26.66% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

章 15: Chapter 15

Huge thanks to Shaquille, and Marivi for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Cullen home]

Upon hearing the question, the Cullens furrowed their eyebrows, Alice eyes widened, and Edward frowned. "I didn't do anything to her"

Hearing this Lucifer got up, and turned to Edward "I'm only going to ask nicely one more time. What did you do to Alice" She made sure to ask the question slowly. The other Cullens frowned at the question, while they also turned to Edward. Edward was noticeably tensed, looking more and more nervous. While Alice looked down, refusing to meet anyones eyes. Rosalie had noticed this, and turned to Edward "Edward, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Edward yelled out. Lucifer upon hearing this, scowled at his evident lies.

"I tried to be nice, but I guess I'll have to do this the hard way" Lucifer said with a dark look on her face, as she looked the man in the eye, and began to use her compulsion on him. She was certain it would work due to her immortal psychic capabilities being drastically higher than that of a normal vampire, as well as her archangel abilities that no doubt boost them further.

"Answer the question Edward: What did you do to Alice and when was the last time you did it" Lucifer said, while using her compulsion on the tense man. His eyes seemingly constricted slightly, showing that the compulsion had taken hold on him.

"Whenever the family was out and I was alone with Aice, I would take out my pent up stress and anger on her, by beating her until her skin cracked. I would find new ways to bring out as much pain out of her as possible, and I wouldn't stop until they returned. I also would regularly find her at school and hit her when I had the chance, especially when her thoughts were loud. The last time I did it was a few days ago when the rest of the family was out hunting. I planned on doing it once you left, so that I can take out my pent up anger at your bond, out on Alice. The little fag deserved it anways" Edward said with a straight face, all under the powerful compulsion.

The more Edward spoke, the angrier Lucifer got, she balled up her fists and clenched her teeth as she tried her hardest not to attack the vampire, but upon hearing the final words, she snapped. Before the other Cullens could say or do anything, Lucifer threw out her right fist, and punched Edward directly in the face, as hard as she could, launching him through the window, and out of the house. She didn't hesitate for a moment as she followed after the vampire.

'H-How dare he! How dare he hurt MY Alice!' Lucifer thought with a snarl, as her eyes began to glow a blood red. Following after the downed vampire, she didn't give him a moment to respond before launching another punch to his stomach, throwing him into a nearby tree. A groan escaped Edward as he looked up and found Lucifer standing over him. While Lucifer was strong, her physical capabilities weren't as strong as a Twilight vampire, not yet at least.

Edward, who had realized this fact, dodged the next strike Lucifer launched towards him, before grabbing her wrist and flinging her through the forest behind them. He didn't wait before speeding after her, deciding to teach Alice's mate a lesson, not realizing that he was going to be making a rather costly mistake soon.

In the Cullen house, the Cullens were all trying their best to console Alice, who was currently in the process of having a panic attack. "I-I'll kill that bastard! How dare he!" Rosalie snarled as she began to move after them, only for Carlisle to stop her.

"No, you and Esme will stay here and watch after Alice. While Emmett, Jasper, and I will find and stop Lucifer from killing him" Carlisle said with a serious look on his face. The fact that Edward would do such a thing was a shock to him, as he never once noticed it.

"Why?! Why should we save him?!" Rosalie yelled out, angered at the fact that they want to keep the piece of shit alive.

"Because Alice needs Lucifer right now, and we, as a family, will find a suitable punishment for him. Trust me Rosalie, he will not go unpunished for this" Carlisle said with a tone of finality. He wasn't sure what type of punishment would be enough, but he was sure he could find one, as otherwise, he was certain Lucifer would kill the man.

Back with Lucifer and Edward, the two were still fighting. With Edward attempting, and failing to properly fight Lucifer, who had began to use her adoptive muscle memory to learn his fighting style, and counter it. She also had her kinetic energy absorption which made most of his strikes completely useless. The more they fought, the more Lucifer adapted and grew, and the less Edward was able to do against her.

"How fucking dare you!" Lucifer snarled, launching Edward through another tree, before he quickly got to his feet and sped at her, only for her to dodge his strike, and fling him even farther into the forest.

"How dare you touch MY Alice!" Lucifer roared out, as she began to pummel into his downed form, forming a literal crater from her powerful strikes. The more she hit him, the more he tried to fight back.

Lucifer had stopped her roars of anger as she decided to just pummel the bastards face in. Edward was trying his best to find a way out of this, before eventually he found one singular way, a way in which he could stop her, not by hitting her, but by biting her. With cracks all over his downed form, Edward mustered up as much strength as possible, and kicked Lucifer back, causing her to stumble slightly. Taking the opportunity, Edward sped forward, and took his chance.

Edward with his elongated teeth, bit directly into Lucifer's right arm, as her sleeve had been destroyed from the fighting. Lucifer's eyes widened, at the feeling, before she hit him in the face while using her stored up kinetic energy, launching the man back, and impaling him on the pointed end of a rock.

Edward didn't care though, he could come back from this easily enough, but Lucifer? She would be too focused on the unimaginable pain of being turned, to fight back. "Fucking bitch, you won't be able to do anything now that the transformation's beginning"

Lucifer on the other hand, gritted her teeth at the slight pain, while also trying not to show her wide grin, as she realized what the idiot just did. 'Fu-uck this hurts....but this *groan* is my chance to g-et that last ability' Lucifer thought, as she realized what her last ability would be.

Focusing solely on the ability she wanted, she closed her eyes, and began to slowly ignore the pain. When a sensation of something being unlocked filled her, she didn't even wait a moment before activating her species adaption, using this chance and making the most of it. There were four species she could gain, and she would be damned if she wasted this chance.

With gritted teeth, Lucifer focused on the species she was using this vampire bite to unlock. Underworld Vampire, Charmed Vampire, Blade Vampire, and Twilight Vampire. Slowly but surely she could felt what could only be described as a sensation of warmth fill her, as each of the species slowly began to be adapted and created, and then tied into her body. After only a few minutes, in which Edward had finally managed to get himself free, and began to gloat like a fool, Lucifer had gotten the final species adapted and tied to her body.

"Now that I am free I can properly teach you a le-" Edward couldn't even finish his sentence before Lucifer had blurred and cut off a part of his body. Now it was Edwards turn to drop to his knees, as he screamed in pain, while holding his crotch. Lucifer didn't even look at what it was that she just cut off, before destroying the thing with a small usage of molecular acceleration, blowing it, and any chance of Edward having children, to pieces. As, as far as Lucifer knows, they can't regenerate whole limbs, but can reattach them, as they have self healing, but not incredibly strong self healing.

Lucifer looked down at Edward, eyes glowing a vibrant red, new elongated fangs, and a wide murderous grin on her face. 'What a fucking loser' Lucifer thought, as she looked at the man dry sob over his lost member. Lucifer stopped as a new instinct filled her, while her senses were definitely increased by a drastic margin, she had enough control over her body to overcome it, but this new instinct? It was entirely different.

Grabbing Edward by the throat, she lifted him with ease, as she felt her telepathic capabilities increase by a decent bit. 'Looks like my gift has awoken...gift mimicry huh, not bad, but not that great for future worlds...hopefully it can be evolved in the future' Lucifer gripped his throat and began to slowly apply more and more strength. She didn't give a fuck about canon anymore, all she wanted was to kill this bastard that dared to hurt what's hers.

As her grip strengthened, and his neck began to crack more and more, Edward tried his best to fight back, only to be filled with horror as he realized that she had transitioned fully...in not even 5 minutes. "H-how"

"Doesn't matter does it? Your not going to be alive much longer anyways" Lucifer said with a dark grin.

Just as she was about to fully tear his head from his body, she was stopped by a shout.

"WAIT! Don't kill him!"


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(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)


That's the end of the chapter. If you can't tell already, Edward is pretty OOC in this, which was just because I wanted to change him around.

If anyone is mad about Edwards uage of the F-word and it becomes a genuine issue for people, I can change or blur it. But I obviously don't have any of those views (which is hope is obvious lol) and that is entirely there for the story.

The action was pretty short, and probably can't be really called action, but a tried my best *shrugs*.  I also decided halfway through that canon is already fucked, so why not bend it over and fuck it some more?

Writing someone who's angry is surprisingly not the easiest, for me at least. Lucifer is more the "Silent but murderous" type, in which she doesn't really yell, but just has this silent look of fury on her face. Basically the scariest type of anger you could be on the receiving end of.

Anyways, I think I am going to have my first poll for patreon. Which is, [Should Lucifer Kill Edward, or spare him?]

If she kills him, then canon is truly and absolutely fucked. Bella wouldn't be turned, the Volturi wouldn't really be involved, besides Lucifer maybe visiting there just to use her gift mimicry on them. This would also mean world travel much sooner, as in the next 3-5 chapters sooner.

If she spares him, he would be punished (already more than losing his 1 incher), and it would go by canon for a little longer. Lucifer would no longer allow Edward anywhere near Alice, and canon would change drastically pretty soon.

OR option three. Edward is kept alive for a little while, until after Lucifer properly meets the shapeshifers and volturi (aka until the second movie). If this option is chosen then he would still die eventually, and canon would still be fucked, but Lucifer would let him live for a bit longer, and allow canon to roll somewhat similarly so that she can properly get the most out of Twilight. Probably the best option all things considered. He would still be punished, and ruthlessly at that. She would also leave the world roughly after the second movie.

Also, any ideas on what that final ability she chose was? I'll give you a hint! It has something to do with the species she gains, and is a rather powerful ability, but really has one sole purpose, which is why she was able to get it.

I also plan on uploading a chapter to the vault (on my patreon), it would be about someone reincarnated into Hope Mikaelson two months before Legacies, she would have three-five unique abilities, and she would travel to The Walking Dead before returning to TVD to take part in Legacies. It would be another lesbian story, and potentially a futanari one. As said before, all stories in the vault are just ideas I came up with, and want to put down in case I want to write them out later. So there is no guarantee I will continue or finish them.

I also completely forgot about the van helsing vampire that gets turned when bitten, so she'll get that one in the future as well. I would do it now, but I already have the next chapter written. Just think of it as she forgot about it as well.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Point out any mistakes, I may have made, have a good day! See you tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer), Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)

Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)

Current Location - Forest Otuside of Cullen Home, Forks, Washington State.

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, ???????????.

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Telepathy (Edward)

Mate - Alice Cullen

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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