump a commando droid but failed to get a second one.

The first droid sped ahead of the 2nd, it took out its sword and sent a overheard slash towards me. I quickly averted a bit to the side with my body before swinging around and slashing sideways towards him. However his buddy droid came to his rescue and blocked it. At the same time the first droid sent a diagonal slash towards me. I crouched down and barely avoided it.

I then rolled on the ground before stabbing my sword towards the feet of the commando droid. It was caught unaware and it quickly lost its footing. I rose up and as it was about to fall it did a backflip before standing back up again but on 1 foot.

At the same time the 1st droid sent another overboard slash that I parried. However I tried to lead the force so slide across my sword which surprisingly worked. His sword was thrown off its mark and I used the chance to quickly sever its head with a diagonal slash.

I turned towards the 2nd droid just in time for it to throw itselfs towards me with the sword in front situated at a stabbing position. I quickly sidestepped the stab but instead of slashing at his body I slashed at his sword, his lack of 1 foot made his stability lower and therefore he lost control of his sword for 2 seconds, but it was enough for me to swing around while crouching and cut off his last leg. He fell on the ground and I stabbed him.

I looked around and saw that the commandos Squad had defeated each of their enemies while the regular troopers were still fighting. A lot of clones were on the ground holding broken ribs, feet, arms but no deadly wounds. Luckily the commando droids was heavily outnumbered and we could replace everyone we lost. After 1 more minute of fighting and the clone commandos helping, we finally killed the last commando droid.

Slicer quickly went to the machine that the Seperatist Councilman used to disarm us and deactivated it. We all quickly took out weapons before putting all the wounded in a corner and the field medic helping them. A tot of 32 had broken stuff and 1 had his neck snapped. I quickly ordered my 1st and 2nd platoon to stay alongside the commandos. All the wounded where from these two platoons and the dead was from the elite of Rex. The rest took their weapons before heading out to assist Rex and Tyr in securing the command Center.

I ordered the remaining of our people inside to begin rounding up the Seperatist Prisoners and for Slicer to begin gaining information.

I also ordered five tech men to jam all communications except the ones between us and the other units.

Once it was set up I contacted Plo Koon.

"General, I have taken control of the command Center. How is it going over there?"

"Good job Captain. I have just destroy the last of the inactive droids, we are currently moving towards the barracks. How many Councilors do you have imprisoned?"

"About 2 and 4 assistants"

"I see, there are a total of 12 councilors so we'll see how many I catch." Plo Koon said

"Alright, we are currently jamming all droid communication but you can communicate with the other units."

"Good job, I will contact my fellow Jedi and his Captain the give you new orders."

"Understood General!" I said as the comm went dark.

I then signalled to Boss and be walked over to the two Seperatist Councilors to begin interrogating them.

I then decided to go outside to talk with Captain Rex and Lieutenant Tyr.

"What's the situation?" I asked Tyr and Rex as I arrived and they were outside chatting.

"Captain, we have secured both entrances and we are basically just waiting for enemies to arrive." Tyr answered.

"I see, since General Mundi turned off the flight stuff he also turned off the cameras so we are essentially blind. Send a few squads down the corridors and have 1 be stationed at each corner. If they see any droids have them report to us. This will give us the ability to see when they come before they come."

"Understood!" They both said before moving to execute my orders. I went back into the room as it seemed Boss had gathered some information.

"Greetings, Captain."

"Did you get any information?"

"Fixer is still looking for information but I got some out of the Councilors. They had spear all the Councilors into two ships, this one and another. However this was meant to serve as a kind of distraction as all the lower ranked Councilors are here and the higher ranked ones there. There should be around 4 of them in the barracks."

"Thank you, continue with the good work." I said as I received a call. I quickly walked away before answering. It was Plo Koon

"Captain, both Master Mundi and Captain Jet have completed their objective and they are currently in the process of exterminating all the droids in the lower levels. It seemed that we luckily managed to dispose of the inactive droids before they became active. My troops have also cleared the Councilors barracks and they have found 4 of them. We are currently moving to you so we can have all the Councilors in the same area."

"I see, thank you General. I managed to gather some information from the Councilors. There should be 6 lower ranked councilmen on this ship and another 6 higher ranked on another who's already left Geonosis. Fixer is still gathering information and I have also sent scouts throughout the upper levels. Once you arrive we can begin exterminating the Droid Forces."

"Very good, I will be there soon." As he said that the call cut.

Time began passing and quickly 2 hours had passed, Plo Koon had met up with my unit and we had left my company to guard due to our number of trooos needing medical attention, the 3 other companies split into 2 and began clearing the upper floor, we also sent a small unit to get the camera system back online. It took 30 minutes but the job was then quickly completed within 1 hour. We had just gathered all our troops, prisoners, information and goods and left the ship. We didn't leave through the tunnels but the main gate. The battle had ended 20 minutes ago and we currently had full control.

We were on our way to the Forward Command Centre to meet Master Yoda, Master Windu and Marshal Commanders Ponds and Gree.

** Authors note

Decided to do a triple release because of ya'll to wait and because I really got into writing this time so couldn't stop.

Again tell me if I did anything wrong and sorry about the suppressor thing.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


