93.98% In Marvel with Greatest System / Chapter 123: Show off

章 123: Show off

After the little episode with Hand, none of them targeted Pepper ever since.

Tring~ Tring~~

Max, who was working on his computer, stopped and picked up the call. "What is it, Tony?"

- Come to my house, I've got something cool.


Max raised his brows as Tony cut the call after saying this. Stretching, he thought, 'I was going to take a break anyway.'

And then, creating a portal, he directly went to Tony's living room.

"Jarvis, where is that idiot?" Max asked, not finding him in the living room.

[I don't know who this Idiot is,] Jarvis replied.

"I meant Tony," Max shook his head and said.

[He is in the basement, and sir, would you like to set 'Idiot' as Mr. Stark's nickname?]

"Sure, Jarvis," Max smiled and nodded as he made his way to the basement.

Arriving there, he found Sunset and Pepper talking on the couch while Tony was nowhere to be seen.

"You traitor," Max looked at Sunset and said.

"Don't be dramatic now, I called her here," Pepper said before Sunset could defend herself.

"I know, it was a joke," Max yawned as he sat near them.

'I guess one week without sleep is my limit,' he thought and decided to nap after whatever Tony was going to show.

As they were sitting and talking, Tony entered, pushing a big glass case covered in cloth.

"What's this?" Pepper asked, curious.

Tony smiled and then removed the cloth, revealing a white-blue draconic-featured Iron Man armor.

"Behold, Dragon Mark I," he said. Max and the others looked at the new Iron Man armor. It was white and blue themed with dragon-like claws for hands, blue crystalline horns on the sides of the head, and two energy blue scaled dragon wings on its back.

{See cover for image}

" It seems to be made for Pepper," Max said as his eyes glowed. He is currently using Magic eyes to look at the Runes carved on the armor, and all of them are meant to enhance light and ice type powers.

"Of course, because it's for her anyway," Tony shrugged.

"It's beautiful," Pepper smiled and said. Then suddenly, music started echoing in the background as Rhodes walked in with a violin, and some other musicians, with many even walking in holding a big banner.

"On my mark, 3..2...1, and now."

As Tony said, they unfolded the banner, and it read, 'Will you marry me?'

Pepper exclaimed as she looked at the banner and then at Tony, who tapped at the armor which later turned into a white ring with a blue crystal on top. He kneeled as he said, "Will you marry me, Pepper?"

Pepper covered her mouth as she nodded, and then Tony slipped the ring onto her ring finger and gave her a kiss.

As Tony and Pepper shared their moment, cheers erupted from the gathered friends and well-wishers. Rhodes, Tony's best friend, grinned broadly and clapped Tony on the back, offering hearty congratulations.

Sunset, Max's secretary and a close friend to Pepper, wiped away a tear of joy and joined in the celebrations, offering warm hugs and words of congratulations.

Max too become energetic, seeing this scene, all his sleep vanished,  he hugged Pepper and congratulated her and while hugging Tony , he didn't forgot to give him a death threat, 'If I found her crying you can say goodbye to your little brother'.

Tony smiled restrained a bit hearing this but he nodded and then a small party with everyone was arranged.

Next day, 

"what made you propose pepper?" Max asked.

Tony took the sip of his poison and replied " I found a pile of my old man stuff" 

"There was his diary too, it was filled with ideas beyond his era, and mostly regrets"

"he regretted he didn't marry the girl he loved sooner, As I was reading his diary I thought of me and Pepper, I felt I am doing the same thing as my old Man" 

"And to prevent my child to read such regretful Diary I proposed her" Tony said.

Max nodded and then looking at his core he said " you fixed the flaw?" 

Tony nodded and said "It's a new element, one of the ideas of my old man" 

"That old geezer is till teaching me" Tony chuckled as he tapped at the new Arc reactor.

Max laughed and then tossed him the Solar Dragon fruit" Here then, As promised" 

Tony catching the Devil Fruit looked at it and hen took a bite and almost vomited.

"Don't spit it" Max said and Tony gulped it down.

"what's this shit?" Tony asked.

"Devil Fruit" Max replied.

"Yeah? but Pepper's tasted like a cake!" Tony retorted.

"I used my powers to numb he taste buds, she is my sister of course I won't let her feel the shit flavour of this" Max replied with a smirk.

'This bastard' Tony thought but let it go a the information poured in his brain.

Digesting the information he looks at his hands, which now transformed into scaled one, with Golden Scales with Red wavy pattern on them.

"how's it?" Max asked.

"Cool" tony nodded and said.

"Good, then I will be leaving" Max then creating a portal went back to his room.

Returning on his soft bed, he laid n it and thought "Tony and Pepper are marrying way ahead of original timeline?" 

"Hope, no shit happens cause of this" Saying so he slipped into slumber.


In the depths of space, on a verdant green planet, a tense encounter unfolded.

"Please, leave me!" begged a being with antennae atop his head, the rest of his form resembling that of a human, as he knelt before an old man with grey skin and white hair.

"Where is it?" the old man demanded.

"It's there," the antennae guy replied, pointing towards a box, a treasure of his world.

The old man nodded, then with a swift motion, he snapped his fingers, causing the antennae man's head to twist 360 degrees, ending his life.

With the obstacle removed, the old man broke open the locker and retrieved the Ancient Tome, opening it to read the title.

"Infinity Stones."

"I've found it," the old man grinned triumphantly as he soared back to a massive spaceship, leaving behind his army to ravage the entire planet.


Don't forget to check out my new Novel " Strongest Extra Survival "

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C123
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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