
章 28: Kakashi vs Sasuke - Part 1

Sasuke faced Hatake Kakashi with an expression full of excitement.

"I'll throw this rock in the air. When the rock hits the ground, we'll begin," Kakashi said.

Sasuke nodded.

As soon as the rock touched the ground, Kakashi almost disappeared. Sasuke's expression turned a little more serious, and a small smirk appeared on his face.

In the next moment, Sasuke sidestepped and avoided a strike aimed at the back of his neck.

'Assassination style taijutsu,' Sasuke thought.

Sasuke immediately took a defensive stance centered around counterattacking. It was one of the Hakuda styles. Sasuke could use his Uchiha style, but he didn't want to use his eyes so soon into the spar.

Kakashi disappeared again behind some nearby trees.

'He's baiting me to use the Sharingan to spot him. Does he want me to exhaust my chakra in a prolonged battle? I can also play this game.'

Sasuke immediately started moving toward the trees, but two hands caught his legs.

'Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique.'

However, at the same time, Sasuke disappeared, and a log appeared in his position. He had already predicted a move like that.

The original Sasuke was already hidden behind a tree when his instincts screamed at him and he used his right hand to defend against an overhead kick.

"My sweet student can use the replacement jutsu with no hand signs already. Not bad," the man said with a teasing smile.

The exchanges continued, and neither side gained the advantage.

"Sensei, I think we should both try a little harder," Sasuke said.

It was time for Sasuke to use one of his new techniques.

Sasuke immediately increased his speed, no longer giving Kakashi an opportunity to escape into the shadows. Of course, Kakashi accepted the challenge and decided to humor him with a different style.

Kakashi's new style was completely lethal, focusing on the body's natural weak points. Sasuke changed his style to a variation of Taichi which was using the palms to strike the opponent.

'Let's try this.'

Kakashi tried an extremely fast punch towards Sasuke's throat. Sasuke deflected it with his palm, but then his fingers changed to a 'forehead flick.'

"Oni dekopin," Sasuke shouted. Of course, the reason he called out his technique was to let Kakashi prepare himself and avoid accidents since he knew Kakashi wasn't taking him seriously.

This was Sasuke's first experiment in replicating a Hakuda style that originally used both reiatsu and strength. Up to this point, he had only used simple taijutsu styles. He wanted to start with something simple, and this technique had really made an impression on him when Isshin used it against him. Of course, the power could not be compared to the original one. His current chakra could not be compared with his old reiatsu level and his current physical strength is a joke compared to his old body.

Kakashi was immediately alarmed and managed to move his head to the right at the last moment. However, he didn't completely dodge the technique, and a small scratch appeared on his cheek, cutting a part of his mask.

Kakashi was completely surprised. He was informed by the Hokage that the young Uchiha is even more talented than Itachi, but he told him that he didn't have access to any jutsu aside the academy 3 and the fireball jutsu. As a result, he didn't have his guard up for something like this. 

'This kid has created an original technique, and not just any technique, but a very fast, practical, and deadly one. This technique is a high C rank. I thought that the idea of him being more talented than Itachi was an overestimation of his abilities, but it seems that there is some truth to it,' Kakashi thought.

"I have underestimated you, Sasuke. This is a very interesting technique. Let's see... Your shape manipulation is superb... You expelled raw chakra from your finger and temporarily formed a ball-like shape, and then you used the muscles in your fingers to propel it... The timing is crucial because you can't sustain the chakra outside of your body for a long time, and you need to propel it as soon as you expel it... Let's try this."

Kakashi changed his style and surprisingly decided to use a variation of the Gentle Fist. Sasuke didn't push him too hard because he was curious to see if he could replicate his technique.

In the first few exchanges, Kakashi saw an opening and immediately tried to use the technique.

"Oni dekopin," he said with a smirk.

Immediately, a small ball appeared, but the speed and strength were almost half compared to Sasuke's.

"The shape is really lacking. I need to make it more cylindrical and aerodynamic," Kakashi said without stopping their exchange.

In the next opening, Kakashi once again said, "Oni dekopin."

This time the technique reached almost 75% power. Kakashi didn't really try to harm him, and Sasuke easily dodged it.

"My sweet student, I have heard that you already have 3 girlfriends. It seems that the muscles in your fingers are really trained. I am so proud," he said with a smile.

However, his thoughts were different. 'Just how hard has this kid trained his fingers?'

"You are really interesting, Kakashi-sensei," Sasuke said with a smile.

"My sweet student, you are so experienced with sweet talk, but your teacher doesn't swing that way. However, as an 'experienced' sensei, it is my duty to help you improve your fingering skills."

Sasuke immediately gave him an opening, and Kakashi said, 

"Hatake style - Oni dekopin – max pleasure."

It was the same technique, but the bullet was no longer raw chakra but lightning. The level of the technique immediately raised to low B-rank. The technique was much faster, and Kakashi targeted a tree next to Sasuke to play it safe.

"Sensei, you are really shameless. No wonder people hate the Copy Ninja. But as your sweet student, it is my duty to inform you that this is not a Hatake original style. I had already developed the same technique."

Sasuke immediately created a distance from Kakashi and used the technique with both his hands at the same time.

One of his hands used the technique with lightning, and the other used the technique with fire.

Kakashi was now truly impressed.

"My dear student, you can't really blame me for copying your techniques. After all, I didn't use my Sharingan but only my deductions. Also, it's no wonder that you have 3 girlfriends and I am single... 

However, it's not good if in our first meetings we keep fingering each other. I think it's time to get serious."

Lee and Gai were watching the duo with excitement.

Lee looked at his sensei with stars in his eyes and said, "Sensei, I can now understand the coolness of your rival that you talked about."

Gai looked at him with his iconic smile and shouted, "LEE!"





With each exchange, both Kakashi and Sasuke were getting more serious. Even though Sasuke had trained his body to an extreme degree in the last years, Kakashi was also extremely trained, a genius, and an adult with a stronger and more developed body.

Sasuke found himself in the losing end, receiving more and more hits.

"Sensei, I will step up my game now," Sasuke said and deactivated the weight seals. Suddenly he was 200kg lighter. The sensation was liberating.

Sasuke was so fast that he almost disappeared and reappeared next to Kakashi. The target of his punch was Kakashi's nose. The punch managed to hit Kakashi, but Kakashi sensed it and used his forehead to accept it and weaken it. He also used his headband, and as a result, Sasuke was once again in the losing end.

"My sweet student, two can play this game," Kakashi said and also reduced the weights in his seal. However, he didn't completely remove them.

What followed was almost 15 minutes of an intense spar in which Sasuke received multiple hits and bruises.

'There is no point in continuing to fight like this. I have already accessed my strength in hand-to-hand combat. My taijutsu is not lacking of course, but due to the difference in age, my body can't keep up with his. Even though my chakra control is superb, he has trained for much longer, and he is also a genius. The way he is using his chakra to strengthen his body is magnificent. I need to use my Sharingan and study his natural movements. However, I have more cards to play before using my eyes.'

"Sensei, I am going to use Kenjutsu now. Be careful," Sasuke said, and at the same time, a clone came and brought him Yūgen Kōrin.

"That's an impressive katana," Kakashi said and brought out one kunai.

As soon as Sasuke got his katana, the air around him changed completely, and Kakashi sensed danger.

Sasuke appeared next to him and started targeting his weak points. He immediately took advantage of the difference in length between the weapons. With his swordsmanship experience, how could a kunai stop him?

Kakashi found himself in a corner. He could only deflect, and Sasuke, using his greater reach, was always one step ahead in their exchanges.

Suddenly, Sasuke lifted his left hand, and his fingers changed to a 'forehead flick.'

Kakashi immediately used his full speed to dodge, and then he flickered away.

"Sasuke, it seems that I keep underestimating you. How have you developed your Kenjutsu to such a level?" His tone now had no humor in it. He was finally serious.

"Haven't you heard, sensei? I am a genius," Sasuke replied.

Kakashi smiled and completely removed all his weights.

'I have never imagined that I would have to use ninjutsu against an academy ninja. The Hokage has truly underestimated this boy. He said that he and Naruto are rivals, but I truly doubt that.'


I really enjoyed writing this chapter :D 

Goal for an extra chapter on Saturday 73 / 100 soulstones.

Please vote, comment and review if you are enjoying the story.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C28
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


