63.76% Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story / Chapter 38: A Spear Boy Gains A Rather Devoted(Yandere) Fan

章 38: A Spear Boy Gains A Rather Devoted(Yandere) Fan

(Happy New Year Everyone! Since today is an auspicious day, I will allow you all to choose one person for the harem from DXD or PJO, so whoever's name I see the most in the comments shall be selected. Let it be known if you choose something ridiculous, I will ignore it.)

(Cao Cao POV)

Sitting in this chair in the salon, I see Circe or C.C. as she disguises her name and looks at me with a myriad of emotions showing across her face.

As Reyna and Hylla seem confused as to why Circe is so quiet, I decide to end the charade and allow my normal clothing to show, as well as summon my spear and lay it across my lap.

"I greet you, Circe, with respect and a query if you shall indulge my curiosity?" Circe then narrows her eyes at me, looks up, and walks over while bidding the other two to leave us.

"Why are you here, god slayer? I am not involved in the search Olympus has begun in search of you?" As she asks this, I can see her forming a spell behind her back.

"I am not here to kill you, Circe, but ask if I may take a look at your collection of magic lore to add to my own, and if you allow me to look through it, I shall leave in peace." The woman then seemed not to believe me as she stood up and summoned various elements behind her.

"You come into my home and ask to see my years of research. You are a bold one, god slayer." Taking a breath, I sense her followers forming ranks outside the door.

"Don't do this. I have already slain Artemis and Ares because they would have fought against me. I have no quarrel with you, even if you have turned many people into those gerbils over there. But you and I both know that the second you try to fight me, this island, this paradise you made for yourself, and those followers you have outside, will fall. I am trying to be reasonable here; don't make the same mistake they did ." Her eyes then glowed with power as she tried to transform me into a pig.

But my magic resistance skill, boosted by my campione physique, makes most divine magic useless against me as I simply reach out my hand and shatter the spell in her hand. Her shock allows me to sit in front of her and grip her neck tightly while holding my Longinus to her eye. The mere presence near her makes her skin crawl, and she starts to sweat.

"Wait! Wait! I surrender! I surrender!" She yells as I place her back on the ground and allows her followers to enter the room. No sooner did I do this than they entered with swords drawn and shields ready as they surrounded me with a shield wall.

"Wait! Do not harm him, or he will kill all of us!" Circe yells as my eyebrow twitches in annoyance. I am not outright bloodthirsty as she portrays me to be, but whatever.

"She is right; I was only asking to see her collection of magical lore, and I would leave." My answer seemed to not satisfy them as they only got closer with their swords.

"Alright, enough." I then summoned a portal next to me and made a circular motion, and the surrounding circular shield wall was sent outside into the water.

But I made sure that they fell for a decent amount of time, just like a certain trickster god. Looking at Circe, her once fearful face lit up with awe as she jumped on me and asked, "Was that true portal? How did you open it? What magic did you use?" Tell me, tell me, tell me."

Oh, right, she's a goddess of magic, so she would be into this type of stuff. So as I gripped her face and put her back in the chair, I said, "It is a magic system that I created myself and can only be taught by me, and no, I am not teaching you the magic as I do not need you opening portals into other universes."

I swear, after saying this, the woman orgasmed at the possibilities, and I continued," Since I had to make my magic from scratch, I have no actual experience learning it, as well as any books on magic other than the human magic systems and runes ."

And then, when I said runes, her face lit up again as she jumped on them again while Celestine said ( It seems that you have gained your first fan, Cao, but be careful with her. She gives me stalker vibes.)

I gave Celes a mental nod as I again grabbed her and put her back in her chair. "Circe, calm down. I made a sacrifice to Yggdrasil, and I received the knowledge, and again, no, I will not teach you them." The woman looked like she was about to cry, and I wondered where her dignity as a goddess went.

Sighing to myself, I said, "Look, show me some of your books, and I will leave and not come back." As I said this, she shook her head.

"No, not until you teach me some of your magic, as I have not seen anything like this in thousands of years." I simply deadpanned her as I was finally able to locate her sanctum beneath this place, and I just stood up and left.

As I appeared in her sanctum, I walked over to her wall of books and used tracing on them thanks to Solomon's magic crest. I scanned all the books and made copies of them for later. 

She actually had wards on the books so that no one could read them but her without suffering a curse, but if I made copies of them, I could read them myself,

And as I sensed her about to teleport here, I just ported myself out of the building and flew away. I was by no means going to get a goddess like that on my side. She could have her island in the middle of the Sea of Monsters for all I cared about. All I heard in response was Cato saying (Cao Cao, you just made a big mistake.)

I acknowledge that I probably did, but I'm not going to be unreasonable as if I killed everyone who pointed a weapon at me, I'd end up killing most of the people on the planet. 

And besides, she is no threat to me, especially after I read all her tomes, so to take a head count, I got a Cyclops minion, a bunch of treasure, a golden fleece, and an entire library on Circe's magic studies. I would say that this venture was a success.

So, as I left the sea of monsters, I ported back to Luke's house and found a rather interesting sight: Hermes was acting as May Castellan's chair while Luke looked ready to almost burst out laughing. But as he sees me, he asks, "Lord Cao Cao, you're back. Did you find what you needed?"

"Firstly, no lord as I do not feel worthy of such a title yet, and yes, I found it." I then showed him what I was looking for, and while I did tell him where I was going, I did not say what I was getting. So, as he saw the golden fleece, his eyes widened as he saw the golden skin.

"You found the golden fleece, but it's been lost for centuries; while this is amazing, what purpose does it serve?" I then looked at him and said. 

"The purpose is simple: you are going to put this Golden Fleece onto the tree at Camp Half-Blood, and after a couple of days, you shall have your friend back. Take it as a bonus for taking my offer. And before you say how Priceless this is and that I should use it, I don't need it."

I then showed him my ability to enhance the life around me by regrowing some grass, and as he touched it, he bowed before me with tears in his eyes, and I hugged the guy, who was a bit awkward as he was 6'1, and while I was still growing, I was still 5'6 as I was only 15 and he was 18.

After he let go, he bowed again as I said, "In this Brotherhood, we may fight for what we want and deserve, but who other than us decides how those around us do not deserve the same? Now we are returning. I hope you said all you needed to."

Luke then looked to Hermes, and while he was not smiling, they did nod to each other. His mom then hugged him and said, "I know I missed you a lot, but you always have a home with me here and do bring your friend over as well. He seems nice." Luke then looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah, he is. It was nice to see you again, Mom." As they hugged again, I opened a portal behind Hermes Cabin, as since it was night now, he needed his sleep.

As we walked through, I gave May Castellan a small mirror and said, "Simply say your son's name, and he will talk to you when he is ready. And Hermes, I hope what transpired today will remain confidential. If not, the pictures of your wife sitting on you go viral."

He seemed genuinely afraid of that as he said quickly, "Hey, that's unnecessary! We businessmen pride ourselves on confidentiality, so there's no need for those pictures to get out, right?" I smiled and closed the portal, to which Luke began laughing, which then turned into tears as one day he got everything back and he got to say what he wanted to say to Hermes.

I then gave him the other mirror and said, "You will know when she's trying to call you, and I will return to this camp in 3 days, so you may do what you want, such as trying to get others to join you or simply getting the word out I will have a place prepared soon enough, but Luke keep going alright." He nodded and went to place the fleece on the tree.

I also enchanted the fleece so that no one but myself and Luke could see the fleece so that no one raises any alarms when they see a golden ram skin on the tree. 

However, I can't say that I did that for entirely selfless reasons. I want to give a little middle finger to Zeus in my own little way. What would happen when, after killing one daughter of his, another one joined me? How would he feel?

"Yes, it's all coming together." I think to myself as I portal myself out of the camp as if I was never there.

(Circe POV)

How dare he leave! He thinks he can just copy my knowledge and give me nothing in return!

I am going to find him and make his knowledge mine! No matter the cost. As I plan on how to do so, I look outside and see the same orange portal open up, and all of my employees fall out of and into the ocean but close enough that I need not worry about the monsters or waves taking them.

He truly was different from other gods, as most would simply force their way in and take everything, but he just came in and asked to see my knowledge, and when I refused, he didn't kill me. Does such control exist in this world? Regardless, he has gained my attention, and none has escaped me without paying the price.

And his eyes, while I could not see them his eyes showed something beautiful. An energy I have not felt before, and the fact that he retained his eyes after sacrificing them to Yggdrasil makes the mystery all the better; his stare of confidence and apathy was a feeling I had not felt before.

I heard he had gained control of the land of shadows from the news Zeus had sent out, so when he shows himself again, I will find him and make him mine!

All of the magical knowledge will be mine!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C38
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


