80.95% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 49: To Become Chaos Incarnate

章 49: To Become Chaos Incarnate

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: ?????, The Tarnished Court Base, Time: Two weeks after Eve took Eri's quirk)


So, it's finally the day I get that new system, and honestly it's been pretty chill the last two weeks! Well, other than almost every government spreading propaganda that I am the worst villain in existence, and I think a cult starting that worships me? Actually it's more accurate to call them my fan club.

You see, it turns out my sudden appearance of being able to destroy a major organization in one day without anyone noticing for a while, and then my lightning storm across Japan after I saved Eri, sowed a lot more chaos than I thought it would in people's hearts. Plenty of people are now speculating that I am 'the one sent to rid this world of its evil's' for my brutal way of dealing with villains, which was ultimately fueled by crime decreasing by over fifteen percent across the world.

Yeah, a lot of criminals were fucking terrified that I would suddenly come to wipe them out like I did the Shie Hassaikai and Humarise. Though, that still didn't stop the criminals with zero brain cells from thinking they were safe, since it seemed like I only went after big criminals, so that's why crime didn't decrease almost entirely, though for the entire world this is still an all-time low in crime rates.

Hell, I've even become the biggest topic to debate about across every form of media. Though, that is understandable, since I basically made a nuke sized bang in my debut with everything that I did. I might be too good at creating chaos, if that's even an actual thing, but that doesn't change that it was pretty entertaining to watch All Might insult me on live television, and then quickly get a bunch of backlash from people of almost every nation, especially from most quirkless people.

Now that I think about it, I guess I've technically cleared one of the conditions needed to become a god, if my fan club can be considered followers of mine. Though, when it comes to the power aspect I don't think I'm even close to completing it, since if mom considered the amount of needed power to be massive, then I would probably need to at least destroy an entire planet or two in one attack.

Though, I am getting one step closer to that with the souls I used to rank up a few of my quirks.


[NOTICE the quirk Iron Ball has reached its max rank, Rank A, now the user can can create iron balls from any part of their arms, so long as it's uncovered. The balls can also grow to a diameter of 30 feet (914 Centimeters).]

[NOTICE the quirk Energy Suck has had its name changed to Snatch, and it has reached its max rank, Rank S. The user can now drain the energy of anyone near them without the need to touch the target.]

[NOTICE the quirk Larceny has had its name changed to Steal, and it has reached its max rank, Rank S. The user can take any object they can see, so long as they are physically capable of lifting it.]

[NOTICE the quirk Strongarm has reached its max rank, Rank A, now the user release a barrage of punches as long as the user has stamina, but this does drain the users stamina twice as fast.]

[NOTICE the quirk Barrier has reached its max rank, Rank SS, now the user no longer has to be in the center of the barrier, nor does the barrier have to be in the shape of a dome. The barrier can also be shaped however the user pleases, and is usable as long as the user has the mental capacity to use it. The barriers themselves are nigh-indestructible.]


Those are the only ones I managed to max out, as it turns out there's a cool down to how many souls I can use to upgrade an ability. Well, that's what has happened so far in the world, and with my abilities, that's notable to me, so let's get onto what has been going on in my Court.

So, as I did say last time, I needed to stay inside the base, since I can't find a proper way to hide my antlers/horns, and the R&D Bee's are still working on a proper prototype of the device to camouflage them. You'd think it wouldn't take as long, considering the tech of this world, and Technopathy. But, they still need to work on things like, a well hidden design, so people don't find the device suspicious, and finding the right materials to use, so I don't accidentally fry it when I use electricity, or accidentally absorb the power source. That type of shit takes a lot of time, sadly.

Meanwhile, the newest members of my Court decided that they should stay here too, so they can devote a lot more of their time in training, though the girls most likely just wanted to spend more time with me. So, I had to make Bee's that look exactly like them to go outside for them, so people don't get suspicious, while also making sure they don't get in any scenarios where someone would use their quirk.

Oh, and don't think we just spent all our time fucking training! Because that would be a major waste of all the shit I put in the base for entertainment. 

Essentially, I created this base to be like an underground base the size of a mall. Out of the forty floors that make up my base, you guys have only seen the very tip of the iceberg, which was the garage and the meeting room/throne room.

The second floor is a massive gym equipped with the best exercise equipment that can be made to even be difficult for strength based quirk users, it also has a massive sauna to relax in, and a pool the size of a football field, that Spinner is prohibited from every going near.

I don't care if I can make Bee's do it, I don't want to have to refill that big ass pool over and over again every time he decides to dip his fucking toes in it! Because he immediately absorbs the water every gods damn time without fail!

Anyways, under that we have the arcade floor, which has every single game in the existence of this world in it, hell there's even card games and board games in there. I wanted there to be no way for anyone to get bored down here. There's also the theater room under that, that has two massive rooms that are twice the size of a regular movie theater, there we can watch any movie, any show, or just link up one of the consoles to one of the screens to play on the big screen!

The fifth floor is a library which has everything from the history of Lebanon, all the way to a book on yoga positions. Luckily, I did find a few manga's that were the same as the ones from my world, though they have barely anything in common with each other, so I wonder why these are specifically kept the same.

The only manga's in the library are Tensura, High School DxD, Hunter X Hunter, and Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy. Now, I don't know if this is my mom's way of hinting what worlds I'll go to, or that my siblings will go too, I'm just glad that not every single manga in this world is some shitty knock off of the original.

On the sixth floor we have the dining room, which is more akin to a giant ass cafeteria, and has an equally giant ass kitchen where I put several of my Bee's to act as cooks. Hell, we even grow our own vegetables, fruits, nuts, sugar cane, and raise our own pigs and chickens for food on the seventh floor.

Though, I refuse to raise cows in the base, purely because of how much food it would take to keep them fed, how much space they would take, and the fact that I would need an entire separate floor for just cows. So, we still get our beef, and milk from outside the base.

On the eight floor we finally have the sleeping quarters! There are enough beds, and rooms, on that floor to house all of Tokyo if needed. I kind of went overboard when it came to that floor, I'll admit, but hey, what if my siblings choose to come to my world and bring whoever they chose to make family?! I don't want to accidentally be a couple beds short, that would be terrible hospitality on my part!

I should also probably mention that each bed is basically twice the size of an Alaskan King size bed. Okay, that one I do admit that I definitely went too far on, but I'm literally the richest person in this world, I might as well spend the cash I have to put it back in the economy (totally not because I really love buying whatever I want now), so I'm actually doing a good thing.

Anyways, that's all the floors that are really noteworthy, the ones after that are mainly used as labs, resource storage, interrogation rooms (torture chambers), and robot manufacturing facilities. Though, those only go to about floor twenty, after that are just rooms that I haven't figured out what to do with yet, but I'll probably find a use later on.

Ah, shit, I was supposed to keep on with the update, not focusing on my damn bases floors! I really thought that ranting habit would get better over time.

Back onto the real topic. Yes, we did all spend are fair share of each day training, or strengthening our bodies. But, I also made sure that we all took the time to relax each day, whether it be through suggesting some books for them to read, playing games with them, or holding movie nights on the theater floor.

Himiko actually suggested that I stream some of the shows I remember on one of the screens, so the others can see some good animes, or cartoons, that aren't knock offs or focused only on heroes.

Safe to say, the others loved some of the shows that we all binged, Eri, especially when it came to shows like Pokémon, and My Little Pony. And, before anyone says anything, I did go through an MLP phase around the time I managed to steal my first phone, and found out what YouTube was.

Can you really blame me though? I was on the streets for a while at that point after escaping my drug force-feeding captors, and I didn't really know that many good shows at the time. So, I was bound to get interested in something colorful, and filled with hope at the time to keep me going when my stomach was eating itself on days I couldn't scavenge any food.

But, I do have to confess, I still think some of the songs from that series are damn good, especially the ones sung by The Dazzlings, and the other villains across the show.

And, that's where the update ends, because not much else has happened in these past two weeks, other than my girlfriends insisting to sleep with me every night. But, nothing R-rated has happened there, since Eri refuses to sleep unless its by my side. Which makes sense, I did adopt the girl, saved her from a man who planned on essentially torturing her the rest of her life, and showed her that I can do practically anything, even taking away the thing that caused her so much pain and loss.

At the moment though, we are all gathered in one of the two movie theater rooms, as I wanted to show the others something. I might as well tell them about me being a demigod now, and that I know what their original fates would have been.

"Everyone! We are gathered here today for me to tell you all something." I said as I stood in front of the large screen that was in front of all my Court members, and Eri.

"Wait! Does this have to do with Court business? Should Eri be here for this?" Said Dabi, who's fully gone into his uncle role with Eri, he surprisingly gets along with her pretty well.

"Actually, it doesn't, technically, have to do with the Court. It more has to do with me, and my past. So, I think it would be best that Eri also hears, and sees what is going to happen today." To me it's best for Eri to know more about me, since I can't stay in the base forever, I'll need to go on quest to get stronger, so she should know that anytime I leave our home is when I'm trying to get strong enough to protect all our family.

"Well, what is it that you want to inform us about today, Eve?" Thank for asking my broccoli headed brother! Hopefully they don't get upset with me about this, or think that I'm making it all up.

"It's this." Behind me on the large screen they saw a small malnourished Mexican girl looking in a broken mirror, her entire body was covered with scars from head to toe. Her eyes looked like they lost hope for life a long time ago, and she was just waiting to eventually die.

They all looked at the screen with a mix of confusion, and concern. Some of them were going to begin asking who this girl was, and if I was going to save her, but I raised my hand to stop them and proceeded to explain the situation.

"This girls name is Evangeline, in this image she is about fourteen years old. She was originally a child who only knew english, and bits of spanish, in Mexico, but one day she was kidnapped, and taken to America. around the age of five and was expiremented on for years, until she eventually escaped around age eleven. Though, she died at the age of seventeen, when a truck hit her one day, after an all nighter watching her favorite shows."

They were all confused why I called this girl by my name, but that was quickly overshadowed by rage at the girls past. Even Eri was furious, I guess seeing someone who went through something similar to her got a fire to burn inside her. Especially since I showed some images on the screen of that girl being cut into, and force fed pills, from her point of view.

"Now, I am not telling you about this girl so we can avenge her, and get rid of another injustice in this world." They all looked at me confused, Dabi and Tenko were about to protest my words, but they quickly stopped when I continued explanation.

"I'm telling you about her, because she is my past. She was the person that I was before I came here." The shock and tension in this room could have easily been cut into with a plastic knife as they digested the information that I had just given them.

"Sis... what do you mean?..." Tenko looked at me with a look that begged for answers, that yearned to find the solution to a problem that his mind couldn't comprehend.

"Listen closely, brother, because I won't be repeating myself. Evangeline Kieran was never supposed to exist in this world, she was meant to die from that truck, and stay dead. It's only due to my mom's intervention that I'm here, and alive, in front of all of you!" I showed on the screen behind me my first day in this world, in Himiko's body, from my point of view, and then showed the day I officially re-met mom.

"I am the reincarnated soul of a girl that was originally meant to be forgotten, and never amount to anything! My mom is the Goddes of Stories Seria, and I am the first of her children, I am a demigod." They would have tried to not believe what I had said, but the images of me dying, appearing in Himiko's body, and bits of the system showed them that I was being completely serious.

"Wait, if you were in Himiko's body, how is she next to you?..." asked Toru, while she pointed to my vampire-like girlfriend that was standing next to me.

"Simple, mom let me bring her soul back to this world, and I eventually gave her a proper body to use, as her old body had already undergone several changes to be able to hold me." I said while pointing to my extra parts that came from Wendigo, and Helical Scythe.

"But, why are you telling us all this now? There has to be some reason that you're telling us this out of world shit." Well, duh, Dabi. Oh, and if you all are wondering, I don't care if he curses in front of Eri, since I already curse more than him in front of her all the time.

"Of course there is a reason, Dabi, in fact there are two reasons. The first is to show you all what your fates would have been had I not existed, in case any of you were curious, and the other is because I want there to be no secrets between any of us." They all looked at me with an unknown emotion, none of them had really thought of what would happen if I wasn't alive, and in their lives.

"Now, let's begin the show." With those final words I began to show them, what they would have become, the sacrifices that would have been made, and the deaths that would have happened, had I not been here to start taking out each threat to their safety.

(No Longer You - EPIC: The Musical)

"I see a song of past romance!" I showed Himiko dying, giving her blood to Ochaco during The Final War.

"I see the sacrifice of man!" I showed all the people that died trying to stop All For One.

"I see portrayals of betrayal!" I showed them Hawks killing Twice, after Twice had considered him a friend.

"And a brother's final stand!" I showed them Dabi and Shoto fighting each other on the battlefield, and Tenko and Izuku fighting as well.

"I see you on the brink of death!" I showed all the times Izuku, Shoto, Ochaco, Kyoka all almost died, and how Nagant almost died in that explosion.

"I see you draw your final breath!" At this point my emotions were in complete chaos as I showed them the deaths of Twice, Magne, Compress, and Himiko. I didn't like to remember seeing them in those states, they didn't deserve that shit!

"I see a man who gets to make it home alive! But it's no longer you!" I showed them Izuku without his arms near the end of the war, as that was one of the final things I remebered about the anime before my death.

"You were all going to suffer so much, because one old bastard wanted to try and play demon king!!" Just because I plan on letting AFO live for a few arcs doesn't mean that I don't want to torture him in the worst ways imaginable! He will die when I choose, he will suffer for as long as I desire, and he will pay for what he was going to cause to happen to my family!

"You've been getting rid of each threat to us..." Yes, Shoto, I've been slowly getting rid of everything in this world that harmed you all. Anything that tries to hurt my family should be eliminated immediately.

"Exactly, I refuse to lose anything again. I will never be that weak girl that was tossed around by others, without a single person to call family." In my lifetime, I'd have to say that the thing that has fueled my actions the most is anger, and the desire for entertainment. It seems though, that the system thought this would be a good time to activate.

[Welcome Boss! To your new Chaos System! I'm your new systems AI, and I'll be here to guide you in your quest to become chaos incarnate to the entire multiverse! Do you have any questions for me?]

Because my view was still attached to the screen behind me the others also saw the panel in front of me from my point of view. And, judging by their reactions, I don't think they are too shocked that I got a system related to chaos, since all I've been doing is causing chaos in this world from the moment I got here.

"Well, first off, do you have a name, or do I have to come up with one for you?" Since they can see my system on the screen I might as well actually respond to it. Also, I'm surprised that this system has an AI, but the other one didn't, does that mean the one I had before was inferior?

[I currently do not have a name, so you can give me a name, Boss!]

"Alright, well from what I can tell, you're helpful to a certain degree, you're sort of robotic, you have a jovial personality, and you most likely enjoy chaos. Tell me, how do you feel about despair?" Depending on how they answer, I could give them one of three names.

[Despair is another thing to insight chaos! And, I believe I'll enjoy watching your enemies fall into it when they realize they have no chance of ever beating you, or your plans!]

"Well, damn, I guess your name is Monokuma now!" Honestly, they seem like a bit of a kiss ass, but they do seem easygoing, and sadistic at the same time, just like that robot bear motherfucker.

[Understood! I am now designated as Monokuma!]

"Alright, now I do have a question to ask you. What did you mean by me becoming chaos incarnate?" Might as well ask it, because I do acknowledge that I do some pretty chaotic shit, but I thought I was only doing normal levels of chaos.

[Well, the second you became Seria's apostle a domain was chosen for you by reality itself based on your personality, and desires. Though, Chaos isn't the only thing that you will have dominion over!]

So, I will become a chaos god because of my personality and what I want? I don't know if I should be insulted, or flattered that reality itself thinks I'm that chaotic of a bitch. Though, I am curious what my other domains are.

"Monokuma, what else do I have as a domain?" Might as well ask them, while I can still ask them whatever the fuck I want.

[So far, you have the domains of Chaos, Family, and Death. Death was given to you at the swift and painful deaths that you have caused to your enemies, and was fully implemented when you killed the apostle of the Hindu Goddess Kali.]

Well damn, I mean I kind of expected Death, since I have killed an absolute fuck ton of people, and that dude was a sacrifice to me by Kali, so there had to be a reason to sacrifice him. Though, I kind of didn't expect one of my domains to be Family, since I probably destroyed a fuck ton of families in trying to eliminate any threats to mine.

"Damn, well those are all my questions at the moment. Now, please show me if there are any quest for me at this time." I doubt there wasn't some quest linked to when I did finally get this system.


[Understood! Here's your new quest, Boss!]

[Main Quest:

A Favor Returned Times Ten

Your 'Sponsor' Alucard desires for you to visit his world, so he can meet the person he shared his power with. But, you are a being that loves to destroy fate, and sow the seeds of chaos, so what better chance to do this then to destroy his world's plot?

Objective: Destroy the plot of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged in any way you see fit.

Hidden Objective: Devour the soul of ??????

Requirement: You must bring four members of your Court with you on this mission, not counting Himiko, or your companion Guts.

Reward: A few Perfect Devil Fruits, and 1 Gacha Ticket.

Hidden Objective Reward: ?????? ?? ??????

Failure: The user will be banned from any further quest for 2 years.

Deadline: The end of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged]


Gods damn, I guess my first quest outside of this world is going to be with the fuck mothering vampire himself. Well, Alucard, if you are seeing this now, listen closely. I respect you, but if you try anything against me, or my family, I will devour your soul without a second thought.

Anyways, see you soon!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C49
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


