43.47% The 100: AllFather / Chapter 9: Chapter 7: Run!

章 9: Chapter 7: Run!

AN: this chapter will only contain the group staying with the Shuttle.

So everything is clear, Angus will not be blood thirsty and killing people without reason. But he is willing to kill if needs meet.

The 100 will stay at the shuttle, and not start leaving for a new location until after the Grounder war and the Ark comes down.

Please Vote if you want the 100 to move towards the mountains in the Blue cliff and Azgeda border. If not please give me a location and its description.

If you see names and have Ideas of looks for the 100 put a picture in the comment

--inner thoughts--

Story begins

Day 4 on earth

POV 3rd

In the morning Angus woke up before everyone else, and made 1 dozen of both Axes and Shovels out of Compressed Earth. 

They Might Be heavy at 40 pounds each, but they would not Break easily. Later If they found enough Iron ore, Angus would make better Tools, and engrave them with runes.

Once the camp tools were made, Angus made three short axes for the group going to the mine. Here he made them using Compressed earth handle and axe heads out of the Metal under his shirt From the Ark. Doing this he also etched Glowing runes, so they could be used as a light source.

The other 100 Started waking up, some even went to the Shuttle to Look for the Rations.

When people started complaining, Bellamy Piped up.

Bellamy: Good morning everyone! All the Rations are gone. All that is left is the meat From last night.

Wang(#37): Where is it then? I am hungry!

Bellamy: Everyone must work to eat food now! If you do not you will get nothing.

Amir(#22) did not like that, so he rushed at Bellamy to beat him up.

Bellamy immediately Pistol whipped Amir(#22) and Fired a round in the Air.

Bellamy: this is NOT a Democracy! You Work and eat or do not and starve.

Angus, was impressed He did not think Bell had the balls to say that.

Bellamy: Now Line up and eat. Those who do not work will not eat again. We will be building a wall today, to defend from the Grounders and other threats.

Angus Gathered Wells and John together.

Angus: well guys here are your weapons (handing the axes to them.) as you see they glow, so we will not be blind down there. Once we are down there, I will close the entrance but mark it with a rune. This will make sure no Creature exits out behind us.

Now let us be off.

The mining Group leaves

With Clarke in the shuttle.

POV Clarke

Tending to Jasper, I clean his wound and put new bandages on. I can not help but think of the Crazy of new things appearing in the past day on earth, the Magic, creatures and Grounders.

But a positive is with the Healing magic, when mom comes Down, I am sure she will spend hours on trying to figure out how it works. After finishing up with Jasper I look towards Monty, who is working on a morse code communicator for the Ark.

POV 3rd

Clarke: Hey Monty, will that really work?

Monty sighed in frustration: I can not tell you for certain. All of my calculations are theoretical, I have never had to make an earth to space morse code device before. If I fail, the whole ark will think we are dead.

Clarke: My mom won't think that, she will probably Figure away to find out for certain, and not just believe probabilities.

Monty: yeah, I am glad you think that, but be prepared for the worst. All we can do is Follow what Angus says. He Does seem pretty capable.

Clarke: -- Capable of making me horny—Yeah, he does seem to know a lot, why do you think he did not tell anyone about magic up on the ark, maybe this would have helped out in many scenarios.

Monty: If I had magic, I would also not tell the ark, since any little problem that was not fixed, they would blame on me.

Clarke: but with his runes could he have not fixed the Air problem?

Bellamy at that moment walked in

Bellamy: Hello Princess I heard what you were talking about. Who says that Angus did not help out with his magic? Back when I would Visit his Cell with Wells we would see a lot of Writing on the walls. Once Wells decided to take a picture and Cross reference them. One drawing which we would constantly see in many variations was the Word Purify. Now that we know of magic, I can assume these were runes. At that time we just though he was going crazy just waiting to be floated.

Monty: Are you Saying Angus knew of the Air problem?

Bellamy: It would not be surprising, for the past year he has been asking our group what we would do on earth if we went someday. But now that we are here there is no doubt that he knew something.

Clarke: Anyway Bellamy, how is the wall coming?

Bellamy: really Slow, I would say another day or two. But we will keep on working, to get the job done. Do you know how much water we have left in the reservoir?

Monty took a look: looks to be 1 more days worth. I know that the group that went to the mine took 3 days of Meat and water. Do you really think they will be down there that long?

Bellamy: a Phrase that Angus told me which is good for down on earth is "prepare for the worst and hope for the Best" WE do not know what can happen down there so might as well be prepared and not need it.

Bellamy: Anyway, Princess I was wondering can you tell me what your problem with Wells is?

Clarke: why do you need to know?

Bellamy: it will be bad for infighting to be happening between us leaders.

Clarke: Leaders? How are either of us leaders?

Bellamy: From my view Angus is already the Chief, people just need to realise it. Wells, john and I are his Right hands, and trusted friends. You are the only Doctor we have, so your voice is strong. I repeat what is your problem with Wells.


He told the council, that my dad was going to warn the rest of the Ark of the Failing air without Council approval. The Guards caught him and me. Floating him and putting me in solitary.

Bellamy: Are you sure it was him that told the council? That does not seem like something he would do, But I have only known him for a year.

Clarke: who else would have snitched? The only people to know besides Wells was Me and my Moth….

Clarke: --NO, she would not?!—it couldn't be my mother…

Bellamy: You seem to have realised something. That's good, now talk it out with Wells when he gets back. Anyway, I am going back to Work.

The day went On at the Shuttle, everyone got lunch, went back to work and then had supper.

The Night did not bring any problems

Day 5 on earth with the Shuttle

POV Bellamy 

Waking up I decided to check our supplies once again, I realised we have meat for one more day, and water for half a day. Finding this out I call the people coming for Breakfast for Volunteers to go fetch water at the river. I also ask some guys to make spears and go hunting.

6 Volunteered for the water, five, jobs were to use the Containers that we had, fill them up and bring them back to the shuttle, wile one would boil it and fill the Reservoir.(AN: Lets just believe there is an inbuilt water tank on the Shuttle. These people were Hailey(#14), Owen (#32), Ben(#36), Bella(#35), Steve(#25),Anne(#21)

And the 6 for the Hunting group including Bellamy, Atom(#15), Jake(#16), Wang(#37), Amir(#22) and Finn. Along with a little Girl name Charlotte, who wanted to watch the hunt.

Setting, off on the hunt, Finn was acting as the tracker. We were able to kill a boar with the help of the others. But on our way back the Birds In the Tree Started going crazy and Flying away.

POV 3rd

Finn: I do not like that, why are the birds running away.

Amir(#22): Look over there, the Mist it looks really Green,

Wang(#37): Holy shit! Look at that Dear.

Hearing this everyone looked to where he was pointing and saw a dear writhing on the ground in pain and boils Forming on its skin.

Finn: Run, run or you will die.

This Caused all Six people to run. The Fastest of them was Finn, Bellamy was carrying the boar at the end, while Atom(#15) and Jake(#16) were the slowest and slowly loosing ground.

The First one to get Caught was Jake(#16) the Moment the Fog touched him, he started howling out in pain.

Hearing this Bellamy told Finn to run ahead to warn the people at the Shuttle.

Hearing this Finn Started booking it.

Starting to look exhausted Bellamy Led the others to a cave He discovered the other day with Angus, in hopes that the Cave would protect them from the Fog.

Once the First person Amir(#22) was in, the rest followed shortly except for Atom(#15) who was also caught in the Fog.

Wanting to get away From the Crying Atom and the fog, Bellamy led the group further until there was a dead end.

Fortunately, the Fog Did not come into the cave due to the natural draft of a cave (AN: I don't know if this is true or not, but just believe it for this story.)

Unfortunately, they could still Hear the Cries of Atom.

After half an hour Atom went quiet. But taking a peek out side the Fog was still active.

During that time, Bellamy decided to clean the boar, and chat with the surviving Wang and Amir.

Wang: wow you are pretty strong to carry that for so long while running.

Bellamy: it was either that or the chance of going hungry. Now we are on earth we should not need to worry about rationing, and running out of things. We can now hunt and make anything we need!

Amir: Yeah, we don't need them. If they come down, they should make their own home, away from us.

Wang: I don't know, I would like to see my mother again.

Bellamy: From what I understand Angus does not want to be governed by the Ark so he will be making his own town somewhere. But with the Grounders, I am unsure what his plans are now.

Wang: You follow that Angus guy around a lot. Why do you listen to him. Is it because of his Magic? If you ask me its pretty Freaky.

Amir: I agree that its Freaky, but at least he is on our side. I am just worried about meeting those Creatures that he has mentioned. How about you Bellamy have you seen any on your travel two days ago?

Bellamy: to answer both questions. Angus, is not only strong magically and physically though a bit slow. He is extremely tactically minded, With a great mind at learning from mistakes, both his own and from history. He also has a great knowledge about earth not just history but plants and Fighting styles. Now for Creatures, yes, I have met some. Dwarves, they are like in the movies short bearded fellows, the ones we met were skilled brewers they were gathering Mushrooms to make Alcohol.

Wang: Damn I could go for some sake, or moonshine.

Bellamy: Where did you get sake? It was not made on the ark.

Wang: My ancestors brought it up and kept it until a special occasion.

Bellamy: well damned I wish my family was thoughtful like that. Anyway, Besides the Dwarves, I saw Goblins and giant wolves called Wargs. These were killed by Angus and the Dwarves pretty quickly. Also, when we went looking for Jasper the other night we encountered and killed that Big owl that we ate for the last few meals. Do not take these beings easily, Angus is super strong, unlike us who would be barely able to handle these creatures right now.

Amir: Does Angus need some soldiers or cannon fodder?

Wang: Yeah, if he is this capable I don't mind working for him or you as long as I have a fire and food, also a bed helps.

Bellamy: More help the Better especially with all these hostiles turning up.

All of a Sudden, they could hear someone shouting their names, so they decided to Go out and check. Seeing the fog was gone they left the Cave. Seeing the corpse of Atom, all of them immediately spat their guts on the ground. In a short amount of time they Came across Clarke, who was looking for them with Finn and Sara(#13).

Clarke: Are you Guys alright? We saw Jake's body, is there anyone else.

Bellamy: Yeah, Atom also is dead. We should give them a funeral. But anyway, did Finn make it to the ship on time?

Finn: Yeah, I got there pretty quickly. There were a few burns that came from the Fog seeping into the Shuttle before we sealed the holes, but there were no deaths. 

Do you Still have the boar?

Bellamy: Yeah, I cleaned while waiting for the fog to go away.

Sara(#13): a boar! That's great!

Clarke: Anyway, lets head back, and you guys can prepare the meal.

When the Group entered the camp, a girl suddenly rushed on over. This was Hailey(#14)

Hailey: Bellamy Please you got to help, Anne has gone missing after the Fog! We tried looking by the river but saw nothing, please she is my Friend!

Bellamy: Okay, Okay. I will organise a group o search. Finn? Can you be our tracker, you seem to have a knack for it.

Finn agreed, while Amir and Wang also volunteered to help.

Bellamy: Alright Hailey, lead us to the spot you were gathering Water and we will start searching.

Bellamy: Let's make some spears to take with us, just in case.

After he said that they made the spears and followed Hailey to the river.

Once there, Wang: noticed some Tracks, which led to a Glenn.

It was when it got dark, that they lost the trail for a short while. That is until they came to what looked as a border warning were, skulls were on Stakes.

A little bit further they found a cave entrance that had a muddy trail leading inside.

Inside the cave they follow the Cavern until they found Anne.

Hailey immediately rushed inside the room towards Her, but at that moment a Figure lunged from the ceiling and stabbed her on her flank.

Immediately Bellamy shouted out to capture him. Ignore the Shouts of Anne to leave him alone.

Quickly Amir was able to knock the Grounder out.

Anne: Why Did you do that, he did not hurt Anybody!

Wang: Tell that to your friend that just got stabbed. Bellamy I will take the Grounder back with Finn. We will tie him up in the Second level of the shuttle, for later questioning.

Bellamy: we will catch up, we just have some questions to ask, Anne.

Wang and Finn, take the Grounder away, with Anne struggling and shouting to let him go.

Bellamy: Please tell us what caused you to show up here?

Anne: I was running from the Fog, when I fell and knocked myself out. At some point when being out, he found me and brought me back. He is not Dangerous; he was kind and gentle with me.

Amir: Gentle, Tell that to her(while pointing at Hailey, who he was Bandaging.)

Anne: But she rushed in! He must have thought she was an enemy.

Bellamy: We will ask him questions, if he answers he will not be hurt.

After this was decided, they Made their way back to the shuttle.

Getting closer Bellamy was able to take a moment to note that the people working around the shuttle had close to ¾ of the wall done. And they put a platform to see above the wall which he did not ask for, but was glad to see—He planned to find out who made the decision, and suggest him to Angus—

They left Anne with Clarke who was tending to Hailey.

Up on the Second Level of the shuttle

The Grounder was tied spread eagle between two Posts.

Bellamy Approached the Grounder and greeted him how Angus taught him to greet unknown beings of earth.

Bellamy took his right hand formed a fist and put it over his left breast while giving a shallow bow (this was a universal greeting of respect, for those creatures with polite society)

The grounder kept quite but did tilt his head.

Bellamy decided to sit and observe him before speaking. Finn, Wang and Amir also stayed silent.

5 minutes later the silence was kept until Bellamy broke it.

Bellamy: My Name is Bellamy Blake Captain of the Ground troop ( AN: Angus and some of the Delinquents want to break away from the Ark. So they are starting to assign themselves their own titles.) Can I have yours.

The grounder still did not speak.

Bellamy: You took one of our people, and drew first blood when we went to recover her. Since she was not hurt, I am being kind by not harming you. Two days ago, one of our men were attacked by one of yours, we want information. Also, I know you know this language, the Dwarves called this the Basic language used by humans and others for trading.

The Grounder kept quiet, but did widen his eyes in surprise.

Bellamy decided he dallied enough so he took his Belt off and lashed the Grounders chest. This Caused the Grounder to Cry out. Bellamy continued these 2 more times before asking again. What is your name. Again, the Grounder kept quiet. Another 4 lashes.

At that Very moment Anne came rushing up.

Anne Shrieked: what are you doing you said you would not hurt him.

Amir and Wang grabbed Anne and held her in place.

Bellamy: I said I would not hurt him if he talked. He has not yet, so I thought some incentive would help.

Right after that Clarke came rushing up and yelled at the grounder while holding the grounders knife.

Clarke: your knife it was poisoned! Here is your pouch, give me the antidote!

The Grounder did not Speak, Bellamy went to lash him again but Anne Yelled out.

Anne: wait! He would not have saved me just to have me die now, Clarke give me the knife.

Once the Knife was given, she cut and poisoned herself, and asked Please I know you are not a savage cruel beast please tell us the antidote.

The Grounder pointed to the Vial in the bag.

Immediately, Clarke gave some to Anne and rushed down to treat Hailey.

Bellamy then decided: Since you will not Speak, we will wait for our leader and he will decide what will happen to you. Amir you will Stand at the bottom as guard, Finn will replace you in an hour, followed by Wang. Finn, can you get volunteers to switch on for an hour for the rest of the night?

All of the Delinquents went down the ladder and closed the hatch.

Bellamy than spoke to Anne: that grounder will wait till angus is back. I highly doubt he will be killed so just calm down and hope he talks.

The Group Separated. Amir to guard, Finn to recruit, Wang went to bed along with Anne.

Bellamy decided to look at the progress the camp made in the last two days.

Walking around he saw dozens of smaller sized trees cut down. There were 5ft deep trenches made for the logs to go in for the walls and platforms. Seeing, a person by the Fire he decided to ask who gave instruction for the wall. The response was a 16 year old engineer from alpha station named Bran(42#). Bellamy was then pointed to a platform that Hadrian sat on.

Bellamy Approached the platform.

Bellamy: are you Bran?

Bran(#42): Yeah what's it to you?

Bellamy: as you know I am Bellamy, I want to know based off of your ability, would you like to be put in charge of more construction projects?

Bran(#42): Sure, But We will need better resources for a permanent base, like gravel for better drainage and stronger foundation.

Bellamy: From what I have heard from Angus, we should be moving locations to a better spot in the next month.

Bran: So why are we building here than?

Bellamy: as you no doubt have heard we are not the only ones down here. Sadly, we are the weakest though, so we need walls to keep us safe.

Bran: Hmm alright, the wall will be done tomorrow and we will start on homes. Well, I am going to bed. See ya. 

Watching him walk off, Bellamy turned and peered into the darkness hoping that he did not make the wrong choice in capturing the grounder, and wondering when Angus would be back with Iron to make weapons.

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