
章 8: Survival Of The Spear Boy Begins

(Cao Cao POV)

"I greet the Queen Of Shadows, God Slayer, and the instructor of Setanta and Connla, and I have come to bargain," I say while kneeling, to which she simply stares at me with a dangerous look on her face. The woman then asks merely in a flat tone, "And what have you come to bargain for Longinus Wielder? My body, my love, or my training?"

"I would argue for all three, but simply, I am but a small mote of light amongst burning infernos and seek guidance in making use of my potential. I seek the strength to thrive and see my enemies felled and my allies enjoying the fruits of their labor." 

The woman raises her brow and says, "A worthy goal, but how are you going to accomplish this? The world is not kind to those seeking their own path. My current accommodations are a perfect example."

Looking her in the eyes, I say to her, "By simply becoming strong enough where no person would think to do so, a simple plan but one that has always heralded results. Look to beings like Shiva and Great Red; they are not beholden to anyone but to their own desires and ideals. Might does not make right, but it does allow a person to make their own version of what is right." 

The woman then nods as she adds, "Well, I am not unreasonable, and while you have made the journey here, you shall be tested. Three months in deepest parts of the land of shadow."

This seems too easy for me, but I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Then she says, "But since you wield that spear specifically, I'm going to add an addendum to the challenge: you cannot wield that spear under any circumstance for three months, but I'm not one to leave someone without a means to defend themselves." Taking the common spear she had next to her, she tossed it at me with the sharp end blitzing right at me.

Using my telekinesis, I caught it mid-air, and thankfully, she barely used strength, or else I would have become a Cao kebab. Her eyes remained focused as she said, "In three months, I shall call you back to this castle. If you survive, I shall test you once more, and once you pass both tests, I will consider making you my student." 

Then, with a wave of her hand, I am teleported into the middle of an endless battlefield. And at that moment, all the shades that were fighting each other turned to me and charged, and so a wave of darkness approached me.

But I had assumed that she would create this extra challenge, so using my LP, I created another skill called Holy Affinity (DXD). It cost 100,000 LP, which left me near empty again, but I felt a new power unlock within my magic core, and taking the spear Scathach gave me, I used armament haki and holy power together and cut through the shades. 

Unlike when you kill them normally due to the influence of both haki and holy power, they are permanently dispelled. This is due to Haki being able to cause spiritual damage via the difference in willpower.

And since these shades had no will, they cut through them like a hot knife through butter, and with my haki coating the spear, it helped to reinforce it and keep it from being damaged. And so, as the shades continued to rush me in droves, I fought and fought for hours, and their numbers, while dwindling, seemed endless. This was due to the fact that whenever a person was killed by Scathach, they would appear here as a punishment. And she has killed a lot of people in her time.

One shade tried to stab in the back, to which I swept its legs with my spear and then impaled it through the chest along with the shade behind it. And then, removing my spear from it, I made a wide arcing motion and swept through another group of shades, and as the battle continued, my observational haki improved as the shade's movements became more easily readable. 

The problem that these Shades have is that they are merely Shadows of the original and thus are not able to adapt and are quite literally pictures from the past, but there was a decent variety from Vikings to Roman soldiers and some knights from Britain. Speaking of which, in the distance, I saw a group of cavalry appear on the battlefield, and they began to rush me as the line of horses charged me, to which I sighed, saying to Cato, "This is my life now, huh?"

(It seems to be so Cao Cao, but we are rooting for you.) Cato said, which was comforting, to which Celestine said ( Well, it seems that your new objective is to survive, Cao. Try not to die, as I still want to spar with you.) Thanks for the encouragement, Celes. Never change.

The cavalry was about to reach me, but then focusing, I used a portal to send the center group of cavalry across the battlefield, with the rest simply passing me by. Thankfully, there were only around 25 cavalrymen, and I only had to portal away ten of them with the rest then turning around to charge me, to which I then used my holy power to form an arc-like slash and sent it towards the charging cavalrymen and as it hit them they dispersed into dust. Some were still around, but I then used my spear to leap into the air and throw it at one landing center mass.

Then, using my telekinesis to grab the spear back into my hand, I immediately turned around and, in a wide sweeping slash, cut the heads off the two other Calvary men that were next to the one I impaled, and since there were only five left I stared at them and they at me and they surprisingly retreated. As I felt like I could take a breather, the ground began to shake, and as a new presence revealed itself, I saw a large beast approach me, and all I could wonder was.

"Why is the blood-starved beast here?!" I yell as I use the patented Joestar technique of running away, to which the beast screams in anger as it picks up speed. While it would eventually overtake me, I was not running away for no reason. Using my holy power, I infused the tip of my spear in the form of magic fire, and then my spear ignited. As the beast felt the presence of the flame, it stopped in its tracks, and thus, a stare-down began.

As I looked under its hood made of human flesh, all I saw was a darkened skull with deformed eyes and ravenous teeth. Looking at my LP stores, I had an idea, and using 5,000 LP from the 7,2000 I had, I created a poison resistance skill. As I felt the LP being used, my body regained some vigor that I had unknowingly lost by simply being near this thing.

Then, remembering the fact that if this was the same monster from Bloodborne, its very existence was poisonous to everything around it, and realizing this, I decided to make it angry. How I made it angry, I stabbed it in the toes. The speed at which I did this left it shocked as it screamed in pain, thus causing it to grow angrier and to secret more poison from its orifices, and as the purple liquid exited its body, it began to mix with the air.

 The potency of the poison would have killed the normal man just by being near for a couple of seconds, but for me, this was the perfect chance to train. Oh god, Celestine is affecting me.

(Yes, Cao Cao embrace it. Embrace the rush of power from training.) Celestine says in an Emperor Palpatine-esque voice, to which Cato simply sighs. I began to run rings around the beast, and while it was fast, its own decayed form was its greatest weakness, and with me stabbing its feet, it could barely move. 

Yet, as it got angrier, it began to secrete more and more poison into the air, and while I admittedly felt like my insides were wishing to die, my regeneration was improving along with my poison resistance.

The poison itself seems to be corrosive as well, and the poison as it lands on the ground begins to melt, leaving smoking holes in the ground, but eventually, I feel the poison becomes less and less effective, and I see my resistance has increased to rank C+ from this one beast alone I then stabbed it through the face and as the fire consumed it I almost heard a sigh emanate from the smoking corpse.

"That was something. I wonder what the source of this land is. Is it a reflection? Some kind of prison realm? Or is it something more?" I asked myself as I noticed that my clothes were nearly disintegrated by the poison, and all I had left was a part of my pants and my underwear. If this were DBZ, I would become stronger without my shirt on, but jokes aside, I should focus on making some new ones.

Looking at the remains of the beast, I see that the cloak remains, and while it was disgusting, it could be useful, so I placed it in my pocket space and made sure to destroy the beast entirely so as not to attract other predators. Looking at the empty battlefield and seeing nothing but some shades watching me in the distance, I walked away to start creating some kind of base camp.

It is time to unleash my inner Minecraft survival playset.

(Scathach POV)

As I watched the battle unfold, I found myself becoming more and more intrigued as he used multiple forms of power that I could not recognize, from the spear becoming shaded in a black sheen to him using a form of holy power not unlike those flying pigeons from the sky. The latter had me genuinely confused as his power did not seem to come from somewhere but himself, as if he was generating it on his own.

I had been scanning him since he arrived in the Land of Shadows, and I felt no Angelic ancestry from him as all I felt was the spear within him, but that is unprecedented. As I watched him battle the groups of shades, I saw his technique continue to improve, but then I saw that he was still a child as he used the poison from a blood-starved beast for training what I assumed was some sort of poison resistance.

The fact that he is willing to go so far to improve is definitely commendable, albeit very risky, but what is youth without risk? As I saw him enter the forest of silence, I wondered if he knew what he just walked into, as the Wendigos and Cleric Beasts reside in that forest. The former were spirits of wendigos I slayed during my time, and the cleric beats were those punished by that Biblical God and turned into beats representing their blackened soul.

Spinning Gae Bulg in my hands, I began to train myself as I did not want to be rusty when I was teaching him as it had been a long time since the last visitor, but he died before ever reaching me, so I do wonder if this child will survive in this place. Humans are beings that exist in light and dark and cannot exist within an extreme as the darkness of this place is as deadly as it is beautiful. 

"Keep showing me new things, child, and I may feel obligated to keep watching you. It has been such a long time since I was interested in something or someone." After saying this, I walked to the training field in the castle and began to train and shave off any rust that had built up with time. The prospect of teaching this child the ropes of combat and other things does bring me a form of excitement.

I do hope he survives.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


