74.45% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 101: The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.

章 101: The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.

Yhwach turned to Ironwood, his expression serious as he addressed the General.

Yhwach: General, may I take a closer look at Amber's condition?

Ironwood hesitated for a moment, studying Yhwach carefully before responding.

James: You can, but what do you intend to do?

Yhwach ignored the question, his focus solely on the unconscious Maiden. Without waiting for further permission, he strode purposefully toward Amber's pod and leaned in closer, examining her injuries with a keen eye.

As Yhwach observed, Ironwood's hand twitched towards his gun, a reflexive response to the sudden movement. However, before he could act, Ozpin intervened, placing a calming hand on Ironwood's arm.

James: Ozpin, you can't just allow anyone to touch Amber-!

The General began.

Ozpin: I trust Yhwach has something for the betterment of Amber otherwise he would not have opened the pod in the first place.

Replied the headmaster while the rest looked on, wary.

Just as the hatch opened up to reveal the comatose Maiden, Yhwach leaned in closer, his eyes scanning her injuries with a mixture of concern and calculation. The scars etched into her skin spoke of a fierce struggle, and the lingering wounds hinted at the severity of her condition.

Some of the scars appeared to be deeper than others as if they had been carved into her flesh with deliberate precision. And then there was the strange scent that hung in the air, an inexplicable aroma that defied description. It was neither foul nor pleasant, but rather an unsettling presence that seemed to permeate the room.

Yhwach reached out, his hand hovering just above Amber's forehead for a moment before making contact. As his palm met her skin, a faint glow emanated from his touch, signaling the beginning of the soul distribution process.

This was Yhwach's innate ability - to share a piece of his soul with another, granting them healing and strength in exchange for a shortened lifespan.

Ozpin: Yhwach, what is going on..?

Ozpin questioned, staring at the act.

James: Hold on... Amber's aura signal is getting stronger! 

Ironwood announced, looking at the machine's console.

Qrow: Wait, what?!

Qrow exclaimed, shoving Ironwood aside and looking at the console himself before Ozpin joined in.

Yhwach kept on staring at Amber before her dulled eyes snapped then she began convulsing until she spat out blood and whatever remains from her stomach... right onto Zaegar and nearly on Yhwach. She then coughed violently before tumbling out of the pod, clutching onto her chest and various scars... which began disappearing.

As Amber convulsed and expelled the remnants of her ordeal, Zaegar's beautiful language filled the air, punctuated by exclamations of disgust.


The tiny dragon recoiled in horror as he found himself splattered with the unpleasant aftermath of Amber's violent reaction. Without hesitation, he vanished in a flash of light before reappearing moments later, now miraculously cleaned of the mess.

Zaegar: Ugh, that was disgusting! Remind me never to stand too close to a Maiden in distress again!

Qrow: Amber? Can you hear me, Amber?

James: How are you feeling right now?!

Ozpin: Yhwach. 

Yhwach turned to face Ozpin, his expression expectant.

Yhwach: Hm?

Yhwach inclined his head, indicating for Ozpin to proceed with his inquiry.

Ozpin: If you don't mind me asking, what exactly did you do?

He queried, his tone serious.

Yhwach: Isn't it obvious? I healed her.

Yhwach's response was straightforward, devoid of any elaboration.

Ozpin: Then do you mind explaining how? There isn't any form of cure as far as I know, in fact, this is the first time a Maiden has been healed.

Ozpin asked.

Yhwach glanced at Ozpin, his expression unreadable.

Yhwach: The how is not important, Ozpin. What matters is that she is healed.

His response was evasive, a deliberate avoidance of Ozpin's inquiry into the specifics of his abilities.

Ozpin frowned, clearly unsatisfied with Yhwach's answer.

Ozpin: As much as it is a secret, time is dire right now. We must know about the cure for the rest of the Maidens!

Ozpin said with a rare hint of desperation in his voice.

But Yhwach remained silent, his gaze fixed ahead as he walked towards the elevator. He ignored Ozpin's plea, his mind preoccupied with the weight of his own thoughts.

As the elevator doors closed behind him, Yhwach paused for a moment, turning back to face Ozpin.

Yhwach: Sometimes, Ozpin, secrets are better left undisturbed. But if you truly seek the cure for the Maidens, you may find more than you bargained for.

Timeskip - Team RWBY's Dorm Room

Yhwach stood to the side of the room as Ironwood paced in front of Yang, questioning her about the fight, what she saw, why she did what she did, and everything in between. All the while, he didn't let anything slip about the truth of the matter.

That was something Yhwach agreed with as he knew the second Team RWBY figured it out, they would chase down Cinder and her team until they got them. Torchwick was one example of that.

James: -I'm afraid that we will have to keep you here for the duration of the Festival. I'm sorry Miss Xiao Long.

Ironwood finished, giving a look over his shoulder at Yhwach before he walked out of the room leaving just team RWBY and their Teacher.

Silence held out for a bit before Yhwach walked forward.

Yhwach: This isn't the discussion I anticipated having with all of you after that altercation.

His tone was composed as he approached them.

Yang: Save it, Professor. I've already heard it all from the General.

Yang said, feeling so low on herself. Yhwach just sighed.

Yhwach: I wasn't going to do anything of the such Yang. 

All of team RWBY looked at him with confusion.

Yang: Then why are you?

Yhwach: To provide solace, or whatever equivalent I possess in such matters.

The Quincy king said as he grabbed a seat from a nearby desk and sat down before them.

Yhwach: Whatever transpired out there on the battlefield, I have faith that you acted with necessity. I've been your teacher long enough to understand your character; you wouldn't act recklessly.

The entire team's outlook seemed to brighten up a bit when he said that.

Yhwach: I know that fact, your teammates know that fact, Glynda, Ozpin, your classmates, they all know that. But the people watching from all over the world? They don't know that. So understand that keeping you here is to keep them from panicking. You all know what panic will bring here, right?

Yhwach asked them.

Yang: I-I understand. Thank you, Professor, for believing me.

Yang said, a couple of tears welling in her eyes. 

Yhwach: There's no need for thanks, Yang. I simply spoke the truth. This will be resolved in due time, so don't dwell on it too heavily.

As he rose from his seat, Yhwach urged them to prioritize their well-being.

Yhwach: I suggest you take some rest. The events may have taken a toll on you, whether physically or mentally.

Yhwach started to leave Team RWBY's dorm only stopping for a moment to just before he shut the door. 

Yhwach: And Team RWBY. 

He said, getting their attention. 

Yhwach: Congratulations on making it to the Finals in your first Tournament. You've made me and Zaegar very proud.

He left, but not before he just barely caught a glimpse of some smiling faces. However, his own grin quickly dropped as he made his way back to Ozpin's office where Ironwood was no doubt heading and where everyone else in Ozpin's Inner Circle was.

But not before he made a detour. Just a small stop to the dorm room where Cinder stayed. Qrow had already checked out the other two rooms, but Yhwach wanted to investigate the leader of the little group's room personally.

As he made his way down the hallway, he felt a slight weight on his shoulder and realized that Zaegar, his loyal companion, had fallen asleep during the discussion.

Yhwach gently nudged Zaegar, rousing him from his slumber.

Yhwach: Zaegar, we have some business to attend to.

Zaegar stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he mumbled something incomprehensible in his sleep. Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight before Zaegar fully woke up.

Zaegar: Huh? What's going on? Are we done already?

Yhwach: Not quite. We have a detour to make.

Ginjo, residing within Yhwach's mind, couldn't help but comment on the situation.

Ginjo: (within Yhwach's mind ) You're really going all out on this investigation, aren't you? Can't say I blame you, though. Something about that woman doesn't sit right with me either.

Yhwach acknowledged Ginjo's words with a nod.

It didn't take long for him to get to the room finding it just as empty as he expected when he entered, shutting the door behind him and placing a reishi lock on it to keep out anyone. The first thing Zaegar did was take a deep sniff in, sourcing through the obvious scents of Cinder's two teammates.

Back on earth whenever someone tried to use magic for such a cause, the spell would let out a very, very, quiet and impossible for any normal person to hear.

And low and behold, Zaegar's highly tuned ears picked up that quiet buzzing noise that he was expecting to hear. It was even more quiet than the ones he could remember, and much more tuned to one frequency than he could remember.

Yhwach and Zaegar followed the sound to the closet at the back of the room. Yhwach opened up the enclosed space and looked around it, finding a small box with a blinking light on the front of it. 

Zaegar: I fucking hate technology.

Zaegar said aloud with a deep growl before Yhwach crushed it. The second he did, the scent of magic hit Zaegar in the face. His expression twisted into anger as the smell acclimated in his head.

Zaegar: Fucking hell! Bloody magic-infested shitbox! I'll tear it apart with my claws and incinerate it to ashes!

His outburst was met with a soft chuckle from within Yhwach's mind. Ginjo, always amused by Zaegar's insults, couldn't help but find the situation entertaining.

Ginjo: (within Yhwach's mind) Easy there, Zaegar. No need to get your scales in a twist. We've dealt with worse, haven't we?

But instead of calming down, Zaegar's rage only seemed to intensify at Ginjo's comment. He whirled around, his eyes blazing with fury as he directed his anger towards Ginjo.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) You think this is funny, Ginjo?! This is serious! Magic is a blight, a curse upon this world! And if it's here, then it needs to be eradicated!

Ginjo's chuckle faded as he sensed the genuine anger in Zaegar's voice. He knew better than to provoke the dragon further, especially when his rage was at its peak.

Ginjo: (within Yhwach's mind) Easy there, Zaegar. Let's focus on the task at hand. We'll deal with the magic later.

Yhwach took the box and took his reishi off the door as he began to make his way to Ozpin's tower.

Scene Break - Ozpin's Tower

The elevator doors opened up and Yhwach quickly walked in with Zaegar on his shoulder as usual.

Yhwach: Cinder Fall. Pull up everything we have on her.

He told the entire Inner Circle, all of which were present, as he tossed the broken box onto Ozpin's table. 

Zaegar: Cindy and her little crew used this pathetic gadget to mask the magical residue left by the Maiden's power. The moment Yhwach... disabled it, her stench filled the room like a disgusting odor you can't shake off.

Ozpin quickly pulled up the files, which were already a few taps away as Ozpin glanced over the entire team's files. 

Qrow: You sure that it's her who attacked Amber? 

Qrow asked just before Ozpin used the projection feature of his desk to show a picture of Cinder and her two teammates.

Before Yhwach could confirm, Qrow's eyes widened. 

Qrow: That's her. She's the one who attacked Amber.

Ironwood looked from Qrow to the picture.

James: You could identify her?!

Qrow: Her face was shifted out, like it was censored on a camera feed but her figure? That's definitely her.

Glynda just slapped herself in the face at his words.

Glynda: Only you would know a woman by her figure and not her face.

Zaegar, perched on Yhwach's shoulder, couldn't resist adding a touch of humor to the tense atmosphere.

Zaegar: Well, can you blame him? Cinder's got a figure that even a blind man could recognize. It's about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.

His remark elicited a mixture of chuckles and disapproving glances from the members of Ozpin's Inner Circle.

Glynda shot Zaegar a disapproving look, shaking her head at his irreverent comment.

Glynda: There's a time and a place for jokes, Zaegar, and this certainly isn't it.

Zaegar shot back, his tone defiant.

Zaegar: Bitch, when is there not a time for jokes?

Ginjo couldn't help but agree, acknowledging Zaegar's point with a silent nod within Yhwach's mind.

Qrow: Ha! I'm starting to like you even more, little guy. Your skills turned out to be more useful than we thought, didn't they?

Qrow's grin was met with a nod from Yhwach.

Yhwach: Regardless of that, both Zaegar and Qrow have confirmed Cinder as Amber's assailant. We need to track her down.

Yhwach addressed the group, with Ozpin nodding in agreement.

Ozpin: Indeed, James-

James: Already on it Ozpin, I'll send the files to my men and tell them to be on high alert.

The General of Atlas said before he quickly got on his scroll. 

Ozpin: Yhwach, Glynda, go back to the stadium and keep an eye and a nose out for our friends here. Qrow, start patrolling around the school for anything strange. I shall remain here and look for anything on the cameras with James. We can coordinate anything that happens through here.

Scene break - The Vytal Colosseum

Yhwach and Glynda slowly walked around the pathways of the Colosseum, on opposite sides but with their Scrolls in hand. While they were looking for the assailant of the current Fall Maiden, their next candidate started her match with Penny Polendena.

Zaegar: Did you idiots find Anything yet?

Zaegar asked them as he kept looking around, trying to shuffle through the several scents filling the Arena to find one of the three he was looking for. 

Yhwach: Nothing yet, what about you?

Glynda: Nothing here.Qrow, anything from you yet?

She asked Qrow who was walking through different parts of the campus. 

Qrow: (Scroll Speaker) Nothing on this side of campus. Definitely nothing good to drink.

Qrow said as he passed through the cafeteria. 

Glynda: You're in a school Qrow. 

Glynda quickly said to which everyone heard a bit of chuckling in response.

Ozpin: (Scroll Speaker) I haven't found anything through the school's cameras, but I have a feeling that our assailants know exactly where they are.

Ozpin said over the line.

James: (Scroll Speaker) My men haven't found anything either. 

Ironwood said as he kept rolling through his private comms with his soldiers.

Zaegar: It sounds like we're coming up short, or they are-

Zaegar began to say before he caught a whiff of one of Cinder's team.

Zaegar: -Emerald Sustrai is here, I just got a whiff of her scent.

Ozpin: (Scroll Speaker) Then it is likely that the other two are here too, everyone stays on high alert.

Ozpin said calmly to which everyone agreed. Yhwach put his Scroll away and started to follow the scent Zaegar pointed out. As he followed it, the fight started to get more intense.

And then it got even more intense. Then it gained more speed, and more, and more, and more, and more until Yhwach finally found Emerald a few dozen rows over and away from him. Before he could pursue it, the entire crowd let out sounds of surprise, fear, and panic.

Yhwach looked over and his eyes widened as he saw the Penny had been ripped in half revealing mechanical pieces underneath her artificial flesh. 

Zaegar: Well, I guess that answers the age-old question: is she a real girl or just nuts and bolts?

Zaegar said while everyone ignored him causing him to cutely pout and mutter something before He realized what had most likely taken place and he quickly looked back to where Emerald was only to find her gone.

He was torn between what had happened but quickly sided with aiding the one whom the Inner Circle wanted to be the next Maiden. He took off running and launched himself into the stadium.

Yhwach: Pyrrha!

The girl didn't even register his voice as the Quincy king landed next to her and crouched down.

Yhwach: Pyrrha you need to get up and get out of here.

Then the sound of screeching filled their ears and the smell of tainted fur hit Zaegar's nose. 

Zaegar: Oh fan-fucking-tastic.

Up above, a hordes of Grimm flew overhead. They were already attracted by the event with Yang and this just tipped the scales. And then a massive Nevermore hit the top of the Arena, hitting the shield that kept the fighter's attacks from hitting the crowd or any Bullhead passing by.

Yhwach looked down at Pyrrha. 

Yhwach: Pyrrha, get up.

He said with a fiercer tone, but it didn't even cause her to flinch as she continued to stare at Penny's decimated form. The Quincy king looked over at her as the stadium's audience fled for their lives with only the Huntsmen in training staying anywhere near.

Yhwach: This wasn't your fault Pyrrha, you were manipulated. You need to get up, this place will be overrun soon.

Yhwach continued to try and get through to the poor girl only for nothing to work. After a few moments, as the Nevermore began to break through the barrier smashing its beak into the shield, Ruby and Jaune jumped down to the Arena floor.

Yhwach: Get her out of here, I'll handle that.

The Quincy king ordered the two just as the massive creature broke through and started to plummet down. Before it could reach, Yhwach launched himself up at the Grimm. 

Throwing his fist into the creature just as it came past him, Flames appeared at the point of impact and sent the Nevermore crashing into the ground and skidding into the wall of the Arena.

Yhwach landed between it and his students. But before he could finish the creature several rocket lockers came down, embedding the creature in place. The Quincy king looked back to see all of his students, from Beacon or otherwise, each coming down and collecting their weapons.

Yhwach: What are you all doing? You should be getting out of here.

Yhwach said as Jaune helped Pyrrha get up and Ruby stood holding one of Penny's swords. 

Coco: Oh yeah? Is that what you taught us? To run away?

Coco asked as she held out her briefcase.

Sun: You told us that we're the future. We'd be damned to hell if we let the future get started like this.

Sun said as he twisted his staff around.

Cardin gathered his weapon and stopped in front of Yhwach.

Cardin: Well, you got orders Professor or are you just gonna stand there awe-struck?

Yhwach only let out a short chuckle.

Yhwach: Well then-

He noticed the Nevermore start to twitch a bit.

Yhwach: -start by getting off that beast!

All of the students watched as Yhwach leaned back with Reishi charging up from his fingertips, and they all knew what they meant.

They all jumped away as the Nevermore quickly let out a screech as it stood tall, but that action fell late. 

Yhwach: Burner Full fingers 

With an explosion of pure force, Yhwach let loose a torrent of flame in a spiraling cone that tore through the Nevermore and part of the stadium.

As the Nevermore faded into ash, the Colosseum shook a bit from the sudden blast of power. The Students all looked on with wide eyes at the display of power.

Yhwach: Now then everyone, start getting people to evacuation sites. Anyone not doing that, start getting rid of any Grimm you see. Leave anything in hordes or anything too big for us teachers.

Another screech drew everyone's attention as several Griffins started to fly down, only to get shot down by blasts by some more new faces. 

Oobleck: You heard the Professor, get to it.

Everyone looked over to see Dr. Oobleck and Professor Port walking towards them with their weapons ready.

Yhwach: What are you waiting for? Get moving!

While they did that, everyone else got busy with dealing with the Grimm and evacuating everyone.

Scene Break

Ozpin: I can see that Salem has found herself a new lap dog, judging from the arm, she didn't appreciate you failing to infiltrate Beacon.

Ozpin mocked.

Cinder: I don't know how you managed to figure it out but I will deal with the one responsible... after I'm done with you.

Cinder spat back.

She summoned a hailstorm of shards and shot them towards Ozpin who masterfully reflected and parried them all with his cane, the headmaster of Beacon Academy simply twirled his cane with an unimpressed look.

Ozpin: Is that all you got? I expected more from the person who stole the Fall Maiden's power. Well, half of it, to be exact.

Ozpin taunted.

This caused Cinder to grow even angrier as the two quickly re-engaged into battle with both sides aiming to overpower each other either by strength or wits or experience. 

Shards were deflected and blood was spilled as both Ozpin and Cinder showed signs of fatigue with the former less burdened due to experience, but the latter had enough and channeled every one of her maiden powers into her final attack and fired towards the headmaster.

Ozpin saw the attack coming and managed to use what remained of his Aura to boost his jump in order to dodge the shot but that was simply a feint, as soon as he leaped into the air, a second attack collided with him. The old wizard fell to the ground with a cough as his cane was knocked away and he was held down by Cinder's foot. However, she noticed the lack of Amber in the machine before turning to Ozpin angrily.

Cinder: Where's the Fall Maiden?!

She demanded, holding a fireball in her hand as she glared at Ozpin who only smiled.

Ozpin: Well, that's the million lien question, isn't it? 

He retorted, unfazed by Cinder's angered scream as she burnt him to ashes. but not before Ozpin said his last thoughts.

Ozpin: (Dying thought) I pray we meet again soon, Yhwach. Keep those children safe.

Scene Break - Atop Beacon

Yhwach stood at the top of one of the roofs of the school with Zaegar on his shoulder. Grimm were everywhere, and the White Fang were dropping off more. Even with the Atlas military doing their best, Grimm was still breaking through in spots.

With a hefty launch that cracked the tile under him, Yhwach landed in front of a wave of Grimm that was charging toward innocent people.

Yhwach: Stand back. I'll handle this.

He said as the people all realized who was in front of them. He activated the Schrift T. The Thunderbolt and let loose a Galvano Blast and shot forward, running straight into a horde of Beowulves and Ursas with a trail of blue light.

dozen's of the Grimm evaporated into dust and several more went flying backwards.

 Yhwach turned to address the group and gestured to his left.

Yhwach: Follow this path closely and swiftly. You'll encounter either a Professor or some Huntsmen in Training who will guide you to the nearest evacuation zone. Now, go.

They all quickly moved in Yhwach's direction leaving Yhwach and Zaegar on their own. Then the ground started to shake.

Zaegar: What now?!

He questioned out loud in anger. Followed by his question, a loud and nearly ear-shattering inhuman scream sounded out through the air.

But Zaegar looked absolutely livid. he started to sniff out for the three who caused this. Unlucky for them, with the Grimm's tainted scent filling the base of everything their scents laid very obviously over them.

He immediately took off in their direction, with a few White Fangs coming towards him as he did so. 

Zaegar: Get out of my way!

Zaegar shouted out with anger in his voice so fierce it caused many of the White Fang to nearly stumble and fall.

Zaegar didn't even stop for a second. He made it all the way to the middle of the school, only to be stopped as a massive Atlesian Paladin tried to smash him into a paste. That didn't end well for it, as Yhwach appeared and grabbed the machine's fist lifted it into the air, and threw it into the sky.

Yhwach fired a Burner Finger 1 through the Paladin and destroyed it. The Quincy king was quite aware that the machines had no pilots thanks to the general who brought the machines. 

Yhwach: (In thought ) They must have accessed Atla-

Yhwach paused for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. Suddenly, his eyes widened with realization. Without hesitation, he leaped onto another Paladin, seizing it by the shoulder armor. With a surge of strength, he flipped the machine off the ground and then slammed it back down with enough force to tear it in half.

Yhwach: That bastard!

Up above in one of the Atlesian airships, that was holding Roman Torchwick, was now bare except for the devious criminal and his shorter assistant. 

Roman: Oh what fun, look at all the buttons. 

He said with a mischievous smirk.

Yhwach and Zaegar continued to tear through the robotic Atlas soldiers and Paladins, Grimm, and White Fang all while he searched for the three that were doing this to the place he called home.

Scene Break

Pyrrha leaped away from a torrent of flames aimed at her way, she shot her weapon in rifle mode towards the culprit but Cinder formed a wall of fire that melted the projectiles into nothing. The champion threw her shield at the false maiden similar to a patriotic avenger, this only served to annoy Cinder as she deflected the attempt before engaging Pyrrha in a heated blade dance as sparks and flames were unleashed.

While Cinder managed to beat Ozpin, the latter didn't give her any information regarding the location of the real Fall Maiden. However, she didn't need to ask as half of the maiden's power was easy to track when she got the other half. The only problem for her is Pyrrha, blocking her way to obtain the last bit of power.

Cinder: Give it up, you cannot win.

Cinder stated cockily, smirking as she fired off several fireballs.

Pyrrha: I don't think so, I won't let you destroy Vale.

Pyrrha retorted through gritted teeth.

Amber: Don't forget about me.

Another voice declared as Amber burst through the flames with her own power blazing.

Cinder: You? Don't joke with me, you're just a crippled, scarred girl.

Cinder stated, blocking Amber's flames.

Amber: And you are just a thief and a parasite who takes other people's powers, just to fuel your own ego. 

Amber rebuked.

Cinder: Tsk, watch your tongue, girl. I may be less considerate when I kill you and take what's rightfully mine.

Cinder said.

Pyrrha: No, that power does not belong to you and never will!

Pyrrha shouted, clashing blades with Cinder once more.

Cinder: You bore me, is this what the champion can do?

Cinder taunted before leaping back as a fireball landed where she was before.

Amber: No, but this is what we can do.

Amber stated.

Cinder: No matter, I don't need to continue this meaningless squabble.

Cinder decided it was time to put everything to an end, thus she went for a low blow and shot a gigantic fireball at Amber. The Fall Maiden was not anticipating that and tried to stop the attack but to no avail was anything she threw working.

Seeing this and with no choice, Pyrrha used her semblance to grab onto her own armor and propel herself to Amber before standing in front of the maiden and summoning as many metallic objects as possible as a shield. However, the flames were too powerful as they melted through the makeshift shield and landed on its targets.

Both Amber and Pyrrha flew back from the impact with both of their armors broken and smoking as Cinder cockily walked towards them with a smug smile.

Cinder: Kill them

Cinder ordered as the Grimm Dragon let out a deafening roar overhead, its mouth opening wide as flames began to gather within.

Pyrrha: No...

Pyrrha whispered, unable to believe that she would die here and fail to protect someone.

Cinder: Goodbye, champion.

Cinder said as the Grimm dragon unleashed its flames onto the two.

A bolt of thunder appeared in front of the flames as Yhwach stepped out of it, with Zaegar on his shoulder. Zaegar then looked at Pyrrha.

Zaegar: Hey, Pyr... you look like shit and that's an understatement from me.

Pyrrha's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at the unexpected arrival of Yhwach and Zaegar.

Cinder: Hm, well, well, Yhwach and his little pet. You weren't the person I was expecting. The man who can use magic. I didn't think Ozpin would just hand over more of his power like that. You can't seriously think that you're a match for me, a Maiden, can you?

She asked, arrogantly.

Zaegar's eyes narrowed into furious slits as he heard Cinder's words. The air around him crackled with his mounting anger.

Zaegar: Little Pet? A FUCKING LITTLE PET?

His voice echoed with venomous rage as he leaped off Yhwach's shoulder, his claws extending and his teeth bared in a snarl.

Zaegar: Let me tell you something, you insufferable fucking wench. I am Zaegar, the terror of the skies, and I will not be belittled by the likes of you!

His voice reverberated with such intensity that even Cinder, the Fall Maiden, couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

Zaegar: You prance around, stealing power you have no right to wield, thinking you're some kind of goddess. But you're nothing but a pathetic, power-hungry parasite, feeding off the strength of others because you're too weak to achieve anything on your own.

Cinder's smirk faltered as Zaegar's words struck a nerve, hitting her where it hurt the most - her ego.

Zaegar: You're not a Maiden. You're a coward, hiding behind stolen abilities, too afraid to face your own inadequacies. And now, you stand here, ready to kill innocent people just to satisfy your own selfish desires.

His voice dripped with disdain as he circled around Cinder, his gaze burning with unbridled fury.

Zaegar: Well, let me make one thing perfectly clear, Cinder fucking Falls. You may have power, but you will never have respect. You're nothing but a vile, despicable creature, and the world will be better off without you.

Cinder's expression contorted into a mixture of anger and disbelief as she struggled to process Zaegar's scathing tirade. She had never been spoken to with such ferocity and contempt before, and it unsettled her to the core.

Zaegar: So go ahead, Cinder. Unleash your Grimm, and summon your flames. But know this - no matter what you do, no matter how many lives you destroy, you will never be able to extinguish the light of justice. And when the dust settles, it will be people like you who are left in the darkness, alone and forgotten.

Cinder's face darkened considerably as she listened to Zaegar's blistering condemnation.

Cinder: You dare speak to me in such a manner? You insolent little creature!

With a flick of her wrist, she sent the Grimm Dragon hurtling toward Zaegar, its jaws wide open, ready to engulf him in flames.

But Zaegar was ready. With a swift movement, he extended his tiny hand and met the Grimm Dragon head-on. The impact sent the creature reeling backward.

Zaegar turned to Yhwach

Zaegar: You can take it from here, Yhwach-sensei. I've got a new playmate to deal with.

Without waiting for a response, Zaegar disappeared in a blur of motion, leaving Yhwach to face Cinder alone.

As Cinder directed her fury towards Yhwach, she unleashed a torrent of flames, aiming to overwhelm him with sheer firepower. Yhwach, however, remained composed With a swift motion, he activated his Schrift, W - the Wind, redirecting Cinder's flames away from him and towards her.

Cinder's eyes widened in surprise as her own attack turned against her, engulfing parts of the arena in flames.

Yhwach: Burner Finger, Flame clones.

he summoned two Burner Finger flame clones to his side.

Without hesitation, Yhwach pointed towards the weakened Pyrrha and Amber, signaling the clones to act. 

Mercury: Cinder!

Mercury yelled from the side as an injured Emerald trudged behind him.

Cinder: You two, assist me now!

Cinder ordered as she barraged Yhwach with another wave of fireballs.

With a flick of his finger, Yhwach sent a barrage of Heilig Pfeil hurtling towards Cinder's wave of fireballs. 

Yhwach's Heilig Pfeil intercepted Cinder's barrage of fireballs with pinpoint accuracy, the spiritual arrows colliding with the flames and dispersing them into harmless sparks, Mercury charged along with Emerald. The former began kickboxing the Quincy king immediately but all the attacks were blocked along with Emerald's many, numerous slashes.

With one slip-up as Mercury missed, Yhwach punched him... straight between the legs as the kicker howled in utter pain while getting launched back. Emerald tried to cut Yhwach from behind him but her blade was caught between Yhwach's fingers, she tried to move away but her weapon wouldn't budge at all. The Quincy king raised his hand slightly upwards before unleashing a brutal kick into the thief's abdomen, making her puke up gobs of saliva breaking her Aura.

Mercury, despite the phantom pains in his crotch, was up and ready for more but Yhwach was relentless as he grabbed the kicker's arm and twisted it, hard. The Quincy king pushed Mercury back before jumping into the air and landing a kick onto the already-injured arm, thus breaking it.


Mercury screamed, clutching his broken arm before getting another kick from Yhwach and getting a shocked look from Cinder.

Cinder: Looks like I was wrong about you...

She commented.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Cinder's comment, his eyes glinting with amusement as he regarded the Fall Maiden with a mixture of curiosity and contempt.

Yhwach: It seems appearances can be deceiving, Cinder. But then again, you should know better than anyone that power is not always what it seems.

His voice was calm and measured, but there was an underlying edge to his words that sent a shiver down Cinder's spine.

Before Cinder could respond, Yhwach's demeanor shifted, his expression turning serious as he raised his hand toward the sky.

Yhwach: Vollständig: Barbarriel (Thunder of God )

As Yhwach activated his Vollständig, the air crackled with electricity, and his form was enveloped in a brilliant aura of green lightning. Six wings formed behind his shoulders, each edged with lightning bolts, as a star-shaped Heiligenschein floated above his head.

Cinder: What... what is this..?!

Cinder gasped, sensing the unfamiliar energy radiating from Yhwach.

Yhwach: Rejoice, false maiden, You stand before a true king now!

Cinder: A king... a king?! Don't mess with me! As if someone like you could be one!

Cinder shouted, throwing a fireball at him but to her horror.

It made contact with the Quincy king but did nothing to him.

Cinder: How?!

She demanded, throwing more but only for Yhwach to swat them away like flies.

Yhwach: Is that all you've got, Cinder? I expected more from the so-called Fall Maiden.

His taunting words only fueled Cinder's rage further, her eyes ablaze with fury as she hurled more fireballs at him, each one met with the same outcome - utter futility.

Cinder: You... you...!

Her voice trembled.

Yhwach: Me? Yes, I am the one who will bring about your downfall.


Cinder screamed in pure rage as she charged at the Quincy king.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Now I'm beginning to understand Zaegar's influence on us. Ginjo, do you feel it too?

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yeah, I feel it, Yhwach. That crazy hollow has some serious attitude, doesn't he?

His voice echoed with a hint of amusement, a stark contrast to the seriousness of the situation unfolding in the real world.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo. He's quite the firebrand, isn't he?

Yhwach's response was tinged with a sense of respect, acknowledging Zaegar's unexpected defiance in the face of overwhelming odds.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Definitely.

Cinder Fall was losing the battle, simple as that, everything she'd done to harm the Quincy king failed.

Every slash she dished out was either parried, countered, or blocked.

Every fireball was extinguished, brushed, and shrugged off or swatted away like nothing.

Every single weapon she summoned was destroyed by a single slash from the Quincy king's Reishi sword.

She began to do everything she could do to harm the Quincy king out of desperation, she started spewing flames everywhere, she summoned more weapons to cut and harm the Quincy king but it was all in vain as she was repelled easily.

Cinder: Why?! WHY?! WHY CAN'T I KILL YOU?!

Cinder screamed.

Yhwach: Why, you ask? It's simple, really.

Yhwach answered, parrying Cinder's attack.

Yhwach: you lack true conviction. You cling to power without understanding its true purpose. You seek to dominate without comprehending the responsibility that comes with it.

Yhwach said.

Yhwach: Power without purpose is meaningless. Strength without righteousness is hollow. You may possess magic, but you lack the strength of character to wield it effectively.

With each word, Yhwach's presence seemed to grow, filling the arena with an overwhelming spiritual pressure.

Yhwach: True power comes not from the manipulation of others but from the mastery of oneself. It is forged through trial and tempered by sacrifice. Until you understand this fundamental truth, you will forever be bound by your own limitations.

Yhwach stated, kicking her onto the ground and raising his reishi sword.

However, as Yhwach swung down his weapon, the area around the two began to darken and a blood-red hue surrounded them before Yhwach paused and looked at his legs where dark tendrils like darkness crawled around it and Cinder's.

Scene Break - Salem's Castle

Yhwach landed on the ground roughly as he used his weapon to push himself up before looking around, noticing the dark skies despite it being noon, the shattered moon when it's not even nighttime, the dark crystals and numerous Grimm walking around, and finally, the dark walls of an ancient castle.

???: In all my years, I have never seen a person as persistent and resilient as you.

A voice said out across the dark room.

Yhwach: Salem.

He stated, fixing his gaze upon the witch before him.

Salem: The only people who know my existence is Ozma or Ozpin if you're confused. Only he and his little circle know me and yet you, a person who never existed know of me?

Salem said.

Yhwach: You're not the only one with secrets, women. However, I know you when I'm a 'nobody' and yet you know me?

Salem: Of course I know, a mother would remember the face of the killer who slaughtered their children right in front of them.

The Queen said as a matter of fact.

Yhwach: So, you've brought me here to join your little cabal? And speaking of which, where might your associates be hiding?

Yhwach questioned.

???: Right behind you.

A gruff voice spoke out as Yhwach turned around to receive a fist to his face but no pain was heard from the Quincy king.

Yhwach: A sneak attack? How low of you, Salem.

Yhwach taunted, pushing Hazel Rainart back.

Hazel: Surrender, you are outnumbered.

Hazel stated calmly.

Tyrian: Or don't surrender, let me see you struggle!

Tyrian Callows cackled maniacally.

Salem: Watts, tend to Cinder's wounds but do remove one of her arms, should she fail me again, that will serve as a consequence.

Salem said to Arthur Watts.

Yhwach: You all are quite bold to think you have me outnumbered when in reality, it's me who outnumbers all of you.

Ginjo: (Inside Yhwach's mind) Hey, are we just gonna pretend there aren't millions of Grimm swarming out there?

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo. The Grimm may outnumber us in sheer numbers, but they lack the unity and purpose that we possess. They are nothing more than mindless beasts, driven by instinct rather than intellect like hollows.

Watts: Are you perhaps delusional? Would like me to fix your mind when we're done with you?

Watts mocked, cocking his weapon.

Before Yhwach could respond to Watts' taunt, a voice filled with rage echoed through the room, causing everyone to pause and turn their attention toward its source.


The words reverberated with such intensity that even Yhwach couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. While Salem's group looked bewildered by the sudden outburst, Yhwach and Ginjo exchanged knowing glances.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone tinged with recognition.

Ginjo: (Inside Yhwach's mind) Speaking of hollows...

Yhwach's eyes widened in realization as he looked towards the sky, his gaze locking onto the disappearing sun and the shattered moon.

Ginjo's voice continued in Yhwach's mind, now laced with concern.

Ginjo: (Inside Yhwach's mind) Is that... a black hole?

Yhwach didn't get the chance to respond as darkness enveloped everything, swallowing them whole. The world around them faded into nothingness.


5th world Completed: RWBY

Author: Hello, my dear readers! I hope you've been enjoying our adventure through the RWBY arc. Before we move on, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Did you have fun? Was it gripping enough to keep you hooked?

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Timeline/Era of the 6th world.

MisunderstoodKing MisunderstoodKing

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C101
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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