16.12% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

章 13: Chapter 13

Huge thanks to Mandy, Yoboi, and Rose for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Lucifer's home]

Watching as the out of control van screeched its tires, attempting to brake before hitting the ducking Bella, Lucifer raised an eyebrow as Edward blurred next to Bella, before stopping the van with a loud bump and screech. Edward realizing what he just did, hopped over the van before walking off towards his car, and away from the school.

Alice openly facepalmed at what he just did, while Lucifer tried not to grin when she heard "What a fucking idiot" come out of Rosalie's mouth.

Turning to the Cullen's who now had wide eyes, seeing as she stood right there, and definitely saw what just happened. Lucifer turned to Alice, who looked down before thinking 'It's okay, I am ready now' Alice knew Lucifer could hear her surface thoughts like these ones, and was okay with it. Not that Lucifer did this often, as it made her uncomfortable to read into Alice's mind like that.

"You know, I think I'll take you up on that offer to come over, Alice" Lucifer said to Alic, who nodded with a nervous smile. The other Cullen's noticed this and furrowed their eyebrows.

"How about tomorrow, after school?" Lucifer asked, knowing today was probably not a good time.

The Cullen's all looked at one another before nodding, but not before Rosalie spoke "We'll have to speak with Car-our parents, but you should be able to"

"Well alright then, just text me the address if it's okay, alright Alice?" Lucifer said, turning to Alice with a soft smile, trying to appease her evident worry.

Alice nodded with a nervous smile on her face. "Alice, we really have to go" Rosalie said softly, knowing how much Alice liked to be with Lucifer. But she also knew that they have to go like....right now, Edward doing what he did made that clear. The fact that anyone who was paying attention would be able to notice that he was standing quite a ways a way, and then instantly appeared in front of Bella.

Alice nodded with a slight pout, having wanted to talk with Lucifer more "Okay...bye bye Luci!"

"Bye Alice" Lucifer replied, as she watched the drive off with a sigh. She was hoping to talk with Alice more, but Edward went and ruined that.

[Slight Timeskip]

Now home, Lucifer was sitting back in her sofa, thinking 'Seeing as tomorrow is the day we reveal I know, I think it would also be best for me to gain the vampire species soon too. I can get a decent few from just getting bitten. I can't gain TVD vampires as that would require ingesting their blood, and then getting bitten, instead of fullblown dying. The only ones I know of that I can get right now is The Underworld Vamps, Charmed Vamps, Blade Vamps, and of course Twilight ones. Whenever I go to TVD and gain access to Vampire blood, then I will be able to get a lot more vampire species under my belt. Getting the Werewolf species will be a lot easier, as I all have to do is get bitten by a twilight shapeshifter, and that'll get me quite a few of them. If I ingest their blood I should get even more'

The fact that she can get 4 different vampire species after simply getting bitten, was a rather appealing prospect, as it would give her a rather large increase in power, physically at least. She planned on having the Vampire species before the end of the "first movie" and the werewolf ones before the end of the "second movie". The amount of power this would give her, would be more than enough for the next world she was planning on traveling to. While she could still technically get sealed, and potentially even killed if the right method is used, it would take a hell of a lot more work after she gets these new species, than it would when only a archangel-Immortal hybrid.

The only hard part, would be persuading Alice to turn her. As she wanted Alice and Alice alone to be the one doing the vampire turning. 'I guess I'll get to that issue when the time comes, for now though, I need to train my abilities some more' Lucifer thought, before walking out the door, preparing to train some more.

[After School, The next day]

It was the next day, and school had already finished. The day was pretty boring, besides the little field trip they had, where Lucifer and Alice were subject to a rather awkward moment of Edward trying his best to gaslight Bella.

Walking up to the Cullens, who were standing next to their vehicles, Lucifer began to address them "I'll be over at 3:00 or so"

Hearing this Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper nodded. While Edward was ignoring her in favor of staring at Bella. Alice smiled, the nervousness still evident on her face "You got the address right?"

Lucifer nodded "Yep, I'll see you guys later!" Lucifer said, as she walked off to her car.

Upon getting home, Lucifer immediately began to get ready. Which mainly consisted of a shower, and changing. She also mentally began to ponder on whether or not she should get that last ability, but decided on putting that thought off until later. Walking into the garage, she hummed as she looked over her choices, before deciding on her personal favorite, and the only right choice for this situation.

Hoping into the car, she turned on the stereo, and drove off. Driving through Forks, towards their home, she leaned back with a smile. 'Definitely need to drive this beauty more often. I can see why other Lucifer liked it so much'

After roughly ten minutes of driving, she had finally made it to the Cullen home. Pulling up, the song "Ain't No rest for the wicked" still playing, she smirked as she noticed Alice waving at her through the window.

[Moments before, Cullen home]

Within the kitchen, the Cullen family were gathered around, preparing for the guest that was about to arrive.

Edward, having walked down stares asked "Why is she even coming over?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes at him "Because we invited her over, now can you stop being such a douche and come help us set the table?"

Alice giggled slightly at the douche comment, before stopping upon seeing the heated glare Edward was giving her. She looked down slightly, before stopping as she heard a car approaching. The other Cullens (besides Edward) smiled upon hearing the car, and upon seeing Alice's excitement.

"Why don't you go and show Lucifer around while we set the table, Alice" Carlisle said softly, noticing how excited his daughter figure was right now. Alice hearing this nodded rapidly before running of downstairs.

Esme smiled as she watched Alice run off "Seems she's quite excited"

Emmett grinned "I am totally going to tease her later"

Hearing this he instantly was met by a glare from Esme and Rosalie "You will do no such thing, that girl deserves to have her mate over, without having to worry about being teased"

Emmett lifted his hands in surrender, before the entire Cullen family turned and watched as Lucifer entered the kitchen.

On Lucifer's end, she noticed Alice's nervousness. Grabbing her arm, she looked her in the eye and softened them, she couldn't speak out loud knowing they would hear her, so the best she could do is give her the most comforting look possible.

Alice breathed in deeply, before leading Lucifer into the kitchen.

She was immediately greeted by the smiling Carlisle, who was evidently happy for Alice "You must be Lucifer, I am Carlisle, and this is my wife Esme" Esme walked besides Carlisle and softly smiled.

Shaking Carlisle's hand, Lucifer responded with her own greeting "It's nice to meet you Carlisle, I'm Lucifer"

"Oh we know, Alice talks about you a lot" Esme says, still smiling. Alice let out a whine at this, causing Lucifer to smirk.

"Oh does she? And what does she say? Nothing bad I hope" Lucifer said, before slowly moving towards the counter as Esme and Carlisle moved to continue cooking.

"She talks about how beautiful and handsome you ar-oof" Emmett said, before grunting as Rosalie kicked him in the shin with a glare. Emmett raised his hands in surrender.

Lucifer hearing this, turned to Alice with a teasing grin.

"Emmett! You weren't supposed to say anything about that, it was a secret!" Alice whined out, causing most of the family to smile, or in Emmett's case, laugh.

"Well that was adorable" Lucifer commented, causing Emmett to laugh harder, while the rest of the Cullen's smiles widened.

"Luci!" "Sorry love, it was just too easy"

They were cut off from their rather nice bonding time, with the entrance of Edward. Edward noticed Lucifer and openly scowled "What are you doing here?"

"Edward, we have told you multiple times that she was invited here. Get that stick out of your ass" It was Emmett who said this, as even the kind man was getting sick and tired of Edward.

Lucifer turned to Edward with a raised eyebrow "You know, what you did yesterday was pretty interesting"

Upon hearing this the Cullen's eyes widened, as they began to nervously look at one another. While Alice breathed in deeply trying her best to calm herself.

"And what did I do? It was adrenaline and nothing more" Edward said.

Snorting in amusement, Lucifer responded "No, I mean the fact that you blatantly showed off your vampiric speed, that is what I found interesting. It was kind of iditiotic really"

*CRash* Esme promptly dropped the plate she was holding, while Alice facepalmed.

___________________________________________Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


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Wasn't really sure how to end this, so yeah I tried my best on the ending. Finally their secret is out. Originally I was going to have Lucifer wait for much longer until she revealed that she knew their secret, and that Alice was together with her. But then I realized that it would be rather hard to explain how she didn't see Edward blatantly use his super speed in front of everyone.

Also, would y'all be interested in any form of smut between Lucifer and Alice? I am not sure if it is allowed on Patreon, but if it is I might post a chapter dedicated to it, if enough people want it.

This chapter was meh in terms of length, so the next chapter may or may not be longer, idk.

Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


