72.58% Spider-Man Mayhem / Chapter 134: Chapter 134

章 134: Chapter 134

[Third Person's PoV] 

Spider-Man and all the others were in their respective locations doing what they could to help those around them.

"Father, building quickly, it looks like a man is about to jump off," Aria informed Peter as he swung around Queens.

"I'm on it," he said, turning into a blur of lightning.

A man was standing on the ledge of a large rooftop. His brown hair was a complete mess, he had bags under his eyes with a lifeless look, and his beard was scraggly and unkempt.

"Daddy is going to come and see you, dear," the man muttered as he took a step off the ledge and closed his eyes.

The people below grew horrified and screamed but let out a sigh of relief as Spider-Man swooped down and grabbed him from the air.

"Let go of me! Just let me die already! Please…" the man pleaded.

Spider-Man swung and landed on top of another rooftop. "Come on, man, you know I can't let you do that," Spider-Man sighed.

The man grabbed onto Peter's clothes and begged with tears in his eyes, "Please, I just want to see my daughter again."

"I take it she isn't with us anymore?" Spider-Man asked with a sympathetic look.

The man began to sob as he shook his head. Spider-Man hugged the man, causing him to sob harder as he patted his back.

"She was just a kid… no older than 13, she didn't deserve to die…" the man cried.

"Tell me about her," Spider-Man asked with a soft smile.

The man began to wipe his tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be dumping my emotions onto you like that."

"What are you talking about? I have plenty of time. Here, let's sit down," Spider-Man said as he sat cross-legged on the floor before tapping the space in front of him. "Come, tell me about her. It seems like you loved her a lot."

The man nodded his head as tears continued to roll down his face. He went and sat down in front of Spider-Man.

The man then began pouring everything out to Spider-Man—how she had leukemia, how she was terminally ill her whole life, how she spent her entire life in the hospital, and how she unfortunately passed away recently.

Spider-Man listened to everything and engaged in the conversation with the man, causing him to open up some more.

"To have fought for 13 long years, she must have been incredibly strong."

The man nodded in agreement. "She was the strongest person I've known. Not once did her smile waver."

"Do you have a picture of her?" Spider-Man asked curiously.

The man reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet to show him a picture of his daughter. It showed a little girl in a hospital bed smiling brightly next to him.

"She is very beautiful," Peter nodded as the man handed him the photo to examine.

The man had a loving smile as he nodded as well. "She was, wasn't she?"

Peter handed him the photo back. "You know, as she was so strong clinging onto life, you, as her father, shouldn't be any weaker."

"But how can I be strong… She was my everything. She was the reason why I was strong in the first place."

"You mentioned she spent most of her time in the hospital. Did she ever mention any place she wanted to visit or something she wanted to do?"

The man began to think before remembering something. "I remember she made a bucket list of the things she wanted to try once she recovered and got released from the hospital."

Spider-Man nodded. "That's perfect then. Here's what I want you to do: I want you to go and complete that bucket list for her. Take her picture or something of great importance of hers and have it by your side as you complete the bucket list so she'll be with you every step of the way. Document everything. I want you to take a picture of everything you did and make a scrapbook of it, so you'll have something to look back on and remember."

The man blinked while looking down at the picture with a soft smile. "A scrapbook of memories, eh?" he muttered. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually…"

"Tell me, do you remember something she had on her bucket list?"

"Heh, yeah. She really wanted to see a waterfall. She said they always looked so beautiful every time she saw them on TV, and that she bet they looked even better in person," he said with a reminiscent expression.

Spider-Man then got up from the ground and offered his hand. "Then what are you waiting for, man? You've got a waterfall to see and memories to create."

The man looked at the picture before smiling and nodding, then taking Spider-Man's hand.

"Hey man, I never got your name. What is it?"

"The name's Terry."

"Well, Terry, go out there and make good memories, so when you finally do meet your daughter again, you have amazing stories to share."

Terry nodded his head. "Thank you, Spider-Man, truly…"

"Here, let me help you down," Spider-Man said as he grabbed him and they jumped down, where he set him down properly on the ground.

"Before I leave, I want you to remember something. Just as much as you loved your daughter, I'm 100 percent sure she loved you just as equally, if not more. She would be very sad if you went and tried to do what you did earlier."

"I guess you're right… I think I just needed to talk to someone. Thank you for being that someone, Spider-Man."

Spider-Man gave him a two-finger salute. "If you ever need to talk to someone, there are professionals out there ready to lend an ear."

Spider-Man then jumped up and swung away, yelling, "If we do meet again later in life, you will have to show me that scrapbook! You hear me!?"

"Loud and clear, Spider-Man! Loud and clear!" Terry yelled back, waving with a smile.

Terry saw Spider-Man swinging away before looking down at the picture. He gave the picture a kiss as he muttered, "Wait for me with Mommy, alright sweetie? I have some memories to create so I can share them with you guys later."

As Spider-Man continued swinging away, Aria suddenly spoke, "As you were busy, I didn't have a chance to report something to you, Father."

"What is it?" Spider-Man asked curiously.

"The Rhino is currently being deported back to his country as we speak."

Spider-Man raised a brow at that before nodding. "Alright, inform me immediately if he ever sets foot back here again."


"Speaking of Rhino, have you found Doc Ock yet?"

"No, it appears he was aware we were monitoring New York City through CCTVs and has managed to come up with a way to hide his presence."

"I'm not surprised… Smart villains have always been the most dangerous…"


Meanwhile with the others…

Spider-Kat was swinging across her designated area when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something suspicious further away.

"Aria, can you zoom in?" Spider-Kat asked as she narrowed her eyes. The image of what she was seeing was brought closer to her.

She saw how a little boy jumped into a flowing river and started swimming towards a little cat that was struggling and drowning. "Uh-oh," she muttered.

Spider-Kat ran towards the river. When she arrived, she saw the boy holding the cat up in the air as he struggled to swim against the water current.

Without hesitation, she jumped in and, with her powerful body, was able to swim against the current with relative ease. She picked up the boy who was holding the cat and swam towards the shore.

When the boy landed back on the ground, he was coughing and gasping for air while the kitten was shaking a bit, looking traumatized.

Spider-Kat jumped up from the river, landing in front of the boy. As the boy looked up towards Felicia, he had admiration in his eyes. "Lady, are you a superhero?"

"Yes… yes I am," she said with a smile. She then crouched down to his eye level. "But I'm not the only hero here today. I saw what you did, how you jumped in to save the little kitty. You are a hero yourself, you know."

"Really?" the boy asked in wonder, looking at Spider-Kat shyly.

She giggled as she patted his head. "Of course. You know, I have this really amazing friend who once told me, a hero isn't a hero because of his great powers and abilities. A hero is a hero by their actions and what they do. You risked your life to save this little cutie," she said as she patted the kitten, "and that makes you a hero."

The boy blushed bright red as Spider-Kat then stood up and offered the boy her hand. "Come, I'll take you to your mother."

The boy nodded as he took her hand while she used Aria to find the boy's mother.

Before they arrived, the boy turned and kept looking at Felicia shyly, causing her to giggle and ask, "What is it?"

"Nothing… You're just very pretty, hero lady." 

"Phttt… hehehe, why thank you" 

Ghost-Spider was swinging around when Aria reported a traffic accident on a highway. "A reindeer jumped into the highway and is currently bleeding out if you are interested?"

"I'm on my way," Ghost-Spider said as she started swinging towards the direction. Due to her quick progress and proximity, it didn't take her long to arrive.

She saw the reindeer bleeding out on the road while cars were coming to a complete halt. 

She arrived near the damaged car and asked, "Is everyone alright?"

They all nodded their heads. "Just a little spooked… but that poor reindeer… it looked like it was running from something…" the woman who was behind the wheel said.

Ghost-Spider, hearing this, walked towards the deer and saw it breathing heavily with multiple wounds.

"Aria, quickly examine it while I close its wounds," she said as she started to freeze all of its wounds, causing the bleeding to stop.

"There appear to be bullet wounds as if it was being hunted down. If I had to make a guess, poachers…"

Ghost-Spider nodded her head while picking up the deer with relative ease. "Show me the nearest veterinarian."

After dropping the deer off at the animal clinic, Ghost-Spider returned to the scene. She followed the trace of blood away from the road and into the woods.

As she followed the blood, she found footprints on the dirt which led back to what appeared to be the entrance of a park. She saw how the footprints disappeared and turned into tire tracks. She followed them onto the road where they made their way back to the highways.

"Aria, can you get any footage from the highway camera to see if any cars that passed here matched the description of the tire tracks and if they made their way towards the park at some point?" Ghost-Spider said as she made it her mission to hunt those poachers down.

Aria, with her new quantum computer, was able to figure out everything in a matter of seconds. She showed an image of a white truck with the logo of a supermarket.

"This truck is most likely the culprit. They have disguised the truck to make it appear as if they are just carrying processed food when in fact it's filled with living animals for them to sell. Their tires are full of dirt which shouldn't be possible for a truck of its nature," Aria explained as she zoomed in on their wheels.

Ghost-Spider nodded and began to chase after them. When she got close, she activated her lenses' X-ray vision where she saw a black and white image of animals in cages stacked against one another.

Ghost-Spider turned invisible as she landed on top of the truck. When she got towards the front, she heard the men speaking.

"Hey, I heard something in the back."

"Bah, it's nothing. It's probably one of our catch being rowdy, you know how they are."

"Speaking of our catch, it's a bummer we missed that deer. She was a big one, wasn't she?"

"Tell me about it, it just had to run into the open where everyone could see her."

"Thanks for the confession, boys. You wouldn't mind repeating that to the police, would you?" Ghost-Spider, still invisible, asked.

"Huh? Who said that!?" The driver asked as they pulled out their shotguns.

"It's the souls of all the animals you killed coming to haunt you in return," she said as she shot them both with electro webs from her web shooters.

"BTTTTZZZZZ," they started spasming as Ghost-Spider ripped the door off its hinges and put a stop to their truck before knocking them both out.

She tied them both up with webs before calling the police and making sure all of the animals were safely secured and taken care of.



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C134
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


