45.25% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 61: Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief

章 61: Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief

Yhwach enters his room and begins to meditate, delving into the depths of his inner world. As he descends into the darkness within, Zaegar's presence becomes palpable. Yhwach finds himself in a vast expanse of shadows, with the ominous figure of Zaegar looming in the darkness.

Zaegar: (laughing) Yhwach, my Quincy King! How does it feel to bask in the fine darkness of your soul?

Yhwach: (stoic) I'm not here for your amusement, Zaegar. Cut the jokes.

Zaegar's laughter fades, and he feigns sadness.

Zaegar: Oh, did the Quincy King lose his sense of humor? Become heartless, perhaps?

Yhwach: (annoyed) Enough of your games, Zaegar. Tell me, is my soul ready to accumulate another Schrift?

Zaegar's expression turns serious, and he nods.

Zaegar: Indeed, your soul has grown stronger. It can now bear the weight of two additional Schrifts.

Yhwach: (surprised) Two? Last time you said only one.

Zaegar: The Mimihagi, that old relic, has played its part. Your soul is more resilient than anticipated.

Yhwach narrows his eyes, sensing Zaegar's disgust toward the Mimihagi.

Yhwach: Why do you despise the Mimihagi so much?

Zaegar looks away, his demeanor changing as if haunted by memories.

Zaegar: (muttering) Trauma, Quincy King. It's a relic of a time I'd rather forget.

Yhwach, ignoring Zaegar's cryptic response, walks up to one of the cocoons of the Sternritter, specifically the one marked with the letter T, the Thunderbolt. Zaegar comments, interjecting his curiosity.

Zaegar: Did General Budo inspire you to seek the power of lightning, Quincy King?

Yhwach: (nonchalant) Perhaps.

Yhwach turns his attention to the cocoon with the letter T, the Thunderbolt, within his inner world. He reaches out and touches it, transporting himself to Candice Catnipp's soul.

Yhwach Pov

In front of me was Candice Catnipp again, the woman still looking as pissed as always.

Candice: Your majesty! What gives you the right to come here after what you did to us? You've hurt us, betrayed our trust.

Electricity danced in her hand, a manifestation of her inner turmoil.

Yhwach: Candice, I understand the pain I've inflicted on all of you. I have seen the consequences of my actions through the eyes of Bazz-B.

Candice's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and disbelief.

Candice: Bazz-B forgave you? That can't be true.

Yhwach: (nodding) It is true. Bazz-B confronted me, and he forgave me for the pain I caused him. It made me realize the extent of the damage I had done.

Candice's electric aura flickered, and she sighed.

Candice: I can't believe it. But what does that have to do with me?

Yhwach: (solemn) I am here to face the consequences of my actions, Candice. I am sorry for the pain I caused, but I must undergo this trial to understand and grow from it.

Candice's skepticism lingered, but a sense of weariness took over.

Candice: Fine, let's get this over with. My trial for you is a trial of combat, a battle to the death.

Candice: But the use of bazz-b's schrift is forbidden in my own soul realm 

she said, as beam of pure electricity was launched toward me

I dodged the beam, as I decided to generate my own reishi bow, blasting some arrow toward the woman, she promptly dodged them before touching her heart buckle on her belt, coming out of the belt was a heart-shaped quincy's cross, in an instant an enormous quantity of reishi and electricity was gathered in the cross as she aimed it at me

Candice: Try dodging this Galvano Blast

she exclaimed as the blast of reishi was launched at blazing speed toward me

Yhwach: Kirchenlied : Sankt Zwinger

as I said this, from the tip of my finger came long strings of Roman numeral inscribed construct, these construct allow for a quick construction of several column of reishi shaped like the Quincy cross in a circular formation around me

The blast from Candice impacted my altar with a thunderous explosion, despite the incredible level of power of the blast, it couldn't come through my Sank Zwinger, as soon enough, the pillar that I made started to blast with a pure beam of reishi her attack, successfully nullifying her.

Upon seeing Candice's surprise at the sudden turn of events, I used Hirenkyaku to appear in front of her, my blade enveloped in Blut. With a swift impaling motion, I aimed the sword towards her, but as it closed in on her stomach, her body transformed into pure lightning, and she swiftly evaded.

Candice, now in her lightning form, circled around me with incredible speed. The crackling electricity echoed through the ethereal battlefield as she prepared for her next move.

Yhwach: Impressive, Candice. But evading won't change the outcome.

I extended my hand, generating a concentrated Reishi blade in an instant. As she lunged towards me, I swiftly parried her lightning-fast strikes. The clash of our energies illuminated the surreal landscape of her soul realm.

Candice, realizing that direct confrontation might not be enough, unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts from her fingertips. I employed Blut Vene to enhance my defensive capabilities, creating a shield of spiritual energy that absorbed the onslaught.

Yhwach: Your power is formidable, Candice, but it won't be enough to defeat me.

With a surge of spiritual pressure, I unleashed a powerful Quincy arrow, guided by my precise control over Reishi. The arrow shot towards Candice, who dodged with incredible agility. However, the arrow followed her movements unerringly.

Candice: Persistent, aren't you?

As she continued to evade, I initiated a unique Quincy technique, manipulating the arrow's trajectory mid-flight. It closed in on her, forcing her to shift her form between lightning and human to avoid the impending strike.

Yhwach: Sankt Bogen.

In an instant, a massive Quincy bow materialized in my hand. I drew back the bowstring, channeling an immense amount of spiritual energy into the arrow. The bow resonated with power as I aimed directly at Candice, who found herself momentarily immobilized.

Candice: What... what is this?

The charged arrow was released, soaring through the air with unparalleled speed. Candice attempted to evade, but the arrow adjusted its course, piercing through her with overwhelming force.

Before long, a vibrant green pillar of Reishi burst forth from the wall, pulverizing it. As the pillar dissipated, Candice emerged in her Vollständig form. She had gained six green lightning bolt-edged wings, with threads of electricity dancing around her body.

Instantly, I adopted a serious stance, summoning four enormous bows made of Reishi behind me as I unleashed a volley of arrows upon her.

I observed her slowly extending her arm towards my volley of arrows, electricity dancing around her fingertips. Suddenly, she unleashed a myriad of small lightning bolts, each one destroying one of my arrows on contact, creating a chain of explosions that propelled my body towards hers.

Then as I landed near her, the arm that she used to destroy my volley was touching one of her wings

Yhwach: (In thought ) What is she doing? 

I questioned before I charged toward her using Hirenkyaku, then I saw that she took off one her wings and she adopted a throwing position

Candice: Galvano Javelin

she screamed as the part of her wings was used as a projectile, the speed was so great that I was hit by hit even before I could try to dodge

The explosion generated by the projectile sent me hurl toward one of the walls of the arena, I impacted it like a meteor, tearing a hole into multiple layers of it

Yhwach: (In thought) the electricity totally numbed my body, I can't even move

I cursed inwardly as I tried to move my body

Candice: Well, it seems that the fun is over, it was fun while it lasted I guess

I heard Candice said as she appeared in front of me, her Vollständig deactivated, but she still had one of her wings in hand, pointing it at me

Yhwach: Indeed, Candice, indeed.

I replied, smiling widely as my trap proved successful.

Yhwach: Sankt Altar

I chanted, and five beams of light enveloped Candice's entire body.


she screamed as a substantial chunk of her Reishi and her Schrift were transferred to me.

Yhwach: I devised this trap just as I was struck by the Javelin. Just before it could hit me, I initiated the altar and used the dust created by the explosions of the arrows and from my impact with the arena wall to conceal its activation.

I informed her as her body hit the ground, drained of Reishi.

Candice: NOT AGAIN!

she startled me with her banshee-like scream.

Candice: I don't want to be powerless again!

She tried to stand up, but her body refused to obey.

Candice: Give me back my Reishi so I can bash your skull!

I approached the fallen Candice, her once formidable power now drained by the Sankt Altar.

Yhwach: (softly) Candice, I understand your frustration. I am truly sorry for everything I've done to you and the others.

I extended my hand towards her, offering help. Candice, still on the ground, she glared at me with a mix of resentment and defiance.

Candice: Don't act like you care now! You took everything from us!

Yhwach: I know, and I can't change the past. But I promise you, once I regain all of my powers, I will bring you and everyone else back to life. I will restore what I've taken away.

Candice looked into my eyes, searching for any signs of sincerity. The room was filled with an awkward silence before I took a step closer and extended my arms.

Yhwach: I understand if you don't trust me. But believe me, this is a promise I intend to keep.

Candice hesitated, torn between her anger and the unexpected sincerity in my words. After a moment, she reluctantly accepted my offer, allowing me to pull her into a hesitant embrace.

Yhwach: (whispering) I know words alone won't make up for the pain I've caused. But I am truly sorry, Candice. I never wanted to see any of you suffer.

Candice, still skeptical, didn't resist the hug. I held her for a moment longer, acknowledging the weight of my actions. 

Candice found herself enveloped in my embrace. The room blurred around us, responding to the emotions that filled the space. In that moment, I sensed the conflict within Candice gradually giving way to something different.

Candice: (softly) Fine, your majesty. I'll trust you, but you better keep that promise.

I nodded solemnly, acknowledging the weight of her trust. Just as the atmosphere began to shift, and a connection seemed to form, Candice's form started to fade.

Candice: Before I go, I want you to know... (pauses) I forgive you, Father.

My eyes widened in surprise at her unexpected words. The acknowledgment of their familial connection echoed in the fading space. Candice's form continued to dissipate, and her voice lingered in the air.

Candice: Make things right, Father. Bring us back.

With those parting words, Candice disappeared.

Yhwach, exhausted from the intense trial in Candice Catnipp's soul, felt a sense of weight on his shoulders. As he returned to his inner world, Zaegar's ominous presence awaited him.

Zaegar: (chuckling) Well, well, Quincy King. That was quite the show. I didn't expect you to get all touchy-feely with your Sternritter.

Yhwach shot Zaegar a stern look.

Yhwach: Spare me your comments, Zaegar. This was necessary for my growth.

Zaegar: (grinning) Growth? Is that what you're calling it now?

Yhwach: (annoyed) Enough of your mockery, Zaegar. Tell me, have I earned the additional Schrifts?

Zaegar's expression turned serious.

Zaegar: Yes, Quincy King, your soul has proven resilient. The additional Schrifts are now within your grasp.

Yhwach nodded, satisfied with the outcome. However, Zaegar couldn't resist adding a playful comment.

Zaegar: You're turning into quite the sentimental king, aren't you? What's next, family picnics in the Soul Society?

Yhwach, slightly exhausted from the trial, responded.

Yhwach: Enough with your games, Zaegar. How much time has passed since I entered my inner world?

Zaegar's expression turned mischievous.

Zaegar: Time? Ah, Quincy King, you've always been a stickler for that. But alas, I'm afraid I don't have a clue. I'm not the Almighty, remember?

Yhwach sighed, realizing he had fallen for Zaegar's playful banter.

Yhwach: Shut up, Zaegar.

Zaegar continued to laugh, reveling in the opportunity to tease Yhwach. Yhwach, now slightly annoyed, prepared to leave his inner world. However, just as he was about to exit, Zaegar's colossal hand emerged from the shadows, grabbing Yhwach and throwing him towards one of the Sternritter's cocoons.

Yhwach: (yelling) Not again, Zaegar! I told you...

But before Yhwach could finish his sentence, he collided with the cocoon, and in an instant, he found himself transported to another realm. This time, it was Nianzol Weizol's soul realm, marked with the Schrift W—the wind.

Yhwach looked around and found himself in a vast expanse of air, with the sky stretching endlessly above. The gentle breeze whispered through the open space, and Yhwach could feel the currents of wind embracing him.

Nianzol's voice resonated in the air, greeting Yhwach with a calm demeanor.

Nianzol: Welcome, your majesty. I see you've made your way to the realm of wind.

Yhwach, always composed, responded with a nod.

Yhwach: Nianzol Weizol, the Wind. What trial do you have in store for me?

Nianzol: (smiling) A trial? No, your majesty. I don't believe in flashy battles. Instead, let us engage in a conversation, a dance of words carried by the wind. Only through understanding can we understand each other.

Yhwach, intrigued by this different approach, prepared himself for the unique trial that awaited him in the realm of wind.

Yhwach: Nianzol Weizol, what is it that you wish to discuss?

Nianzol, still smiling, raised a finger and pointed upwards.

Nianzol: Your majesty, let us start with a simple question. How much do you know about the air, the wind, and the sky? All things related to the realm of the winds.

Yhwach, ever perceptive, considered the question before responding.

Yhwach: The air, the wind, and the sky are fundamental elements that shape the world. The air is the invisible force that surrounds us, the wind is its movement, and the sky is the vast expanse that houses both. These elements are essential to life, and their understanding is crucial for any being. It carries the whispers of the past, present, and future, intertwining the threads of destiny. The sky, vast and boundless, is the canvas upon which the wind paints its ever-changing masterpiece.

Nianzol nodded in approval, seemingly pleased with Yhwach's response.

Nianzol: Indeed, your majesty. The wind is a manifestation of the intangible, a force that cannot be grasped but is ever-present.

Yhwach listened attentively to Nianzol's words, acknowledging the unique perspective on the wind. As they continued their conversation, Nianzol guided Yhwach through different aspects of the wind's nature, emphasizing its duality — its gentle caress and its destructive potential.

Nianzol: The wind, your majesty, is both gentle and destructive. It whispers through the leaves, carrying tales of the past, yet it can also unleash its fury, tearing through the mightiest of structures.

Yhwach: (intrigued) The duality of the wind reflects the balance of nature. It is a force that gives life and takes it away.

Nianzol: Precisely, your majesty. Now, let us explore the depths of the wind's purpose.

As they conversed, Nianzol led Yhwach through various landscapes within his soul realm. They transitioned from the vast open sky to a serene meadow, and finally, to a dense forest. However, something was amiss in the forest — it was engulfed in flames.

Nianzol: (calmly) The wind can both nurture and quench, your majesty. Watch closely.

Nianzol raised his hand, and the wind responded to his command. The gentle breeze intensified, wrapping around the flames. Slowly, the fire began to wane until it vanished entirely.

Yhwach observed the display, recognizing the wind's ability to control and manipulate elements.

Yhwach: Impressive. The wind's power over fire is undeniable.

Nianzol nodded, his gaze thoughtful.

Nianzol: The wind can be a gentle zephyr that cools the feverish brow, or it can be a tempest that lays waste to everything in its path.

With a subtle gesture, Nianzol shifted the scene once more. The serene forest transformed into a chaotic storm, with the wind tearing through the trees and scattering debris in all directions.

Nianzol: The wind is both creation and destruction. It is the unseen force that shapes the world.

Yhwach, absorbing the lesson, couldn't help but ask the crucial question.

Yhwach: Nianzol Weizol, how does one obtain the Schrift of the Wind?

Nianzol turned to Yhwach, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.

Nianzol: Your majesty, you have already embarked on the journey to understand the wind. To obtain the Schrift W, you need not defeat me in battle or overcome a physical trial. Instead, you must delve into the essence of the wind, grasp its true purpose, and let it guide you.

Yhwach regarded Nianzol with a focused expression.

Yhwach: Guide me, you say?

Nianzol: (nodding) Yes, your majesty. Walk with me through the winds of understanding. Embrace both its gentle whispers and its destructive roars. Only then will you unlock the true potential of the Schrift of the Wind.

As they continued walking through the now unscathed forest, Nianzol looked at Yhwach.

Nianzol: The true purpose of the wind is balance. It dances between creation and destruction, embodying the natural order of the world.

Yhwach, intrigued, questioned Nianzol.

Yhwach: How does this relate to the Schrift W—the Wind?

Nianzol paused and then turned to Yhwach.

Nianzol: The Schrift W represents the harmony of the wind, your majesty. To obtain it, you must understand and embrace the duality within yourself. You are a Quincy king, a force that can create and destroy. The wind mirrors your own power.

Yhwach absorbed Nianzol's words, contemplating the philosophical aspect of the wind.

Yhwach: So, to obtain the Schrift W, I must balance the gentleness and destructiveness within me?

Nianzol nodded, his eyes filled with wisdom.

Nianzol: Precisely, your majesty. Embrace the wind within your soul, and the Schrift W shall be yours.

As they continued their journey through the ever-changing landscape of Nianzol's soul realm, they found themselves standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast ocean. The wind whispered through the air, and the waves crashed against the rocks below.

Nianzol: The wind, like the ocean, holds the power to shape the world. But remember, your majesty, the wind can be gentle, creating ripples on the water's surface, or it can be fierce, stirring tempests that devour everything in their path.

With a wave of Nianzol's hand, the wind intensified, creating a mesmerizing dance with the waves. Yhwach watched in silence, absorbing the lesson that unfolded before him.

Nianzol: To master the Schrift W, understand the ebb and flow of the wind. Embrace both its tranquility and its tempestuous nature. Only then will you unlock its true potential.

As the lessons unfolded, Yhwach's understanding deepened, and he felt the resonance of the wind within his own soul. Finally, in a moment of clarity, Nianzol stopped and faced Yhwach.

Nianzol: Your majesty, you have embraced the essence of the wind. The Schrift W—the Wind—is now yours.

A gust of wind enveloped Yhwach, and the letter W imprinted itself on his soul. The knowledge and power of the Wind Schrift surged within him, and he felt a newfound connection to the elemental forces.

Yhwach: (nodding) Thank you, Nianzol. Your teachings have been invaluable.

Nianzol smiled and gestured towards the exit of his soul realm.

Nianzol: Go forth, your majesty. Embrace the wind, and may it guide you in your journey.

Yhwach exited Nianzol's soul realm, carrying with him the power of the Wind Schrift. As he returned to his inner world, Zaegar's looming presence awaited him once again.

Zaegar: (smirking) Well, well, Quincy King. It seems you've added another feather to your cap. The Wind Schrift, hmm? Quite the poetic choice.

Yhwach, still focused, gave Zaegar a stern look.

Yhwach: Save your comments, Zaegar. The power of the wind is now mine to command.

Zaegar, still grinning, offered a mockingly apologetic tone.

Zaegar: My apologies, Quincy King. I promise not to throw you into another trial... for now.

Yhwach glared at Zaegar, clearly not amused by his antics.

Yhwach: You've thrown me out of my inner world twice already. I don't need any more surprises.

Zaegar: (smirking) Oh, come now, Yhwach. Where's your sense of adventure? I thought you'd enjoy the occasional plunge into the unknown.

Yhwach: (ignoring Zaegar's comment) I've acquired the Wind Schrift. Now, are there any more trials, or have you had your fill of amusement?

Zaegar's expression turned serious, and he nodded.

Zaegar: Your trials are not over, Quincy King. There's one more Schrift for you to obtain. The final trial awaits.

Yhwach, ever determined, prepared himself for the next challenge.

Yhwach: What is the final trial, Zaegar?

Zaegar: (cryptically) It's a trial that will test not just your power but your understanding of the very essence of your soul. Prepare yourself, Yhwach.

Before Yhwach could inquire further, Zaegar's colossal hand emerged from the shadows, grabbing Yhwach once again. This time, Yhwach braced himself for the inevitable as Zaegar's laughter echoed in his mind.

Zaegar: (teasingly) Round three, Quincy King. Let the trial begin.

As Yhwach found himself once again thrown out of his inner world by Zaegar, he couldn't help but yell at the shadowy figure.

Yhwach: (annoyed) Zaegar! Not for the fourth time!

Zaegar's laughter echoed in Yhwach's mind, the mischievous tone unmistakable.

Zaegar: (teasingly) Oh, Quincy King, you need to lighten up a bit. Where's your sense of humor?

Yhwach grumbled in response as he returned to his room, now well-acquainted with the routine. The night sky adorned the outside world as Yhwach, slightly irritated, sat in his comfortable chair and reached for his favorite book.

Yhwach: (muttering) No final trial. Zaegar and his games.

Zaegar: (whispering) Enjoy your book, Quincy King. Perhaps a bit of literature is the final trial you needed after all.

Yhwach: Zaegar...

Scene break

Raynare woke up and she sat up on her bed. She stretched her arms out and yawned quietly. She lowered her arms and looked around. Everyone was still asleep.

She looked over to the clock and saw it was five o clock.

Raynare: I must of slept like a baby then.

She uncovered herself so she can get out of bed.

After a bit she walked out of her room or the girl's room and went to the kitchen to go get something to eat. There was some light in the livingroom making it a little easier to see.

She entered the kitchen and looked around.

Raynare: (In thought) This place has nothing to offer. There's just water and Ramen this is not gonna fill me up.

There was snoring out in the living room so she looked over and saw Freed laying there with his arm on the ground and his mouth open.

Raynare: What a pig.

She whispered, not expecting a response.

Yhwach: Tell me about it.

Raynare jumped as Yhwach's voice came from the living room. He was sitting, reading a book.

Raynare: W-What are you doing?

Yhwach casually flipped a page.

Yhwach: I am sitting and reading. What else does it look like?

Raynare: I'm not talking about that. Why didn't you sleep at all?

Yhwach: There was no need to sleep.

Raynare couldn't believe he hadn't slept. She remembered him emphasizing the importance of getting a good rest.

Raynare: Why? Just why?

Yhwach: If I fall asleep, there's a possibility we might get attacked. If that happens, my plan would fail, and it would all be for nothing.

Raynare: You're crazy, you know that? Who would be stupid enough to attack us in the first place?

Yhwach: Many people in this world would strike when your guard is down. Devils, Angels, even your kind. You never know.

Raynare just couldn't figure him out.

Raynare: So when are we leaving to go meet the Devil Princess?

Yhwach: When everyone is awake. I did tell them to have a good nights sleep because today is gonna be a long one.

Kalawarner came out of her room and stood at beginning of the hallway a little tired.

Kalawarner: Mmmm, Master i'm in need of help.

Raynare turned around and saw Kalawarner standing there in her underwear.

Raynare: What in the hell are you doing?

Yhwach looked up from his book and saw her. Kalawarner walked a little closer to Yhwach.

Kalawarner: Can you help me?

Yhwach closed his book, placing it on the table beside him.

Yhwach: I don't have time for these games. If you have time to complain, you have time to get ready.

Kalawarner pouted and straightened up.

Kalawarner: You're no fun, you know that?

She returned to her room to get dressed.

Raynare: So why didn't you, like, jump at the opportunity or something? Most men would take that offer, but you're the first not to. Why?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach: I don't have time to play around with women. Indulging in such desires is a sign of weakness to me.

Raynare: How is that a weakness? You're just making love.

Yhwach: If a man engages in intercourse, he becomes consumed by his lustful desires, oblivious to potential threats in his surroundings.

Raynare shrugged and was somewhat surprised by his response.

Raynare: Has anyone ever told you that you worry too much?

Yhwach smirked.

Yhwach: I don't worry. I am simply taking defensive measures.

Yhwach: Enough talk about sexual matters. Go wake him up it's almost time.

Raynare walked over to Freed and grabbed a pillow to suffocate him. After a bit Freed sat up quickly.


Raynare: It's almost time to leave so get ready.

She said as she went to her room so she can wake up Asia.

Kalawarner came back out fully dressed.

Kalawarner: So, when are we leaving?

Yhwach glanced at her.

Yhwach: Right when Asia is awake and ready, we'll head to school.

Freed: I can't believe this nonsense.

Freed expressed his frustration as he stood up from the couch.

Kalawarner: What's got you so upset?

Kalawarner inquired.

Freed shot her a disdainful look.

Freed: First, I nearly died from suffocation, and now I have to be in a room full of Devils just for a talk. Do you not see the absurdity in this? We're just talking.

Kalawarner: You need to accept the situation for what it is.

Freed facepalmed and let out a sigh.

Asia and Raynare came out and were ready to go.

Raynare: We are all ready my Lord.

Raynare said.

Yhwach: Then let's go.

Yhwach turned around, opened his door, and led his group out of the apartment.

Scene Break

Issei was gripping his head in frusteration.

Ddraig: [Your a complete dumbass you know that?]

Issei: Oh shut the hell up. Like you would know where Mr. Quincy lives.

Ddraig: [Well at least I wasn't running around looking like an idiot in public.]

Issei: So you want to play that game now do you? Alright, atleast I wasn't sealed away.

Ddraig: [Don't even go there you mother fucker.]

Issei: What the hell are you gonna do about it then? I mean the last time I checked you you can't do anything except talk.

Ddraig: [And I wasn't the one asking if I should tell my Mistress that I unlocked my Sacred Gear or not.]

Issei: If I could strangle you I would do it in a heartbeat.

Ddraig: [You can't even touch my neck let alone strangle me dumbass.]

Issei: GRRR..

Ddraig: [Do I hear anger from you?]

Issei: I thought we were partners not enemies you piece of shit.

Ddraig: [Well not when your being a dumbass.]

Issei: I swear to God.

Issei gripped his head.

Issei: What the hell? Why does it hurt?

Ddraig: [Well maybe it's because you are swearing to God dumbass.]

Issei: What does that even mean?

Ddraig: [It means that your a Devil and your swearing to God. Do you see what's wrong with the picture here?]

Issei: No, not really. What's so wrong about swearing to God.

Ddraig: [Yep, that confirms it, your a dumbass.] 



His mother yelled.

Issei turned towards his clock and saw that it was seven o five.

Issei: Ohhhh shit.

He jumped off his bed and started to get ready quickly.

Issei: Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Ddraig: [Hahahaha, you dumbass. Did you not look at the time when we were arguing?]

Issei clenched his fist.

Issei: I am going to cut my left arm off so that I don't have to hear your stupid ass.

Ddraig: [We don't want that now do we now?]

Issei: I am going to be late cause of you. And if i'm late that's detention and I don't want that.

Ddraig: [Why are you complaining over that?]

Issei: Well I don't want to be in school and let's be honest. Who likes school anyways?

Ddraig: [I don't even know how school is in the first place.]

Issei: I think your the dumbass.

Ddraig: [Are you sure about that?]

Issei: A hundred percent. And I see the gates to the school.

Issei ran as fast a he could. 

As he reached the gate it closed on him on the last second. He fell to his knees on shock.

Gym Teacher: Your late boy make sure to report to the Student Council President for your punishment.

The gym teacher said.

Issei: (In thought) My life is ruined.

Ddraig: [Yeaaaaah, I think your the dumbass.] 

Scene Break

Yhwach was sitting in the Principal's office with his hands locked up with each other and his eyes closed.

Principal: So let me get this straight. This woman to your right is a excellent student teacher and you recommend her to teach here?

The Principal said.

Yhwach: Indeed she is capable of teaching the students well.

Yhwach said.

Principal: What is your name Miss?

Kalawarner stood up.

Kalawarner: My name is Kalawarner sir.

Principal: Hmmm, I can let that happen Mr. Quincy if you recommend it. And besides, your teaching is excellent as always. How do you do it?

Yhwach: That's a story for another time.

Yhwach stood up and shook his hand.

Principal: And may I ask who are those three then?

Yhwach looked over to Raynare and Freed.

Yhwach: These two are student teachers as well but there here to observe only. And this girl here would like to join this school.

The Principal smiled.

Principal: Very well then. Please enjoy yourselves here.

Yhwach and his group left the office except Asia. They were all heading straight to the classroom.

Raynare: So when are we going to talk to the little Devil Princess?

Raynare inquired.

Yhwach: After school is finished, then we'll meet the brat.

Freed: I can't believe I'm in a school right now with a bunch of students.

Freed expressed his disbelief.

Kalawarner: I don't really understand any of this.

Kalawarner flipped through some books.

Yhwach: Just improvise because that's what I've been doing the whole time.

Raynare: Wow.

Raynare remarked.

They reached the classroom and halted in front of the door.

Yhwach: If a student asks if you're with me, just say you work for me.

Yhwach opened the door and walked in.

Yhwach: Alright, class, we have three guests today, and they are student teachers. If you need help, don't be a coward and not ask.

The three entered and introduced themselves. All the guys eagerly raised their hands for help, and the girls blushed upon seeing Freed. Yhwach gave them a stern glare.

Yhwach: Class hasn't even started, and you're already asking for help. You brats are annoying.

Everyone quieted down and paid attention.

Freed: (In thought) This is disgusting.

Freed couldn't help but feel repulsed.

Yhwach: Miss Kalawarner here will be teaching today, so don't make it hard on her. If you do, I'll ensure to make your life miserable.

Yhwach walked over to his desk and sat down.

Issei was walking back from the Student Council Office with a sad expression.

Issei: Why did this happen to me of all people. Oh wait, I know why, it's because of you.

Ddraig: [Are we really going there again?]

Issei: I don't know, are we?

Ddraig: [Well if so, then I will keep going at it.]

Issei: Now I have detention for an hour and it's gonna be boring.

Ddraig: [Well it's your fault for being late in the first place.]

Issei: Whatever, I don't care anymore.

Issei walked over to his classroom door. He had his eyes closed and he sighed.

He opened the door and walked in. He opened up his eyes and the first thing he saw when he entered was Yuuma.

Yuuma: Will you die for me?

Issei clenched his fist and he gritted his teeth.

Issei: YUUMA!

Issei charged at her.

Raynare turned around and saw Issei's fist almost coming in contact with her. She closed her eyes waiting for the punch.

Yhwach grabbed Issei's arm, giving him a stern look.

Yhwach: What are you doing, failure?

Issei: What am I doing? I am trying to hit her.

Yhwach: You're trying to hit my employee? Well, I think you're stupid for attempting that.

Issei: Why are you protecting her? She will kill you.

Issei shifted his gaze to Raynare.

Issei: Where is Asia? Tell me.

Yhwach tightened his grip on Issei's arm.

Yhwach: Go sit down, and we will talk after school. If you lay a hand on her, I'll make sure to have you expelled.

He released his grip, and Issei reluctantly went to his chair, sitting down.

After a while, the school bell signaled the end of the day. Everyone got up and left, except for Issei.

Yhwach walked over to him, staring down.

Issei: Now answer my stupid question. Why is she here in this school teaching? And where is Asia?

Yhwach: She's safe. She's in the Principal's office, getting registered in this school.

Issei: S-So you didn't do anything to her?

Yhwach: No, I didn't even pull a single piece of hair out, if you're that worked up about her.

Kalawarner: Well, aren't you a little aggressive cutie?

Kalawarner said.

Issei: Cutie? Who are you?

Issei stood up and summoned his Boosted Gear.

Everyone, except Yhwach, had wide eyes.

Freed: This kid is holding one of the heavenly dragons in him.

Freed said.

Raynare: H-How is that possible?

Raynare asked.

Kalawarner: Oooo, you're even holding a dragon inside of you. What a cute boy.

Kalawarner smiled.

Yhwach: Enough. We didn't come here to look at his stupid Sacred Gear. We're here to speak with the Devil brat.

Yhwach said a little annoyed.

Issei removed his Boosted Gear.

Issei: Wait, you're here to talk with Rias? Why do you want to speak with her?

Raynare: Well, the Master wants to know about strong opponents in Hell so he could meet up with them.

Raynare said.

Issei: Hold up, did I just hear Master and you going down to Hell?

Raynare: Yep.

Issei: Did I miss something?

Kalawarner: Yes, you did. And I mean a lot. But you would be of great help to us if you join.

Kalawarner said.

Issei stood there confused on what she was saying.

Yhwach: How would you like to join me on my journey to find peace in this world, failure? There would be no more wars, no more hatred.

Yhwach said.

Issei stood there thinking.

Issei: So wait, you're the Master then?

Yhwach didn't say anything.

Issei: Alright, alright. I will join your little party, but just as long as she doesn't do anything stupid. And as long as you don't do anything to Asia.

He pointed at Raynare.

Raynare glared at him. Yhwach motioned for everyone to follow, and they did.

Yhwach: Let us go have a chat with the brat.

Rias was working on paperwork when she sensed a powerful source approaching. She looked at Akeno, who wore a worried expression.

Rias: Kiba, get ready to attack if they try anything funny.

Kiba nodded, drawing his sword, while Koneko poised herself for action.

They all prepared to attack, but then there was a knock on the door. All eyes turned to Rias.

Rias: Let them in.

Kiba opened the door, and they entered.

Rias was surprised to see two Fallen with him and an exorcist. She stood up and glared at Mr. Quincy.

Rias: Why are there two Fallens with you? Do you work for them?

Rias and the others got ready to attack.

Yhwach: No, I do not work for anyone. These two Fallens work for me. And the priest as well.

Yhwach said, crossing his arms.

Rias: Issei? What are you doing?

Issei looked away.

Yhwach: He is with me, little Princess. But enough talk about your brat. I came here to have a chat with you.

Rias: Then please, sit.

Rias moved to the couches and sat down in front of them. Akeno went to the kitchen to make tea.

Yhwach sat down, with the two Fallens beside him, while Freed and Issei stood behind them.

Yhwach: I came here to discuss some strong Devils in Hell that you can recommend to me.

Rias: And why do you want to know about these Devils?

Raynare: Well, little Princess, the Master wants to fight them, of course.

Raynare said.

Rias: There's no way I can provide this information to you, Mr. Quincy. We know nothing about you. How can I give you this info if I don't know what you're going to do, except fight them?

Akeno came out with a tray of tea and cups.

Rias: Please have some tea.

Rias said.

Yhwach was starting to get a little agitated.

Yhwach: I didn't come here for tea, brat. I came here for business. If you won't provide information, then I wi-

Yhwach got cut off when a magic circle appeared.

A man emerged with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Riser: Oh, Rias, I have come to take your hand in marriage.

Rias: Riser? What are you doing here? And I am not gonna marry you.

Riser: But you will, my sweet Rias. We must continue the line of pure blood Devils, or we are going to be extinct.

Riser walked up to Rias and grabbed her hand.

Yhwach's bangs were covering his eyes. Raynare and Kalawarner looked at their Master, and they both scooted away from him.

Yhwach: Is this world filled with nothing but sex, prostitutes, war, and pathetic beings like yourself?

Riser looked over to the man that said that to him.

Riser: And who are you? Are you one of Rias's servants? Because if so, then Rias should take better care of you.

Yhwach removed the bangs that were covering his eyes.

Yhwach: I am not a servant to no one.

He stood up and glared at Riser.

Riser: Do you even know who I am?

Yhwach: Yes, I do. You're one of the fools who think they can do anything, but in reality, they're nothing but a coward.

Rias: No, this is Riser Phenex. He is a High-class Devil and the third son of the Phenex clan.

Yhwach smiled.

Yhwach: So you're a High-class Devil? This is perfect, no, this is just magnificent.

Riser gritted his teeth and launched a punch at Yhwach, but Freed caught his fist.

Riser gritted his teeth and launched a punch at Yhwach, but Freed caught his fist.

Freed: We don't want you attacking the Boss now, do we?

Riser smirked and wriggled out of Freed's grip.

Riser: Then let's see how you stand against me with my full peerage.

He snapped his fingers, and his entire peerage appeared behind him.

Freed moved behind Yhwach.

Yhwach: Nothing but females as your servants. This world has nothing but perversion.

Yhwach said.

Riser grew even angrier.

Riser: Xuelan, kill him.

She charged at Yhwach and attempted to punch him, but Raynare and Kalawarner intervened.

Kalawarner: We won't let you attack him that easily.

Kalawarner said.

Riser: Fallen Angels? Why are they here, Rias?

Riser asked.

Rias was about to respond, but another magic circle appeared, and a woman emerged with long braided silver hair.

Rias: Grayfia? What are you doing here?

Rias asked.

Grayfia: I came here so a fight doesn't break out between the two of you and to inform you that your brother is offering you a chance at a rating game against Riser.

Grayfia: And you have seven days to prepare.

Yhwach: Now, what is this game that you Devils are talking about?

Yhwach asked.

Grayfia: Well, it's a game where you fight to rank up and also to showcase the strength of your peerage to the underworld.

Grayfia said.

Yhwach: That sounds boring. I want to fight this coward right in front of me and prove that messing with a king is a big mistake.

Riser: You a king? Don't make me laugh, human. I will gladly take your offer and fight you so I can make you cry for mercy when I'm done with you.

Grayfia: Very well then. What will the two fighters give to the winner if they lose?

Riser smirked.

Riser: I will cancel the marriage with Rias.

Grayfia looked over to Yhwach.

Yhwach: I will give you my powers.

Everyone was shocked to hear that especially Raynare and Kalawarner.

Kalawarner: Are you sure?

Yhwach didn't say anything.

Yhwach: But let's make this a wonderful dance. I want to fight everyone in your pathetic little group as well.

Rias was a little shocked to hear that.

Grayfia: Well if you plan to fight his entire peerage then you will have yo-

Grayfia got cut off.

Yhwach: No, I will dance alone.

Yhwach had a sinister smile.

Raynare: What's with him and dancing?

Raynare asked Kalawarner but she shrugged.

Grayfia: Very well then, the fight will take place tomorrow. Any questions?

No one said a word.

Grayfia: Very well then. This meeting is dismissed.

Yhwach turned around and started to leave.

Yhwach: I can't wait for our little dance tomorrow.

Yhwach left with his group. Riser made a tsk noise and left with his peerage.

Grayfia turned towards Rias.

Grayfia: Who was that?

Rias: That is Yhwach Quincy. He is a teacher here aswell.

Grayfia: I sense something really dangerous from him Rias. Please be careful when your around him.

Grayfia activated a magic circle and left.

Rias went over to her chair and sat down.

Rias: I guess we will just have to see what he is capable of.

Author: Readers Decide The Last schrift Yhwach will obtain in this world.

MisunderstoodKing MisunderstoodKing

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C61
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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