
embarrassing crossbones(Chapter 67)

prevoius in chapter 66

[ Name: Eldritch Alloy ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: This extraordinary alloy is a fusion of anti-metal, enhanced steel, adamantium, deep iron ore, scales from a giant arctic snake, and a drop from an eldritch immortal goddess. Its unique composition keeps it in a perpetual liquid state, in the shape of a sphere. ]

[ Option 1: Mind and Body Augmentation (Rank: D) (Passive) - Enhances the user's cognitive and physical abilities by 200%. ]

[ Option 2: Adaptive Fusion (Rank: D) (Passive) - The liquid alloy can consume other materials to improve its grade over time, increasing its durability and overall quality. ]

[ Option 3: Form Manipulation (Rank: D) (Passive) - Responds to the user's will, allowing the alloy to change its form for different applications or situations. ]

[ Durability: 100% ]

As the option revealed itself, Oliver's eyes narrowed in realization. The Eldritch Alloy, with its potent mix of materials, was more than just a metal. It was a living, ever-changing entity. The liquid metal before him was not a flaw but a feature, a manifestation of the alloy's adaptive nature.


"Mind and body augmentation, adaptive fusion, form manipulation," Oliver murmured, considering the possibilities. "This isn't a failed experiment. It's a step towards something greater." With newfound determination, he set about exploring the potential of the Eldritch Alloy, his mind buzzing with ideas for its application. The room was filled with the shimmering light of the liquid metal, a mesmerizing dance of gold and silver as it responded to Oliver's will.

Holding the now golden liquid, shaped like a sphere with a pulsating purple aura, Oliver's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "An increase in both physical and cognitive abilities by 100% and the ability to shape into different forms. Not bad," he mused to himself, admiring the flexibility of the Eldritch Alloy. With a smile, he allowed the liquid to attach itself to his hand, forming a sleek gauntlet that shimmered in the light. As he flexed his fingers, the alloy responded, shifting into a swirling ring before reforming back into the gauntlet.

"Plus, its durability is great, as it's made from adamantium," Oliver noted, impressed by the alloy's resilience. Eager to test its capabilities further, he fashioned a sword from the golden substance and swung it effortlessly at an iron ore nearby. The sword cleanly sliced through the ore, but Oliver's expression soured slightly. "I was hoping it would retain some of its anti-metal properties... but that might be asking too much," he muttered, watching as the Eldritch Alloy reverted to a ring, joining the stone ring on his finger, its purple hue blending with the alloy's golden glow.

"Anyways, I'd better get going and find some Earth-dimensional travelers," Oliver decided, his mind already formulating a plan. "There are plenty of people who regularly travel between dimensions. Doctor Strange would be my best bet, but if I want his help, I'll need to offer something in return." With a determined nod, he exited his shell home, the Eldritch Alloy pulsing with latent power on his finger.

-scene change-

Inside a dimly lit bar, the air heavy with the scent of old wood and stale beer, Oliver sat at a worn wooden table. The soft glow of candlelight flickered across the room, casting dancing shadows on the walls. He held his compass in one hand, its needle spinning wildly as it pointed unerringly towards a particular bottle behind the bar.

The bottle, an ancient-looking relic with dust clinging to its glass, seemed out of place among the modern liquor. Oliver's gaze lingered on it, intrigued by its mysterious aura. Next to him sat two women engaged in conversation, their voices a low murmur amidst the ambient noise of the bar.

"It's the first time I've seen a bottle like this," Oliver remarked aloud, his eyes fixed on the curious artifact. The bar's owner had mentioned it was for aesthetics, but Oliver's instincts told him there was more to it than met the eye. "Maybe it holds some history, belonged to a significant figure," he theorized, the mystery of the bottle captivating his attention.

As he prepared to leave, the creak of the bar's door opening drew his focus. A figure entered, familiar in a way that sent a chill down Oliver's spine. "Crossbones," he muttered under his breath, memories of past encounters flashing through his mind. The man's presence was like a storm cloud descending upon the tranquil bar.

"Hello," Crossbones greeted with a menacing grin, his eyes glinting with malice. "Now, don't be leaving on account of little ol' me," he taunted mockingly, his gaze shifting to the women beside Oliver. Sensing trouble, Oliver attempted to sidestep the confrontation, but Crossbones had other plans.

With a sudden burst of aggression, Crossbones swung a powerful fist at Oliver's face. The impact was like striking solid steel, and Crossbones recoiled, shaking his hand in surprise. "Didn't your mama warn you not to punch strangers?" Oliver quipped, his voice laced with an edge of danger.

In an instant, Oliver closed the distance between them, his movements a blur of speed and precision. He grabbed Crossbones by the collar, the man's eyes widening in shock as he was lifted off his feet. With a grunt of effort, Oliver drove him through the floor of the bar, the wooden boards splintering and cracking under the force.

A nearby henchman of Crossbones reacted, hurling an electric metallic bola at Oliver. With a deft motion, Oliver unsheathed his Eldritch Alloy sword, the blade gleaming with a golden light. The bola sliced cleanly through the air, but the sword met it with a resounding clang, the alloy's surface unyielding.

"Now, this isn't a smart choice, is it?" Oliver remarked coolly, his eyes glinting with a dangerous light. With swift and calculated movements, he disarmed the henchman, sending him crashing into a nearby table.

Turning back to Crossbones, who lay dazed on the floor, Oliver felt a surge of satisfaction. "Well, that felt refreshing," he thought to himself, a smirk playing on his lips as he surveyed the chaos he had wrought.

Suddenly aware of someone's intense gaze on him, Oliver turned to find the two women from earlier, their expressions a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "What?" he asked innocently, though there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You don't expect us to thank you, do you?" the black woman spoke up, her voice tinged with irritation.

"I don't even know you, so no," Oliver retorted with a sigh, feeling a twinge of annoyance at their attitude. The sarcasm in Misty Knight's voice grated on his nerves. "Right, you fought Crossbones and his men for two unknown women. My knight in shining armor," she quipped, her tone dripping with mockery.

"If SOMEONE punches me, I'm going to punch back," Oliver emphasized the word 'someone,' his irritation mounting. With a shake of his head, he decided it was best to leave the bar, the atmosphere now tinged with tension.

As he made his way out, he passed by a figure clad in a skin-tight red suit, the hourglass symbol on her belt catching his eye. The woman glanced briefly at Crossbones and his men before focusing her attention on Misty Knight and her companion. Seeing that they were unharmed, she breathed a sigh of relief before casting a curious look at them, silently demanding an explanation.

"Crossbones' men attacked," Misty Knight began, launching into a report as the middle-aged woman interjected, "And he's a damn good fighter."

"He left after that," Misty Knight gestured towards the unconscious Crossbones. Meanwhile, an annoyed Oliver walked on, lost in his thoughts until suddenly, he remembered something. "Right, I had that Chrono Nexus Relic," he muttered to himself, pulling out the broken pocket watch from his pocket. Though broken, it still held an E-rank option, so he decided to upgrade it, adding a new option while improving the old ones.


A/N: Sorry for not uploading yesterday; I was busy cooking. From chapter 72 to chapter 74, Oliver is going to be tested. i am talking about him being sent through mountains and even through space. Oliver will need to use every item he has, and he will just barely, I mean barely, manage to win. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed Oliver embarrassing Crossbones.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


