5.55% One Piece Lemons / Chapter 1: Misogynistic Marine (Tashigi)
One Piece Lemons One Piece Lemons original

One Piece Lemons

作者: DaoistP2xmGu

© WebNovel

章 1: Misogynistic Marine (Tashigi)

After the incident at Punk Hazard, Tashigi had received a call from the Marines that she would be given the chance to be promoted from a Captain to a Rear-Admiral; that was two ranks! Tashigi was eager and happily accepted the opportunity but quickly took a professional tone halfway into her sentence as she thought that it would be best to make a good impression, and gushing over the opportunity would not look good on her.1

Tashigi blushed as she held the Den Den Mushi in her hand. 'This is it! If I'm somehow able to do this trial, then I will be able to prove to Vice Admiral Smoker that I'm helpful.' Then again, Smoker did not doubt Tashigi's skills and trusted her, but her multiple defeats at Punk Hazard made her realize that she needed to grow stronger. The ordeal of this trial, for Tashigi, was going to be the start of a more intense journey for Tashigi to complete her dream of taking all the meito blades from the evil pirates that used them.

"Captain Tashigi?" the voice called out from the Den Den Mushi.

The swordswoman blushed in embarrassment at the fact that her excitement caused her to lose focus of the fact that she was in a conversation call right now, and she coughed out sheepishly. "A-apologies," she said while inwardly she thought, 'I can't believe I'm already making bad impressions.' Tashigi brushed her head and breathed out. "Y-yes! I'm honored to take on this opportunity! For the sake of the Marines and justice, I will uphold this trial to the best of my abilities."

Laughter came from the Den Den Mushi, which caused Tashigi to pout both out of a feeling that she was being patronized as well as a small twinge of fear. "That's exactly what we like to hear, Captain Tashigi," it praised her, causing her to smile happily. "In any case, the chance to become Rear Admiral will come to you in a few days; we recommend you train extensively at that time."

Tashigi nodded and the Den Den Mushi closed its eyes. She placed it down and squealed in excitement at the prospect, causing Smoker, who was in the other room, to shout out at her: "Tashigi! I'm trying to relax here! Stop making too much noise!" the Vice Admiral complained.

"S-sorry!" she shouted back, which caused a vein to pop in the logia user's head but Tashigi wouldn't see it and Smoker wouldn't push it any longer; with her absent-mindedness, it would drag on forever if he didn't have the patience.

Several days later, Tashigi received another call stating that her promotion trial would be happening on a certain marine base, which she eagerly arrived at on time. She looked around in confusion, thinking for a moment that she had been pranked. "Where is this trial? Am I really going to have the chance to become a Rear Admiral?"

"Seriously! This has got to be a joke, right?!" a new voice that Tashigi had never heard spoke as she heard footsteps approaching.

Stepping into a clearer field of light, Tashigi got a lucid look at the person in front of her. He was a broad-shouldered, tan-skinned teenager with frizzy black hair. He wore a sleeveless dark shirt with a small v-cut and dark-red armbands with the kanji for Justice on them. He wore baggy black hakama pants and sandals.

"Here I am, expecting a great teacher for me to improve my sword skills. And yet. Right here, they send a woman to try and teach me about swordsmanship." He shook his head in disgust. "It's called swordsmanship for a reason!" he added, extra emphasis on the word man.

Tashigi gritted her teeth. "And who are you?! I was supposed to come here alone for a trial to get me to Rear Admiral but it seems I'm not the only one here! Are you a pirate?!" she questioned, pulling out Shigure.

The man laughed at Tashigi. "My name's Y/N. I'm the grandson of Kong the Commander in Chief of the World Government," he declared.

The swordswoman's eyes widened in shock at that revelation. While it was big news that the legendary marine Garp the Hero was the father and grandfather of Monkey D. Dragon and Monkey D. Luffy respectively, she couldn't believe that someone else was born into an even higher status of power than that.

Y/N pulled a sour face. "Still, I don't know what's with that shocked face. You're supposed to be a captain but all you can do is act confused and ask dumb questions. Then again, what can I expect from a woman? They're only good at using their husbands' money."

"Shut up!" Tashigi shouted, trying to hold back her anger and tears at the misogynistic comments from the male. "Why are you speaking like that?! You don't understand what it is like to be a woman! You have no reason to make such dreadful comments! Have you no shame?! Have you no sense of justice?! No understanding of what is right and wrong!" Tashigi shouted.

Y/N laughed out at Tashigi. "Give me a break! If you can't even take an insult, then how can you expect to grow stronger?! When your emotions get the better of you, and you end up charging in irrationally, you could get killed and your group falls apart." Y/N turned away. "Women are always so fragile!" he mocked.

"So you have a point about my anger; not other people's emotions, but my feelings. Still, what are you doing here?! I want to leave and do my Rear Admiral promotion test!"

Y/N scratched his head. "Oh, that! Well, yeah, we're gonna be starting right now," Y/N said, causing Tashigi to look at him confused. "What, you didn't know? Tch! As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not good with a sword. I've practiced with all other weapons but the sword is the next one I need to work on. So, you're going to be the one who teaches me?" Y/N explained, giving a yuck look at that.

Tashigi groaned at that but nodded - wait, why was she getting ready to accept orders? "Why?! You're an inconsiderate person. So why are you accepting sword lessons from me?! Besides, I don't want to waste my time with someone who doesn't want to understand me or my reasoning," Tashigi argued.

"You do know that this is your Rear Admiral trial. You have to teach me an adequate level of swordsmanship," he explained and Tashigi's jaw dropped in disbelief, which he mentally nodded in agreement with. "I don't like it either but let us try and get it over and done with so that we don't have to see each other again."

And so began the most hate-filled training session between the Captain and G-5 Marine Tashigi and Y/N, the grandson of Kong. Tashigi was teaching him about kenjutsu and its contents. An example is the two different types of swordsmen - the Strong Blade (豪剣 Gōken, literally meaning "Strong Sword") type swordsmen which emphasize strength such as the Gentle Blade (柔剣 Jūken, literally meaning "Gentle Sword") type swordsmen which emphasis speed.

Despite this, their opposing views on genders kept on separating the two from working more on how the art of the sword works until Tashigi reached a boiling point and couldn't resist action.

"I've had enough! I can't train you! There should be another way to become Rear Admiral because this is not working!" Tashigi shouted.

Y/N smirked. "See, you admit that you are weak," Y/N told her.

Tashigi gritted her teeth and pushed Y/N onto the floor. She unbuttoned her shirt and showed off her massive tits, causing Y/N to grin perversely as he stared at the massive jugs on the Captain. "I'll show you how much power a woman has!" Tashigi shouted.

Y/N grinned and began to remove his clothes in response to her. He didn't understand how such a thing would work but didn't care because he was soon naked, with his dick getting hard by seeing Tashigi without her upper attire.

Tashigi shifted her glasses and blushed in shock at the size of Y/N's cock. It wasn't even at full length yet but... "It's like an odachi," she muttered.

Using Soru, Y/N appeared behind Tashigi and the girl let out a moan as she felt her big breasts being played with by Y/N. The male recruit smirked as he looked to see Tashigi heaving as she felt her strength leaving her body. "Is this really all you can do?" Y/N mocked, clamping her areolas between his fingers and pulling them like plugs.

Tashigi's hands came down and she hit Y/N in the balls, making him gasp in pain. Because, no matter how strong you are, a hit in the balls for a man was an automatic critical hit; it had been since the age of the dinosaurs.

With Y/N gritting his teeth in anger at a woman doing such a thing, Tashigi stripped out of her jeans and pushed Y/N down to the ground. "What were you saying?" Tashigi inquired with a serious but smug look.

"Bitch! Women should know their place below men!" Y/N argued back.

Angry, Tashigi sat on Y/N's face and grabbed his dick harshly between her fingers. She moaned a bit as she felt Y/N's mouth move against her pussy but Tashigi had the more dominant handle over Y/N's private parts.

Nervous but still wanting to prove Y/N wrong for his views, Tashigi took the tip of Y/N's dick into her mouth. The tip was already quite large and Tashigi was almost having regrets at doing this but, not only was she feeling a bit horny as she did not have much time to give in to her desire because of her obsession with trying to become a better swordswoman, she felt that this could also give her some leeway and advantages in ranking up as soon as possible. It is all for the sake of her goals, is what she believed.

Tashigi's mouth opened up wider and she coughed as she felt more of Y/N's cock filling up her orifice. She tried sucking more but she found that it was hard and painful to push her throat that hard. 'I can't believe I can't even do this! I have to be stronger!' she told herself, especially as she felt Y/N's mouth vibrate against her pussy in what felt like he was laughing; he was laughing at her inability! She wouldn't have it.

"Fine then! I'll show you something funny!" Tashigi shouted as she opened her mouth as wide as she could and pushed her mouth over his dick, ignoring the tears coming out of her eyes from having her gag reflex ignored.

She panted but gave a mental pump at successfully having taken a larger amount of his dick into her mouth. Soon, she gave a small bop and slowly got used to the size of his cock raiding her mouth. Feeling more confident about her battle with Y/N's cock, Tashigi wanted to get some revenge so she squeezed his balls tightly as she began to start deepthroating his cock.

Y/N's tongue lashed out multiple times against Tashigi's pussy, making her moan on his cock, which brought both pleasure as he could feel the hot mouth and her cool tongue going to work but he groaned at the fact that Tashigi had gripped his balls like that. 'I'm gonna fuck that bitch until she learns her place!' Y/N swore.

Tashigi's nose was having to do a lot of hard work to make sure that she didn't pass out because her mouth had no way of getting oxygen because Y/N's big dick plugged up the gap completely and was even making Tashigi's mouth stretch out. Therefore, with her nose doing the hard work of picking up air, she would constantly be getting a sniff of the musky scent that fumed out of Y/N's penis and groin. 'T-the smell. Why does his cock smell so good? I shouldn't be feeling like this,' she tried telling herself but her head was compelled by the strong smell to continue on with sucking him off.

With her mouth fully enraptured on Y/N's dick, her blushed, angry embarrassed face was now changing into one of desire as the corners of her face poked up and she was sporting a grin on her face and giving out sultrily moans while still trying to take the full mast of Y/N's cock.

Y/N's cock twitched inside Tashigi's mouth as her nose began to puff out from how hard Y/N was humping to get his cock into her mouth. Not only that, Y/N had also resorted to biting and sucking on her clit. Her face cried out in lust as Y/N's cock hit his limit and soon Tashigi was finding her trying to drink up all his cum, despite how disgusting this would be for Tashigi normally. However, she found herself enjoying the challenge of taking down the hot drink. 'I must win! I'll make sure that I take everything down and prove him wrong!' she determinedly told herself.

That being said though, Y/N wasn't making the challenge easy on Tashigi at the same time. While Tashigi was trying to win and prove her point by gulping it all down, Y/N wanted Tashigi to struggle with it to add proof to his ideals that women were inferior to men. It also didn't help that seeing Tashigi covered in cum would be very funny and hot to him.

Finally, Tashigi's mouth panted and she removed her lips from the thick dick and the sauce was jizzing out. Her mouth was filled with it and her throat took time as it spent a moment to break down the amount given to her into simpler proportions so that it would be easier to swallow. The smell was more infectious to her nose than before. She looked towards Y/N. "Are you done now? I think I've proved my point," Tashigi said.

Shock entered her face and Y/N grinned as he saw Tashigi on the floor, a fitting position considering who she was with, Y/N thought. "I have to admit, that was nice, and you're probably one of the stronger women I know. Still, I think I need to teach you your place," Y/N told her, making her eyes widen.

"N-no!" she screamed as he rubbed his cock on her pussy; the feeling alone of his dick making contact with the outer walls was already flaring up the volcano in her loins, until he finally started moving it in. She didn't believe something like this would even fit; and she didn't want to wait to test it out. Unfortunately, struggling was pretty useless as Y/N pushed his manhood all the way inside her, stretching out her pussy to its limit. She let out a scream of pain and anger as tears streamed down her face. 'I-I've failed!' she lamented.

Y/N groaned at the tightness of her velvety walls and made a brilliant smile as he listened to the moans that came out of Tashigi. His hands grabbed her thighs and he used it as a way to pump his cock in and out rapidly from Tashigi's pussy. The female marine was basically a rag-doll with the way Y/N was fucking her as it appeared that she was only able to move by virtue of having Y/N's cock impaled inside her.

Drool escaped Tashigi's mouth as she found her body moving on its own from how hard Y/N was fucking her. The pain had subsided at this point; thankfully, Y/N had already fucked her fast enough so that the period of pain was already over before she could cry more from both the humiliation as well as the spearing of her fragile feminine insides. "W-why... Am... I enjoying this?!" Tashigi questioned in a pleasured stupor as her breasts bounced while she was having her pussy plunged, plundered, and pierced by a powerful penis.

Y/N growled like an animal and hissed as he could feel his cock twitching inside, the signifier for his imminent release. Therefore, to make sure that he got the most out of Tashigi's body, Y/N's mouth opened up and Tashigi let out an effeminate moan as her breasts were being sucked on by Y/N. The female captain gave a weak glare but Y/N, purposefully making a baby innocent face because he was sucking on her tits (as well as believing in stereotypical gender roles), just smiled it off and Tashigi waned at that. For a moment, Tashigi thought it was cute. Then, she shook her head in shock at what she did. What was she thinking?! Did she almost forget that Y/N had said all those things?!

The stimulation of her large boobs being played with made Tashigi's eyes sink to the back of her mind as she found that they were so sensitive that, after multiple mawings of it and pulling of it by Y/N, she could not focus at all and her mind was only paying attention to the matter of her breasts.

Eventually, Tashigi screamed out in pleasure and her body was willingly pushing and trying to bounce on Y/N's cock as much as possible as her body was beginning to feel empty and sore whenever he would take his dick out, only for Tashigi to moan out when she felt him push his dick back in. One final cycle of this method and both sex partners moaned out as they found themselves releasing.

Tashigi's pussy was squirting like a super water shotgun as a large collaboration of waterworks was gushing out of her pussy when she felt Y/N had hit her pleasure spots enough times. While Y/N's cock was being squirted on by Tashigi's tight pussy, his cream began to pour out and Tashigi found her womb being steadily overwhelmed as she could hear the sounds of water rushing and the internal workings of her body felt like they were dealing with an earthquake from how much banging was going on.

"That was great!" Y/N complimented as he stretched over the downed Tashigi. Both parties were naked, with Y/N's dick still hanging out and Tashigi's body not covered. "Looks like you showed me something nice. I think I'll tell them that you've passed and can go on to be a Rear Admiral! Because I'm gonna take your rear next," he added, laughing at the end

  1. Tashigi

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


