47.5% Marvel-Comics: Overgeared / Chapter 56: hitching a ride to Nidavellir(chapter 56)

章 56: hitching a ride to Nidavellir(chapter 56)

previously in chapter 55

Oliver and the Valkyrie exchanged a weary but victorious glance, a silent acknowledgment of their shared victory. As they caught their breath, the Valkyrie spoke, her voice ringing out across the tundra. "Thank you, stranger," she said, her eyes meeting Oliver's. oliver just nodded before looking at the corpses of the dragon as he said, "you dont mind if i take these do you?" he asked as she replied, "no, you are more than welcome to take it" she replied, in her weird asgardian accent, and oliver did so, he took everything that the dragon had on it, bones, organs, teeth, scales, blood, espesially blood, "i wonder what option that a dragon would get" he mused.


Chapter 56

The Valkyrie, watching Oliver's unusual method of dismantling the dragon, stood awkwardly as she witnessed the scene unfold. The cacophony of metal against scales had barely subsided when the distant sound of hooves approached. Oliver looked up to see a magnificent white-armored winged horse descending towards them. The Valkyrie's face lit up with a warm smile as the steed landed gracefully beside her.

"Mr. Horse, it's so good to see you," she greeted the steed affectionately, her hand gently patting its sleek, white mane. To Oliver's surprise, the horse spoke, its voice strong and commanding. It gazed at the mangled remains of the black dragon with wide eyes, its astonishment evident. "By the gods, what happened to that thing?" it exclaimed, prompting Oliver to chuckle.

"It's okay, he means no harm," the Valkyrie reassured the horse, her hand soothingly stroking its side. Oliver, realizing the need to clean up, swiftly put away his adamantium shield and the dragon's dismembered parts. The membrane surrounding him dissipated, and he returned to his human form, the blood that once covered him now gone.

With the immediate danger passed, the Valkyrie turned her attention to Oliver with a curious yet friendly gaze. "Are you from Earth?" she inquired, to which Oliver simply nodded. "Then how did you get here?" she pressed further, genuinely intrigued. Oliver shrugged nonchalantly, replying, "I stepped on a teleportation circle."

The Valkyrie nodded understandingly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Happens to the best of us," she remarked with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Anyways, do you need a ride back home?" she offered, her wings fluttering slightly in anticipation.

"Actually, yes, I do need a ride, but not back home," Oliver replied, catching the Valkyrie off guard. She tilted her head, a curious expression on her face. "Can you take me to the realm of the dwarves?" he requested, causing the Valkyrie's brows to furrow in thought.

"Why do you need a ride to those gremlins with temperatures hotter than the sun?" the winged horse interjected, its voice incredulous. Oliver raised an eyebrow at the horse's remark before explaining, "I need some metals from their mountains."

After a moment's contemplation, the Valkyrie nodded in agreement. "Sure, I'll give you a ride to Nidavellir," she decided, gesturing for Oliver to mount the winged horse. With a grateful nod, Oliver climbed onto the steed, ready for the next leg of his journey.

-scene change-

The journey to Nidavellir was jarring yet exhilarating, giving oliver and the Valkyrie enough chance to get to know each other. Unlike Jotunheim's frozen wasteland, Nidavellir was a realm of diverse landscapes and elemental extremes. As the winged horse descended towards the Boiling Plains, Oliver could feel the intense heat radiating from the ground below but it wasn't unbearable, although that couldnt be said the same for the white steed. The air shimmered with waves of heat, distorting the landscape into a hazy blur.

Upon landing, the Valkyrie handed Oliver a map of Nidavellir, a vast realm sprawling with various points of interest. The map was detailed, showcasing locations such as the Flaming Chasm, Furnaces of Nidavellir, Marelock, and the Valley of Swords among others. Oliver took a moment to study the map, noting the distances between each landmark.

"Alright, she did say that dwarves have a nasty temper, so I should probably not get involved with them, not until i need to learn from them but i doubt they would be willing to teach me" Oliver mused to himself, a note of caution in his voice. However, his contemplation was interrupted by a thunderous sound behind him.

Turning swiftly, Oliver barely had time to react as a colossal creature charged towards him from the rear. The creature resembled a massive boar, its light blue skin glistening with sweat in the scorching heat. Its hulking form barreled towards Oliver with terrifying speed, its two long purple tusks gleaming dangerously.

Instinct kicked in as Oliver dodged to the side with agile grace, narrowly avoiding the creature's relentless charge. The boar-like beast, its momentum unbroken, continued its charge unabated. In a swift motion, Oliver transformed into his hybrid form, retrieving the Marrow Devourer with practiced ease.

With the finesse of a seasoned warrior, Oliver launched the Marrow Devourer like a spear, aiming for the creature's neck. The bone blade cut through the air with a whistling sound, impaling the creature from the back of its neck and emerging out through its open mouth. The force of the impact caused the creature to skid to a sudden stop, its lifeless body sliding across the boiling plains.

The ground rumbled beneath them as the creature's massive form finally came to a halt, a trail of dust and steam rising from its motionless body. Oliver stood with a sense of triumph, the Marrow Devourer still impaled in the creature's neck. With practiced efficiency, he approached the fallen beast, the harsh heat of the boiling plains adding to the intensity of the moment. With deft movements, he began to butcher the creature, its once fearsome form now a source of valuable materials.

As he worked, the air around him seemed to vibrate with residual energy from the battle. The heat of the boiling plains intensified, causing sweat to bead on Oliver's brow. The scent of singed hair and burnt flesh mixed with the metallic tang of blood, creating a heady aroma that filled the air.

With the creature fully dismembered and its parts stowed away, Oliver retrieved the arcane navigator from his pouch. The device hummed softly in his hand, its ethereal glow guiding him towards the nearest item of interest. Following its direction, Oliver came upon a molten metal deposit, its fiery glow casting an eerie light in the dim surroundings.

"Well, since the compass pointed to it, I'm definitely picking it up," Oliver remarked to himself as he gathered the molten metal into a container. The metal was scorching hot to the touch, the heat seeping through the protective gloves he wore. Despite the discomfort, he continued his task with determination, knowing the value of such rare materials.

Continuing on his quest, Oliver encountered a multitude of creatures along the way. From rocky lizards with gleaming scales to crystalline tigers with razor-sharp claws, each encounter was a test of skill and resourcefulness. Yet, Oliver welcomed these challenges, seeing them as opportunities rather than obstacles. Every monster attack yielded valuable materials, adding to his growing collection.


Author's Note: Well, here's another chapter despite my nose running like a garden hose and dealing with a killer headache (I have a cold, by the way). But I'm still able to upload, you know, gotta get those power stones. Anyway, yesterday's poll was won by the Moonforge Hammer (by a large margin), but I do have two Google Slides: one for items he could get and one for items he will definitely get. And you, lovely readers, as promised, are going to help me decide which way to go. For today's polls, we got:


[ Name: Mystic Inkmaster - Tattoo Gun ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: Crafted with ancient techniques and imbued with mystical energies, the Mystic Inkmaster is a tattoo gun that goes beyond the ordinary. Its needles dance with a touch of magic, creating intricate designs that tell tales of the arcane. ]

[ Option 1: Elemental Infusion (Rank: D) (Active) - This option allows the user to infuse tattoos with elemental properties, granting them unique effects based on the chosen element, using special liquid that contain said element, each tattoo can be used as a weapon and 10 times ]

[ Option 2: Enchanted Precision (Rank: D) (Passive) - Enhances the accuracy and finesse of the tattooing process, ensuring precise and detailed designs with every stroke. ]

[ Option 3: Arcane Reservoir (Rank: D) (Active) - Temporarily channels mystical energy to amplify the power of specific tattoos, granting them enhanced magical effects for a limited duration. ]

[ Durability: 75% ]


[ Name: Voidblade ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: Crafted from an otherworldly alloy combining mysterium, anti-metal, and the essence of an eldritch immortal goddess's blade, this thin dark sword radiates a palpable aura of power. Its very existence challenges the boundaries of reality, without any enhancement. ]

[ Option 1: Abyssal Shredder (Rank: D) (Active) - Unleashes a devastating wave of chaotic energy upon swinging the sword, tearing through both magical and physical defenses with an overwhelming force. 0/3]

[ Option 2: Reality Distortion (Rank: D) (Active) - Allows the wielder to momentarily manipulate the fabric of reality, bending space to evade attacks. 0/3]

[ Option 3: Eldritch Dominion (Rank: D) (Passive) - Grants the wielder a fraction of the eldritch goddess's immortality, making them nearly impervious to harm. Additionally, the blade absorbs and amplifies magical energy in the surrounding, healing the wielder bit by bit, with each successful strike, ]

[ Durability: 100% ]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C56
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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