28.57% Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover / Chapter 4: The Truth Revealed

章 4: The Truth Revealed

Natasha Romanoff stared at her old friend for a long moment in disbelief, and finally, a laugh tore its way out of her. A full-blown laugh that follows a brilliant joke. Because that is what it was. What Clint had just said made no sense. There was no way it could be true.

She got herself under control, and with a smile, looked at Maria who was staring wide-eyed at Clint.

"Don't tell me you believe this shit?" She asked in disbelief, eyes widening when Maria didn't promptly reply. She turned and glared at Clint.

"You're telling me that the guy who we've been seeing is an enhanced? That he somehow bewitched Coulson before wiping his memories? Who vanished in thin air? What is this? Magic?" Natasha scoffed. She didn't pay any mind to Clint's glare and stood up. "I don't have time for this shit. I'm going for a drink. You two wanna come?"

"Sit down, Nat. Please," Clint replied, gesturing for her to take her seat. Natasha remained standing. "You are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nat. Behave like one."

Natasha glared at him before doing as she was bid.

"A few years ago, I would've dismissed this as something impossible, but after what we have seen in recent years… think, Nat. There is a man flying around in a suit. We had aliens attack New Mexico. Hell, there was a literal God from the what we thought was the Norse mythology which turned out to be more than mere tall tales and myths. Trust me when I say that anything is possible."

Natasha frowned. "I agree with that, but why do you even think Harry is what? An enhanced? An alien? What does S.H.I.E.L.D. think he is?"

"He is unclassified right now, merely a person of interest and a top suspect. That is all."

Natasha nodded. "Right, that. Why do you think he is that? You might've missed him in that alley. You scaled the building, after all. He could've turned around and you'd never know."

Clint sighed. "Come on, Nat. I saw him enter and scaled that building after a few seconds when he didn't come out. And it took me barely two seconds to reach the top of that building and look down. No way any normal human could get out of that alley in such a short time. I checked the streets as well. It was like he vanished in thin air."

Natasha was still not convinced, evident by her shaking her head in denial. She turned to look at Maria Hill, who was frowning. "What do you think?"

Maria looked up at Natasha, who was sitting with her arms crossed under her breasts and staring at her with a serious look on her face.

"I think we should at least take it into consideration. It might be true. We have not spent much time with Harry, and all of us have secrets. No way he would spill his out after a few nights of sex."

Clint shook his head at that. "I still have a hard time believing the uptight Maria Hill fucking a random guy out of nowhere, and even going for a threesome."

Maria flushed and looked to the side as Natasha kicked Clint in the shin.

'Be nice,' she mouthed with a glare as Clint rubbed his leg and glared.

"So, what's the plan then?" Natasha finally asked with a sigh, fully intending to verify these claims. She had not admitted it out loud, but a part of her wanted Clint to be right. If Harry was not a normal civilian, then they could get together without thinking about rules and ethics. She glanced at Maria, only to see her looking at her with understanding. She smiled when the other woman nodded. Yeah, she really hoped Harry was not a civilian.


Natasha had a bad feeling about this. She was walking hand in hand with Harry along the hill right outside the city. S.H.I.E.L.D. had obtained the clearance, keeping the civilians away from the vicinity.

She was not on board with this plan Clint had come up with. They had discussed the course of action, and she had been very vocal about confronting Harry directly about it. Clint had outright declined.

"You really think he will just come out and say 'Yeah, I'm an enhanced with mind control powers!'? Who knows what else he's hiding, Nat. Come to think of it, are you sure he's not done something to you two as well?"

Natasha had bristled at that, knowing she was fully in control of herself and there was no missing memory. She had looked at Maria, who, for once in a while, had a fully focused expression on her face.

"As much as I don't want to, this is the best way to know the truth, Natasha."

That had been the end of it. She would go with Harry to the clearing at the top of that hill where their plan would unfold. She could only hope that Harry would not be too cross with them for the deception.

They had reached their destination, and as their plan dictated, she turned around and pressed her body against his, pinning him between her and the trunk of a large tree.

"You have a thing for outdoor sex, don't you?" Harry asked huskily as his lips found the familiar spot at the side of her neck, right below her earlobe. Natasha sighed softly.

"You have no idea what you do to me," she gasped when he grabbed her left breast over her dress and squeezed softly. Try as she might, she couldn't stop herself from enjoying his ministrations, the mission taking a back seat quickly in her horny mind. Suddenly, they heard footsteps and Natasha heard Harry pulling away with a frown, looking behind her.

"What is it?" Natasha asked in perfect puzzlement as Harry pulled her behind him. She looked around him and saw several figures dressed in black from head to toe emerge from the foliage nearby, their attire camouflaging them in the darkness. Yet, they were able to make out the fourteen figures, each with an assault rifle in their hands.

"Stay behind me, Nat," Harry interjected, and for the first time since she had met him, Natasha recognized the different tone of his voice. That didn't sound like the Harry she knew. This voice was menacing, carrying with it a hint of a warning to obey. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"What's happening?"

Harry didn't look at her, and replied, "No idea, but I have a bad feeling about this. It's as if they were waiting for us here."

A red laser locked on its target, and Harry's eyes narrowed when he saw its aim at Nat's forehead.

"I won't do it if I were you," he called out and watched on as a figure walked out of the crowd.

"You are in no position to make threats, Harry Potter. Hand over the woman and walk away. We have no quarrel with you."

His eyes narrowed at the figure. "You know what this is all about?"

Hating herself for it, Natasha shook her head. "No."

"I see. Forgive me then," Harry replied, before touching her cheek. Instantly, Natasha slumped as he cast a weak stunner to put her out of commission for a few moments. His hands glowed, and he erected a powerful shield over her body after he had laid her down against the tree.

"Now then," he began, turning around to stare at the surprised group who had taken a few steps back, "let us begin, shall we?"

His emerald eyes glowed eerily as he jumped into motion, quickly stunning two figures before they could do anything. There was no need to unnecessarily kill them, and since there was no one to Ennervate them, he could go on casting stunners without any fear. A loud bang echoed in the stillness of the night and Harry quickly erected a shield in front of him in the nick of time as the ground exploded right outside where the shield ended. He watched as the figure in front cocked his rifle again and realised what it was.

He had seen a rifle like that before – created by Stark Industries before they had shut down their weapons manufacturing division. It could fire bullets as well as beams of energy that resulted in small explosions to capture but not grievously injure the target.

"What are you?" The figure in the lead asked incredulously, and Harry smirked.

"I am a normal guy; one you have pissed off."

A barrage of stunners left his hand and hit another five before they could even react, and instantly, chaos broke out. The remaining assailants started to fire at will, and Harry shielded himself against the constant barrage of bullets. Shields were broken down before he quickly erected new ones, and a stalemate ensued.

At the far end hiding behind the tree, Maria Hill captured the entire thing in the micro-camera and looked on in disbelief. It was all true. Harry Potter was an Enhanced. A part of her rejoiced at the revelation before she buried it down and narrowed her eyes. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were going down and not getting up, but she could see they were alive from the monitor they all carried on their person, which meant they were only unconscious. That made her feel slight relief, knowing that Harry did not want to kill despite being subjected to actually advanced weaponry.

She felt awful for putting Harry through this, and the first strike had been only to immobilise him, with the intention to make him disclose his powers should the need arise. They had been successful at that. Harry did not seem to know what actually was going on, probably still thinking this was a group that had come to abduct Natasha.

She watched as he fired another one of those red beams at an agent who slumped unconscious and reread the energy scans. It still read nothing. Her mind worked into overdrive. Was it possible that Harry was able to manipulate a form of energy they could not scan yet? Was their technology still primitive? That was the only conclusion she could reach.

She saw Harry keep that glowing blue shield up. That looked like something that would consume and emit a ton of energy, and yet, the scanners showed nothing. He had reached Clint already, who seemed to be at a loss of what to do, his gaze flickering from Harry to the glowing shield that covered Natasha's unconscious form. Harry saw his gaze and glared.

"If you think you can even touch a hair on that woman's head, you have another thing coming," he snarled, grabbing the rifle from Clint's hand, and they watched in disbelief as the rifle withered away into nothing but small fragments of sand which Harry let fall to the ground.

"I suggest you start talking now, or I'll have to resort to some… rather forceful measures that might give you a severe headache. We won't want that now, would we?"

Maria's eyes widened when she heard that. Was he talking about mind reading? He had probably done that with Coulson already, so she wouldn't be surprised if he did it again. She knew she had to do something, otherwise, Harry might do something to Clint.

"Harry wait!" She called out, and almost jumped back when he abruptly turned to glare at her. His glare softened and his face morphed into one of confusion when he saw her standing there.

"Marie? What are you doing here? And what is that you're wearing?"

Maria sighed. She was clad in her official S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform of tops, trousers and jacket made of Nanotube that clung to her body and showcased her full figure.

"Please let him go, Harry!" She pleaded as she walked towards them, and Harry watched on, confused.

"What are you talking about? These guys were trying to kidnap Nat! Hell, they were trying to kill me as well. I guess you've seen it all so there's no need to hide it, but I would've been screwed if I didn't have my powers here! They should be happy I only knocked them out and didn't outright kill them."

Maria smiled softly as she caressed his cheek before grabbing his hand that held Clint by the collar. Harry let go, and Clint slumped back, gasping as he stroked his chest.

"Who are you, Marie? Your outfit is not normal."

"We'll tell you everything, Harry, I promise. Just please come with us."

Harry looked at her sceptically. She was taking the revelation of his powers much better than he had expected. When he had first seen her, he had been surprised before the current situation had dawned on him. He looked at her and then at the man he had just had in his grasp.

"Wait a minute," his eyes widened, "don't tell me you're involved with this lot."

Maria sighed. "I told you, Harry, we will explain it all to you. Please just come with us."


Maria looked at him, surprised. "Harry?"

"I'm not going with you anywhere. You can either come with me or you can forget it. I don't know what's going on here, but I have no interest in it. We can go about our way, forgetting that we ever met. I don't care."

The utter coldness in his voice and the lack of care hurt her a lot, but she didn't let it show on her face. Squaring her shoulders, she nodded.

"We will go to a neutral place of our mutual choice. Is that agreeable?"

Harry looked at her imploringly, before he nodded. He didn't want to read her mind. He cared too much for that woman to do that.

One thing was for sure though. He will be getting all the answers, one way or another. And only then would he be deciding how to proceed.

Maria smiled at him before she looked at the base of the tree where Natasha's unconscious form was still covered with that glowing shield.

"Will you get Nat up as well? Then we can proceed."

"Is she involved with this as well?"

Maria sighed before nodding, and she saw him close his eyes with a sigh. He waved his hand, and the shield vanished before she saw Natasha flying towards them. Despite the wonders she had already seen from this man, it still shocked her. Harry looked at her face and smirked before awakening Nat, who blearily blinked at the scene in front of her.

"Meet me in fifteen minutes in the middle of Central Park, right to the north of the big lake."

The trio couldn't even say anything as right after he was done, Harry vanished into thin air, leaving a flabbergasted Natasha who stared at the remaining two.

"What the fuck!? It's true!?"

Maria could only nod with a sigh. "Let's go. We have to get there in fifteen minutes."

Clint and Natasha followed her towards the car while Maria called for reinforcements to pick up their unconscious agents, hoping that they would wake up soon on their own or they would have another grievance to discuss with the enigma that was now Harry Potter, the man she and Nat had been falling for.


Harry Potter looked on with a stoic face as the three arrived. He didn't know who the guy was, but he assumed he was the one Marie had defended from him. His eyes fell on the two women who had quickly become special to him. They had a purely sexual relationship, but he knew something more had been slowly developing between him and the two.

"Alright, we're here. Let's get the introductions out of the way first. I'm assuming your names are not Natalie and Marie. Doesn't matter. I'm Harry Potter."

Natasha sighed. Things were not looking good. She looked at Clint and glared. She had told him it was a poor plan, but he had not budged in the slightest.

"I'm Maria Hill, and they are Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. We are agents belonging to a secret organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D."

Harry nodded, filing the information away. He had no clue what this S.H.I.E.L.D. was, but it looked like he was going to have a crash course.

Safe to say, he did get a crash course in what this S.H.I.E.L.D. was, and things made more sense to him.

"Your organisation goes after interesting targets, huh? How did you know I was different from any civilian? I doubt you two even knew there was anything different about me."

"That is because I was tasked with tailing you and I saw you vanish from an alley that had only one exit."

Harry recalled the alley he used to apparate from and nodded. There was no use in playing coy now.

"Alright, so what was your plan? Attack me and what? Capture me and run some tests to figure out what powers I had?"

"Hell no!" Natalie, no, not Natalie, Natasha. Natasha shouted, to his surprise.

"No? Isn't that how these things usually go? You find something interesting, then you dissect it to learn its secrets, and once you've found what you wanted, you dispose of it?"

Clint frowned. This man was too comfortable in his skin. They were three of the most skilled their organisation had to offer, and yet he was not fazed even slightly.

'But then, given what he is capable of, is that really any surprise?' he thought, recalling the ease with which he had knocked some of their best agents out.

"There won't be any dissecting or experimentation, Harry," Maria replied.

Harry sighed, just wanting to get this over with now. He didn't think he had the temperament to endure this shit any longer tonight. Maybe he would think upon it with a clearer head in the morning, but right now, he just wanted to get rid of them.

"What do you really want from me then?"

"A meeting, between you and the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. That is all for now," Clint replied with what he had been ordered, deliberately withholding the fact that they suspected this man of playing with Coulson's mind.

"We don't want to be adversaries, Harry. We don't have to."

Harry scoffed. "Funny way of showing that. Didn't you assault me just half an hour ago, that too on mere suspicion? Really great, I must say."

Clint once again ignored the glare Nat directed at him. He was getting a lot of that this evening. Instead, he looked at this Harry Potter.

"You were never in any mortal danger. The worst you'd have gotten was a bruised torso. Those were not actual bullets, but brittle copper ones that would get powdered the moment they struck any surface. S.H.I.E.L.D. uses them during practice sessions."

Harry nodded before looking back at Maria.

"We can arrange a meeting. Bring him over to my penthouse tomorrow at noon," Harry replied, before interrupting whatever rebuttal the guy in black, Clint, he recalled, was going to make with a raised hand, "and you can bring your agents as escorts if that would make you feel safe. I don't care. Sounds fair, right?"

"More than fair. We will see you tomorrow evening then," Maria responded with a soft smile. Harry simply nodded.

"That concludes our impromptu meeting then," he replied, before raising his hand when the two women started to walk towards him. The brunette and the redhead stopped in their tracks, and Harry gave them small smiles.

"I'd like some time away from all this for a while. I hope you'll understand. I am not angry at you two. It would be unfair to be upset when I hid my true self from you two as well. It's just that I have a lot on my mind right now, and I'd like to find something to take my mind off it all for a while."

Both the women nodded, hiding the hurt they felt behind perfect poker faces. Harry smiled again before nodding at them and apparating away.

The trio stared at the spot where Harry had just vanished from. They knew they could not do anything in face of powers like that, so they had to choose the peaceful path and extend a hand of friendship. They could only hope the meeting would turn out fruitful.

"Well, with swagger like that, I can see why you two decided to share him," Clint remarked, grunting when Natasha drove her elbow into his gut.

"I told you it was a shitty plan. We should've talked to him and he would've listened."

Clint and Maria sighed in unison.


The beautiful blonde woman scowled internally as she stared at the asshole who had turned her down. Right after she had all but thrown herself at him. Just who did he think he was!?

"I'm sorry, I just don't see you like that," Peter muttered apologetically, "and I like someone else. I'm flattered, Felicia, really. But I just can't."

Putting on a fake smile while she was internally seething, Felicia nodded, acting all embarrassed. She fixed the sexy dress that she had worn just to seduce this dumbass – a sheer black one that came to the middle of her thighs and hung on her shoulders by thin straps, displaying an ample amount of cleavage. A perfect dress to get a man's pants off.

However, it seemed there was no use. This guy, Peter Parker, was too uptight. They had known each other for a few months now and never had he even hinted that he liked someone else, even if her actions had made it painfully obvious that she was interested in him. Did he get some sadistic pleasure in leading a woman on before letting her down at the most inopportune moment? Was he just a punk like that?

Felicia didn't know, but she would be keeping her distance away from this asshole, that was something she was sure of.

"It's fine, Peter. Don't worry," she gave him a fake smile before lightly hugging him, scoffing when he stood ramrod straight, not touching her.

Her ego shot, she pulled away before watching on as he walked away without a backward glance. Her face twisted into a glare as she realised her predicament – standing in the middle of the alley under the Brooklyn Bridge right where it started in Manhattan.

"Fuck that loser. Just who does he think he is! I'm not good enough for him, is that so? Well, his loss!" Felicia muttered to herself and threw his wallet away. She had snatched it right out of his pocket when she had given him that hug, with the moron being none the wiser. The few hundred dollars she found went inside her purse as she pulled out her phone and opened Tumble, a dating app that was popular these days. There was no way she was going home without some action that night. Swiping through a few names that popped up in her vicinity, she finally came across a guy that caught her eye and she smirked.

"You'll do nicely, babe," Felicia whispered, swiping right.


Harry had not planned for something like this. However, he needed something to take his mind off the revelations of this evening, and this seemed like a brilliant way to do so.

He had been sitting inside a random coffee shop when his phone buzzed. What followed was something that he couldn't have ever thought of. Hell, he didn't even remember that he had a profile on a dating app.

Not for the first time that night, he pulled out his phone and looked at her picture.

Clad in a tank top and a skirt as she posed for the camera, she was a vision. Her hair was the lightest shade of blonde, fanning down her back until it stopped at her waist, and the wicked smirk on her face attracted him in ways he couldn't explain. Yeah, she looked like a bad girl, one he found strangely enticing.

Currently, he was waiting for the woman in the corridor at the back of the nightclub near his apartment. It was a great coincidence since it would allow them to make a quick getaway to his place.

The door to his left slammed open and he saw the woman enter. Her eyes took him in from head to toe while he also performed a quick scan. Yep, this was sex on legs. The smirk on her face was mirrored on his, and in no time, she was upon him, kissing him heatedly.

He didn't know when her hand started stroking his length over his jeans or when his palms began to knead her doughy rear, but he found he didn't care, not after the hectic revelations of a few hours prior. By the looks of it, neither did she.

"Your place nearby?" She asked erotically, pulling away slightly before her teeth started to nibble on his chin. Harry smirked.

"Barely two minutes away," he replied.

"Let's go then," she grabbed his hand and started to lead him out of the nightclub.


"Damn," she whistled, looking up at the building that housed his penthouse apartment before looking at him, "you live up there? In this building?"

"Is it really that impressive?" Harry asked with a smirk as they entered the lobby. He nodded at the security guards who gave him respectful nods back before leading her to the lift.

"Owning a penthouse in the only building that can compare to the Stark Tower is indeed a big deal, especially when it's directly managed by Stark Industries."

Harry chuckled as they waited. His arm was wrapped around her waist, pulling her close as she continued to stroke him.

"I can't wait to fuck you," she whispered in his ear, taking the earlobe in her mouth and biting softly. Harry simply squeezed her ass in response.

"And I'm going to ruin you for any other man," he looked at her and grinned.

"Promises, promises," she simpered.

Felicia couldn't believe she found such a quick connection with this stranger. Harry had this aura about her, a confident persona that attracted her to him, and she could barely wait. Finally, they arrived at the designated floor and the door slid open.

"Let's get going then," he smirked, pulling her behind him until they reached his apartment door. Quickly getting done with the unlocking and verification, he pulled her in and closed the door.

"Go on and wait for me in the bedroom. It's the only open door."

She smirked, before planting a quick kiss on his lips and walking away, the alluring sway of her round ass beckoning him closer. Harry smirked.

'Felicia Hardy, also goes by her nickname Black Cat. A burglar, huh? Well, she's basically harmless. And it's not as if she would be able to steal something from this house.'

Harry had learned his lesson. No way would he be trusting people at face value in this world when there were so many unknowns simply walking around like normal. He would be scanning every person's surface thoughts, gleaning their true identities, without going into too much depth. He did not want to know their deepest, darkest secrets. A simple knowledge of who they truly were was more than enough.

However, he did not have time to ponder upon that. A beautiful blonde bombshell was waiting for him in his bedroom. He walked over to the personal bar and poured two glasses of whiskey after adding the ice. He mixed it properly and took it up with him.

The sight that greeted him when he walked in made his cock lurch. There she lay on his bed, still clad in her sexy black dress and giving him that damnable smirk. Her grey eyes surveyed him, her legs crossed and her arms folded beneath her generous tits that pushed them up, making her look all the more enticing. Without a word, he walked over and handed her one glass.

"I hope you've not spiked it," she joked, clanking her glass with his as Harry chuckled.

"Do I really need to? I've got you in my bed already, after all," he smirked, taking a seat beside her and taking a sip.

"Touché," she replied as they continued to drink, both taking their time, knowing that the night was long. Their impatience had long since quelled, and now both wanted to enjoy this night together. Who knew if they would even see each other after this night of passion?

Harry finally took the last sip and watched as she finished with hers. The large whiskey balls had still not melted, and Harry smirked before taking her glass and putting it with his on the glass table beside the bed.

This time, their kiss lacked that previous urgency, being softer and more intimate than either had expected. His hands also refrained from infringing into the groping territory, softly caressing her bare skin before stroking her sides with tender touches that made her shiver.

Slowly, she scooted forward until he was pressed against the headboard and she was straddling him before she pulled back slightly and looked at him.

"You want to fuck me?" She asked, eyes half open as she stared at his lips before looking him in the eye. Harry simply grabbed her hair in a fist and mashed his lips against hers, and Felicia couldn't hold back her moan this time.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," she hissed before biting his lip softly. Her hands made quick work of his t-shirt, tossing it over her head where it fell to the floor before she started to fumble with his belt. His jeans followed next and so did his boxers, and in no time, Felicia was laying on her front, her face right in front of his erect cock as she stared at it.

"Fucking hell, you're huge," she whispered, before spitting on her palm and starting to stroke him. Smirking, her tongue darted forward and she swirled it around the head before her utterly fuckable lips wrapped around his cock, puckered up and sucked him. Harry sighed in pleasure.

"You like that?" She asked, leaning back slightly as she continued to stroke him. She looked up at him through her eyelashes and smirked when she saw his gaze fixed on her prominent cleavage that was on display.

"Less talking," he grunted before fisting her hair and bringing her mouth over his cock. Felicia didn't need to be told twice, and she eagerly started to bob her head on his cock, taking him in and out of her slick, wet mouth. His cock was covered in her oral juices, slobbering all over his pubic area as his fingers maintained their tight hold on her silvery-blonde hair. Fuck, but she reminded him too much of Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons champion whom he had had hots for but never had the guts to do anything but glance discreetly.

Not anymore.

Slowly, he lifted himself up on his knees and started to thrust his cock inside her mouth, which prompted the beautiful blonde to lean upwards. She also got on her knees and bent fully forward, and Harry could see her large tits dangling inside her dress, threatening to spill out with every movement.

The lewd sound of her throat being fucked roughly by his large cock filled the room, and the woman took the treatment in stride. Her eyes were looking up at him, and he could see the utter adoration in them. He chuckled. Nothing like a good facefucking to get a woman like this going.

He slowed down before pulling out of her mouth and gesturing for her to lie down. He was confused when instead of doing as she was told, she stood up, pulled her knickers down her legs and threw them away before pushing him on his back and straddling him.

"With a cock like that, I don't need your mouth to cum. Just fuck me," she whispered. Harry smirked before he nodded and leaned properly against the headboard, his face level with hers. He watched as she bit her lips and grabbed his cock, positioning the head against his entrance before dropping slightly.

"Oh fuck," she whispered when the head buried in before she took in the entirety of him inside her.

"Holy shit, Harry! You're gonna tear me apart," she laughed in disbelief. Harry chuckled and bucked his hips, burying himself even further inside her.

"Ohh, yesss…" she whispered, looking him in the eye. "Fuck me now."

Harry didn't need to be told twice, and he quickly grabbed her ass over her dress and started to lift his ass repeatedly, drilling into her at a sedate pace. In time, Felicia started to rock her ass on him, taking in as much of his cock as she could inside her. Her pussy lifted halfway repeatedly before dropping down, and with each thrust came a loud moan or a cry of pleasure.

"Oh fuck babe, you fuck me so good…"

Harry grinned and left her to her devices, a responsibility Felicia took with eagerness as she started to bounce on top of his cock, her cries of ecstasy echoing throughout his penthouse. Her face was curved into an erotic smile, and he reached behind her. Unzipping her dress, he grabbed the straps on her shoulder and pulled them down, with only the straps of her bra now decorating her shoulders. She eagerly lifted her arms through them, and Harry pulled her dress down, exposing her large tits covered in a black lace bra, one that matched her dress.

"You… fuck… you've stared at them so many times this night. Go ahead babe, take it off."

Harry needed no further encouragement, and he expertly unhooked her bra, watching as it stayed on even when she was bouncing on his cock furiously, fucking herself raw. He pulled the straps down her arms and threw the bra to the floor, and quickly buried his face in between her tits.

Felicia sighed in pleasure and wrapped her arms around his neck while rocking her ass on his cock, relishing in the feeling of his lips peppering her tender flesh with kisses, his tongue lapping away at her nipples and his teeth as they nibbled all over her ivory skin, leaving little bite marks all over her chest.

Harry leaned back slightly and looked at the look of abject pleasure on this woman's face before he smirked. Felicia kept fucking herself on his cock and looked on as he leaned over slightly and brought a whiskey glass over to the bed before he took out a whiskey ball and looked at her.

"You're evil," she whispered with an excited smirk as she understood what he was going to do. A deep hiss escaped her lips when she felt the frozen ball of ice rubbing against her hard nipples before she sighed softly when his mouth covered the cold nub. He repeated with her nipples again and again before putting the ball inside his mouth and locking his lips with hers.

Ass rocking over his cock, Felicia and Harry rolled their tongues around the ball of ice. Their tongues rolled around each other as they kept the ball moving around before Harry pulled back and spat the ice away.

"Ready to be properly fucked now?"

Felicia looked at him and smirked, "Do your best."

In an instant, Harry flipped them over so that he was laying on top of her, and started to furiously drill into her. His knees pressed firmly against the bed as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer.

The first cry of "Harry!" had only left her parched throat when Harry buried the words that were about to follow. His tongue invaded her mouth vehemently, one hand supporting his body while the other grabbed her breast and squeezed firmly.

Felicia could only moan silently in pleasure, her body quivering as Harry continued to pound away at her like she was a cheap whore made for satiating his lust. The thought sent a thrill through her, and her legs tightened their hold around his waist. She could feel every single vein of his magnificent cock slithering again and again inside her gushing pussy.

He played with her tits, hands alternating every few minutes but he never slowed his fucking. His hips rocked at a constant pace, his stamina letting him maintain his thrusts and Felicia relished in what she knew would be the best fuck of her life. He had told her that he would ruin her for any other man, and she already felt that he had come true on his promise.

Knowing she was close, she pulled him firmly against her. His arms wrapped under hers, holding her by the shoulder as their fronts mashed together. She savoured the feeling of her large, bountiful tits against his hard chest, just as she was sure he was enjoying the feel of them against him.

"I'm close," he whispered in her ear, and she smiled. "Me too."

"Inside?" Harry asked, and she nodded, wanting to feel all of him. No way she was going to let him shoot anywhere but inside her.

"Don't worry, I won't get pregnant," she whispered, forcefully burying the memories and letting herself drown in the feeling of this magnificent man. Harry lifted his head to look her in the eyes before mashing his lips against hers, a kiss she returned with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.

He erupted inside her the moment she creamed around him. Her orgasm crashed through her, and her body shivered violently as she felt his seed shoot inside her. Her inner walls tightened around him, trying to milk as much of him as she could. The act sent wave after wave of intense euphoria through her that shook her entire world.

Felicia could barely see or hear anything, her mind warped. The only thing she was aware of was the sound of ecstasy that escaped her throat, echoing around the room.

A few minutes passed as the pair caught their breaths after the round of intense lovemaking and Harry slumped over her, their chests flush together and his face buried in her shoulder. Felicia breathed deeply as she stroked the back of his head, turning around when she felt him turn to look at her.

"You were fucking brilliant," he whispered, leaning forward and capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Even after their rigorous lovemaking, his kiss still took her breath away.

"I hope this wasn't the last time we fucked," she replied, watching as he smiled.

"No fucking way," he replied, laying on his back and pulling her on top of him. She looked him in the eyes as he smiled. "I'll fuck you as many times as you want, any way you want, and whenever you want."

Despite herself, Felicia giggled. "I'll hold you on to that promise."

Harry smirked. The night was indeed very long.

To be continued…

Can't wait for more and want to read in advance? You can find it all by visiting patreon.com/Vedros

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


