68.25% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 41: The Plots Start

章 41: The Plots Start

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences

(Location: Aldera Junior High Rooftop, Time: 7 Months After The Kill Quest, POV: Himiko's)

So, it looks like I'm the one that's going to be telling you guys what's happened, and why Eve is on the roof of Izuku's school. Well, here's the short answer, today is the day that the plot of this world will officially start, it's the day when the emotions Eve has sown will be reaped.

The long answer goes something like this, since the kill quest Eve has put everything that she's been doing into overdrive. Whether it was the new quirks she got, or the shitty fight that she had that made her want to do more, I have no idea. Though, she did get me a proper body with one of her new quirks, but for situations like today I prefer being in the system close to her.

Now, onto what's happened so far, when it comes to her companies they've all been pretty successful, Nexus Point even released Infamous 2 last week, so people are finding out about The Beast now. Toru also managed to properly join Night's Echo a couple of months back.

Oh, and the rest of the girls, except Uraraka, have started to compete for Eve's affection, whether it be giving her more physical affection, making food for her, or learning what music she likes to listen to most, they've done it all to try and one up the other. I can't wait to see how they react when they realize I've been with her from the start, and that I'm cool with her having more girlfriends, since that means a bigger family that can show her more love!

Everyone's training has also come along nicely, Izuku is well past the strength of his anime counterpart, Tenko can use his quirk more efficiently without going crazy, and he's as agile as an assassin, Tsu can make herself camouflaged now, Kyoka can use her quirk exactly like her anime counterpart during the war, Toru can bend light into attacks now, and Mei may have surpassed her counterpart in inventing with Eve's help.

With me though there isn't much to say, I have the same assassin like skills, and reaction speed as my counterpart, but I guess that since my new body can use Eve's quirks I'm still miles past that anime version. Speaking of Eve, since she got Soul Eater she decided to use the rest of her rank up cards on some of her quirks.


[NOTICE the quirk Lightning Body has reached its max rank, Rank SSS, and has now evolved into Prime Conduit. The user is now capable of replicating everything that Cole MacGrath, and can create new Prime Conduits from those that have the Conduit Gene.]

[NOTICE the quirk Technopathy has reached its max rank, Rank SS, now it doesn't matter if it's a coffee machine or an android the user can now control it, the user also has limitless reach with technology.]


By the way, it turns out instantly maxing out two quirks at the same time can cause a lot of pain. Even her quirks were reacting to her pain, as the electricity and tech all around UA that day went haywire for a full hour. The only one's that managed to get anywhere near her during that time were me and Guts, which might have been because of that soul link thing.

Honestly, when I saw Eve in pain, it felt like my heart was being slowly cut out of me, though I don't think it was the soul link's doing, I think it was because I didn't want to see someone I love that much to be in pain. Which, is surprising, given what I saw from my anime counterpart.

Anyway, today is the day that Eve reveals to the others the truth of this world, she's already made a Bee to be the face of her court, and has started to bring in those that were my friends in the anime, now we just need to get the last members, including Izuku.

Thanks to Technopathy she found an email from Sir Nighteye to All Might, telling him to meet at UA, so he can meet a possible successor for One For All, aka Mirio. Apparently, from what Eve told me, the day of the email would also be the day that Izuku is originally meant to meet All Might. So, we're waiting here to follow Izuku after he leaves school, to see if he meets the 'symbol of peace' today. 

By the way, Eve brought Guts too, as she didn't want him to feel left out of what's going to happen today. It's also because it might help the others adjust to the truth if a derpy dog like Guts is around.

Hm, is there anything I'm missing before you guys focus back on Eve? Well, there is the fact that even though Eve has been helping Izuku with his burn wounds, caused by baku-hoe, and has helped him with his confidence, the guy just refuses to stand up to the Pomeranian. I think he's still convinced that a 'hero' shouldn't get revenge, even if it's well deserved.

Oh, I wonder if Eve has told you guys about her baking habits, yeah turns out whenever she gets nervous, or begins to overthink, she'll start baking as a way to calm down her mind. She even found out that she can replace the eggs in recipes with blood, so she sometimes does that when I'm in the mood for sweets.

We even take full advantage of having Healthy Body, and have blood milkshakes pretty often. Turns out that training with Wendigo's ice ability really helped in her control of ice, even to the point that she can now make ice cream pretty easily.

She also got Guts a red hoodie, which honestly makes him look like a little demon dog, and it looks so cute!

Ah, Izuku is on the move, looks like it's time to give back viewing control back to Eve. See you guys later!


(Small Time Skip & POV Change, brought to by Tiddy Bear, that's a real product that someone made!)


Currently, Izuku is going through a small tunnel, as the sludge villain forms behind him. Though this time, possibly due to the training, he managed to put up a lot more fight than he did in the anime.

'I should freeze that bastard solid later for hurting one of my brothers.' Over the years I genuinely started to view Izuku as my little brother too, probably because both of them look kind of similar now that Tenko doesn't look like a chapstick needing hobo.

Yeah, I couldn't bare to have my little brother look like that, so after the day of the trial I looked into skin/hair care specifically for him. Now, my little brother doesn't look ashy as hell, and his hair reminds me of blue cotton candy!

Oh, there's All Bitch saying his overused line, that he tried turning into a dad joke a couple of times, and saving Izuku from the villain that should have easily been caught before. Seriously if the regulations on quirks weren't so restrictive, I guarantee one of those people could have subdued the guy the second he robbed that store.

And, Izuku's knocked out, I guess even with the training he would still have trouble with being suffocated by that sludge guy. All Might, signed his notebook before checking him, dude focus on the status of a civilian rather than giving an autograph to someone who just got attacked by a villain you were to slow to get fast enough!

"Hey, wake up, hey!" The blonde muscle head said as he lightly slapped Izuku to wake him, without even checking for a pulse or if he was breathing after being attacked.

"Thought we lost you there." He said when he saw Izuku open his eyes, which was quickly followed by Izuku screaming and moving backwards, all of this is almost exactly like the anime, damn.

"Well looks like you're moving around alright. Sorry about that back there, I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justicing, usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe. But it turns out this cities sew systems is pretty difficult to navigate!" Okay, that's bullshit, and you know it, I checked the blueprints for the sewer system, and it is as simple as can be, just admit you were slow as fuck.

"Anyway, you were a big help, thank you! I've captured the evildoer!" He says while holding up two soda bottles with the sludge villain- why is that red, white, and blue background affect there? Shouldn't that only appear in the anime, and not in this world?

Oh, Izuku's eyes have turned into swirls, and he's shaking, I don't even need Telepathy here to know what he's thinking, since this is going the same as the anime. He even went to the notebook wanting to get an autograph like the anime, and saw that All Might already signed it.

Fucking hell, the broccoli has gone blurry from bowing too fast, and saying stuff about a family heirloom, it feels so weird to see all this happening in real time.

"Welp, I gotta get this guy to the police, so they can take care of him. Stay out of trouble, see you around." All Might said as he prepared to jump off, without even getting a statement from someone that was attacked by a villain, he's supposed to be the number one hero, and he keeps forgetting basic protocol for this stuff.

"Wait, you're leaving, already?" Oh, looks like it's almost time to kidnap a villain in a bottle!

"Pro Heroes are constantly fighting time, as well as enemies." Just say you have a meeting, you don't have to make everything you say inspirational, or quotable man.

He's about to jump, Izuku grabs onto him without him noticing, and we have blast off for our favorite broccoli!

And, the bottles holding the sludge guy have fallen out of All Might's pockets, which I quickly zip to, and freeze it until I'm sure the bastard is completely solid inside, before I smash it with my lightning covered fist. Maybe in his next life he'll know not to mess with a member of my family.

I quickly turn myself into electricity, and go through the power lines to follow All Might, and Izuku, I'll probably miss a bit of their conversation because I had to kill that guy.

Oh, I hear Izuku screaming, looks like All Might's time ran out. Damn, and I thought I was pretty fast in killing that guy. I moved behind where the door is located on the roof, so I can be there when All Might leaves, though it's a good thing both of them were too focused on their conversation to notice the sparks of electricity moving there.

"No, I'm dreaming. All Might's a giant of a man who saves everyone, he defeats all obstacles, and wins the day with a fearless smile." Well, that would usually be the truth, but in this world, if he had known you were quirkless he would've thought twice about saving you, unless there was someone recording nearby.

"*Sigh* There's plenty of fear behind that smile. I'm counting on you to keep your mouth shut, don't go talking about this online, or telling your friends." Oh, I am so recording this, also I know it makes sense to say this in the anime, because of plot, but why tell a kid you just barely met about the fact that you are weak as hell now?

"Pretty gross, right? I got this in a big fight, five years back. My respiratory system is basically destroyed, I lost my whole stomach, all the surgeries have pretty much worn me out, and it can't be fixed. Right now, I can only do hero work for about three hours a day, rest of the time, this is what I look like." Again, why tell this to a random kid you just met.

"No way. Five years ago, so does that it mean it was the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?" Fun fact, that villain was a dude with chainsaws for hands who was on a fuck ton of heroin, they only gave him the name, Toxic Chainsaw, to make it seem like he was a genuine villain, and not a guy with a drug problem that needed help.

"Wow, you know your stuff, but no, the punk may have landed some hits, but he couldn't bring me down." By hits, he means the guy giving him a bit of a haircut while he was spasming, before he knocked the shit out of him.

"Most of the world has never heard of this fight, I did everything I could to keep it under wraps. I'm supposed to be the guy who's always smiling, right? I'm the Symbol of Peace. People everywhere have to think that I'm never afraid. But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside. It's just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn't easy."

Okay, I know this is hypocritical of me, but for fucks sake dude, GO TO THERAPY INSTEAD OF SAYING THIS TO SOMEONE YOU JUST MET GOD DAMMIT!!!

"Pro Heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So, can you be a hero? Not without a quirk." I'm going to enjoy the day I get to stab him, hell I'll even use his soul to upgrade something later on, that way he won't even have a chance to reincarnate later.

"I see..." I hate seeing my brocolli headed brother sad, just for that I might stick the bastards soul in a toilet or something instead.

"If you wanna help people, there are plenty other ways to do it. You could become a police officer. They get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains. But it's a fine profession. *opens the door on the roof* It's not bad to have a dream, young man. Just make sure your dreams are attainable. Realistic. Understand?"

Bitch, you know both Aizawa, and Sir Nighteye, both of whom when they can't use their quirks are essentially quirkless. But, noooo, you just had to forget you have a fucking brain and shit on my little brothers dreams, fucking asshole.

All Might left through the rooftop door, probably wondering where the villain is now, but because I killed him, there's no scene where Baku-hoe is exploding shit trying to get it off. And, Izuku is still frozen from shock on the roof, because there's no explosion to knock him out of it. Looks like it's my time to come in.

"Yo, Izu! The hell are you doing on this roof man?" Nowadays my voice sounds almost exactly like Jade West, since I had to go through puberty all over again. Oh, and Izuku jumped in shock at my sudden appearance.

"AHHH! ... Eve? What are you doing here?" Ah, the million dollar question. Oh, I should mention, I got Guts on my shoulder, looking like a little shoulder devil. Also, my style nowadays kind of reminds me of something a character from JJK would wear.

"Well, I came to pick you up from school because I have some news for you and the others. But, when I saw you weren't at school I started to search everywhere for you." Oh, by the way, I may or may not have sent a copy of mine to go get his mom, cause I think it's best that she hears what I have to say too.

"Oh, can you tell me what the news is now?" Hm, I would keep this news to myself till we see the others, but after what he had to go through with All Bitch, I think I should at least tell him a bit.

"Usually I like to be more secretive, but I can at least tell you a fraction of the news. I figured out a way to give something stronger than a quirk to people, even a quirkless person can have a power now!"




I think he passed out while standing? Damn, that's actually kind of impressive to see in person. I'll just give him a little shock to get him back to the land of the living.

"YOU WHAT?!?!" There he is, and he's just as shocked as I thought he would be. Oh, it's going to be so fun to see his reaction to when he actually becomes a Conduit!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C41
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


