90.24% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 37: chapter 37

章 37: chapter 37

The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Inside the Action Field Spell of The Sanctuary in the Sky; Zuzu and Julia stood 10 feet away from each other with clouds surrounding them, not to mention the sanctuary behind Zuzu. Both females had a full hand of 5 cards in their hand, 4000 Life points each and ready to begin their duel.

As for everyone else; they stood outside the Action Duel area, still watching through the windows. Dipper was sitting down on a couch on his own, hands on his knees and looking down with an ashamed expression. Kit and Henrietta stood together, watching the duel with narrowed eyes.

The You Show gang stood together as they watched. Yuya was staring at Zuzu with a confident face, certain that her chances to win were huge. Lulu, on the other hand, was watching Julia with a small frown. Dipper turned out to be no concern to Lulu, but the same couldn't be said for this girl, so she watched with great focus. Not to mention that Lulu wants to see LID's Fusion Summon and compared it to Duel Academy's Fusion Summon.

Finally; Yusei and Skip watched from the control room upstairs. Satellite's Shooting Star was now sitting down on a chair in front of the Arc System, while Skip sat beside Yusei on his right. The adult man had an excited grin on his face at finally seeing Zuzu duel again, while Yusei watched with both arms crossed. Unlike Dipper, Julia didn't have an aura of arrogance around her instead it was one of confident and Yusei can easily tell that she's a strong duelist.

And now; the duel started with Julia taking the first turn.

Zuzu Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Julia Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Enemy Attack)

"I hope you're ready, because I don't plan to hold back one bit!" Julia exclaimed, taking a single card from her hand and held it up with the right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers. "And this card will prove that fact! I activate the Field-Spell; Fusion Recycling Plant!" The black-haired girl called out, before inserting her card into the Duel Disk.

"Huh?" Zuzu blinked in surprise, right before the whole Sanctuary in the Sky field began glowing a white light and disappeared. The whole started transforming for a few moments, until it stopped glowing to reveal the new field.

Just as the card's name said; it was a futuristic recycling plant, or junkyard. There were mountains of scrap all over the place, ground solid not a single person in sight. The sky was a beautiful dark color with many stars though and not a single cloud in sight.

"Oh boy". Sora remarked with slightly wide eyes, fully aware of what that Field-Spell card does and how it can wreck Zuzu's chances of winning. "Come on! The Duel just started and that LID girl just got ready of the perfect field for Zuzu!" Gong exclaimed with wide eyes full of annoyance at seeing Julia already change things to her side. "I'm afraid it's more than just that". Serenity said softly, grabbing the attention of Allie, Tate and Frederick as they all looked up at her.

"What do you mean by that, Serenity?" Allie asked with a confused voice. Serenity blinked, before looking down at the kids with a nervous smile. "I...saw that Field-Spell in Yusei's briefcase. It allows the duelist to discard a card to add Polymerization from either the deck or graveyard straight to its duelist's hand. Not only that; at the End Phase it allows its duelist to add a monster that they used to Fusion Summon on their turn back to the hand". The brunette explained to them, having actually considered adding that card to her deck yet decided not to.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all gasped at her words, before they went back to watching the duel in concern now. "Now that that's taken care of, I'll get straight to business now". Julia said with a grin, taking a single card and held it up. "I activate the Spell card; Gem-Knight Fusion!" The black-haired female declared, right before her card began glowing a golden light.

A larger copy of the Spell card materialized on Julia's field, followed by it glowing a powerful light. "A Fusion card!" Tate cried out in alarm at the sight of Julia's Spell card. "Gem-Knight Fusion is like Polymerization, except it only works for Gem-Knight Fusion monsters. Not only that, but she can banish 1 Gem-Knight from her graveyard to add it back to the hand". Lulu explained the Spell card's effect, fully aware of what it does because she once encountered a Duel Academy agent that uses Gem-Knight monsters.

Julia took two more cards from her hand and held them out, revealing them to be Gem-Knight Lazuli and Gem-Knight Sapphire. "Through Gem-Knight Fusion's effect, I fuse Gem-Knight Lazuli and Gem-Knight Sapphire!" The black-haired female cried out, before holding both hands up.

Gem-Knight Lazuli and Gem-Knight Sapphire appeared above their duelist, before flying up into the air where a purple swirling portal appeared and absorbed both monsters inside of it. Julia's extra deck opened and a single card slotted out, one that she took with her right hand. "I Fusion Summon! Level 8! Gem-Knight Zirconia!" Julia cried out, slamming the card down on her Duel Disk's blade.

A massive and giant monster fell from the swirling portal and crashed down behind Julia, kicking up dust that covered its form. It soon cleared to reveal the Fusion Monster; Gem-Knight Zirconia with it raising both its massive hands into the air.

Gem-Knight Zirconia ATK: 2900/ Level: 8.

"That thing is massive!" Gong cried out with wide eyes, staring at Zirconia intensely. "Zirconia has high ATK Points, but no special abilities. Zuzu won't have to worry about any effects from it". Lulu told her friends, turning to look at Zuzu for a moment before going back to watching Julia. "That's good to hear, but the only problem with that is that Zuzu's monsters aren't really the high ATK Point kind of deck". Yuya remarked, speaking from experience since he's dueled Zuzu many times in the past.

"Gem-Knight Lazuli's effect activates!" Julia exclaimed, throwing her right hand out just as a bright light suddenly appeared from her Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone. "When this card is sent to the Graveyard by an effect, I'm allowed to add one Normal Monster from the grave to my hand!" The black-haired female explained, gazing down at the Duel Disk right as the light died down and a card slotted out.

Julia took the card and held it up, revealing it to be Gem-Knight Sapphire. "I add Sapphire back to my hand!" She declared, before adding the card to her hand. Julia took another card from her hand and inserted it into her Duel Disk. "I'll throw one card face-down and end my turn". LID's best Fusion Duelist stated, right as a face-down card appeared in front of her.

"Fusion Recycling Plant's effect activates at this moment!" Julia declared, right as another card slotted out of her Duel Disk's graveyard zone. "At the End Phase, my Field-Spell allows me to add one monster that was used to Fusion Summon this turn so now I get back my Gem-Knight Lazuli!" The black-haired female explained, taking the card and added it to her hand. Once done; she turned around and took off into a run.

Zuzu Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"Not bad. She Summoned a powerful monster with 2900 ATK Points and still has 2 cards in her hand. And now she's looking for an Action card". Yuya remarked, both arms crossed as he watched Julia run around in search for an Action card. "Ha! I could have done better!" Sora laughed out, holding a chocolate bar with his right hand and a broken off piece with the left hand.

"That's not important. What matters now is how Zuzu is gonna overcome all that". Rin stated, looking over to Zuzu and saw Ray's Standard fragment frowning. Lulu looked over and frowned in thought. 'This will honestly be my first time seeing Zuzu duel.

She didn't take part in the Xyz or Synchro lessons of our school, and I didn't see any cards missing from Yusei's briefcase. And I highly doubt she has Fusion or Pendulum cards. But she's still my Standard counterpart, which means she has to be skilled. Show me what kind of a duelist you are, Zuzu Boyle'. The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, honestly a bit eager to see Zuzu duel.

Zuzu brought her right hand up, then gently placed it on the top card of her deck. "I...draw!" The pink-haired female exclaimed, drawing her card in a dramatic fashion by throwing the right hand out with card in hand.

Zuzu brought the card she drew up to her face, only to blink in surprise at what she saw. The pink-haired female's surprised expression quickly changed into a grinning one as she flipped her card around, revealing it to be Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. "I'll start off by activating the Continues Spell; Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen!" Zuzu declared, inserting the card into her Duel Disk. A large copy of Zuzu's Spell card appeared on her left, before it began glowing.

"Alright nice!" Rin remark with a grin at seeing Zuzu's Spell card. "With Valhalla's effect, Zuzu can Special Summon a Fairy-Type monster from her hand even a high Level one without a sacrifice". Lulu explained the effects of Hall of the Fallen, much to the excitement of the children at hearing this. "Let's just hope she picks a good monster". Yuya said with a frown, looking over to Julia's Fusion Monster that's floating behind its duelist.

(Play Fervent Duel (extended))

Zuzu picked up another card from her hand, before holding it out and revealed it to be Mozarta the Melodious Maestra. "Thanks to Valhalla's effect, my Mozarta can now come out and join this concert!" The pink-haired female exclaimed, before throwing her ace monster's card down on a Monster Zone. A massive portal appeared behind Zuzu on the left, before Mozarta the Melodious Maestra emerged from it and singed a beautiful song.

Mozarta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2600/ Level: 8.

"Now we're talking!" Yuya called out with a grin at seeing Mozarta, Zuzu's ace monster of her main deck. "It still isn't strong enough to destroy Julia's Fusion Monster". Sora stated with a carefree grin, pointing out the difference in ATK Points between the two monsters.

Lulu ignored Sora's words and looked over to Julia, only to blink upon seeing something unexpected. The LID girl had stopped running in search for an Action card and instead was now looking at Zuzu's monster with eyes full of surprise. 'Why is she looking at Mozarta like that?' The purple-haired female thought to herself, wondering why Julia seemed to surprise right now.

Julia spent another moment staring at Zuzu's ace, before she grew a frown. She looked at a mountain of scrap on her right, where she saw an Action card sticking out of it. Gem-Knight Zirconia floated down next to Julia and offered its left hand, which she leaped atop of and the Fusion Monster flew off to take Julia to the Action card.

"I'm not done just yet! I activate the Equip Spell Light's Embrace!" Zuzu called out as she inserted a card into the Duel Disk. A large Spell card appeared on Zuzu's right; the image showing a woman wearing a white dress down on her knees was gazing up at the sky as a bright light shined down on her, bathing the woman in light's embrace.

(Light's Embrace/ Type: Equip Spell/ Effect: This card can only be equipped to a LIGHT Attribute monster. The equipped monster gains ATK x's its Level by 100. Once per turn; not on the turn that this card was sent to the GY, you can banish this card from the GY and add 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT Monster from your deck to the hand.)

"The Spell card can only be equipped to a LIGHT Monster, which Mozarta fits the category". Zuzu said right as a bright light suddenly appeared from the night sky and shine down on Mozarta, bathing her in it. "Light's Embrace increases her ATK Points by 100 x's her level and Mozarta's Level 8, so that's 800 points for her". The pink-haired female explained, right as Mozarta powered up.

Mozarta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2600 + 800 = 3400.

"Mozarta's stronger than the Fusion Monster no!" Allie called out in joy, both Tate and Frederick smiling just as big as her. "Not bad, but something tells me that Zuzu isn't done just yet". Rin remark with a confident grin, looking over to her Standard counterpart just as Zuzu took hold of another card with her right hand.

"I activate Mozarta's special ability!" Zuzu declared, looking up at her ace monster as a white aura appeared over Mozarta. "Once a turn; Mozarta allows me to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Melodious monster from my hand!" The pink-haired female explained, flipping her card over to reveal it's a Monster card.

The card's image showed a beautiful young girl with long, golden hair, pink eyes and pure white smooth skin. She wore a white sleeveless dress with a split at the right, revealing her beautiful legs. Dark silver stockings with dark musical emblems on them and high heels the same colour as her dress. Finally she had dark silver fingerless gloves and a Melodious mask on her face that's pure white as well.

"Now sing; Angelise the Melodious Diva!" Zuzu called out, placing the card down beside Mozarta's one. A portal appeared on Zuzu's side, before Angelise appeared from within it. She clapped both hands, closed her eyes and singed.

(Angelise the Melodious Diva/ Level: 4/ Attribute: LIGHT/Type: Fairy/ Effect: If this card is successfully Special Summoned; you can add one Spell/Trap card that mentions "Melodious" in its text from your Deck to your hand. When this card battles an opponent's monster; during the damage step you can select one face-up LIGHT Monster on the field, this card's ATK becomes equal to that monster's ATK.)

"Now Angelise's special ability activates!" Zuzu declared, throwing her left hand out. A white aura appeared over Zuzu's deck and Angelise, before the deck began shuffling. "Since my new friend was Special Summoned, I'm now allowed to add a Melodious Spell or Trap from the deck!" The pink-haired female explained, looking down at her deck once it stopped shuffling and a single card slotted out.

Zuzu picked it up with the right hand's index and middle fingers, holding it out. "I pick Melodious Mayhem!" She declared, before adding the new card to her hand. It was at that moment that Julia jumped onto the mountain of scrap from Zirconia and grabbed hold of the Action card with her right hand.

"Now to get battling! Mozarta, attack Gem-Knight Zirconia!" Zuzu commanded with a frown. Mozarta spread her keyboard wings and took flight. Once high enough, Mozarta started singing as she waved her baton around, creating a blast of wind that shot out towards Julia's Fusion Monster.

"I don't think so! I activate the Action Spell Evasion!" Julai called out, holding up the Action card for a moment before inserting it in. A larger copy appeared, before Zirconia flew to the side and dodged the blast. "Gong hates it when that happens!" Gong exclaimed with wide eyes full of annoyance, earning a slightly nervous laugh from Serenity at what he said.

"Angelise, attack Gem-Knight Zirconia!" Zuzu suddenly commanded, much to almost everyone's surprise at hearing this. "Are you trying to self-destruct?" Julia questioned with wide eyes, staring an Zuzu's monster as Angelise took in a deep breath. "Wrong! When Angelise battles an opponent's monster, her ability activates!" Zuzu shot back at Julia, the silver aura around the Fairy-Type monster intensifying.

"When this card battles an opponent's monster, I choose another LIGHT monster and Angelise's ATK Points become equal to that monster's!" Zuzu explained the Fairy-Type monster's effect, eyes gazing over to Mozarta once she finished speaking. "I select Mozarta and now Angelise's ATK increases to match hers!" Ray's Standard fragment declared, right as the white aura around Mozarta changed to silver and Angelise powered up.

Angelise the Melodious Diva ATK: 1500 + 1900 = 3400.

Angelise then let out a sonic soundwave attack from her mouth at Zirconia, striking the Fusion Monster in its stomach. Julia's Gem-Knight monster soon shattered into pieces with the shockwaves hitting Julia, yet she remained on her feet atop the mountain of scrap. (3400 - 2900 = 600)

Julia Life Points: 4000 - 600 = 3400.

Angelise the Melodious Diva ATK: 3400 - 1900 = 1500.

"All right! Zuzu landed the first blow!" Tate exclaimed in delight, throwing his right fist into the air. "Way to go!" Frederick cried out, shaking his body in the usual joyous way when he's happy. "I just hope that everything goes well like this for the rest of the duel". Serenity said with a hint of concern in her voice, worried at the possibility of Julia making a comeback.

Zuzu took a single card from her hand and inserted it into the Duel Disk. "I'll throw one card face-down and call it a turn!" She declared, a face-down card appearing beside her with both Fairy-Type monsters flying down close to her.

(Music end)

Julia Life Points: 3400/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

Julia stared jumping her way down from the mountain of junk until she was at ground level. She stood across Zuzu and stared at her with a small grin. "I have to admit, you're pretty skilled and fight with resolve. It makes me wonder though..." The black-haired girl began, giving a pause as she narrowed both eyes. "...If it would have made a difference in your duel against Yusei Fudo". Julia finished, something that took Zuzu by surprise at hearing this.

She wasn't the only one taken by surprise at Julia's words, so was everyone else with only Yusei and Henrietta being the exceptions. Satellite's Shooting Star had narrowed eyes, while Henrietta merely raised an eyebrow. "Zuzu dueled Yusei?" Rin questioned, blinking at her pink-haired counterpart. "That's... I don't really know what to say". Yuya remarked, honestly at a lost for words since he can't picture Zuzu dueling his master.

In the control room; Yusei was silent as he stared down at Zuzu and Julia. Skip, on the other hand, was staring at him with wide eyes. "You had a duel against my daughter, Yusei? Why?" Zuzu's father questioned Satellite's Shooting Star with wide eyes, but Yusei didn't give an answer. He just continued to stare at the two teenage girls, before eventually giving a response. "That's something that Zuzu should tell you herself". The Signer told his friend, feeling it best that Zuzu tells Skip and everyone else about their duel.

Zuzu's surprised look changed into a frown at Julia for speaking about that duel. She and Yusei haven't talked about their duel with the others because Zuzu didn't want them to know that she tried to force their new friends to leave. She's been filled with guilt from her actions and attitude, unable to really bring herself to face them and confess her sin.

"Why you...! How do you even know about that?" Zuzu questioned Julia through gritted teeth, feeling her very soul shaking in fear of one of her friends learning what happened. "I know because I saw your duel that day. I was spending the day for myself when I saw you two heading to the warehouse district". The black-haired female began to explain with Zuzu continued to grit her teeth harshly.

"I grew curious about what was going on, so I decided to follow you guys and see what happens. I watched your whole duel in secret, but really had my attention was the stakes involved". The LID girl finished, before suddenly giving a small frown at Zuzu. "I honestly have no idea how Yusei could just wave off what you tried to do and act like you're friends. I'd never be able to do something like that". Julia said with a disapproving tone, this time earning a glare from her opponent.

"What I tried to do...and how I acted...was stupid. I don't need anyone to tell me that. It's too late to change the past, but what I can do is be better for the future. That's why I'm gonna win this duel for my school and my friends". Zuzu told Julia with pure resolve in her voice, meaning every word she spoke. Julia stared at the pink-haired girl across her for a few moments, before she gave a small grin at her.

"Ha. You've really changed since that day. It's like a reformed jewel. Before you were rough around the edges and ugly on the inside, but you're different now. You're like a diamond that's on its way to become perfect, but there's still room to improve on". Julia said with a content tone, before placing her right hand's fingers on the top card of her deck. "But that's enough talking for now, I've got a duel to win after all. I draw!" The Fusion Duelist exclaimed, drawing her card in a dramatic fashion.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Ost 12- An Unstable Thought)

Julia brought her new card up to look at it, before adding it to the hand. But before she could make a move, Zuzu suddenly spoke up. "I'm not wasting any time!" The pink-haired female called out, catching Julia's attention. "I activate my Trap card; Melodious Mayhem!" The Melodious Duelist called out, throwing her right hand out. Zuzu's face-down card reappeared and lifted itself up, before gleaming a bright light.

"This Trap card deals 800 points of damage for every Melodious monster I control! Since I have 2, that's 1600 points coming your way!" Zuzu explained her Trap's effect, right before a bright beam shot out of Melodious Mayhem's card, heading straight for Julia. "If this hits, Julia will be down to 1800 Life Points!" Tate exclaimed with an excited grin at the chance of Julia losing more Life Points.

"Think again! I play my Trap card; Prevent and Draw!" Julia declared, right hand reared in before she threw it out to the side with style. Julia's face-down card reappeared in front of her, before flipping over to reveal what it was. Prevent and Draw's card then transformed into a yellow barrier around Julia. "If I would take damage from a card effect, this card halves the damage!" The black-haired female explained, right before Zuzu's beam slammed into the yellow barrier. It didn't break, yet the shockwaves hit Julia, causing her to wince.

Julia Life Points: 3400 - 800 = 2600.

The barrier, beam and two Trap cards then disappeared, but Julia wasn't done yet. "Now I get to draw a new card! Ha!" LID's Fusion user cried, drawing another card in the same dramatic fashion. She brought the card up, then grew a pleased grin at what she saw. Julia chuckled, before looking over to Zuzu. "Looks like I have to thank you, for allowing me to draw this card. It's a new edition to my deck and I've been looking forward to trying it out". The black-haired female said with a grin, feeling excited to use this card she drew.

Zuzu frowned in confusion, while the rest of You Show's students grew curious on what Julia's talking about. "A new card? That doesn't sound good". Yuya remarked with a concerned frown, not liking how eager Julia looked right now. "Tell me about it. Duelists only add new cards when they're very good editions to their decks, and something tells me this card is a game changer". Rin said with a hint of dread in her voice.

Sora didn't appear as worried as everyone else, instead he looked eager to see what Julia's got up her sleeve. Lulu was silent as well, watching with narrowed eyes at what's about to happen. She just takes comfort to know that nothing will happen to Zuzu if she loses.

Julia turned her card over to show that it was a Spell card. "I activate the Continuous Spell card; Scatter Fusion!" She declared, before inserting the Spell card into her Duel Disk. A larger copy of the Spell card appeared right beside Julia, who stood with utter confidence. "A Fusion card!?" Zuzu gasped in surprise with wide eyes, not expecting another Fusion card so soon.

"That's right, but it's different from my normal one. You see, Scatter Fusion allows me to Fusion Summon using monsters from my deck as material". Julia explained Scatter Fusion's effect, much to the shock of almost every You Show student at hearing this. Lulu and Sora were the only ones unaffected at hearing this since they've seen Fusion users use the same kind of Fusion Summons as well. Sora saw many in his home dimension, while Lulu faced a few back in Heartland.

"You can't do that!" Zuzu shouted out in surprise, while Julia looked down at her deck as it began shuffling. After a moment or two, it stopped with two cards slotting out. "I can, because that's what the card does". The black-haired female stated, taking both cards and held them up for Zuzu to see. They were both Monster cards, one an effect monster and the other a Normal one.

"Through Scatter Fusion's effect; I fuse the Gem-Knight Quartz and Gem-Knight Garnet!" Julia declared, holding both cards up into the air right as both Gem-Knight monsters appeared above her, followed by a purple swirling portal behind them. Both monsters were sucked into it, right before a bright light suddenly emerged from within it. "With these two monsters, a new masterpiece is created! I Fusion Summon!" Julia exclaimed, Extra Deck opening with a single card slotting out and she took it with her right hand.

"Appear! Level 8! Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond!" Julia cried out to the heavens, slamming the card down on her Duel Disk's Monster Zone. A figure appeared from the bright light, before it died down to reveal the Fusion Monster; Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond floating in the air with her cape blowing. The Fusion Monster let out a cry as she sliced the air with her rapier, before taking a pose with it.

Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond ATK: 2700/ Level: 8.

Zuzu stared up at Julia's new Fusion Monster, keeping calm since Lady Rose Diamond doesn't have enough ATK Points to destroy her Mozarta. "I'm afraid it gets worse, Zuzu. Gem-Knight Quartz's special ability activates!" Julia declared, throwing her right hand out. "If this card is used to Fusion Summon and sent to the Graveyard, I can now add one Gem-Knight Monster from my Graveyard to the hand!" The black-haired girl explained, right before Gem-Knight Garnet's card slotted out.

Julia took the card with her right hand and held it up. "I add Gem-Knight Garnet, then Summon him!" The black-haired female called out, placing the card down beside Lady Rose Diamond's card. A portal appeared Julia's Fusion Monster, before Gem-Knight Garnet appeared from it with flames surrounding its forearms.

Gem-Knight Garnet ATK: 1900/ Level: 4.

"Garnet, roast that diva!" Julia suddenly exclaimed, pointing directly at Angelise the Melodious Diva with her right hand's index finger. Julia's command took everyone of the You Show Duel School by surprise as they all widen their eyes. Gem-Knight Garnet gave a cry, before charging forward to Angelise with its right fist reared back and flames surrounding it.

"Are you forgetting about Angelise's special ability?!" Zuzu exclaimed, swiping her right hand out as silver coloured auras appeared over both of her monsters. "No, I didn't forget. In fact, that's what I was hoping you'd do". Julia said with a grin, much to Zuzu's dread at hearing this. "I activate Lady Rose Diamond's special ability!" The black-haired female declared, throwing her right hand into the air.

Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond used her rapier to draw a circle, blade leaving a blue trail, as if it were creating a portal. "During my turn when an opponent activates a monster effect, Lady Rose Diamond allows me to banish a Gem-Knight from my Graveyard to destroy 1 face-up card you control". Julia explained her Fusion Monster's effect, taking Gem-Knight Zirconia's card from her Duel Disk and put it away.

Zuzu gasped in alarm at hearing this, before looking over to Mozarta, right before Julia pointed at it with her right hand's index finger. "Mozarta the Melodious Maestra, the show's over for you!" LID's Fusion Duelist called out, Lady Rose Diamond pointing her rapier's blade at the circle it drew right before a beam shot out of it. It went and struck Mozarta, exploding on contact and destroying her.

"No!" Allie, Tate and Frederick all cried out in dismay at seeing Zuzu's ace monster get destroyed. "Not good! With Mozarta gone, now Julia's got the strongest monster on the field!" Rin called out with narrowed eyes, seeing the duel flip over to Julia's side. "Not to mention, Angelise can't use its ability anymore". Lulu stated, frowning at Zuzu's sole remaining monster that's about to get destroyed.

Lulu was proven correct as Gem-Knight Garnet slammed its right fist into Angelise the Melodious Diva's chest with her shattering upon contact. The shockwaves hit Zuzu straight on with her holding up both arms to shield herself. (1900 - 1500 = 400)

Zuzu Life Points: 4000 - 400 = 3600.

"Zuzu, look for an Action card!" Yuya called out to his childhood friend, hoping she acts fast and find an Action card that can save her from taking a direct hit. Zuzu looked over to Yuya with a frown and nodded to him, before she turned around and took off. Gem-Knight Garnet leaped into the air and floated down to Julia's right with the black-haired girl grinning at her running away opponent.

"Sorry, but I don't intend to let you escape. Lady Rose Diamond, attack Zuzu directly!" LID's Fusion Duelist commanded, holding her right hand out. Lady Rose Diamond let out a battle cry, before she held her rapier out and flew towards Zuzu with the intention of striking.

Zuzu ran as fast as she could, looking around her surroundings in search of an Action card. Fortunately she spotted one to her left, lying down on the ground. "...!" Zuzu widen both eyes, before she leaped over to the Action card. She both grabbed hold of it and landed in a shoulder roll to her left knee. She quickly held the card up with her right hand, only to frown at seeing what it was.

Zuzu then blinked upon reading the card's text and came up with an idea. She looked over to the closing in Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond, before holding her Action card out to it. "I activate the Action Spell Miracle!" The pink-haired female declared, right before Miracle's card began glowing brightly. "Miracle targets a monster, protecting it from destruction and halving all battle damage!" Zuzu explained the effect of Miracle, sending its card to her Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone.

"Real cute. You don't even have a monster to use that on". Julia said with a grin, one that Zuzu returned full force. "I do actually. I use Miracle...on Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond!" The pink-haired girl called out, pointing at Lady Rose Diamond. "Say what!?" LID's Fusion user called out in surprise, right before a golden aura appeared over Julia's Fusion Monster.

Lady Rose Diamond swung her blade down at Zuzu, but she blocked it with her Duel Disk's blade. Her Life Points, however, went down from the attack.

Zuzu Life Points: 3600 - 1350 = 2550.

Lady Rose Diamond flew away from Zuzu and returned to Julia's side. "I have to admit; that was smart thinking of you". Julia praised her opponent with a grin, something that Zuzu returned with a chuckle. "Thanks. There's many ways to use cards and using them on the opponent's monsters is just one of them". The pink-haired female replied, climbing back up to her feet and turned to face Julia.

Allie, Tate and Frederick were confused at what happened exactly. "I don't get it. How did Miracle work on Julia's monster when it's only meant to work on Zuzu's monsters?" The little red-haired girl asked with a confused tilt of the head. Lulu gave a chuckle at Allie's words, before looking down at the three children. "That's not how Miracle works. It works when a monster on the field battles. And it doesn't have to be Zuzu's monster that it targets, it can be Julia's one". Lulu explained to Allie, Frederick and Tate, grabbing their attention.

They all looked up at the Mistress of Birds with confused eyes since they still didn't understand something. "But then why did Julia's monster only deal half the damage?" Frederick questioned Lulu, one that she just smiled at. "Miracle halves all battle damage, including the damage it causes, that's why". The purple-haired girl answered, finally filling the kids with understanding at how Zuzu used Miracle like that.

Julia turned her gaze down at her hand of three cards, before she took one of them. "I'll throw a face-down card and end my turn". The black-haired female stated, inserting the card in her Duel Disk. A face-down card appeared in front of Julia and quickly disappeared, while she looked down at the Duel Disk. "My Field Spell is still activate and now I can add Gem-Knight Quartz back to my hand". Julia reminded Zuzu, Quartz's card slotting out with her adding it to the hand.

(Music end)

Zuzu Life Points: 2550/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

"Ha! Julia's got this one in the bag!" Kit remarked with a smirk, confident that Julia's gonna win the duel against Zuzu. He then looked over his left shoulder to Dipper, who was still sitting down on the couch with a face full of shame. The Synchro Duelist let out a sigh, then spoke. "Mopping about your loss isn't gonna change anything, man. You should just come watch the duel". Kit told his friend, but Dipper didn't so much as lift his head to look at him. LID's Synchro user grew a frown, before facing forward to watch.

"My turn. I draw". Zuzu said softly, drawing the top card in a normal fashion and looked at it. She gave a nod, before looking at Julia once more. "I activate Valhalla's effect once more!" She declared, the Spell card reappearing in front of her. "Sorry, but not happening. I activate my Trap card; Magic Jammer!" Julia exclaimed, tapping on the Duel Disk's screen with her right hand followed by the face-down card reappearing, lifting itself up.

"Oh no!" Zuzu gasped in alarm with wide eyes, while Julia just smirked. "That's right. Now first I discard my Gem-Knight Sapphire..." The black-haired girl began, holding up Gem-Knight Sapphire's card with her right hand before discarding it. "Then your Spell's activation is negated and destroyed". LID's Fusion Duelist finished, right as Magic Jammer's symbol appeared underneath Valhalla's card.

Purple mist came out of the symbol, resulting in Valhalla's card melting in front of everyone's eyes, much to the kids' discomfort at seeing this. "Well, there goes that plan". Sora remarked, an unimpressed face at Zuzu's strategy get destroyed so easily. "Not only that, now there's a Gem-Knight Monster in Julia's Graveyard and Lady Rose Diamond can destroy another one of Zuzu's cards on her turn". Serenity said with a face full of concern, hoping that Zuzu has a plan to get out of this situation.

Zuzu grew an annoyed frown, before looking at her new card again and added it to the hand. "Oh yeah, one more thing". Julia suddenly spoke, grabbing Zuzu's attention as she looked at her opponent again. "Lady Rose Diamond has another special ability, one where she keeps Gem-Knight monsters I control from being destroyed by card effects once on your turn". The black-haired female explained Lady Rose Diamond's effect, resulting in Zuzu breaking into a nervous sweat.

She wasn't the only one feeling nervous at hearing this; so were Yuya, Gong, Allie, Tate, Frederick and Skip. "You gotta be kidding Gong!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist shouted out in comical annoyance. "I wish she were Gong, but she isn't". Zuzu stated with a frown, easily able to see that Julia wasn't kidding around right now. "So basically Zuzu needs to take out that Fusion Monster in a battle ASAP". Yuya summarized, staring at Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond with a glare.

Zuzu looked back at her hand of 3 cards with great focus, thinking of a strategy with her options as hard as she could. She thought about relying on Action cards, but without a strong enough monster it won't help. After thinking for a good 10 seconds, she came up with something but it wasn't perfect since it had its risks. 'Well I got nothing else right now so here goes nothing'. The pink-haired female thought, taking a single card.

(Play HQ I Alexis Rhodes Theme (Soundtrack) ~ Extended | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links)

"I activate the Spell card 1st Movement Solo!" Zuzu declared, flipping the card over before slotting it into her Duel Disk. A larger copy of the Spell card appeared beside Zuzu, before she turned around and took off. "If I control no monsters when I activate this Spell, 1st Movement Solo allows me to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Melodious monster from my hand!" Zuzu explained the Spell card's effect, before holding up another card with her right hand.

"Through 1st Movement Solo's effect, I Special Summon Serenade the Melodious Diva!" The pink-haired girl exclaimed, placing the card down in sideways position on her Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared beside Zuzu's running form, before Serenade the Melodious Diva emerged from it with both hands clapped together in a prayer.

Serenade the Melodious Diva DEF Points: 1900/ Level: 4.

Just then; Zuzu saw an Action card lying down on a terminal in front of a white building. "There! An Action card!" The pink-haired female called out with a hopeful voice, before she ran over. In just 5 seconds, she reached the terminal and grabbed hold of the card. She brought it up to look, then nodded in approval at what she saw.

She added it to the hand, then turned around to look at Julia and her monsters with Serenade floating beside Zuzu. "Serenade the Melodious Diva has this special ability that lets her count as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a Fairy-Type monster". Zuzu called out, holding up Serenade's card with the right hand. "I release Serenade the Melodious Diva to Advance Summon!" She declared, placing the card in the Graveyard Zone.

Serenade held both hands out to her sides and let out a loud cry, right before she transformed into a bright light. "Now appear Level 7! Meloetta the Melodious Maestra!" Zuzu cried out, holding up Meloetta's card before placing it exactly where Serenade's card was. The bright light quickly died down to reveal Meloetta the Melodious Maestra with the Fairy-Type monster singing a peaceful song along with playing her harp.

Meloetta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2000/ Level: 7.

"Alright, now Zuzu's got a chance with Meloetta!" Allie called out with a wide smile, placing both hands against the window. "Yeah, she does. The best choice would be to go for Lady Rose Diamond and take her out straight away". Rin remark with a confident grin, looking over from Meloetta to Julia's Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond. "That may be true, but the bigger concern is Julia's Spell card". Lulu uttered, frowning at Julia or more exact at her invisible Continuous Spell card.

"I activate Meloetta's special ability!" Zuzu declared, throwing her right hand out as Meloetta began playing her harp and released peaceful music. "Once a turn; Meloetta increases the ATK Points of all LIGHT monsters by 800!" The pink-haired girl explained. Julia raised an eyebrow in surprise, before looking over to Meloetta just as she powered up.

Meloetta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2000 + 800 = 2800.

"Now Meloetta, attack Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond!" Zuzu commanded, pointing at Julia's Fusion Monster. Meloetta let out another cry and stroke her harp's strings, releasing a soundwave attack that struck Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond with the Fairy-Type monster exploding. (2800 - 2700 = 100)

Julia Life Points: 2600 - 100 = 2500.

"Next up, I'm activating the Action Spell Wonder Chance!" Zuzu exclaimed, holding out the Action Spell she picked up earlier with the card gleaming. "Thanks to this card, Meloetta can now attack again!" The pink-haired female explained, sending Wonder Chance to her Graveyard. Once turn, Zuzu reared her right fist in before throwing it out.

"Take another shot, at Gem-Knight Garnet this time!" Ray's Standard fragment commanded, an order that Meloetta obeyed. It played its harp once more and released another soundwave attack at Garnet with it exploding on contact, Julia held both forearms up to protect herself from the shockwaves, grunting as she did so. (2800 - 1900 = 900)

Julia Life Points: 2500 - 900 = 1600.

"Nicely done! Zuzu managed a comeback and deal some damage to Julia!" Yuya commented with a wide smile, while Gong laughed in joy. "Julia's field is empty for now, but that'll change soon thanks to that Spell card". Sora said with a grin, not the least bit happy for Zuzu's comeback since it won't last long. "Sora's right. Julia can keep Fusion Summoning using monsters from her deck". Serenity said with a worried frown. Lulu and Rin remained silent since they had nothing to say right now.

Zuzu took a moment to look at her empty hand, before looking over to Julia. "I've got nothing left to do, so you're up". The pink-haired female told her opponent, no move left to make since she's out of cards right now.

(Music end)

Julia Life Points: 1600/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

Julia lowered her forearms, before placing the right hand on her deck's top card. "Here I come! Draw!" The black-haired female exclaimed, drawing her card. She brought it up to look, only to give a disappointed frown. She then swiped her right hand out, card in between index and middle fingers. "I activate Scatter Fusion's effect once more!" Julia declared, right before Scatter Fusion's card reappeared on her field.

The Spell card began gleaming once more, while Julia's deck started shuffling. After a moment or two, it stopped and two cards slotted out. LID's Fusion user picked both cards and held them up, revealing them to be Gem-Knight Emerald and Brilliant Rose. "For this Fusion Summon, I'll use Gem-Knight Emerald and Brilliant Rose!" Julia exclaimed, before holding both cards up into the air.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Jaden Strikes Back)

Another purple swirling portal appeared in the sky, right before Gem-Knight Emerald and Brilliant Rose all appeared in front of it. The two monsters gleamed their receptive colours, before they were sucked into the portal, resulting in a powerful silver light. "I Fusion Summon! Level 5! Gem-Knight Seraphinite!" Julia cried out, holding a card up to the air.

The Fusion Monster; Gem-Knight Seraphinite emerged from the swirling portal and flew down to Julia's side, facing Zuzu's Meloetta the Melodious Maestra.

Gem-Knight Seraphinite ATK: 2300/ Level: 5.

"But she won't be around for long. First I activate the effect of Gem-Knight Fusion from my Graveyard!" Julia declared, throwing her right hand out right as a black portal appeared on the floor in front of her. "By banishing a Gem-Knight monster from my Graveyard like Gem-Knight Emerald..." The Fusion Duelist began to explain, Gem-Knight Emerald's card appearing above the black portal, before falling inside. The black portal quickly disappeared.

"Then I can add Gem-Knight Fusion back to my hand". Julia finished, holding up Gem-Knight Fusion's card with Zuzu narrowing her eyes at it. "I'm not wasting any time! I activate Gem-Knight Fusion straight away!" She exclaimed, inserting it into her Duel Disk. A larger copy of the Spell card materialized, then started gleaming brightly.

Julia held up two cards in her right hand; both of them being Gem-Knight Quartz and Gem-Knight Lazuli. "Through Gem-Knight Fusion's effect, I fuse Gem-Knight Seraphinite, Gem-Knight Quartz and Gem-Knight Lazuli!" LID's Fusion Duelist declared, before taking Seraphinite's card and sent all three to her graveyard zone.

Gem-Knight Quartz and Gem-Knight Lazuli both appeared beside Gem-Knight Seraphinite, before all three monsters floated up into the air and began glowing. A purple swirling portal appeared behind the three monsters, before all of them were absorbed into it.

"Now watch! My three Gem-Knights will mount the blue glow of power, the red fire of truth, and the silver gleam of clarity, recombining their strengths to become an even more powerful monster! I Fusion Summon the mighty Gem-Knight Master Diamond!" Julia chanted, Extra Deck opening with a single card slotting out. The Fusion Duelist grabbed hold of it and slammed the card down on her Duel Disk's blade.

A giant silver armoured monster with a greatsword in hand fell from the portal and crashed down behind Julia, kicking up dust and releasing a powerful gust of wind. The dust soon cleared to reveal one of the strongest Gem-Knight Monsters; Gem-Knight Master Diamond. The Fusion Monster stabbed its blade into the ground, then placed both hands over pommel part of it.

Gem-Knight Master Diamond ATK: 2900/ Level: 9.

"2900 ATK Points!" Zuzu called out in alarm at seeing Julia's monster outclass her one right now. "That's right, and I'm not done yet". Julia stated with a grin, before holding out her right hand. "I activate the special ability of Gem-Knight Quartz!" She declared, right before a bright light erupted out of her Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone. "Since it was used to Fusion Summon, I can add a Gem-Knight Monster from my Graveyard to my hand!" Julia explained, before holding up Gem-Knight Garnet's card.

"So say "hello" to your old friend, Gem-Knight Garnet!" The black-haired female cried out, before lowering it. "And I'm afraid there's more. For every Gem-Knight Monster in my Graveyard, Master Diamond gains 100 extra ATK Points". Julia informed Zuzu, much to her alarm at hearing this. "By my count, there's six Gem-Knights in my Graveyard. Gem-Knight Seraphinite, Gem-Knight Quartz, Gem-Knight Lazuli, Gem-Knight Sapphire, Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond and Brilliant Rose, which is always treated as a Gem-Knight monster, so that's 600 points". LID's Fusion Duelist said with a grin, right as Master Diamond gained a rainbow aura around itself.

Gem-Knight Master Diamond ATK: 2900 + 600 = 3500.

"3500 ATK Points!" Allie called out in alarm at seeing the large ATK Points that Master Diamond's got right now. "Julia hasn't Normal Summoned yet. All she needs to do to win now is Summon Garnet, then destroy Meloetta with Master Diamond and attack directly!" Yuya exclaimed with wide eyes full of alarm, realizing the trouble that Zuzu's in right now.

Zuzu realized the danger she's in right now and knew that her only chances of surviving now was finding an Action card. She took off running to her right, while Julia continued her turn. "Now I Normal Summon Gem-Knight Garnet!" The black-haired female called out, throwing Garnet's card down on her Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared beside Master Diamond, before Gem-Knight Garnet emerged from it with fire surrounding its forearms.

Gem-Knight Garnet ATK: 1900/ Level: 4.

Zuzu grit her teeth as she ran, before blinking upon noticing an Action card up ahead caught up in the metal fence up ahead. "There! An Action card!" The pink-haired female called out with a hopeful smile, before running as fast as she could. "Go Master Diamond! Attack Meloetta the Melodious Maestra!" Julia commanded, throwing her right hand out.

Master Diamond took her sword's handle into both hands, before lifting the blade up. The Fusion Monster let out a mighty cry, before it glided through the air to Meloetta, intending to slice her in half.

Zuzu reached the fence and take the Action card with her right hand. She looked at what she got and frowned since it wasn't what she's hoping for. But it'll at least save her from defeat. "I activate the Action Spell Attack Force!" The pink-haired girl called out, holding her Spell up before slotting it in. A larger copy of Attack Force's card appeared, before an orange energy appeared around Meloetta.

"If a monster I control battles a monster with higher ATK Points, Attack Force gives it 600 more ATK Points during the damage calculation!" Zuzu explained Attack Force's effect, right before Meloetta powered up.

Meloetta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2800 + 600 = 3400.

Meloetta let out a cry and stroke her harp's strings, releasing a soundwave attack at Master Diamond, but it did absolutely nothing. Once the Fusion Monster was close enough, Master Diamond swung its blade down Meloetta's body, leaving a golden cut before she exploded. The shockwaves hit Zuzu head on and blasted Ray's Standard fragment off her feet. (3500 - 3400 = 100)

Zuzu Life Points: 2550 - 100 = 2450.

Zuzu backflipped in midair and landed on her right knee masterfully, but Julia wasn't done just yet. "Now Garnet, take your revenge and attack Zuzu directly!" LID's Fusion user commanded, throwing her right hand out. Gem-Knight Garnet let out a cry, before charging forward. Quicker than the eye could follow, Zuzu leaped back and just managed to dodge Garnet with it smashing the ground where she was with its right fist.

Zuzu Life Points: 2450 - 1900 = 550.

Zuzu landed on her feet 5 feet away, while Garnet flew away. Both of Julia's monsters returned to her side with all three of them staring at Zuzu, who was panting heavy. "I'll end my turn here with a face-down. And I think I'll skip out on using my Field Spell's effect to keep Master Diamond's ATK Points where they are". Julia declared, slotting the last card in her hand in with a face-down card appearing beside her.

(Music end)

Zuzu Life Points: 550/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

"These are terrible circumstances for Zuzu right now. She's got no monsters, no Spells or Traps and nothing in her hand". Rin commented with narrowed eyes, looking over Zuzu's empty field and empty hand. "Well, looks like this match is gonna end in the Leo Insititute's win. Oh well". Sora said with an uncaring shrug of the shoulders, an act that earned a small glare from Lulu at how little faith he has for their friend.

"Don't be so sure about that, Sora". Yuya suddenly spoke up, catching the attention of his You Show peers and Gong. They all looked over to the Odd-Eyes Duelist where they saw him staring at Zuzu with absolute faith in his eyes. "A duel is never over so long as you've got Life Points. Even if it's just 1 point, Zuzu still has Life Points and a chance to win. So don't go deciding the game's over until it IS over, that's one of the important lessons I learned from my dad and Yusei". Yuya said with passion in his voice, something that brought a smile to his friends' faces.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Aki Izayoi Battle ver2)

Zuzu had the same mindset as her childhood friend, because she had no intention of giving up just yet. "My turn now!" The pink-haired girl declared, drawing her card and throwing her right hand out. She looked at the card for a moment, before holding it out revealing it to be Pot of Greed. "I play Pot of Greed, which allows me to draw 2 new cards!" Zuzu declared, before discarding the legendary Spell card.

She then drew 2 new cards from the deck and held them up. Zuzu let out a low, yet sharp gasp at seeing them because they were exactly what she needed. She spent a moment or two looking down at them, before looking over to her deck and smiled at it. 'Thanks, my deck. I knew that I could count on you'. Zuzu said inside of her mind, truly grateful for the deck she build and how it has responded to her desires right now.

Zuzu then took a deep breath and breathed out. She looked over to Julia, who blinked at the look of determination in her eyes. "I activate the effect of Light's Embrace from the Graveyard!" The pink-haired female declared, adding her two new cards to the left hand. A black portal appeared on the ground in front of Zuzu, followed by Light's Embrace's card appearing above it.

"Once a turn; I can banish this card and add a Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster from my deck to the hand". Zuzu explained, taking Light's Embrace's card and put it away in her pocket. The larger copy fell into the black portal, which closed soon afterwards.

Zuzu's deck began shuffling for 5 seconds, before suddenly stopping with a single card slotting out. Zuzu picked the card up and held it out. "I add Melodious Ritual Priestess to my hand!" She declared, before adding it to her hand. Julia raised an eyebrow at the "Ritual" part of the name, but remained silent and let Zuzu continue her turn.

Zuzu took one of her three cards and held it out, revealing it to be Monster Reborn. "Go Monster Reborn!" She called out, right before the Spell card began gleaming a bright golden light. "Now return to my field! Meloetta the Melodious Maestra!" The pink-haired female called out, right before Monster Reborn's card floated out of her hand. It floated up into the air, before transforming into Meloetta the Melodious Maestra.

Meloetta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2000/ Level: 7.

"She can't help you now!" Julia stated, staring up at Meloetta with narrowed eyes. "Maybe not, but I know someone who can". Zuzu shot back, picking up another card from her hand and held it up. "I activate the Spell card; Light Infused Ritual!" The pink-haired female called out, turning her card over before inserting it into her Duel Disk. A larger copy of the Spell appeared in front of Zuzu and started gleaming.

In the control room; Yusei blinked in surprise before growing a grin because he knew this was where Zuzu got serious. Skip, on the other hand, had no idea what his daughter was planning. It was the same with everyone else of the You Show because they still had no clue about Zuzu's Ritual Monster.

"If I control a Level 5 or higher LIGHT monster when I activated this Spell, I'm allowed to add one Light Attribute Ritual Monster and one Ritual Spell!" Zuzu explained Light Infused Ritual's effect, much to the shock of almost everyone at hearing this. "What!?" Julia gasped with wide eyes, utterly shocked because she had no idea that Zuzu knew Ritual Summoning.

Zuzu looked down at her deck right as it started shuffling. It quickly stopped with two cards slotting out, cards that Zuzu took and held them out. "I add the Ritual Spell Hymn of Light and Ritual Monster; Saffira, Queen of Dragons!" The pink haired girl declared her choices, before adding them to her hand. Immediately, she took one of them and held it up with the right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers.

"Here I come, Julia! I activate the Hymn of Light Ritual Spell card!" The Melodious Duelist called out as she inserted the Ritual Spell into the Duel Disk. A shining symbol of light, exactly like the one on Hymn of Light's card, appeared underneath Zuzu on the ground and expanded outwards. "Hymn of Light allows me to sacrifice monsters in order to Ritual Summon a specific monster from my hand!" The pink haired female explained the Ritual Spell card's effect. She then took another card from her hand and held it up, revealing it to be Melodious Ritual Priestess.

"When used to Ritual Summon a LIGHT Attribute Ritual Monster, my Ritual Priestess can be used as the entire tribute!" Zuzu informed Julia, before sending the card to the Graveyard Zone of the Duel Disk. Melodious Ritual Priestess appeared in front of Zuzu, before she and Meloetta looked at one another and nodded. Ritual Priestess into a bright yellow light.

"By releasing this one monster, the contract has been made! From the dark void I call forth the true draconic ruler to bring forth the light to vanquish the darkness!" The pink haired girl chanted as the shining symbol absorbed the bright yellow energy, before a pillar of blue energy erupted out of it. "I Ritual Summon! Level 6! Saffira, Queen of Dragons!" Zuzu called out to the heavens, throwing her right hand into the air.

The pillar of energy cleared to reveal the Ritual Monster; Saffira, Queen of Dragons flying above the Melodious Duelist. The Ritual Monster gleamed with fragments of light blue energy around it as she stared Julia's two Gem-Knight monsters before releasing a fierce roar at them.

Saffira, Queen of Dragons ATK: 2500/ Level: 6.

Everyone stared at Saffira as she flew down to Meloetta's left side with both monsters facing Julia's monsters. "...Holly crap... Gong didn't know that Zuzu knew how to Ritual Summon!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist called out with wide eyes, honestly bewildered at what he's seen. "Join the club, because none of us did". Sora commented, staring at Saffira with an impressed face.

Yuya was silent as he stared at Zuzu's Saffira monster. He was surprised with Zuzu's Ritual Summoning, honestly having no clue that she had learned how to use that Summoning method yet was curious on how though. Their school didn't have a Ritual Summoning course, so how did Zuzu learn to Ritual Summon. And where did she even get the cards, because Yuya seriously doubted she stole them from Yusei's briefcase. So many questions, but the Odd-Eyes Duelist was patient to wait and hear the answers from Zuzu after the duel.

Lulu and Rin stared at Zuzu's Ritual Monster with wonder at how she acquired that monster and learned to Ritual Summon. They haven't thought about learning Ritual Summoning because it didn't fit with their decks. They learned each other's Summoning methods because their decks could work with it, but Ritual Summoning was a no go for them. But the two "sisters" were glad to see their counterpart becoming stronger, even if it was a different method than theirs.

The LID group were a bit surprised at Zuzu's surprising Ritual Summon, but that was it. Their school had a Ritual course now and there were many students that partook in it. So seeing a Ritual Summon wasn't anything new to them, but Henrietta couldn't help herself from wondering if someone taught Zuzu Ritual Summoning and gave her that Ritual Monster.

Back with Zuzu; the pink-haired girl was staring at Saffira's back for a moment or two before eventually giving a smile at the Dragon-Type Monster. She turned her gaze over to Julia and grew a determined expression. "My Ritual Priestess has one final trick up her sleeve! You see when Melodious Ritual Priestess is used to Ritual Summon a Ritual Monster that's Level 7 or below, it gains 1000 ATK Points! Since Saffira is Level 6, she gets the power boost!" Zuzu explained as a white aura surrounded Saffire, Queen of Dragons, powering her up.

Saffira, Queen of Dragons ATK: 2500 + 1000 = 3500.

"3500 ATK Points..." Julia uttered to herself, narrowing both eyes at Saffira before looking over to Meloetta. "That's not all! Now I activate Meloetta the Melodious Maestra's special ability!" Zuzu declared, throwing her right hand out as Meloetta began playing her harp and released peaceful music. "Once a turn; Meloetta increases the ATK Points of all LIGHT monsters by 800!" The pink-haired girl explained. Meloetta and Saffire looked at one another again and smiled, right as they powered up.

Saffira, Queen of Dragons ATK: 3500 + 800 = 4300.

Meloetta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2000 + 800 = 2800.

"...!" Julia grit her teeth, a single trace of sweat going down the left side of her face. "The tables have turn once more to Zuzu's side!" Serenity called out with a massive smile at seeing Zuzu take control once again. "If she can land two attacks with Meloetta and Saffira, then she's got this!" Yuya remark with a grin, one that Lulu and Rin mimicked completely. "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle". Sora said with wide eyes of surprise, amazed with how Zuzu's determination allowed her to make such a comeback.

"Go Saffira, attack Gem-Knight Master Diamond!" Zuzu commanded her Ritual Monster. Saffira let out a loud cry in response to Zuzu's commanded, before unleashing a blue breath attack at Gem-Knight Master Diamond. The Fusion Monster held up its blade to shield itself, but it eventually broke after a few minutes against the breath attack and Master Diamond exploded with the shockwaves hitting Julia's back, forcing her to the right knee. (4300 - 3500 = 800)

Julia Life Points: 1600 - 800 = 800.

"There goes that Julia girl's Fusion Monster!" Allie called out with a wide smile, something that Tate and Frederick matched perfectly. "Now all Zuzu has to do is attack that other Gem-Knight monster and Zuzu will win!" The blue-haired boy exclaimed, both hands up and slightly shaking in excitement. Yuya, Lulu, Rin, Gong, Sora and Serenity weren't celebrating yet because the duel wasn't decided yet. They'll celebrate once Zuzu actully wins and not when it seems like she's gonna win.

Speaking of the pink-haired female; Zuzu was grinning with pure confidence. She reared her right hand in, before throwing it out and pointing at Gem-Knight Garnet with the index finger. "Meloetta, play a fitting song to end this duel!" Ray's Standard fragment ordered an attack. Meloetta let out a cry and stroke her harp's strings, releasing a soundwave attack at Gem-Knight Garnet.

Julia had nothing that could save Garnet, but she can do something to keep herself from losing. "I activate my Trap card; Skill Successor!" The black-haired female exclaimed, throwing her right hand out to the side. Julia's face-down card reappeared in front of her, then began gleaming. "This increases the ATK Points of one of my monsters by 400 points!" Julia explained her Trap's effect, followed by an orange aura appearing over Garnet and powering it up.

Gem-Knight Garnet ATK: 1900 + 400 = 2300.

Meloetta's soundwave attack struck Garnet with the Pyro-Type monster exploding just a mere second later. The shockwaves hit Julia's right side, blowing her hair widely yet she didn't flinch. (2800 - 2300 = 500)

Julia Life Points: 800 - 500 = 300.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all groaned in disappointment at seeing Julia survive. "Aww man! Why'd she had to have a Trap card like that?" Frederick whined, shaking his head a bit widely. "It would have been a perfect comeback victory for Zuzu". Allie remark with a frown, disliking how such a great moment was ruined because of Julia's Trap card.

Serenity smiled down at the three kids with an amused face. She felt the urge to remind them that Julia's dueling to win and not to lose, but Serenity stopped herself because she adored the faces they were making. 'Kids are really honesty creatures... I envy how brave they can be to say whatever they wish without fear'. The brunette thought to herself, turning her gaze over to the control room where Yusei and Skip were watching.

Zuzu let out an annoyed sigh at how Julia ruined her victory. 'I was getting so excited, but she just had to go and wreck it'. The pink-haired girl thought, starting to dislike this LID girl. "I end my turn here and at this moment, Saffire's special ability activates!" Zuzu declared, throwing her right hand up right as Saffire spread both wings with glittering light falling from them.

"During the End Phase that this card was Ritual Summoned, or a LIGHT monster was sent from the hand or Deck to the Graveyard while Saffire is on the field, I can activate one of three effects. Option number 1 is draw 2 cards and then discard one. Option number 2 is sending a random card from your hand to the grave. And option number 3 is adding a LIGHT Monster from the grave to my hand". Zuzu explained Saffire's effect, then looked down at her deck.

"I pick the first option to draw". The pink-haired female declared, drawing two more cards from her deck. Zuzu took a single moment to look at them, before discarding one of them and add the other to her hand.

(Music end)

Julia Life Points: 300/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

"Oh man... Julia's in hot water right now". Kit remarked with an uncomfortable face. He wouldn't want to be in Julia's situation because he highly doubted he'd find a way to victory. He can only hope that Julia got one heck of a draw that'll bring her a comeback from this tense situation.

He looked at Dipper over his left shoulder and saw him exactly the same as before. LID's Synchro Duelist let out a sigh again, before speaking up. "Dipper, get a grip already. You got one-shot badly, get over it already". Kit told his friend, but Dipper just gave a scoff in response. The Synchro Duelist frowned at LID's Xyz user, before facing forward and resumed watching the duel.

Meanwhile inside the control room; Skip was grinning with absolute pride with his daughter's dueling. "That's my precious baby girl Zuzu! Just one more turn and she'll take the win for us and You Show will be saved!" The adult man exclaimed with joy seeping out of his voice. Yusei, on the other hand, had a serious frown on his face because he knows from experience that nothing is settled until the very end. And Julia just needs one turn to win this duel despite her disadvantages.

The black-haired LID girl climbed up to her feet, staring directly at Zuzu without a trace of doubt. "It's my turn now". Julia stated, gently taking hold of her deck's top card. "I draw". She said with a low voice, drawing and brought the card up to look at it. Julia looked over to Zuzu and flipped the card over, revealing it to be a Spell card. "I activate Pot of Avarice". LID's Fusion Duelist declared, inserting it into her Duel Disk.

A large copy of Pot of Avarice appeared in front of Julia on the ground, then started gleaming. "Pot of Avarice lets me return 5 monsters in my Graveyard to the deck, shuffle and draw 2 more cards". Julia explained the Spell card's effect, looking down to her Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone right as five cards slotted out. They were Gem-Knight Garnet, Master Diamond, Gem-Knight Sapphire, Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond and Brilliant Rose.

Julia took all five cards and held them up. "I return Gem-Knight Garnet, Master Diamond, Gem-Knight Sapphire, Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond and Brilliant Rose!" The black-haired girl declared, before she got to work. First she returned Gem-Knight Master Diamond and Lady Rose Diamond to her Extra Deck, and then returned Garnet, Sapphire and Brilliant Rose to the deck.

Julia's deck then shuffled for a moment or two before stopping. Julia placed her right hand on her deck, before proceeding to draw in a dramatic fashion. "Ha!" LID's Fusion user called out, throwing her right hand out with two cards in hand. She brought both cards up and grew a pleased grin because she had gotten exactly what she had been hoping for.

She added both hands to her left hand, before swiping the right one out. "I activate Scatter Fusion!" Julia declared with Scatter Fusion's card reappearing in front of her. "Again!?" Rin exclaimed with annoyance in her voice, really hating that Spell card since it's sort of a game changer card. "It can't be helped. So long as it's on the field, Julia can keep using that Spell". Yuya remark, taking a mental note to add more Spell/Trap destroying cards to his deck.

Julia's deck began shuffling once more, but eventually stopped again with two cards slotting out. Julia took them one at a time, before holding both cards out to show that they were Gem-Knight Garnet and Gem-Knight Obsidian. "Through Scatter Fusion's effect, I merge Gem-Knight Garnet and Gem-Knight Obsidian!" The black-haired female declared, before discarding both cards.

A swirling red portal appeared in the sky above. Then Gem-Knight Garnet and Gem-Knight Obsidian appeared in front of it, only to get sucked up into the portal. A bright red light emerged from the red portal, while Julia's extra deck opened and a card slotted out. Julia took the card with her right hand's index and middle fingers, slowly lifting it up. "I Fusion Summon! Appear! Level 6! Gem-Knight Ruby!" LID's Fusion Duelist called out to the heavens, slamming her card down.

The Fusion Monster; Gem-Knight Ruby emerged from the red portal, poleaxe in right hand and cape blowing widely. It came and landed down on its right knee in front of Julia, before rising up to its feet and faced Zuzu's two monsters.

Gem-Knight Ruby ATK: 2500/ Level: 6.

Kit blinked in surprise at seeing that Fusion Monster, before giving a small nod of the head. "Yeah... That could give Julia a chance". The brown-haired male whispered to himself, fully aware of what Gem-Knight Ruby can do. Henrietta remained silent, yet chuckled with approval since she knew this was a sign that victory was LID's this time.

Julia took one of the two cards in her hand and placed it right beside Ruby's card. "I Normal Summon Gem-Knight Alexandrite!" She declared, a portal appearing beside her and Gem-Knight Alexandrite emerging from within it.

Gem-Knight Alexandrite ATK: 1800/ Level: 4.

"But he won't be around for long because I'm activating Gem-Knight Ruby's special ability!" Julia called out, throwing her right hand out. Gem-Knight Ruby raised its weapon, while Alexandrite burst into white energy that went and surged around Ruby's poleaxe. "By sacrificing a Gem-Knight monster on my field, Ruby gains its ATK Points". Julia explained Ruby's special ability, right before Ruby powered up.

Gem-Knight Ruby ATK: 2500 + 1800 = 4300.

Ruby's high ATK Points filled Skip, Allie, Tate and Frederick with dread, while Yusei, Yuya, Lulu, Rin, Gong and Serenity all narrowed their eyes. With Gem-Knight Ruby's ATK Points, Julia can win the duel by attacking Meloetta and dealing more than double the amount of Life Points that Zuzu has.

As for Zuzu herself, she broke into a nervous sweat from the pressure she's feeling right now. She looked down at the single card in her hand, the Monster card; Honest. It was a card that Yusei gave to her because it would work magnificently in her deck and she could see where he was coming from. Everything was set for her to win on this next attack, so long as everything went well without a problem.

"I activate Skill Successor's effect from the Graveyard!" Julia suddenly declared, taking Zuzu by surprise. Skill Successor's card slotted out of Julia's graveyard and she took it with her right hand, before holding it up. "By banishing this Trap from the grave, one monster I control gains 800 ATK Points". The black-haired girl explained, putting her Trap away in her pocket.

An orange aura appeared over Gem-Knight Ruby, before transferring over into its poleaxe. "I choose my Gem-Knight Ruby!" Julia declared her choice, right as the Fusion Monster's ATK went up.

Gem-Knight Ruby ATK: 4300 + 800 = 5100.

"Why did she do that? It was already strong enough to beat Meloetta". Allie remark with a confused face, seeing no reason why Julia further powered up her monster. "It's because she wants to win by beating Saffira". Lulu said with a serious voice, grabbing the attention of Allie, Tate and Frederick. The three turned to look and saw Lulu watching the duel with a serious face, an expression that they honestly didn't like seeing on her face. They always preferred seeing Lulu's smiling face over this one.

"It's mostly because of Julia's pride as a duelist that she decided to take this course of action. She doesn't want to take the easier option, but the harder one to prove something. Honestly, I can get where she's coming from". Rin explained with a shrug of the shoulders, yet had a grin on her face. "Gong gets it, too! Gong would take the real option LIKE a man and not the easy one!" Gong exclaimed, holding both arms up with anime flames appearing around him.

Yuya laughed in an unsure way at seeing his best friend like that, before looking over to the three kids with a small smile. "Julia could have attacked Meloetta, but she wouldn't be satisfied with that. The reason why she's going after Zuzu's Ritual Monster is because she wants to beat Zuzu's best monster out of respect or pride. It's a harder thing to accomplish, but that's what makes it more satisfying". The Odd-Eyes Duelist told Allie, Tate and Frederick, looking over to the control room where his teacher was.

Yusei told him about a good friend and rival of his that honestly astonished Yuya because he accomplished something he thought impossible. This person that Yusei called "Jack Atlas" defeated Yuya's teacher in a duel. It may be true that it was 2 years ago, but it was still a shock to Yuya that someone managed to beat Yusei with how amazing he is in a duel.

Not only that, but what Yusei told him about Jack's, what he called, "Burning Soul" astonished Yuya as well. How he used pure power to burn away anything that stands in his way, tactics that power up his monsters and never cowers before anything even a powerful monster. Yuya was amazed with what he's learned about Yusei's rival and wants to meet him someday.

Back to the duel; Julia pointed right at Zuzu's Saffira, Queen of Dragons with her right hand's index finger. "Gem-Knight Ruby attacks Saffira, Queen of Dragons!" The black-haired girl declared, wasting no time and getting straight to battling. Gem-Knight Ruby let out a grunt, raising its poleaxe up and took a stance.

'Now!' Zuzu shouted out inside of her mind, this chance being perfect. The pink-haired girl took her Honest card and held it out. "At this moment, I activate the special ability of Honest in my hand!" Zuzu declared, right as Honest's card began glowing a bright white light. The same light appeared right behind Saffira, before it transformed into Honest himself.

The Fairy-Type monster spread both wings out, gazing at the back of Saffira's head. "By discarding this card, a LIGHT Monster that I control gains the ATK Points of the opponent's monster that it's battling!" Zuzu explained, sending Honest's card to her Graveyard Zone. Allie, Tate and Frederick all cheered at hearing this, all convinced that this duel was over in Zuzu's victory.

But unfortunately, things weren't gonna end in the way they were hoping for. "I thought you had something like that in mind. Which is why I've got this!" Julia exclaimed, before holding out a card. It was the Quick-Play Spell card; Called by the Grave. "The Quick-Play Spell Called by the Grave!" The black-haired girl stated, before slotting it into her Duel Disk.

A larger copy of Julia's Spell materialized on the ground in front of her, then started glowing. "Here's how this card works. It targets and banishes a card from your Graveyard and for the rest of this turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name". LID's Fusion user explained, much to Zuzu's dread at hearing this.

Yuya, Lulu, Rin, Gong and Serenity had all broken into a sweat as well because they realized what this meant. "Oh no... That's game". Yuya uttered to himself with wide eyes, fully aware what this meant. "Hey... Zuzu still has a chance to get out of this, doesn't she?" Tate asked with a hopeful voice, looking up to Rin for an answer. Much to his horror however, the green-haired girl shook her head. "No, there isn't. Zuzu's lost this round". Rin answered, frowning at Julia's Spell card.

From the ground right behind Saffira, a giant green arm with long black nails erupted out and grabbed a tight hold of Honest. The Fairy-Type Monster grunted in surprise, before the giant green hand retracted itself and pulled Honest with it, both disappearing from sight. Zuzu stared down at the hole left behind with wide eyes, before looking over to Julia and saw her grinning face.

"Now go Ruby! Attack the Ritual Monster Saffira and end this duel!" Julia commanded, punching the air with her right fist. Gem-Knight Ruby let out a cry, before leaping forward and kicked up a strong wind. The Fusion Monster came right up to Saffira and swung its poleaxe down, slicing Saffira's front and leaving a gold glowing slash mark. Saffira gave out a cry of pain, right before it exploded.

The explosion's shockwaves hit Zuzu hard and sent her flying with a cry, Life Points dropping all the way to zero. (5100 - 4300 = 800)

Zuzu Life Points: 550 - 800 = 0.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


