54.54% Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic) / Chapter 21: Connecting More Deeply

章 21: Connecting More Deeply

(Cheshire POV)

This new guy was strange. One minute he seemed like a blank canvas, then an emotional person, and then a sarcastic ass, but now he shows another side as I could feel the fact that he was walking around with a lot less weight on his shoulders.

Am I missing something here?

Yet, as immediately as the change occurred, he was back to normal. I assume this is some type of strategy to keep me on my toes, as if you cannot understand your enemy, they can understand you better than you know yourself. 

But now, as we land back at base, I head over to get my report to Ra's as the new guy was allowed to go back to training with Shiva, that insane battle maniac.

As I walked into his inner sanctum, I found him reading through a few other mission reports, and before I could say anything, he asked, "How did it go? Did the initiate perform to standard?" His curiosity seemed almost too forceful, but I handed him the report, and he frowned.

"While this information is enlightening, I was expecting more personal details. Did you manage to see how he dealt with the cultists?" I shook my head, and he sighed in frustration.

"Sorry, but I assumed he was doing his initiation mission, so I followed standard protocol. Let him handle it until the mission succeeds, or I blow the bomb in his chest." Ra's places his fingers over his eyes in exasperation but then puts the report down.

"I will have to review the footage from the base once we are able to access the recordings. For now, you have done well. Although, did you notice any oddities among your conversations?" 

He had turned around to face me as I felt tempted to tell him about the guy's eyes turning different colors, but that would sound insane without proof.

"Well, he seems on the level if a bit detached. Honestly, speaking with him felt like talking to an older man, and his tastes in music are terrible. Other than that, he was professional. Even when I tried to charm him, he was unabashed." 

Ra's seemed lost on what to say while slightly unamused by the music taste comment as he then turned around again in his chair and bid that I leave.

I bowed and did so while heading over to watch the new guy get his ass kicked, and after that mission, I need to see that.

(Shiva POV)

Something had changed in my sparring partner.

He seemed more focused and present as before his eyes while present were not truly here, but this new focus was showing as he punched me across the face while simultaneously grabbing me and throwing me into a nearby pillar. I don't know what happened on that mission, but he is holding back a lot less than before, and it was showing.

His speed, strength, and abilities grew with every fight. While keeping a stoic expression, Sensei was showing signs of pride, which made me feel an emotion I had not felt before.

Jealousy a burning fire of envy formed within me as this initiate, who had only a few weeks of training, had impressed the Sensei more than I had seen in years of my own training. And as we fought, I saw him with those same eyes staring back at me with the same blank expression, and yet it infuriated me to no end.

The nonchalant or simple lack of emotion was insulting in a way as he felt seemingly nothing towards my presence, and as I recovered, he grabbed me again and slammed his arm down on my right arm, nearly breaking it by the sound of it. He then placed me in a chokehold. To get out of it, I took out my knife and prepared to stab him, only for him to kick out my legs and have me kneeling on the ground.

Both his hands grabbed my own with a foot on her back, to which her Sensei then grabbed Blank's shoulder, and he let go.

He then bowed to him, and I did the same, albeit shakily due to the pain. Sensei then looked to both of us and said, "Both of you have shown great progress and, as such, shall be rewarded, but not now. Rest and return here tomorrow for the next stage of your training."

He then walked away as Blank simply looked at her and asked, "Do you need help getting to the medical area?" I narrow my eyes at his offer and slap his hand away.

"I do not require your pity; I can make it there myself. Let it be known that you are better than me, but not for long." I then walked away in shame as he simply watched, and as I passed the girl wearing that mask of hers, I saw her seem almost surprised.

This shame will not be going away any time soon.

(Nathan POV)

Truly, the strength and speed of a force user and the experience of Archer make battles like this almost too easy. Every time I think that I remind myself that extra-dimensional imps exist that can snap this universe out of existence with a mere thought, and that brings my confidence back down to acceptable levels.

Due to my progress in the Palpatine template, I had begun to grasp a dark side ability that he had, that being a shatter point, which, when combined with Hyperintuition and Archer's Mind's Eye, I could see tens of different weaknesses all at once. They kind of reminded me of the red squares that would appear when you go into blade mode in Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.

But they were always temporary and disappearing due to shifting stances and various martial arts being used, yet with my current level of power, normal fighters, and even highly trained ones were no issue. But beings like Sensei and Ra's, who can use Chi, would still present a problem.

For now, though, I see Cheshire near the entrance to the dojo, and as Shiva walks away or limps away, I ask her, "So, did you enjoy the fight?" She seemed to come out of her trance as she crossed her arms and scoffed.

"I'm just surprised you're able to keep up with that woman, but do be careful, as she is very motivated to get what she wants." I almost laugh at that comment, as that could describe nearly every female villain and heroine in this universe.

"I believe I will be able to handle myself, but is that concern I am sensing?" The woman simply walks away as I shake my head. I know what Shiva feels about me; her jealousy is like a beacon for the dark side, but I know she really can't do much for me at this point. All I need is more time to develop the virus in me to infect others so that I may turn this organization to my side.

It's pretty much the only reason I went with them in the first place. I had other backup plans in case something happened, with the most insane one being projecting my willpower to attract a Green Lantern Ring and escape to space as AMAZO did. Speaking of which, I wonder if I should get Ivo to my side or simply absorb him.

He should still be working for S.T.A.R Labs at this point since Darkseid had not invaded yet, nor had he been kicked out for obsessing over his research into his AMAZO cells. But I would need to get to Central City for that. For now, though, I continue my meditation into the force as it truly is a good spring of possible powers.

The force was the key to understanding more esoteric forces in this universe, and its power could be very useful, from being able to force drain entire planets to creating lightning storms that could cover entire solar systems. 

I would need to locate a Lantern ring as well as study it to learn how they create those constructs of theirs. Still, I won't really be able to study it until I start assimilating the robot template as I would probably need his intellect in multitasking ability.

While the nzt has definitely increased my cognitive abilities, I am nowhere near being able to study artifacts of that caliber just yet. Now, I simply meditate on the nature of various emotions, from rage to fear and even extreme love, as to understand these emotions is to rule over yourself and make the force a part of your being.

"I am one with the force, and the force is with me." I think to myself as I see the universe show more and more of itself, but I dare not look further just yet. As my eyes opened, I saw Teekl's eyes staring back at me. To which I took out the tofu, and he immediately narrowed his eyes at me.

"Nice to see you too, Teekl. But I assume you aren't alone." The cat simply turned around and walked right into Klarion, who was sitting opposite me, and as he looked at me, his gaze seemed much more subdued.

"So you managed to kill your first demon with fresh meat. I would congratulate you, but I am not one for giving gifts unless you desire your insides on your outsides, but mortals don't really survive that." He then shows me the head of someone he killed, and the blood falls on the floor of my room.

"You see, this woman thought that she could cheat me out of my dues, and do you know what she wished for? She wished to live forever. So when she tried to back out, I granted her wish as she would live forever as a head on my wall. So, since I did not turn your little kill into Vandal, I want you to give me something I have never seen before." He places the head on my bed as I then reach into my pocket.

I then take out the everlasting gobstopper and say, "This is a piece of candy I got years ago that will never run out of flavor. Here, try it." He then grabs it from my hands and places it in his mouth.

I then proceeded to wait for 10 minutes as he tried to go through all of the flavors, but it never seemed to end. As he took it out of his mouth, he smiled at me and said, "Okay, fresh meat, you fulfilled your end of the deal. Keep surprising me, kid. See you later, Fresh Meat." He then disappeared in the red fire as the cat remained on my bed.

"deb ym naelc," I utter, and the sheets are cleaned of blood Teekl yawns as I simply glare at him with the damn cat simply smirking at me.

"I will make you eat that tofu forever, you damn feline." I think to myself as I continue my meditation. But before doing so, I decided to roll my free daily gacha.

As I summoned the screen, the gacha had changed again to something else as a small train ticket was put into my hand and a slot formed in front of me with a tiny anthropomorphic animal wearing a conductor's uniform standing there waiting for me to put it in. As I do so, the door begins to steam up, and a train comes by before opening its doors and showing me the ten cards.

1. Empty Cardboard Boxes (x5) (What's in The BOOOX!?)

2. Neuralyzer (The Men In Black) ( You May Now Flash Someone And Have It Serve A Purpose)

3. A USB Containing Many Cat Videos (You Just Have So Much Luck With Felines)

4. Box Of Kunai (Naruto) (x35) (Farming Tools Made To Reap Lives)

5. Fedora From A Certain Platypus (P&F) (When Worn May Cause Theme Music To Play)

6. Indiana Jones's Whip (Indiana Jones Series) ( Show Those Lower Beings Who's Boss!)

7. IOU One Gacha (Nothing….Wow)

8. Pikachu Plush Toy ( Pokemon) (A Child's Best Friend)

9. Panic At The Disco's Entire Song Album (You Have To Have High High Hopes For A Living!)

10. Basics Of Nen- By Wing (Embrace Anime, Reject Shame)

I am at peace with these rolls, but before I can examine them, I hear a knock at the door, and as I answer it, I see a fist flying toward my face.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


