33.33% Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect. / Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Little Big changes #2

章 7: Chapter 6: Little Big changes #2

"." Character dialogues. Example: "Hello"

'.' Thoughts of character. Example: 'Hello'

Omniscient narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Curse Techniques]


Author's Note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancies in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to research how it was in the manga. It's a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters).

I apologize if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.


Place: Underground house, Tokyo, Japan.

Time: August 8.

"Thanks for doing me this favor," Gojo said to a man who was accompanying him, as they walked through the dark underground corridors.

"Don't thank me yet, he still hasn't passed my test," replied the man accompanying Gojo.

Gojo did not respond, he just smiled. 'Your test, one that would even be difficult for me to pass perfectly,' he thought.

After walking for a few minutes through the dark corridors, they arrived at a red door. "Wait here, I'll call you," Gojo said as he opened the door. "You know, for the dramatic effect and all that," he explained humorously, causing a snort from the man.

"Gojo Sensei!" Itadori, who was sweating and sitting cross-legged, greeted him. He was training his cursed energy control.

"I see you're training hard," Gojo said, as he took a soda from the nearby fridge.

"Yes! I want to be stronger! Because of me, Megumi almost died!" Itadori said guiltily.

"But it was Sukuna who almost killed Megumi," Gojo said, offering a soda to Itadori.

"I know…" Itadori grabbed the soda, but did not drink it. "But if I had been stronger…" he squeezed the soda with fury, "I wouldn't have had to switch with Sukuna and that wouldn't have happened!" The soda in Itadori's hand exploded, causing it to squirt everywhere.

"Oh, sorry," said Itadori.

Gojo sighed, regretting his student's state of mind. "Don't blame yourself so much, very little has happened since you've become a Sorcerer," he said, comforting Itadori.

"It's not an excuse!" Itadori retorted, mopping the floor. "You said it, I have an advantage, I have Sukuna!" Itadori said, causing another sigh from his teacher. "Sukuna is more of a burden than an advantage, you know it well. I only showed you a small good side of something bad," Gojo replied.

"I know, sensei… I just want to be stronger so I can do more!" Itadori said guiltily. "Sometimes I think, what would have happened if I hadn't switched with Sukuna after he ripped my heart out…" Itadori looked down. "If I were selfish enough to value my life over others," Itadori looked up, with tears in his eyes but also full of conviction. "I don't want to switch with Sukuna again! I want to be strong enough that my presence is not a hindrance or a little help!" Itadori squeezed his hand tightly. "I want my presence alone to make people confident that everything will be fine!" he shouted this time, full of conviction.

"You can't save them all, Itadori," Gojo replied in a soft voice.

"I know I can't…" Itadori answered, this time calmer. "But I can try!" he said confidently. Itadori turned to Gojo. "So please train me, Gojo-sensei!" He stood firm in front of Gojo, like a soldier.

Gojo smiled proudly again, he didn't know how many times this boy had accomplished that. "I can't," he said with a smile, as if he wasn't crushing Itadori's hopes. "I'm very busy," he explained, still smiling.

"What?" Itadori did not expect that answer.

"But someone came with me who can," Gojo said with a smile. "He is a Grade 1 sorcerer, one of the most talented I know," Gojo introduced mysteriously.

"I thought it was a secret that he was alive, Gojo Sensei," Itadori questioned.

"It is, this person, besides being strong, is not a puppet of the high command, so I trust him," Gojo answered. "Although you have to pass a test to train with him, quite difficult, even for me," Gojo confessed.

"Even for you?" Itadori asked, fear in his voice. What test could be difficult for the strongest sorcerer?

"But you can do it, try hard!" Gojo said, walking towards the door.

"And what's his name?" Itadori asked.

Gojo did not answer and opened the door, letting the person pass. "You can come in," Gojo indicated.

He was quite imposing, a tall man with a bored look at the current situation.

But Itadori was not a coward, and he was going to introduce himself as he always did.

"Hi, I'm Itadori Yuuji: I like women like Jennifer Lawrence," he introduced himself, extending his hand, although this person still watched him with a piercing gaze.

Itadori's introduction only made Gojo smile. "I'm leaving, Itadori, try hard," he said, bidding farewell as he walked towards the door, passing the man who was still standing nearby. "I leave it to you, Todou," he slapped the shoulder of the muscular boy, then proceeded to close the door.

As he walked towards the exit, he heard a couple of screams.



'I knew they were going to get along,' thought Gojo, crossing his fingers, disappearing into the air.

Scene change: Same day.

"So why did Gojo-sensei choose you?" Itadori asked Todou. They were eating pizza and watching a program of an Idol that Todou had put on television.

"Didn't Gojo tell you?" Todou asked, while eating a slice of pizza.

"Yes, something, but even then, why did he specifically choose you to teach me?" Itadori questioned.

"Mmm!" Todou was eating.


"Gojo told me about you. You have a lot of physical strength and you already have control over your cursed energy, superior to many, so you don't lack much in some parts," he paused for a moment to bite another slice of pizza. "So I will help you perfect some things, and teach you various techniques to make you more complete, as well as the simple domain and information about the world of sorcery." He bit into another slice of pizza. "And of course, also experience in a battle, we will fight a lot, bro," Todou smiled at Itadori, scaring him.

Scene change: August 22.

In a green field, outside the underground house, two boys faced each other: Itadori Yuji and Aoi Todou.

The air was charged with tension as these two sorcerers clashed on a desolate battlefield. Todou, with his imposing figure and his aura of confidence, smiled at Itadori. "This is our last fight," he said as he took off the shirt of an idol he was wearing, his voice echoing in silence.

Itadori nodded with a smile as he took a combat posture. He had come to respect and appreciate Todou's unique personality. His muscles tightened, ready to move at any moment.

Todou was the first to move, charging at Itadori with impressive speed. His body moved like lightning, his fist headed straight for Itadori.

Itadori barely had time to react, but managed to dodge Todou's first blow. His body moved almost like a blur, dodging the blow by a hair's breadth.

Todou did not stop there. At the same time that he was attacking, he had thrown a stone upward, charged with cursed energy. The stone, imbued with his power, became a crucial tool for his strategy. He planned to use it to exchange positions using his cursed technique.

And when the stone was falling.


Todou activated his technique, positioning himself behind Itadori, ready to launch his next attack.

Todou's sudden appearance behind him startled Itadori. But there was no time for surprises in this battle. With a speed that demonstrated practice in the face of Todou's action, Itadori turned on his heels, his body spinning with impressive grace and speed.

As he turned around, Itadori raised his fist, the cursed energy shone around him. At the same time, Todou also raised his fist, preparing for the clash. And then, in a burst of power, their fists collided.

The impact resonated on the battlefield, a cursed energy shockwave emanating from the point of contact. But despite the force of the blow, neither Itadori nor Todou backed away. Instead, they stood firm, their eyes locked in silent defiance as their fists remained in contact.

Itadori, in a fast and fluid movement, separated his arms and launched a direct blow with his opposite arm. His fist shone with intense cursed energy, illuminating the battlefield with its glow.

Todou, with his keen sense of battle, blocked the blow with his forearm. He was pushed back by the force of the blow, but quickly recovered, repositioning himself for a frontal attack with impressive grace.

Without wasting time, Todou launched a series of fast and precise blows. Each blow was like lightning, fast and lethal, intended to overwhelm Itadori. But Itadori was not far behind, he blocked, dodged, and counterattacked at the same rate as Todou, demonstrating an equality.

In an unexpected turn, Itadori, dodging a hit from Todou, decided to change his strategy. Instead of a direct counterattack, he opted for a foot sweep. Todou's posture and physical strength were impressive, so he only managed to slightly unbalance him.

But that was enough for Itadori. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he rested his hands on the ground and kicked up with full force. The kick was strong enough to send an unbalanced Todou flying.

Todou collided and crossed several trees before they stopped him.

"That was great, bro!" Todou said as he got up with an ease he shouldn't have, his body looked bruised and there was a huge bruise on his abdomen. But his voice was full of emotion. Itadori, exhausted but satisfied, smiled back. "Thanks, Todou."

"Let's go, bro, my train will leave in 1 hour," Todou said, walking towards an address, with Itadori catching up to him with a slight jog, giving him his shirt.

"Can you do it now?" Todou asked while he got dressed. Itadori denied. "Even not in battle," he said with regret.

"Don't worry, bro!" Todou patted Itadori's shoulder. "You are one of the few who can do it, you just lack a little practice," Todou reasoned, causing Itadori to chuckle.

Itadori looked at his hand with a bruise until it began to heal at a visible rate. 'I have to practice more until I can use it in battle. Not concentrating for a few seconds, an enemy would not give me time to heal,' Itadori lamented, while he kept walking with Todou.

"I am not arrogant…" Todou commented, surprising Itadori with that comment from nowhere. "But I know how strong I am, I am not a grade 1 sorcerer by chance," Todou continued talking as they walked towards the station.

"Why are you saying that?" Itadori asked with doubt.

"You have given me a fight, and not an easy one," he said, pointing to his abdomen, indicating the bruise that Itadori had left him. "You have been a sorcerer for approximately 3 months, you wounded a special grade and tied with a grade 1 sorcerer," he said, stopping his walk and watching Itadori.

Itadori stopped a few steps later, turning around when he realized that Todou had stopped. "I know you are trying to motivate me, Todou," he said with a still discouraged look.

"But it won't work," he said, recalling the battle he had witnessed between Gojo and a curse with volcano head. "I don't feel like someday I can reach that level, even with all the time of my life…"

"I heard you when you spoke to Gojo the first day he arrived, you wanted to make a change, that your presence is synonymous with hope…" Todou walked towards Itadori, shortening those little steps. "But if you lost that purpose, just by seeing a big dog fight…" Todou continued walking, alone, turning his back on Itadori. "I think we can no longer be brothers," he murmured, walking away.

Itadori watched as Todou walked away, his words echoing in his mind. He stayed there for a moment, struggling with his doubts and fears. The doubt began to creep in, whispering words of uncertainty in his mind. Could he really make a change? Could he really become as strong as the sorcerers he had seen in action?

Images of the battle between Gojo and the volcano head curse filled his mind. The gap between their power and his seemed insurmountable. Doubt turned into fear, fear into despair. It felt like he was trapped in an abyss, the darkness of uncertainty threatening to consume him.

But then, the words he had said to Gojo returned to him. "But I can try!" he had said. He recalled his desire to protect people, to fight the curses that threatened the world. He recalled his promise that his mere presence would give people confidence that everything would be fine.

With a new resolution shining in his eyes, Itadori stood up. "How can I give up without even trying?" he muttered to himself. With a renewed sense of purpose, he began to run, catching up to Todou.

Todou, hearing Itadori's footsteps, stopped and turned. He saw Itadori running towards him, his face full of determination. A smile spread across his face. "That's more like you, bro," he said, waiting for Itadori to catch up with him.

When Itadori came to his side, the words flowed from him like a river. "Sorry, I was a fool and-" Todou interrupted him, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Okay, it's normal to have doubts and fall, we all had our doubts at some point. But you should always get up after falling and keep fighting, broda," Todou said in a serious tone.

"I promise…" Todou smiled. "…Bro." The smile only increased after hearing Itadori call him that for the first time.

They both continued to walk together, this time with both heads held high and shoulder to shoulder, just a couple of brothers.

"Are you crying, bro?"

"No" sniff

That caused a laugh from Itadori, who patted Todou's back gracefully, making him laugh too.


I'm sorry if you feel Itadori's relationship with THE BEST CHARACTER OF JUJUTSU KAISEN very hasty, but if you think about it, I spend more time with than with Megumi and Nobara until now, and it is not that Itadori is an asocial.

In the next episode I will try to write and finish Mahito's bow in a single episode, since I find no reason to make several chapters, I am very lazy with those stories where they write a fanfic and the fanfic is more extensive than the original story.

It's like bro, it took you 5 episodes to write what happened in the manga in one episode.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


