59.12% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 80: Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd

章 80: Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd

Yhwach: Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi (残火の太刀, Longsword of the Remnant Flame)

With those words, the entire Universe came to a halt. An unequaled power swept threw creation without discrimination. This forbidden power only had one goal when it searched for its target. 

a wave of intense heat radiated from his body, causing the air around him to shimmer and distort. Lucifer, Samael, and Death watched in horror as the atmosphere itself seemed to ignite with the power of Yamamoto's Bankai.

In an instant, all water, liquid, and even lava in the vicinity began to evaporate, turning into steam and mist under the scorching heat. The ground cracked and split open as molten rock bubbled and sizzled, unable to withstand the overwhelming temperature.

Lucifer's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized the magnitude of Yhwach's power. Even Samael and Death, beings accustomed to death and destruction, felt a sense of dread creeping over them in the face of such overwhelming force.

Yhwach stood amidst the blazing inferno, his form bathed in the searing light of Yamamoto's Bankai. His eyes glowed with an intense fire as he gazed upon his adversaries, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Scene Break

Meanwhile, in another part of the battlefield, Azazel and Yasaka felt the intense heat washing over them. Azazel coughed, his throat dry as he struggled to breathe.

Azazel: Do you feel that, Yasaka? The air... it's so dry like we're standing amid a blazing desert.

Yasaka nodded, her expression grim.

Yasaka: Yes, I feel it too, Azazel. The intensity of the heat... it's almost suffocating. Whatever is happening out there, it's on a scale beyond anything we've faced before.

Issei: Mr Quincy is very pissed

Azazel: Yeah..

Scene Break

As the battlefield trembled under the oppressive heat of Yamamoto's Bankai, the Quincy King's eyes narrowed with determination. He raised his sword, the flames dancing along its edge with a menacing glow.

Yhwach: Zanka no Tachi, Higashi: Kyokujitsujin. (残火の太刀 "東": 旭日刃, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, East: Rising Sun Edge)

With those words, a surge of power emanated from Yhwach's blade, focusing the intense flames along its tip. The air crackled with energy as the fiery aura of the Bankai condensed into a lethal weapon.

Samael, hovering nearby, sensed the impending danger and tried to react, but it was too late.

The blade sliced through the air with a deafening roar, leaving a trail of scorching heat in its wake. Samael attempted to dodge, but the sheer speed and power of the attack were overwhelming.

The edge of the blade connected with Samael's form, and in an instant, everything it touched was eradicated to nothingness. The flames consumed Samael's being, reducing him to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Lucifer's heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. He barely had time to react before Yhwach, fueled by the power of Zanka no Tachi, turned his attention towards him.

With incredible speed, Yhwach zoomed towards Lucifer, his blade trailing behind him like a comet of fire. Lucifer's instincts kicked in, and he dove to the side just in time to avoid the full brunt of the attack. But even so, the heat was intense, searing the air around him and singeing his wings.

The tip of Yamamoto's Bankai struck the ground where Lucifer had been standing, causing the underworld to melt and shatter under its heat. Lucifer gritted his teeth, feeling the heat radiating from the molten ground beneath him.

Lucifer: Only the tip of the blade...

Yhwach: Correct.

As Lucifer regained his footing amidst the melting underworld, his eyes locked onto Yhwach with a steely resolve. Despite the overwhelming power of Yamamoto's Bankai, Lucifer refused to falter. 

Yhwach, his expression calm and composed, advanced towards Lucifer with deliberate steps, his sword held at the ready.

Death rushed at Yhwach, his scythe gleaming in the dim light of the battlefield. With a swift and decisive motion, Death swung his weapon, aiming to cleave Yhwach's head clean off his shoulders.

But Yhwach anticipated Death's move. With a flicker of his eyes, he activated another devastating ability of Yamamoto's Bankai

Yhwach: Zanka no Tachi, Nishi: Zanjitsu Gokui. (残火の太刀 "西": 残日獄衣, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, West: Remnant Sun Prison Garb)

In an instant, the air around Yhwach shimmered with unimaginable heat, engulfing him in a blazing inferno. The temperature soared to incomprehensible levels, reaching upwards of 15,000,000 degrees Celsius.

As Death's scythe descended towards him, it was met not with flesh but with an impenetrable wall of searing heat. The scythe, unable to withstand the intensity of the flames, melted away before it could make contact with Yhwach's body.

Yhwach: When I use Yamamoto's Bankai Think of my body and blade as being enveloped by the sun.

Death recoiled in shock, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sheer magnitude of Yhwach's power. It was as if he was facing a force of nature itself, an unstoppable juggernaut fueled by the flames of destruction.

Yhwach stood amidst the blazing aura of his Bankai, his form shrouded in the fiery embrace of Zanjitsu Gokui. His eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity as he regarded Death with a mixture of disdain and amusement.

Yhwach: Why couldn't I simply have died in peace in soul society?

Yhwach questioned.

Lucifer: What are you going on about over there?

Lucifer asked.

Yhwach: This world... My world... They are all the same. No matter how far I travel, no matter how much I drown myself in absolute emptiness and sickness, there will always be people who want to live in the same realm with identical characteristics of a madman. Very well... That cleansing you desperately want will come to fruition.

Lucifer: Talking like a real madman, Yhwach. If I didn't know any better, it would seem that you have become a demon.

Yhwach: You must be a fool... I already became something more than a demon a long time ago. The life I live isn't even a life anymore. In my world, it was demonstrated that my existence wasn't needed anymore because the world that I envisioned was already growing its roots because of Ichigo's, Yamamoto's, and Uryu's beliefs and goals.

Lucifer: Are you losing it? What are you even spouting about at this point?

Yhwach: That's right... You don't have a single damn clue of my existence...

Lucifer: If you have become something more than a demon, then why don't you take my side? You have the mind of a person who isn't even a part of this world. Your logical and critical thinking skills should have shown you that these humans are destructive creatures. It's human nature to destroy themselves, so why? Why do you care so damn much about a species that has no direction, no guidance, no self-control? What have they ever done for you? They will turn their backs on you the moment you ignore them. at the end of all things, humans can only trust themselves.

Lucifer demanded to know.

Yhwach: You may have a point... Humans do have the tenacity to destroy themselves. It is also the sole definition of man... As man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war... Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking about peace whilst spilling blood is something that only humans can do. They're two sides of the same coin... To protect something... Another must be sacrificed.

Lucifer: You clearly understand, so why do you insist on helping them?

Yhwach: You misinterpreted those words... They weren't meant for them... They were meant for me.

Lucifer: What?! What are you talking about?

Yhwach: You see... I do seek peace, but... I crave an endless taste for warfare. To see bastards like you ripped apart is my greatest life satisfaction. Your blind vision can't possibly see just how my existence is unfolding itself. With all the talks about peace and a future where no one has to be chained to the likes of your kind is my greatest wish, but for that wish to be accomplished, I will continue to soak my hands in your blood to obtain peace. so I will destroy and sink my existence into the deepest of voids just to seek a world where bastards like you never exist

Lucifer: You mad freak!

Yhwach: Seems like your brain is starting to understand. It takes a freak to know one, you bastard.

As Lucifer and Death stood before Yhwach, the atmosphere crackling with tension and power, He seemed to be on the verge of revealing something profound, something that would shake the very foundations of their understanding.

Yhwach: Tell me, Lucifer, Death... Do you not realize where we stand? This is the underworld, the realm of the dead, where sinners are supposed to suffer for eternity. And yet, here we are, engaged in battle as if the rules of this realm do not apply to us.

Lucifer and Death exchanged a wary glance, sensing that Yhwach was leading up to something monumental. Before they could respond, however, Yhwach raised his sword high, the flames dancing along its edge with a fearsome intensity.

Yhwach: The Dead Give me a hand.

Yhwach: Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūmanokushi Daisōjin. (残火の太刀 "南": 火火十万億死大葬陣, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, South: Great Burial Ranks of the Ten Trillion Fire Dead)

With those words, Yhwach impaled the tip of his sword into the ground, sending shockwaves rippling through the underworld. From the ruptured earth emerged the corpses and ashes of the countless souls who had perished in the flames of Yamamoto's Bankai.

The ground trembled as the dead rose from their eternal slumber, their eyes glowing with an eerie light as they heeded Yhwach's call. With each step, the underworld shook beneath their feet, and the air filled with the anguished cries of the damned.

Lucifer: What is this?

Yhwach: I awaken those I have slain by heating their ashes with my blade

Lucifer and Death watched in horror as the army of the dead advanced towards them, their numbers too great to count. Yhwach, his expression grim and resolute, wielded his sword with a commanding presence, directing the souls of the departed to do his bidding.

As the army of the dead advanced, Lucifer and Death found themselves facing an overwhelming force unlike anything they had encountered before. The ground quaked beneath their feet as the horde of souls pressed relentlessly forward, their eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.

Lucifer gritted his teeth, his wings flaring out behind him as he prepared to meet the onslaught head-on. Beside him, Death stood tall, his scythe raised defiantly against the approaching tide of the undead.

Lucifer: We cannot let them overwhelm us. We must stand firm and push them back with all our strength.

Death: Agreed.

Lucifer and Death charged into battle, their weapons cutting through the ranks of the undead with deadly precision. Each strike sent waves of energy rippling through the air, driving back the advancing horde with sheer force of will.

Lucifer's powers surged within him, he unleashed a devastating blast of energy, sending waves of force rippling through the ranks of the undead.

The skeletons crumbled and fell under the onslaught of Lucifer's power, their forms dissipating into dust as they were consumed by the flames of his wrath. But even as the horde began to falter, Lucifer sensed a familiar presence looming behind him.

Turning, he saw Yhwach standing amidst the chaos, his gaze fixed upon Lucifer with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. Without hesitation, Lucifer charged forward, his wings unfurling behind him.

But as he moved to attack, Lucifer found himself blocked by a wall of skeletons, their bony forms forming an impenetrable barrier between him and Yhwach. Frustration welled up within him as he realized that his path forward was blocked by the very souls he had once commanded.

Lucifer: What is the meaning of this, Yhwach?!

Yhwach merely smirked.

Yhwach: Stop talking and look closer, Lucifer. Do you not recognize the faces of your former subordinates?

Confusion and disbelief washed over Lucifer as he peered closer at the undead skeletons before him. And then, to his horror, he saw the faces of those he had once led, their expressions twisted in agony and despair as they gazed back at him with hollow eyes.

Lucifer: No... This can't be...

Yhwach: Oh, but it is, Lucifer. These are the souls of those you failed to protect, those who perished under your command. And now, they serve me in death as they did in life.

Yhwach watched with a mixture of amusement and disdain as Lucifer fought against the very souls he once commanded. His eyes gleamed with a cold intensity as he observed the chaos unfolding before him.

Yhwach: How typical of you, Lucifer. Always quick to shed the blood of your own minions when it suits your needs. You truly are heartless, just as the texts describe.

But before Lucifer could dwell any longer, Yhwach raised his sword high, the flames dancing along its edge with an ominous glow.

Yhwach: I can see your tears, Lucifer. But none of what you're experiencing... could compare to the hatred and suffering... of the humans that you killed.

With those words, Yhwach activated Yamamoto's ultimate technique

Yhwach: Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin (残火の太刀 "北": 天地灰尽, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, North: Heaven and Earth End in Ashes)

A devastating slash of concentrated fire and heat erupted from his blade, incinerating everything in its path with merciless efficiency.

Lucifer's eyes widened in horror as he realized the true extent of Yhwach's power. With a surge of desperation, he lunged forward, determined to stop the Quincy King at any cost.

But it was too late.

The slash of fire and heat engulfed Death, reducing him to ashes in an instant. Lucifer could only watch in shock and horror as his servant and tool vanished before his eyes, consumed by the flames of destruction.

The realization struck Lucifer like a thunderbolt, filling him with a sense of profound loss. With Death gone, he was now alone, facing Yhwach's wrath without backup or support.

Yhwach: It seems you're all alone now, Lucifer. How fitting, for a being such as yourself. But fear not, for I shall grant you the same mercy I bestowed upon Death. Prepare yourself, for your end is nigh.

With a flick of his wrist, Yhwach unleashed another torrent of fire and heat, hurtling towards Lucifer with unstoppable force.

Scene Break - Five Minutes Earlier

Explosions from all over the area blinded the battlefield in various amounts of shapes, forms, and colors. When the people who were fighting for Yhwach's cause saw that he was battling Lucifer was a sight to see. Everyone was filled with joy to see their leader with a fighting conviction like no other. But what stood out to them the most wasn't the fact that he was fighting without giving up, but the appearance he had.

Seeing how everything about him changed was what surprised them. In their eyes, it seemed as if he had truly transcended into the realm of God.

The two people to experience the insanity that Yhwach and Lucifer have been unleashing were Raynare and Kalawarner. They were close to the main event with the chaos not far from them.

They wanted to support Yhwach from the back, but they were occupied with one of the Horsemen. After what Lucifer did to his and Yhwach's soldiers was messed up. Eventually, they found out why he did such a thing to his men as it was a setup for a much larger reveal. Death has created a larger army for Lucifer, but it was now twice the size that they previously had.

Raynare: Can you even get a grip on what is going on here?

Raynare asked.

Kalawarner: That's a question everyone would like to know. Lord Yhwach and Lucifer are tearing apart pieces of reality. The Dimensional Gap will soon be opened up if they continue on this insanity.

Kalawarner explained.

Raynare and Kalawarner were back to back while fighting off the undead. The training they had in the past has opened up new windows of opportunity for them. They were no longer those low-level Fallen Angels that worked for Kokabiel back in the day. They rose from the ashes of weakness and blindness to respectable and refined Fallen angels. They were no longer those two-winged crows that everyone called them as both of them had leveled up from two wings to six wings.

Raynare: That's how fierce the battle is? They are shredding reality itself from trading blows left and right?

Kalawarner used her light spear to cut down a squad of undead troops into dust.

Raynare on the other hand was using the knowledge she had learned over the months when she was with Yhwach. Dual-wielding two light swords, she was flying by every undead soldier while slashing them one by one making them evaporate into the sky. With the power they had, they were nothing compared to the Horsemen of Death. These soldiers were nothing more than a cakewalk for them.

Their quest to hold back the army of the undead was squashed when a Horsemen arrived in front of them. Raynare and Kalawarner regrouped when they felt a nasty aura arrive within their vicinity. 

Kalawarner: You think this could be our biggest achievement yet if we manage to win?

Kalawarner asked while readying another light spear.

Raynare: Killing a Horsemen would mean something much bigger, Kalawarner. This isn't a simple matter because this is one of Lucifer's Generals. The Horsemen of Famine...

Raynare said with caution.

Famine grabbed his whip along with his spear, which signified that he was ready for combat. Raynare and Kalawarner understood that fighting a Horseman alone would be suicide. With both of them having six wings, they totaled up to twelve when they worked together. They had a higher chance of fighting off someone strong if they managed to work together with precise planning.

Kalawarner: You want us to make the first move, or should we wait until he makes it?

Kalawarner curiously asked.

Raynare charged him and showed Kalawarner her response, so she too followed suit.

With Raynare's sword and Kalawarner's spear, they got close to him and they tried to hit him from different angles, but Famine spun his whip around him which made them back off instantly.

Without warning, Famine stopped spinning his whip around before slamming it down on the ground that erupted the ground. Dust was formed from the ground that erupted, which reduced their visibility.

The two Fallen Angels flew up into the sky to regain their visibility, but a whip managed to wrap around Kalawarner's leg before she was pulled back down.

Raynare halted her movement before throwing her swords away. Clapping her hands together, a ball of light formed when she threw it in the direction of the whip's other end where Famine had his grip on it.

Famine couldn't block the attack, so he had to let go of the whip to dodge the attack.

Kalawarner freed herself from the clutches of the Horseman. She retaliated by throwing her spears at him as they zeroed in on him, but Famine slashed the air with a ferocious amount of evil intent that caused a veil of darkness to block the spears from hitting him.

Kalawarner: That son of a bitch...

Kalawarner cursed.

Raynare: I haven't seen you this riled up ever since we worked with Kokabiel.

Kalawarner: This is a Horsemen that we're fighting against, so would you prefer we go back and work for someone like that again?

Kalawarner asked while tightening her muscles up.

Raynare: Don't get me started on that... We didn't achieve anything when we were with him. Look at us now, we obtained newfound power along with new ranks. We're almost at Cadre Class if we continue on this route.

Kalawarner looked at her surroundings to see if she could use anything to her advantage against Famine. 

Kalawarner: That's good to know, but I'm out of ideas at the moment, do you got anything in mind?

Kalawarner asked.

Raynare scoffed in annoyance. 

Raynare: If we can only hit him from the back while he is being distracted from the front.

Kalawarner: That's what I have been trying to do, but his combat alertness is in a whole other ballpark. The moment we get close enough from any angle, his reaction triumphs over our attacking strategy and speed.

Raynare: I have an idea.

Kalawarner's curiosity was piqued. 

Kalawarner: This better be good.

Raynare: We need to distract him, right?

Kalawarner: Well, yeah...

Raynare: Keep him busy for at least a minute, I'm going to supercharge an attack that would hold him off where it would create an opening behind him.

Kalawarner: You want me to fight that bastard alone?!

Raynare: Only for a minute.

Kalawarner: Raynare... A minute is an eternity when it comes to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Raynare: Just go!

Raynare shouted while charging up an attack.

Kalawarner didn't have time to squabble with her, so she dashed straight towards the Horsemen with everything she got. Slamming her sword against his spear caused her to fly back from the recoil of the attack. Famine tried to impale her heart, but she moved to the side and slid her sword alongside his spear before getting close to him where she drove the pointed part of her high heel in the gap of his helmet.

Famine used his free hand to grab hold of her foot, but Kalawarner had a backup plan if her first strike would fail, so she slipped her foot out of the heel where she quickly exerted all her brute force against the side of his helmet.

Famine was stunned for a second that spawned an opening for her. She didn't waste any time as she used the light sword to puncture his leg. Famine let out a death curdling scream as the power of light was burning his undead and unholy body.

Kalawarner began to materialize her sword into a spear where she jolted it through her heel and his helmet. Not even a minute has passed by before another scream was heard from Famine.

Kalawarner: That's right... Scream more little pig.

She backed off before sending out a hail storm of light spears at Famine.

The Horsemen was growling in pain and anger.

Famine's eyes began to glow a bright white before he exploded into a fit of rage. A protective barrier formed around him, but during this moment, he pointed his spear directly at Raynare where it began to charge up magic energy at the tip of his spear.


They were reaching the breaking point of generating magic power. The two of them were about to fire off their attacks, but a blood-curdling scream that shattered everyone's soul made them freeze up. Numbness soared throughout their whole body as Raynare and Kalawarner's eyes looked as if they lost life to them.

Raynare: W-W-Who w-was that?

Raynare asked.

Before her question could be answered, a bright flash engulfed the whole battlefield before the sound of an astronomical explosion could be heard that annihilated everything around them. The Underworld was slowly becoming a figment of imagination as the physical objects of the Underworld were disappearing from existence. It was collapsing itself and returning to nothing.

The majority of the people who were hit by the attack turned into smoke. Nothing remained of their bodies or souls.

The tears in reality were growing more and more. In the distance, a black hole formed where it was destroying everything in its path. Shredding everything it touches with nothing surviving its onslaught.

Raynare and Kalawarner were both on the ground with blood running down their heads, arms, and legs.

Kalawarner: W-W-W-What's g-g-g-going o-on?

Kalawarner asked while struggling to speak as a fountain of blood dropped to the ground.

Raynare woke up before rolling over onto her back. 

Raynare: Are... w-we... alive?

Kalawarner: It s-seems so.

Raynare: But how?

Raynare wondered before a wave of misery splashed all over her body. Kalawarner was having a difficult time recuperating as the unholy powers of light and dark didn't mix well when getting hit by a massive attack from the original Lucifer. The pain that was residing inside of her was the worst pain she could feel. All her bodily functions were playing tricks that made her unable to pinpoint the seriousness of the injury.

It was washing away and returning with much more tenacity than the previous feeling she had.

Her mind was focused on the situation at hand that her vision was getting lopsided from the head injury. Her blood trickled inside of the eye that was making her go blind.

Raynare saw the horrible situation she was in, but there was no possible way to help her out because of the situation she was in. Her organs felt as if they shut off, or even were hit by a cannon at close range that just disrupted her entire respiratory system.

Raynare: This hurts like... A son of... A bitch.

Raynare spewed out with each breath being difficult to breathe in and exhale out.

The two Fallen Angels were on the ground with torn up clothes and bruised up bodies. They needed to get up to fight off Famine, but the more they tried to get back on their feet, the more their bodies were telling them to just rest. The thoughts of giving up clouded Raynare's mind due to the pain that was knocking at her front door, but her gaze shifted upward and saw Yhwach floating above them. When she was able to see what was truly happening, she spotted that Yhwach summoned more of his flame clones that used their Blut vene anhaben to create a protective barrier around everyone to shield them from Lucifer's devastating attack.

But on the other hand, Yhwach received the most damage than anyone else. Blood was all over his body along with some patches of missing skin. Missing limbs along with the loss of vitality. He looked as if he has aged significantly after that attack. She could see that he was burnt out after Lucifer's attack.

Raynare: Lord Yhwach...

Raynare called out silently.

Famine was clenching his fists with enough force that was shattering his gauntlets. 

Famine: That Quincy is always destroying our Lord's plans. Why can't he simply just pass away and leave this world to our Lord's will?

Famine questioned.

Kalawarner turned to face her opponent with every fiber of her being. 

Kalawarner: Maybe you should just abandon that leader of yours and pursue a new purpose in life.

Famine: Hehehehe... Funny. I'm receiving advice from a Fallen Angel who also defected from their leader to find a new purpose in life. Well... It doesn't matter at this point.

Raynare: Why do you say that?

Raynare questioned.

Famine: Our plan is already set in motion.

Kalawarner: What plan?

Kalawarner raised the question before using her hand to wipe away the blood from her eyes and face.

Famine chuckled again. 

Famine: That's something a Fallen Angel doesn't need to know.

Raynare: Keep being mysterious, you bastard.

Raynare cursed while regaining her strength.


Famine raised his spear before slamming it down into the ground, which caused a volcanic eruption all across the battlefield.

Raynare grabbed Kalawarner before flying up into the air.

The both of them looked down to see the state of the area, but once they glanced down, all they saw was lava bursting from various locations.

Kalawarner: Raynare, give me a boost.

Raynare: A boost to what?

Kalawarner: I want you to launch me straight at him.

Raynare: With the condition, you're in, that would kill you.

Kalawarner: It doesn't matter at this point, I need to travel fast enough that he wouldn't have time to react.

Raynare: To do what exactly?

Kalawarner constructed a light sword in her hand. 

Kalawarner: I'm going to shove this sword right through his fucking skull.

Raynare: Tsch... You crazy bitch.

Raynare let her go before making a magic circle in her hand to shoot out a strong force of the wind.

The gust of wind hit her in the back which made it worse for her, but it got her up to speed. Famine wasn't expecting a suicide charge, which made his reaction time a bit slow, but he managed to raise his spear to counter any attack she was going to send.

Famine failed to protect himself as Kalawarner drove her sword right through his helmet puncturing his right eye. In a fit of rage and pain, his spear went through her abdomen. He let go of his spear to get the sword out of his eye.

Due to being connected between his brothers and Lucifer, he wasn't able to die because of the Horseman of Death. 


Famine took hold of the sword in his eye before slowly pulling it out. When he was removing the sword, the sound of flesh being cut was causing more harm due to the burning sensation that any light weapon produced.

The sounds of screams filled the wasteland of nothingness.

Raynare rushed towards her friend to see a spear sticking out of her stomach. 

Raynare: What did I just tell you?!

She took hold of the spear before slowly removing it.

When the spear was removed, another horrifying wave of pain washed over her. 

Kalawarner: Raynare...

Raynare: What is it?

She asked while trying her best to cover up the wound.

Kalawarner: I can't feel my legs.

Raynare: Don't even think about shutting your eyes on me.


Famine screamed out before calling his horse which instantly came running towards him. When the horse arrived, he wasted no time before fusing with his horse. He raised his hand which caused the spear to go flying into his hand.

Famine aimed his spear and threw it directly at the two. Raynare had no time to react as the spear was inches away from piercing her head. In that split second, a bolt of lightning appeared in front of them, which blinded them, but it also shot the spear away from them.

Raynare regained her vision after the blinding light that hit her. She saw that a man was standing before them in casual wear, but that wasn't what caught her attention, it was the sheer wickedness of magic power that this certain individual had.

Famine widened his eyes. 

Famine: Indra?!

Indra's expression had veins popping out all over his face. He was pissed enough that he had to come to the Underworld, but to come here because of Lucifer's return to the world was already plenty enough that infuriated him. 

Indra: I honestly didn't care about the events that went on here in the Underworld but to hear from Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu that the different realms are tearing reality apart was just too much.

Raynare widened her eyes. 

Raynare: Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, and even Lord Vishnu? The Hindu God of Destruction, God of Creation, and the God of Protection?!

Famine: That doesn't explain why a Hindu God that doesn't belong in the Underworld is here.

Famine said.

Indra: You see... With Lucifer's return, the battle between Yhwach and Lucifer has become a calculation we haven't expected. "Yhwach's new body which was created from Great Red and Ophis" has caught the eyes of every God at Mount Kailash and Mount Meru. Yhwach's and Lucifer's battle is ripping the realms of reality into extinction. It's reaching into Earth and other various locations that shouldn't even be happening in the first place.

Indra explained.

Raynare and Kalawarner were disturbed to hear that Yhwach was reconstructed from both Great Red and Ophis. They already knew that he wasn't an ordinary human when he was still a human, but to hear that he was the sole manifestation of both the Dragon of Dreams and the Infinite Dragon God was a deterrent to every single enemy of Yhwach.

Indra continued. 

Indra: This battle between Yhwach and Lucifer isn't doing anything as it is making worlds asunder. The people who follow Yhwach have the providence of a God standing behind them, yet, they are blind to what is going on around them. This whole battle isn't resolving anything, it's making a whole new problem.

Raynare: What would that problem be?

Raynare asked.

Indra's eyes narrowed. 

Indra: The longer this battle continues, the seals that were placed on the abomination millions of years ago will weaken, which will unseal the unholiest creature known throughout all the realms and will swallow this world and every other world into the pits of oblivion. I'm sure you all are familiar with the beast I'm talking about.

Famine recalled his spear as steam was leaving through the cracks of his helmet.

Indra: The Emperor Beast of the Apocalypse. The atrocious beast that defies creation... Trihexa.

Famine heard enough as he charged Indra.

Indra stood still before Famine got close enough that he performed a roundhouse kick with lightning trailing his foot. His foot collided with Famine's head which blasted him far away from the position he was just at.

Indra began to zap around with his lightning until he appeared in front of the Horsemen. He shot his hand down in a chopping position, which had lightning engulfing his whole hand. When the strike hit Famine successfully, he was electrocuted first before hitting the ground.

The Horsemen recovered instantly and he flew back up to deliver a nasty knee strike. Indra didn't expect this, but he retaliated by hurling him a hook kick. Famine caught his foot as he drove his fist straight into his abdomen.

Indra had to quickly back off when he saw the spear nearly cleave his head off. Indra flew back where he created a massive lightning halberd before throwing it.

Famine got out of the way as the lightning halberd hit the ground spawning a chain of explosions.

This attack was only a front for Indra as he appeared in front of the Horsemen once again, but he had his back arched while readying his leg. When enough momentum was built up, Indra swung his foot with enough tenacity to give him a disgusting right hook. Once again, lightning trailed behind the kick to give his attack extra firepower. His foot connected with his helmet which shattered it in a blink of an eye. Indra's kick summoned multiple lightning strikes that struck the Horsemen in consecutive seconds.

This severely pissed off Famine as he sent out a scattershot of multidirectional black orbs that wiped everything off the map.

Indra created bolts of lightning helicopter blades in his hands before spinning them at incredible speeds. Each orb that tried to him was instantly deflected back at him or was sent in another direction.

Indra: This is getting annoying.

Indra blurted out as his eyes began to glow purple.

A thunderstorm began to unleash its Hell upon the Underworld. Rain and continuous booms of thunder shattered the sound barrier. Dark clouds covered the whole sky in an endless void of darkness. Cold gusts of wind were blowing at ridiculous speeds. Indra flew up high before a bolt of lightning shot down into his hand and created a sword.

Indra: Time to send you back to nothingness. Heavenly Divine Splitter.

Indra's lightning sword was filled to the brim with magical energy. He raised his sword to accumulate enough momentum before swinging it downwards, which sent out a streak of lightning down the middle that tore everything in half as it cleaved Famine straight down the center before the streak of lightning reached a certain threshold before warping in and out as a singularity appeared until another bulky explosion occurred.

The lightning sword dissipated not long after its use. Not even seconds went by before the cursed magic rituals of the Horsemen of Death and Lucifer began to take effect.

Famine was restored fully by his brother's magic as an intoxicating aura surrounded him.

Indra: Damn... Lucifer's and Death's perverse magical nature never ceases to piss me off. Defying the principles of life and death surely would rattle Shiva's and Brahma's universal principles and foundations.

Raynare: Lord Indra, let me help.

Raynare commented as she appeared beside him.

Indra: What happened to your friend?

Raynare: I put her somewhere safe.

Indra: Listen, I don't need help from a Fallen Angel. What can you possibly do that could benefit me?

Raynare: That's saying something from the man who failed to kill the Horsemen of Famine.

Indra snarled at that. 

Indra: Alright... Just don't get in my way, but you have to understand one thing though.

She raised a brow.

Indra: No matter what we do, we won't be able to kill any of the Horsemen because they are all linked with each other. That means the only way to kill them is to destroy the one who ties them all together.

Raynare: Death...

She blurted out.

Indra: Correct, so we have to hold out until Yhwach finds a way to stop Death and Lucifer.

Raynare: How do we even kill Death? You can't simply just kill something already dead, so this poses a problem.

Indra: Yhwach already possesses the weapon that could destroy Death.

Raynare: Weapon? What weapon?

Indra: The True Longinus.

Scene Break

A galactic eruption poured its agonizing Hell across the whole battlefield. Any remaining ecosystem of life that existed on the Underworld floor they were on was eviscerated into ashes. A crater that was the size of the tallest mountain in the world but doubled was displayed all across the ground floor.

The shockwave of the attack created rifts in reality that were pouring into the human world. Lucifer was nowhere to be seen as the explosion swallowed them whole.

Yhwach knew the consequences of this attack. Some of his forces and people were swept up in the explosion, but he already explained to Lucifer that he would sacrifice pieces of his existence and moral standards to construct a world that is envisioned by Billions.

Slowly, Yhwach lowered his sword, the flames of Zanka no Tachi flickering and waning as he deactivated the Bankai. The intense heat that had engulfed the battlefield began to dissipate, leaving behind a chilling silence in its wake.

And then, without warning, the medallion that had held the power of Yamamoto's Bankai began to glow with a brilliant red light. 

Yhwach gritted his teeth as the burning red light from the medallion entered his soul, causing excruciating pain to course through every fiber of his being. In that moment of agony, he cursed Yamamoto's name, believing it to be the old Shinigami's final trick to inflict suffering upon him even in defeat.

Slowly, the burning light began to fade, dissipating into the depths of Yhwach's soul. As the pain subsided, he staggered to his feet, his breath ragged and labored.

Yhwach: Yamamoto... You old fool...

Yhwach remained floating in the air with thoughts flowing past his mind. 

Yhwach: What do you think?

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) What do you mean?

Zaegar asked indifferently.

Yhwach: You think that bastard survived?

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Knowing the fact that wasn't even your strongest attack, there is a possibility of him surviving. 

The endless void in the distance along with the swift and precise quietness that floated all around Yhwach felt rewarding that this type of quietness and peace could be obtained if they continued their pursuit of removing creatures of evil and corruption.

Yhwach took a minute to view his battle with Lucifer to see the aftermath of their chaotic dance. Lucifer was nowhere to be seen. It was odd to him that he had unique powers that no person alive would easily be able to destroy because of his history and the devastating power that backed them up.

Trying to stand toe to toe with monsters like them was something he was used to. The difficult part wasn't being able to fight them or have different fighting prowesses, but it was always the cunningness that anyone would pull off to sneak in a cheap strike to shift the balance of the fight.

Not knowing much of Lucifer's powers and abilities did bring a heavy downside to using the right approach against him. If there was one thing he could see in him was that he was almost similar to Lucifer in a way. They were both eager enough to use cheap attacks to quickly end things instantly. Seeing how Lucifer would have sacrificed his whole race if he so wanted to achieve victory wouldn't be out of the question.

In ways, Yhwach would have done the same thing that would have killed his followers. But with how things have changed drastically for him throughout his new life, he couldn't do just that to everyone who has supported and followed him across this great journey to where he is now.

In some twisted way, Yhwach saw Lucifer in the same light as himself because of the troubled past they both shared because of their ideologies and philosophies. They were both ghosts in a sense because of their different minds.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) What's troubling you?

Zaegar asked.

Yhwach: To think that life on this planet supported a person like Lucifer still confuses me at times. Seeing this much death brings back memories of my wretched battle with Yamamoto and the whole soul society. But seeing how Lucifer operates makes me think if we were any different, to begin with.

Yhwach simply wondered.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Why would you be the same as Lucifer? You are doing something grander than any other person would be able to achieve in their lifetime. Uniting a world, removing tensions from multiple factions, and even proceeding with the process of actually trying to make a world of what you dream of. If anything, you are complete opposites of another.

Yhwach: Perhaps... But I have so much hate within me that hearing that bastard ramble on about how this world deserves to be extinguished makes me want to just obliterate the entirety of Hell and all of its inhabitants.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Don't hold back that anger of yours because I am the darkness that will absorb all your pain and sorrows. Don't let that hate drive you in the same direction as Lucifer. You are the light, don't extinguish that burning passion for simple rage outbursts like Lucifer usually does when things don't go his way.

Yhwach let out a chuckle that led to full-blown laughter.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) What is so funny?

Yhwach: Do you honestly think of me having a short fuse?

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) With the way, you were thinking and talking, it did sound like that.

Yhwach: It would seem that we both don't know a lot about the other. Even being intertwined seems like all the answers aren't there.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) If that is so, what did I get wrong then?

Yhwach: I don't throw tantrums like a child because only children do that, which in turn, are not taken seriously. What I hold inside of me isn't anything complex or childish. My Race can hold a grudge for the longest time because we Quincy never forget what scars us or leaves us close to death.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Are trying to say that you want to avenge all the poor souls that have been enslaved to Lucifer's chains?

Yhwach: What I seek is a life where bastards like him don't even exist in anyone's mind. I want his whole existence to be erased from time itself.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) That would be impossible to do.

Yhwach: You're awake. Explain why that would be impossible.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Erasing Lucifer from existence would mean traveling in the past to completely erase his existence from the world and in everyone's mind.

Yhwach: Let me guess, I would need to confront God from ever making Lucifer.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) That would be the answer. But what you are suggesting can't be done by even my standards.

Yhwach: Now that surprises me. You are infinite and a God, but you have no power over time whatsoever?

Yhwach curiously asked.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Reversing back time is something that can't be simply achieved by any means necessary. If I had to say who could do so, it would have been God that could have achieved what you are thinking about. You see, God had unique powers that not even I and Great Red understood. He was able to create human life and the universe with his powers. He was never much of a fighter because our powers toppled over him in every sense, but even without fighting prowess, God was able to fill that gap significantly with his unique abilities and mindset. Look at Samael, he cursed him with powers that could bring serious problems to me and Great Red.

Yhwach: Interesting... To think that a being that wasn't much of a fighter could do such things.

Yhwach said with an interesting expression.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Great Red, God, and I all had an agreement to stay away from each other as that was the deal. We wouldn't interfere with the other for as long we were alive.

Yhwach: What broke that agreement?

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Trihexa was the one that broke everything apart. Causing God to seal himself to lock away Trihexa and Great Red deciding to go against the agreement we had by invading my home and taking it. I was planning to take my home back, but when you appeared before me, my life's purpose vanished as I had a new purpose.

Yhwach: This history lesson reminds me of what Aizen proclaimed to me countless times. No matter the age, there is always conflict. Hearing that, just proves that no matter who it is, there will always be an age where confrontation and fruitless conflicts exist. And if things continue to progress this way, then a backward age of ignorance will find it difficult to escape the shackles of gravity with no right to even look up into the Heavens, much less the future and vast stars above.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) With that said, what do you intend to do now?

Yhwach: If that objective can't be achieved, then I will do something that will change the course of this battle. Have you sensed where Lucifer is?

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) I'm afraid not. That power you produced earlier is producing tons of sparks and energy that are making me fail to perceive where he is.

Yhwach: I thought as much... I'm having the same problem as well. We will just reconvene with Azazel, Michael, Yasaka, and the rest in the meantime to figure things out from where we want to go.

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Whatever you wish, Lord Yhwach.

Yhwach turned before heading in the direction of his compatriots.

Not traveling too far, he came across Raynare and Kalawarner. Yhwach flew down until his feet touched the ground. Raynare quickly rushed over to him before kneeling before him in a disgraceful posture that plagued her mind of failing him and his expectations. 

Raynare: Master... I deserve death for failing to protect Kalawarner and having the Horsemen of Famine escape our grasp. I deserve to be punished for my failures.

Raynare stared at the ground while waiting for her execution.

Yhwach let out a sigh. 

Yhwach: How many times do I have to tell you and everyone else that I do not own you or anyone else? You all are free to do what you wish with your lives, but this problem that you think you have failed isn't a failure like that other failure.

Raynare's eyes widened before looking up at Yhwach. 

Raynare: What do you mean?

Yhwach: Lucifer decided to bail after my attack hit him. The bastard is going into hiding for the time being.

Raynare: That's why Famine vanished that quickly.

Raynare announced.

Yhwach: Not just Famine, but all the three Horsemen escaped with Lucifer. 

Yhwach said.

Raynare failed to move a muscle because of the horrifying power that surrounded her. It was like death was wrapping its cloak around her whole body, which would snap her body in half if she dared move an inch from that spot she was in.

Gazing upon a master of significance and absolute power held more prestige and blessing than any holy relic within the universe. Just being so close to him was healing the fatigue away along with restoring her power. She couldn't exactly say how this was possible, but it was somehow happening. The battle damage, bruises, blood, and even any damage that was on her body were disappearing.

Raynare: Lord Yhwach... How are you doing this?

She asked with her eyes piercing his as her life depended on this answer.

Yhwach: I have healing properties that could heal others 

He said.

Raynare stood up and quickly guided Yhwach to Kalawarner.

Raynare: She needs help.

Yhwach walked up to her where he gently placed his hand on her before her entire body lit up in a glow. A few seconds passed by to reveal that Kalawarner was fully healed.

She woke up before noticing that Raynare was next to her along with Yhwach who was standing in front of her. When her eyes landed on him, she instantly got on her knees as she did the same thing that Raynare did. 

Kalawarner: My Lord... I wasn't expecting to see you.

Yhwach: There is no need for all this. You can rise, blueberry, we have other pressing matters to attend to.

Kalawarner: As you wish, my Lord.

Kalawarner stood up before instantly spotting that her body was cleansed of scars, blood, and bruising. Her exhaustion vanished with her magic power was fully restored. She looked over at Raynare for an explanation.

Raynare: Lord Yhwach healed you. I don't know how he did it, but he has become something, even more, grander than the last time we were with him. I can't even scale his power anymore seeing how much pressure he is exerting.

Raynare explained.

Yhwach: We need to reconvene with everyone else at the moment to return to the human world. I can't locate Lucifer's power anywhere, so we are going to return to Earth where we will write up new strategies for the future. Lucifer isn't going to stay in hiding forever, so we need to be ready for the next time we encounter him and his men.

Kalawarner: We will follow and obey any command you ask of us, my Lord.

Kalawarner declared.

Raynare: We will not fail to disappoint.

Raynare added on.

Yhwach: Hold onto me.

The two Fallen Angels looked at each other before doing what they were told.

Raynare: My Lord, there is one thing I need to tell you before we leave.

Raynare said.

Yhwach: What is it?

Raynare: Before you arrived here, Lord Indra was here helping us with Famine. Before leaving, he told me to give you a message.

Yhwach: Indra... I wasn't expecting to hear from him. Do go on.

Raynare: He said to meet him at the school where the treaty between the factions took place.

Yhwach: That place again... I'll see what he wants when we are done with my business.

Raynare: As you wish, my Lord.

The Three of them arrived at Michael's, Azazel's, and Yasaka's location.

In the blink of an eye, Yhwach and the two Fallen Angels appeared in front of the others.

Michael, Azazel, Yasaka, and Penemue all shifted their attention to the massive spike in magic power that appeared behind them. When they noticed it was Yhwach, everyone felt nervous to even say anything. Azazel couldn't even comprehend what he was seeing. He was so bewildered to see how much Yhwach had changed that he almost couldn't recognize him.

Michael knew he was strong with being an Archangel and all, but the sheer magic presence that was spiraling around Yhwach was beyond anything he had experienced throughout his life.

Yasaka: What brings you here, Lord Yhwach?

Yasaka asked with a smile.

Yhwach: Lucifer has escaped my grasp somehow, so I have returned here to regroup with everyone before we return to the human world.

Michael's eyes shot wide open. 

Michael: Did you just say, Lucifer?

Yhwach: The crybaby who has caused chaotic omens across everyone's life? Yes, I just mentioned him.

Michael: How is that possible? Lucifer was sealed in the deepest parts of Hell where no magic would have been possible to unseal his cage.

Michael questioned.

Azazel: We will figure that out later, so in the meantime, Lord Yhwach has some other pressing matters to attend to than Lucifer's release.

Azazel said.

Yhwach looked out at the horizon where he used his Reikaku to look for any magic signatures. He picked up a couple here and there, but nothing too big or significant for him to be worried about. What he mostly saw was magical residue or stragglers from the Devil and the human side. 

Yhwach: What is the casualty rate?

Yhwach asked.

Penemue: Somewhere in the high billions.

Penemue stated.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed at hearing that.

Yasaka: What's on your mind?

She asked.

Yhwach let that question float around in his head as there were a lot of things on his mind. Ever since he came to this world, he felt out of place for the longest time. Powers that he had never seen before, beings that scaled beyond anything he faced, and even a world where it was rotten to the core because of the sickening things he had heard and seen with his ears and eyes.

Throughout his travels, he would have never thought that Billions of people would follow him to the gates of Hell to abolish the control that the Devil race has had on the human race for thousands of years.

He was always alone from the start. he used and threw people away after being done with them to achieve his goal. Nothing mattered more than achieving the goal he desired the most in his world, but to see that fruitless dream he wished to have was nothing more than a lie that destroyed him in the end enraged his whole soul.

He was somewhat glad he had a chance to restart anew and had people who believed in his dream, which ultimately changed the course of his life for the better if he had to say.

Yhwach: You know, Fox... Ever since my rise throughout all the realms, the world we all well and know ran on a system of power, greed, slavery, and corruption. With those being emplaced within this system, war has scourged this world and every other realm with a plague of endless suffering and despair.

Yhwach proclaimed while keeping his focus on the scorching fields of Hell.

Yasaka walked up beside him where her gaze was planted on his face. It always amused her how he always kept a straight face throughout horrifying scenarios that no other person would be able to remain calm in.

Yasaka: Out of all the things in the world you could have done, you chose the option of going against beings that strung the world to their liking.

Yasaka asked.

Yhwach: Do you find that a problem?

Yasaka: No... I believe what you are doing is something that people of all races need. You are creating a unified world where no one is above the other. Happiness and peace will only exist in your world because you will it... I don't know how you do it. Absorbing all the world's dark deeds while giving everyone a positive light that fills their hearts and minds with the thought of never-ending tranquility. At times... It breaks my heart seeing you do most of these dangerous tasks by yourself.

Yhwach let a smile creep in after hearing that. 

Yhwach: No supernatural being knows the true meaning of life. It is one of the most precious gifts anyone could receive. Being born innocent into the world while not knowing that your whole life ahead of you will be manipulated by evildoers like Lucifer and anyone like him is a reality that is worse than Hell itself.

Yasaka: I understand where you are getting at, but you don't have to push yourself to these extreme limits all the time.

Yasaka was beginning to show her concerns.

Yhwach: You know I can't show a sign of weakness for a second. My life is already a Hell that can't be fixed, but knowing I can give you a life where you don't have to face bastards like Lucifer or anyone like him is the greatest gift of satisfaction that would give my dream meaning and purpose. I will destroy and sink my existence into the deepest of voids just to seek a world where you and everyone else can live in peace.

Yasaka's eyes began to tear up to hear that he was disregarding his life as nothing meaningful or important.

Yasaka: You bastard...

She said quietly.

Yhwach: Don't waste your tears on someone like me. I walked a path that has stained my entire existence from start to finish. I may have been the one who has cleared a path toward a world we all desire, but it is people like you who desire the longevity of peace. This dream may come from a madman, but it is all of you who will it and enforce your desire to obtain a world where no hardships overcome you.

Yasaka stepped closer to him. 

Yasaka: This world is yours as well. Why are you brushing yourself away from this world you wish to create?

Yhwach: I don't deserve such a luxury.

Yasaka: It doesn't matter if you did something terrible or unforgivable. What you are doing now is enough to clean the slate clean. I can't live in a world without you, nor can't any other person who believes in your cause. You alone created this unified society. No person alive other than you deserves to lead the Billions who have come together because of your dream.

Yhwach remained silent to let himself think. After everything that has transpired in his wake, there was always that looming reality that he had to live with after this whole mess. The fact that he can't return to his world was already enough torment for him. Residing in this reality has shown and unlocked a myriad of unforeseen tragedies, suffering, powers, deities, and new profound abilities. In a way, this was his world to command.

But after experiencing the unveiled secrets of life and the true meaning behind it all, that way of life no longer satisfied him. Aizen's teachings and philosophy made him see what life had to offer.

Forsaking the people who wanted to strive to make the world a better place was one of his greatest mistakes.

Yhwach looked over Yasaka's shoulder to see his former enemy Yamamoto cross-armed with a smile. 

Yamamoto: So, you've finally come to understand...

Yamamoto passed Yhwach before they were back-to-back with each other. 

Yamamoto: The solution has always been within reach, right in front of our eyes. Yet, we both chose to turn away from it.

Yhwach just remained silent.

Yamamoto: Our lives, stained with regret and wrongdoing, cannot be cleansed by mere repentance or self-punishment. No matter how far we roam or how much we atone, our past deeds will linger within us.

Yhwach reluctantly acknowledged the truth of Yamamoto's observation.

Yamamoto: But you've known this all along. What's done cannot be undone. You're embarking on a new path now. The bonds you've formed, the connections you've nurtured—they attest to your redemption. Cease living like a specter and embrace the present, Yhwach. The cycle of enmity that began with us is over. What you perceive now are merely fragments of your shattered past.

Yhwach: A ghost of my past...

Yhwach whispered.

Yamamoto: Cease dwelling in the past. It'll only lead you down the same dark path. Don't isolate yourself from the world around you. You're no longer the Quincy King of the Spiritual Realms. You've been reborn as Yhwach, the new Soul King of this world and the savior of all life.

This was it, the truth that was holding him back for so long. The guilt that has remained with him from the beginning has driven him to do things that would sink some of the sins away before his life returned to nothing. But to think all this time what he was doing alone would redeem him wasn't the answer at all. It was the people who were in front of him the entire time that were the key to redeeming his wretched life.

Yhwach: To truly experience life...

Yhwach stated unconsciously, Yamamoto's smirk widened triumphantly before his presence faded entirely from Yhwach's mind.

In a matter of seconds, Yhwach's eyes became serious. He gazed at Yasaka, which caught her off guard to see an expression she hadn't seen before on him. 

Yasaka: What is it?

She asked.

Yhwach: You will find out later.

Yhwach took to the skies where he raised his hand, which caused the True Longinus to come flying into his hand.

Raynare: What is Lord Yhwach doing?

Raynare asked.

Yasaka: I don't know... He just looked at me funny before flying up into the sky.

Yasaka responded.

Yhwach: Zaegar, lend me your powers.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Nooo! I don't want to!

Yhwach: Zaegar, this is not the time for games. I need your power now more than ever.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) But I don't wanna!

Ophis: (Within Yhwach's Mind ) Hollow, listen to your master.

Yhwach: Zaegar, please. This is not the time for your games.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Fine, fine... But you owe me big time for this.

Yhwach: Agreed.

With Zaegar's power now at his disposal, Yhwach raised the True Longinus high into the air, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the battlefield. The air crackled with energy as Yhwach focused his will, channeling the immense power of both the spear and his inner Hollow.

With a resounding slam, Yhwach drove the True Longinus deep into the scorched earth, channeling the vast reserves of energy within it. As he infused it with Zaegar's Reiryoku, the ground trembled and shook.

Millions of souls, freed from the clutches of death by Yhwach's will, began to rise from the battlefield. They emerged from the ground like ethereal specters, their forms shimmering with a faint, ghostly light.

Everyone looked on with awe at such a bizarre moment.

When the souls reached their destination, Millions of dead people who were killed in the war were rising from the cold clutches of death.

Yasaka, Azazel, and Michael didn't know what to think or say. This was bending the natural laws of life and death, but they understood that they couldn't go against Yhwach and his wishes.

Even though this was something only Hades and the Horsemen of Death would do, they were glad to see that their people's lives meant something to Yhwach if he were to break a law such as the fundamental aspects of life and death.

Crossing the line of defying death was something he wasn't going to mess around with anymore knowing that death could never be achieved and would be a reality of endless suffering for him or anyone else. After hearing how Lucifer had destroyed that principle, he wasn't going to hold back any longer as he too was starting to mess with the aspects of life and death.

Some of the souls flew down to the deepest parts of Hell where Akeno, Koneko, Kuroka, and Vali were. The four souls entered their bodies as they were all healed, rejuvenated, and healthy.

Kuroka quickly shot up to notice that she was alive. Heavy panting filled the room recalling the pain that was dealt out to her. Touching her cheeks to make sure it wasn't some dream, she came to find out that she was indeed alive.

Glancing over, she also saw her sister was completely fine as well. She recalled what happened to her after what Lucifer did to her. She was clueless as to what was going on.

Akeno and Vali soon woke up from their slumber to find out they too were confused about this whole situation.

Vali: What's going on here?

Vali asked.

Before an answer could be given, Kuroka rushed over to Koneko and pulled her into a soul-gripping hug. The sound of crying filled the whole room. 

Kuroka: I'm never going to fail you again, Shirone. Until the day I die again, I will not see you get hurt ever again!

Kuroka declared as she tightened her hold on her.

Meanwhile in the torture chambers Freed woke up clueless as to what happened looking around he saw the destroyed builds and many structures were in ruin and sighed

Freed: I just want to sleep in peace is that so much to ask for Lord Yhwach??? 

Back with Kuroka, Koneko, Vali and Akeno

Akeno: How are we alive? Lucifer killed us in cold blood. This doesn't make any sense.

Akeno questioned.

Vali: I would like to know as well.

Vali said.

Before anyone left, Kuroka's eyes widened to the fullest and it looked like her eyes would have shot out of her eye sockets. 

Kuroka: Lord Yhwach...

She said.

Vali: What about him?

Vali asked.

Kuroka: If we all died, wouldn't Lucifer and his four Horsemen of the Apocalypse be fighting right now?!

She asked while keeping her hold on her sister.

Vali clenched his teeth and gripped his fists tightly after remembering what Lucifer said to him. 

Vali: I'm not going to sit around here to find out.

Vali let his wings out before flying out of the castle.

Kuroka, Akeno, and Koneko soon followed.

Eventually, the four of them got out of that hell hole to see the surface layer of the Underworld to be engulfed in flames and smoke. Annihilation covered every square inch of the top layer of the Underworld. Mountains that used to exist no longer existed as craters replaced them.

The lakes and rivers were nothing more than streams of lava. Bodies lay across every nook, cranny, and corner, but what made this scenario worse was the horrifying stench of rotting corpses.

Akeno: What happened here?

Akeno asked.

The four of them looked over to their left to see a bright light where millions of souls were being shot out in multiple directions. 

Kuroka: We will probably find our answer there.

Kuroka said while pointing in that general direction.

They flew in that direction until they were able to get a better view of what was going on. When the four of them witnessed who was in front of them, they were hit with a daze and all of them were awestruck. The pieces were beginning to click when witnessing what was going on. Gazing upon Yhwach along with new profound powers was enough to shut them up.

But going further than that, they were seeing a power that only a minuscule of people was able to do. It was the kind of magic that no one should tamper with as it defies the principles and concepts of life and death.

All of them never felt such an omnipotent power wash over them like this. It felt like their joints were locking up from the magical pressure, that was pushing down onto them.

Kuroka didn't know what to feel. She was going through a tsunami of emotions as she was delighted, sad, terrified, and even amazed all at the same time. But with everything that transpired with her sister and Lucifer's encounter, she felt even more thankful for everything and everyone around her.

Even now, her heart has never felt so painful when seeing what Lucifer did to her sister.

With all this happening, she couldn't believe that even in the heart of the Devil's territory with bodies upon bodies stacked to fill up all the oceans in the world, Yhwach would sacrifice his life to ensure that others could live on. That thought alone clenched her heart up. Doing what he was doing, she couldn't fathom the amount of strain and energy it would take to free the souls from the dead.

Once again, he saved her sister, which she has failed to do again.

Everything around her was becoming nothing more than a faint void as the only light that was keeping her from being embraced by the clutches of darkness was Yhwach's light.

Her gaze on him felt like time itself had stopped as she couldn't shift her attention from him whatsoever.

The light he had around him felt warm and welcoming.

Not even knowing, her eyes were beginning to tear up.

A realization hit her that life and everything else was meaningless if Yhwach didn't exist in it. The travels, adventures, and gifts that no one else brought to the table were able to do have solidified her grounds of how much of an impact Yhwach had on her.

Her long travels with him did shed some light on his life, but his power as a human showed her what humanity is truly capable of. That power he wielded alone was enough to break the gap that was between them after so long of being apart along with bringing her back from death.

That was all she wanted for herself, to see her sister alive and well. And if Yhwach could provide those requirements to protect her sister from anything or anyone, then nothing else mattered.

But now, after seeing what he did by bringing her and her sister back, she no longer wanted to be separated from him. Her life was now his from now until the end of time itself.

Yhwach: You have been staring at me for quite some time now...Women

Yhwach announced while focusing on resurrecting the dead.

Kuroka was brought out of her trance before no thoughts were given to what she was about to do. She lunged at him and she brought him in a hug with her head planted on his chest.

Kuroka: Just how much more fuel can you add to make me live without you?

Kuroka gripped his back as it felt like it was her lifeline.

Yhwach: Now is not the time for this, I need to finish my task.

He said.

Kuroka: I don't care... I'm not letting you go.

Akeno and Koneko just smiled awkwardly at how Kuroka was acting.

Kalawarner: Lord Michael, Lord Azazel, Lady Yasaka, do we have everyone gathered up?

Kalawarner asked.

Michael: We should have everyone. If not, a magic communication circle has been sent out to all of our allies to return to the human world.

Michael said.

Yhwach: Good... I'm growing tired of this wretched place.

Scene Break

Yhwach's army all returned to the human world where everyone felt exhausted, beaten, bruised, and torn from all the fighting they all endured. It was welcoming to see their world after experiencing that bloody war. In a sense, it enlightened them after that whole fiasco.

Michael and his Angels were overseeing the normal accommodations to help the humans return to their homes to rest and eat.

Azazel and Penemue along with the rest of the Fallen Angels were securing the portal so that no Devil would surprise them with a sneak attack.

Yasaka left her soldiers to guard the Imperial Palace where Yhwach was while she went to go check on her daughter.

Kuroka, Koneko, Akeno, and Vali walked through the portal before the sun graced them with its presence. 

Kuroka: It is good to see you too.

Kuroka said to the sun as she basked in the sun.

Vali: Why are you saying that? You do know that the sun isn't our greatest ally because of the downsides we receive from our Devil's blood.

Vali pointed out.

Kuroka: You don't have to be such a jerk about it. That is simple knowledge, so the reason why I said that was because I didn't want to sit in the Underworld anymore. I'm done with that place for a while.

Koneko: That could be the reason, but there is also the possibility of you being lonely, so you decided to come with all of us.

Koneko blurted out.

Kuroka: Why are you being so rude to me?

Kuroka asked with a confused expression.

Akeno let out a giggle. 

Akeno: It could be the fact that Lord Yhwach left you behind, so you quickly wanted to follow him.

Kuroka couldn't come up with anything as a vein showed itself on her forehead. 

Kuroka: You know what... I don't care anymore. I have my reasons for following him, so no matter what you try to do or say, I won't stray from his path because of what you think.

Akeno shook her head. 

Akeno: That reminds me... Where did he go?

She asked.

Koneko: Probably to the place that has guards all over the place.

Koneko pointed out.

The four of them were walking toward the palace before they spotted a familiar face. 

Kuroka: Hold on for a second... Is that, Cao Cao?

Kuroka asked.

Kuroka: Cao Cao!

Kuroka yelled out.

Cao Cao turned in the direction of the voice before a surprised look came upon him. 

Cao Cao: What in the...

Vali: We weren't expecting to see you here.

Vali said.

Cao Cao: I could say the same to you. Why did you guys come here anyway?

Vali scratched the back of his head before replying. 

Vali: I came to thank Yhwach for saving me. But I'm also here to ask about Issei.

Cao Cao: The Red Dragon Emperor?

Vali: Yes.

Cao Cao: If you are looking for him, he is already inside the palace with Tiamat and Freed.

Cao Cao casually said.

Kuroka was listening in to their conversation before she spotted something on Cao Cao. 

Kuroka: Isn't that Yhwach's weapon on your back?

Cao Cao took the sword off his back where he placed the sword next to his side in a vertical position. 

Cao Cao: it is, but Yhwach refused to take it back as he told me to just keep it. I was hesitant at first, but I think I'm starting to like this weapon. This is truly remarkable. I haven't seen anything like this.

Vali: I thought something was off with that weapon the first time I saw it.

Vali pointed out.

Cao Cao: It may look light, but this thing is so heavy that it takes quite a great deal of power to wield it. When infused with some magical power, this thing can blow away just about anything.

Koneko: Are we allowed to enter?

Koneko asked.

Cao Cao: Yeah, you guys can enter, but just be careful. Lord Yhwach seems a bit mad at the moment. Just don't do anything stupid while you are in there.

The four of them acknowledged Cao Cao's words before they entered the palace. They roamed through a couple of rooms before reaching the main hall where they spotted Freed, Issei, and Tiamat on their knees in front of Yhwach who was sitting on his throne.

Kuroka, Koneko, Akeno, and Vali shut the door behind them and waited until it was their turn to speak.

Yhwach: This is quite interesting. To think you would show up now out of all the times we were in battle.

Yhwach said.

Freed: Now hear me out boss I was fucking tortured by that red-haired slut and her cousin.

Issei was sweating bullets from how nervous he was. The last time he saw Yhwach.

Nothing prepared him for this moment, so it was nearly impossible to say anything. 

Issei: Mr. Quincy... Please hear me out.

Yhwach: I rather not. To think that I was an instructor who was trying to teach you surprises me every time I think about it. At this point, you shouldn't say anything because with you being gone for a while, I assume you accumulated some unique techniques and fighting styles.

Issei: I mean... Yes... I did train for a bit while I was absent.

Yhwach: Then prove to me that your absence wasn't all for naught. And if I see that you are still the same as before, then...

Yhwach released his Reiatsu, which felt like a shotgun blast at point-blank that caused everyone to fly back toward the wall. 

Yhwach: I will shatter your entire soul into fragments that not even the greatest beings in this world will be able to fix you.

Issei felt his blood clog up at times as this was beyond his realm. 

Issei: Ddraig... Are you still there?

Ddraig: [Partner... I can't measure his power.]

Issei: What?! How is that possible?

Ddraig: [You think I know the answer to that?! Use that retarded ass head of yours for once and think how someone of that caliber could overwhelm me.]

Issei: So not cool.

Issei began to think about how he could go up against someone like him. With every thought, he began drawing blanks. There was no denying it, he knew was screwed.

Yhwach: What's the matter? Are you just going to bow before a king for the rest of your life? I told you to prove to me that your absence wasn't all for naught.

Yhwach said while exerting spiritual pressure.

Issei was panting from how intoxicating the whole room was. The power that was all around him was suffocating him to the point that it felt like his lungs were being ripped apart. 

Issei: Ddraig... I-I-I can't... Fucking... Breathe...

Vali felt his legs give out before he fell to the ground.

Kuroka, Koneko, and Akeno fell to the floor as well from the extreme pressure, but Kuroka was the only one who felt the wetness between her legs. 

Kuroka: Nya... If he keeps this up, I might go into heat early.

Kuroka said with a blush plastered on her cheeks while also deliciously licking her lips as her eyes were locked on her target.

Akeno: How can you be turned on in a situation like this?

Akeno asked while trying to fight against the pressure.

Kuroka: It's because my heart longs for him no matter how much I try to block it out. Every turn I take, he is in my mind and heart. 

Kuroka said before giving in to the power.

Koneko: I sometimes think that you are a lost soul at times,

Koneko said before she too gave in to the pressure.

Issei used all of his willpower to resist this insane pressure. It was like he was tearing his muscles apart just to resist this power. 


Issei screamed out and a green glow engulfed him before the entire room exploded in a green magical glow.

Ddraig: [Balance Breaker!]

Issei was covered from head to toe in red armor. His magic power was spewing out like a whirlwind from the training he received.

Yhwach: Looks like someone is ready to dance. Freed, hold this for me.

Yhwach handed the True Longinus to him.

Freed: I gotcha boss.

Yhwach: Let's just see how much you have grown.

Issei launched right at Yhwach where he shot his fist forward, but Yhwach caught it with ease.

Small Timeskip

Issei: Mr. Quincy... I can't be like you. I lack your vision, talent, and mindset.

Yhwach: I never once said for you to be like me. I'm just telling you what you are lacking. When you fight, you fight to survive. Stop holding yourself back, then, maybe, you will have a chance at victory.

Issei stood up before Yhwach casually did a leg sweep that made Issei fall to the ground. 

Issei: Ahhhhh! What was that for?

Yhwach shook his head. 

Yhwach: You dropped your guard. You still require more practice and discipline. Men aren't forged as warriors at birth, they are forged when they experience Hell in situations where it feels like their only option is giving up. Keep striving to be better and conquer the enemy that has always been ahead of you since birth. The only enemy you should fear is yourself. Until then, go repair the damage you caused.

Yhwach said before walking to his throne.

Issei just stared at the ceiling as he felt his exhaustion kick in.

Yhwach: Now, what were the four of you here to do?

Yhwach asked.

Kuroka, Koneko, Akeno, and Vali approached him before Akeno and Koneko kneeled before him.

Kuroka and Vali decided not to kneel as the both of them had different plans in their mind.

Vali: You changed a lot from the last time we met. You have risen above any human standards that have been placed in this world, so what do you plan to do now? I know this battle isn't over yet, so when will you return to the Underworld?

Yhwach didn't say a word.

Vali: What is it?

Yhwach: I want to jump out of this seat and snap your neck.

Vali and everyone else were stunned by his words.

Vali: Why?

Vali asked as he was getting ready to fight.

Yhwach: You bear the same eyes as that wretch. A descendant of his lineage, aren't you?

Vali: Wait... How did you—

Yhwach: I can discern your lineage. And rest assured, I have no intention of ending your life.

Vali: Then why did you say that you want to snap my neck?

Yhwach: You were staring at me just like your predecessor was, which was irritating me.

Vali stuffed his hands into his pockets before asking something else. 

Vali: Look, I don't plan to stay around here, so I'm just going to get straight to the point. Let me take Issei with me to become stronger. This Lucifer business you have going on isn't the end. I want to come prepared when the next battle begins. Besides, don't you want him to become stronger?

Yhwach: So the bastard child wants to take one of my students.

Vali: Better a bastard child than being a crazy war-mongering genocidal freak.

Yhwach smiled at that. 

Yhwach: Don't be so quick to judge me. After all, you only see what I choose to show you.

Vali: Judging isn't my kind of thing. That stuff is reserved for Gods, so judge all you want from that chair of yours because you have the world at your fingertips. Take care, Yhwach. I will be taking Issei with me.

He remained silent as he saw Vali take Issei before leaving the palace.

Tiamat: My Lord... Will it be alright to let Issei go like this? What if both the Red and White Dragon Emperors decide to go against you?

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach: Its fine, Tiamat. Besides, the failure needs training before he can stand next to me.

Tiamat: He still didn't tell us how he managed to get stronger.

Tiamat expressed her concerns.

Yhwach: Don't worry about it. I'm sure we will find out in due time.

Akeno: Lord Yhwach...

Akeno decided to speak up this time.

Yhwach shifted his attention to Akeno. 

Yhwach: Now this is surprising... I wasn't expecting Rias Gremory's friend to be standing before me. Are you here to spout your nonsense all over again like long ago?

Akeno: I dare not, Lord Yhwach. I have come to pay my respects for returning my life. To add to that, I have left Rias Gremory's side as I have seen that her reasoning of how the world should work while following this chain of command that was constructed by the Devils was a failed system. It was a system to retain their power while controlling those who were insignificant. So, I have come here to plead for your forgiveness for my blindness and negligence in seeing the bigger picture.

Akeno calmly and respectfully explained.

He raised his hand. 

Yhwach: Don't grovel like a slave to me. I am not your Master. I forgive you, so raise yourself.

Akeno: But... It wouldn't be appropriate for me to not kneel before you.

Yhwach: I understand, so don't worry about it. I do not wish to enslave anyone as that is not what I seek. Everyone that is born into this or any world is born innocent, but not free. Life shouldn't be a reality of shackles and enslavement, its general purpose is for people to live and enjoy what they were given. The simplistic thought that you are born a slave into the confines of bastards like Lucifer's people and anyone like him is a sick joke. You shouldn't be raised to fear the world and the life you live.

Yhwach explained.

Akeno couldn't think of anything to retort that. Her eyes locked onto his when he finished speaking before it felt like the world around her shattered.

She was beginning to see a whole new light in life. After all this time, she couldn't understand how she failed to see this from the beginning when he was enrolled at Kuoh Academy. There was no denying that she was the same as any other person in Rias's inner circle. She and everyone else felt like anything he said was nothing more than empty words that felt like a load of crap.

Yhwach: Listen, Akeno. I know what suffering looks like because I have experienced it a million times over. No person alive should feel the same as me, but you have led a life of lies this whole time. Experiencing your mother dying, having a father who felt like abandoned you, and enslaving yourself to the Devils because that felt like your only option at the time. These elements defined you in the past, so don't let the past keep defining you for all eternity. Seek the desires that linger in the back of your head and construct a new path for yourself.

Akeno gripped her fists as a surge of pain washed over her heart. 

Akeno: But... I-I-I c-can't...

Yhwach: I too know that pain you are feeling all too well. The feeling of emptiness because everything you believed in meant nothing when the world around you shattered.

Akeno: Then how do you cope with it? How do you go on living when you have experienced this pain like a million times? How do you wake up with a confident mindset knowing the torment you have gone through? What keeps making your heart tick to keep moving forward?

Akeno asked with desperation.

Yhwach: I don't...

Everyone perked up at his answer. Kuroka even stopped what she was doing as she was intrigued now.

Akeno: W-what do you mean?

Akeno asked.

Yhwach: I don't cope with anything anymore. My entire life was a Hell that not even a drop of light would fix me. The path I walked stained my existence to the point that I became a ghost. I knew the darkness that followed me with every step I took as I became a monster to even myself. Reality can often be disappointing that we choose to do things that go against what others approve of. No one wants to be a menace, but when society and the circumstances go against you, you tend to become something that not even you can recognize.

Everyone remained silent as he continued to explain.

Yhwach: I know I can't be forgiven for my past, but the people around me are the reason why I continue to live on. You can live a life of isolation with no sense of forgiveness within yourself for the things you have done, but living that type of life is worse than death at times and it will destroy you until you become nothing. Don't dwell on those thoughts because the people you have around you will fill that void of emptiness. I failed to recognize this when I fought with Yamamoto long ago, so don't traverse the same path as I did. You have a long life ahead of you.

Yhwach said.

Akeno: Lord Yhwach... I may not know you well enough, but standing here before you has awakened my foolish mind to a great degree. Your words of wisdom and bottomless well of knowledge never cease to stop growing. At times like this... I ask myself how someone like you can strive to these great lengths without suffering the drawbacks of seeing the broken and twisted world that is null and void to the majority of people.

Akeno asked.

Kuroka: I wonder the same thing sometimes. You have all this power, all these people who respect you, and countless women who would love to share a bed with you, and yet, you feel like you deserve none of it... Why do you have to hate yourself to the point that you feel as if you don't deserve happiness at all?

Kuroka asked this time.

Yhwach let out a sigh. 

Yhwach: Bearing the world's problems so that everyone who has suffered before could live a life of tranquility can't be done with simple means. Some monsters want to live a life of slavery, war, and carnage. People like that can't be reasoned with or beaten with a positive and carefree mindset. You can't destroy monsters while being human, so you must become an entirely different being to be someone even the demons would fear.

Kuroka: You are a cold-hearted ruthless bastard. There are some things I might not agree with you on, but you don't deserve to live this type of life where you must define yourself as a monster.

Yhwach: Sometimes, destroying yourself for the good of humanity is a necessary sacrifice.

Akeno couldn't understand how his mind and heart worked. She has never met anyone so stubborn to the point that they would want to destroy themselves. She lived a life of seeing how ignorant people can be. Concentrating on themselves, indulging in lustful desires, and becoming more greedy. They all wanted something from someone with interest, but no one has done anything for someone because of kindness or sympathy. It became even worse when she worked for Rias.

The lust, greed, debauchery, sickness, and endless torment of snatching souls for the Underworld made her feel hopeless. In truth, she didn't care about the world anymore after her mother died and her father abandoned her. Joining up with Rias was only an escape from the world's problems, but it was mostly to avoid her problems.

Akeno: What you have done, has severed the fate of this world for eons to come. A simple concept of peace that came from a human has shifted the whole supernatural world to rock bottom.

Akeno said.

Yhwach: That's what I wanted from the start. They stained this world long enough. What I want... What truly resides in my heart is the need to sever the fate of this world, a world of only victors, a world of only peace, a world of only love... I will create such a world.

He said.

Akeno: Just how far do you think you can go with this? One day, this chivalrous behavior you have going will disappear when you are hit with a problem, not even you can solve. There is always a limit to which a person can go before something or someone can stop them. You speak of your horrendous past, but what if that is a lie? As you said before, you only choose to show what others want to see or hear. Better yet, which Yhwach should we believe in? The Ghost of the Quincy, the Messiah, or the war-mongering bastard?

Akeno explained as her emotions were beginning to spill out from all the pain that was built up.

Yhwach smiled at her statement of concern.

Akeno: Why are you smiling? Did I say something funny?

Yhwach: You may enter.

Yhwach called out, causing everyone to look towards the door.

When they all turned to look, they saw the doors to the throne room swing open up before Baraqiel entered the room.

Akeno instantly without a second thought turned around to face Yhwach to seek answers immediately as she remained in silence while waiting for him to say something.

Yhwach leaned back in his chair. 

Yhwach: You asked which Yhwach you should believe in. Don't believe in any of them. Live your life in freedom without my existence in it. Why do you think I'm doing this? To gain favor from you or anyone else? I don't seek fame, reputation, or anything of the sort. My existence alone means nothing if the people of this world aren't freed from their suffering, emptiness, and loneliness. There are nexuses and causal relationships that cannot be separated that shift the behaviors of those around them.

Akeno was about to say something, but she was cut off.

Yhwach: You can hate me, resent me, and even avoid me throughout your entire life, but I will never let people like you who have suffered enough drown in a neverending ocean of pain. No one should be gifted the suffrage and never-ending pain of eternal emptiness from this world. Take my words to heart, Akeno Himejima. Don't live in the past, push to strive for something much more. Don't walk the path of a ghost as you put it as I have done for so long.

Akeno felt absolutely speechless. Everything she was about to say left her mind in seconds. It hit her once again how he disregarded himself from the public view while giving everything back with no strings attached.

The space around him felt like it was becoming dark as the figure of Yhwach was becoming larger and brighter. Consciously not knowing, she began to tremble in confusion and awe.

Baraqiel and the person next to him walked closer to Yhwach where they bowed before him.

Baraqiel: Greetings, Lord Yhwach.

???: I pay my respects to you, my Messiah, Lord Yhwach.

Akeno slowly returned her gaze to the figure next to Baraqiel.

???: It's so good to see you, Akneo. How have you been?

Akeno tried to say something, but nothing could come out. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, but something felt holding her back from doing so until a single word escaped her lips. 

Akeno: Mother...

Baraqiel: It's her, Akeno. She is alive.

Baraqiel reassured her.

Shuri: Come here, Akeno.

Her mother said as tears were escaping her eyes.

Without thought, she charged ahead before crashing into her mother's arms. She began balling her eyes out as the three of them were brought into a hug.

Before he could leave, Baraqiel stepped forward before getting on his hands and knees. 

Baraqiel: Lord Yhwach... My life belongs to you for all of eternity!

Shuri: Baraqiel...

Shuri whispered.

Yhwach stopped at the foot of the entrance without turning around. 

Yhwach: I do not own you. I don't own anyone. Your life is of your own, so live it how you wish. I have returned your family to you. If you so wish, you may leave this place to go live somewhere far away from the problems that occur around me. You are a free man, so live and thrive like a free man because that is how all innocent beings should live.

That was all he said after he began to leave.

Not even taking one step, another voice called out to him. This time, he decided to turn around.

Akeno: Where are you going? I need to repay you for giving me something I would have never imagined I would see again.

Akeno said.

He raised his hand to stop her. 

Yhwach: I told you already, Akeno Himejima. The things I do is something that requires no sense of payment. I don't seek any favors, gifts, or even power. Live your life to the fullest with the ones around you and never let emptiness, pain, and suffering consume your life. It only leads to a life of loneliness with no sense of direction.

Akeno: But-

Yhwach: Just accept this reality you have been blessed with. Live with happiness rather than regret. Find your desires that you wish to pursue and hold onto them. Build the future you wanted that you wished for when you were with your family.

Akeno: Lord Yhwach! Let me at least join up with you! I want to repay you!

Akeno desired to return her gratitude to him.

Yhwach shook his head. 

Yhwach: You have your life back. The torment that held you back no longer resides in that heart of yours anymore. Take my advice and move on with your life. You are no longer that girl who was abandoned and left to survive on her own.

Akeno: But what about you?

Yhwach: Do not worry about me. Better yet, take these next few words to heart. Wherever you are in this world, don't let the world or anyone else's problems dictate your very way of life. You are in control of your future and the path you so desire to walk on. Reality can be Hell at times, but never let it consume your heart and mind. Surround yourself with people like your mother and father and I guarantee you that any hardships that come your way in the future will only become minor problems.

Akeno: At least tell me something to do to pay you back! I will feel devoided if I don't do something to return this gift you have given me!

Yhwach gave her one last smile before a swirly portal began swirling around him.

Yhwach: Live...

Yhwach disappeared.


Author: Hello if you're reading this you have completed 15% of the story congratulations

3rd World Completed - High School dxd

Dear Readers tell me you're honest thoughts about our journey through dxd all the good moments bad moments basically everything

Decide the fourth world 

Timeline/Era of the fourth world

What should Yhwach's Goal and purpose be in the next world?

Don't forget to donate power stones and Give me an Honest detailed and good review

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