81.72% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Small Talk and New Blood

章 74: Chapter 74: Small Talk and New Blood

[3rd POV]

Bloom looked to Lucifer with wide eyes, as the burned one turned to ash in front of her eyes, and Stella's ring dropped to the ground, where it was picked up by Lucifer moments later.

"Pro-" "Can I ask what your plan was? Because whatever it was, it was foolish, and really really dumb" Lucifer asked, looking to Bloom with a raised eyebrow, wanting to know what this girl had actually planned on doing with fire...against a burned one, with the word "Burned" literally in the name.

"I-I was hoping to maybe kill it-" "Bloom, you can barely summon that fire of yours, do you truly believe you could have killed the creature?" Lucifer cut her off, looking at her with a deadpan, knowing that had she not been there, there would have been a high chance of Bloom dying to the creature. As Aisha hadn't been there like in canon, leaving Bloom alone to fight the creature.

"I-I'm sorry" Bloom said, looking down in embarrassment as she realized that Lucifer was right, had she not been there, she would have died.

Sighing, Lucifer waved her off "It's fine. You're brand new so I won't blame you. But next time get my help, will you? I won't rat you out to Dowling, trust me. I'd much rather kill these things without causing any problems for others, and I'd rather not have my students get injured, especially ones as talented as you" Lucifer responded, giving Bloom a pat on the head before looking around.

"Seems there aren't anymore around here, so we won't need to worry about that. Now, let's get back to the others, I'm sure they're worried" Lucifer said, as in the distance another burned one was atomized, causing her to smile and walk off, motioning for Bloom to follow her.

Hearing this Bloom walked after Lucifer, still looking embarrassed about the whole event, and also nervous as to what sort of reaction this would get from her new friends. She didn't exactly tell anyone that she was leaving, so they're most likely not going to be happy with her.

"Am I going to get in trouble?" Bloom asked Lucifer, who hummed.

"With me? No, with Dowling? Most certainly. But if anyone deserves to get in trouble, it's Stella for giving you the ring in the first place and making you come out here even though she knew there was burned ones around here. Stella will be getting in trouble with me, that you can be certain of" Lucifer replied after a few moments of thought.

Stella had given the ring to Bloom, due to it having the ability to transport the wearer back to the human realm through certain portals of sorts. But, it was also a crown jewel of the Solaria, so the fact that she gave it away in the first place, was idiotic. And then she went on to blame Bloom for losing it, even though she had given it to her in the first place, and Bloom had only lost it because she was fleeing a burned one.

"I don't think she shou-" "No, Bloom, she will be getting in trouble, and I hope you won't try to make excuses for her, because they won't work against me" Lucifer cut her off, knowing that Bloom was trying to make excuses for Stella so the girl wouldn't get in trouble, even though it was Stella's fault that they were in that situation at all.

"Now cmon, we've got to get back to the others" Lucifer said, walking farther, as they made there way back to where the others were.


Hearing the incoming sounds of steps, Silva turned as he watched Bloom and Lucifer walk out of the tree's. Completely unharmed, besides Bloom who looked somewhat guilty about everything that has happened.

"Is it dead?" Terra asked as they walked out.

"Yep, It's dead, and here is your ring, Stella. But I do hope you understand that giving away an object like that, is foolish, right?" Lucifer said, handing Stella the ring, and giving her a look.

"We-Well Bloom is the one who lost it! Its the crown jew-" "She wouldn't have lost it if you hadn't given it to her in the first place, Stella. I'm not sure how you believe she is at fault for this, but either way, you will be getting a proper punishment in my class. And no, I don't care if you're the princess or not" Lucifer cut her off, giving the girl a look which basically said "Shut up".

"Thank you for saving my life, Lucifer" Silva cut in, inwardly smirking at the punishment, as he believed it was deserved, even if Dowling was soft when it came to stuff like that. He was hard on the specialists, and for good reason, and he was happy there was at least one fairy teacher that understood coddling the students wouldn't change anything in terms of attitude.

"Um, how did you kill it? They're notoriously hard to kill" Terra asked which Lucifer turned to her upon hearing.

"I've got a lot of power, Terra. And one of them involves fire, which is what the burned ones are entirely made of. Bloom can learn to do what I did as well, if she learns to control or destroy the "Cinder" within the burned ones" Lucifer replied, causing Bloom to look to her with intrigue.

"I can disintegrate them like you did?" Bloom asked, interested.

"Yep, it'll take a bit of training, but I am confident you can learn to do it as well" Lucifer responded, before turning to the others.

"I think its best we get back to the school, unless you all want to stay out here where there might be more of them" Lucifer said, causing them all to look to her before nodding, as they all began to walk together, ready to get back to school, and away from the forests that potentially had burned ones littered throughout.


[Later in the night]

Back within the school, later in the night, Lucifer was sitting in her bed, Alice cuddling into her as she slept, a cute onesie on her form.

Within Lucifer's hand was a very interesting vial of blood, blood she had gotten from the Burned One.

'Seems the burned ones are related to demons...' Lucifer thought with a small grin, as she read the species she'd be getting from this blood.

Burned Ones (Winx Saga), Demon/Devil (Blue Exorcist, Adventure time, Hazin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Owl House, Star vs Forces of Evil, Winx Club, Insidious, Nightmare on Elm Street, Arrowverse, Buffy, Charmed, Shadowhunters, Lucifer, Chainsaw Man, Fairy Tail, Black Clover, DxD, Overlord, Re: Zero, How not to Summon a Demon Lord, Record of Ragnarok, Owari no Seraph, Helltaker, Mortal Kombat, Tekken)

Burned One + Demon/Devil + True God = Demon God

Looking at the bottle, Lucifer smirked before downing it, trusting in her own control this time, in order to not accidentally break the realm or anything. And thankfully, unlike before, the assimilation was practically instantaneous. And within that instant, she felt a huge burst of power, and more than that, she felt two new concepts develop. The concepts were...

Hell and Demons

A set of concepts that were closely tied to Lucifer's very being, and now they were even more so.

Within her sub dimension, she felt something begin to change, as something...formed? At the same time, a certain tree glew a soft crimson color for but a moment, before stopping.

Feeling the change, and realizing what it was, Lucifer let out a chuckle, understanding now what she needed to do in the next world. And what she needed to do soon. And with that realization, came one single thought.

'Looks like I'll need to visit hell soon'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Basically her talking with Bloom and them, and then getting her last (actually this time) assimilation until the next world. She is now the God of Hell and Demons, and with that, comes a need to visit a hell in the future. Which ones? Well, here are a few I've got planned:

Hazbin Hotel



And several others, and soon, her limit on traveling will be destroyed, due to the power she has, meaning, she'll be going on mini adventures on her own sooner or later, probably after the next world, or the one after that. As I realized that the limit on her traveling the multiverse was kind of...well limiting for me, and didn't make much sense anymore, with the amount of power she has. So after she's done with Winx Saga, that limit will be eliminated (probably). These adventures will be mini arcs to various worlds that I don't want to write an entire volume on, but still want her to visit (Like Shadowhunters, Doctor Who, etc)

I've got plans for her getting at least 3-4 more daughters, 1 in Wednesday, 1-2 in MCU, and then 1 more after that. She'll get a son eventually as well.

Anyways, have a good day!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C74
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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