
章 131: Chapter 131: Universe Annihilation

With the end of the first battle of the universes, under the attention of many powerful people from various universes.

The Transcended Celestial waved his hand.

On the arena, everything returned to its original state as if the grand battle had never taken place.

And in front of the triumphant Magneto, a portal appeared.

Magneto's gaze scanned the distant audience on the towering stands. Without hesitation, he walked through the portal, disappearing into the Area of Combat.

"Now that the first decisive battle has concluded, allow me to present you all with a rather special spectacle..."

The Transcended Celestial's voice echoed through the void as Magneto claimed victory and left the scene. His excitement was palpable..

At the same time, the entire battel realm trembled as the Transcended Celestial began to speak.

Next moment, darkness enveloped the sky over the battle realm, gradually giving way to twinkling starlight. Countless stars seemed to hang in the night sky.

Then, to everyone's amazement, the Transcended Celestial raised his hand, seemingly traversing space and time, plucking a shimmering hexagonal star from the endless cosmic expanse.

"I'm sure you're curious about what this represents?" The colossal figure of the Transcended Celestial toyed with the star, emitting a faint red glow, as he addressed the crowd.

"But soon, you'll find out!" His smile was radiant as he spoke.

With a brilliant smile on the Transcended Celestial's face, the scene in the battle realm underwent a massive transformation, resembling a colossal panoramic screen.

Everyone witnessed the spectacle within the starry expanse drawing closer rapidly.

Gradually, they discerned every shining star within the endless cosmos. But these weren't the distant stars one would see when gazing into the sky of their original universe. Instead, it was a single entity—a hexagonal sphere emitting a faint red fluorescence.

"It's... a singular universe!" With the appearance of the hexagonal sphere, some among the crowd couldn't contain their astonishment, exclaiming as they recognized its significance.

"Damn it, is this madman really going to destroy the loser's universe?" Tony's expression was grim. In his view, annihilating a universe wouldn't be an easy task.

Initially, some among the crowd clung to a glimmer of hope, thinking that perhaps this individual was exaggerating his power.

They believed that talk of destroying the loser's universe was merely a bluff, a ploy to compel them to fight their opponents with all their might.

But the current situation seemed to confirm that everything this seemingly deranged individual had said was indeed true.

"Yes, this represents precisely this universe," the Transcended Celestial affirmed. "Just as I mentioned before, now, I shall destroy it before all of your eyes!"

With one hand grasping the "star" plucked from the endless cosmos, the Transcended Celestial's excitement was evident, as if he eagerly anticipated the impending destruction.

However, the onlookers, almost without exception, regarded the unfolding events with solemnity, their faces filled with concern.

They were determined to prevent such a catastrophe. After all, within every universe lay billions of innocent lives.

Yet, their power and abilities ultimately fell short of enabling them to do so...


"Feel the breath of destruction carefully!" The Transcended Celestial's gaze swept over the expressions of the crowd within the battle realm.

Anger, excitement, reluctance—all sorts of emotions were evident on their faces. Yet, it was precisely these emotions that stimulated the Transcended Celestial, who had long lost most of his hobbies and emotions.

In the next moment, a dazzling light emanated from the Transcended Celestial's figure, akin to a divine being standing with the sky above and the earth below. Slowly, he raised the star representing the universe in his hand.

Then, amidst the resentful gazes of everyone present, he exerted force slowly.


Accompanied by a sound of shattering echoing in everyone's ears, the expressions on their faces instantly changed.

On the distant horizon, the true universe cracked audibly along with the sound, displaying a visible crack on its surface.

"This... can't be!" Nobody dared to believe it. However, the undeniable reality before them proved that everything was indeed real.


With clearer, continuous sounds of glass shattering, people saw cracks gradually spreading across the hexagonal sphere representing the entire universe in the sky.

In just an instant, the enormous cracks spread across its entire surface.


Finally, with a mad gleam in the Transcended Celestial's eyes, he exerted force once more.

At that moment, the universe, riddled with cracks, burst apart.

Perhaps, within the entire multiverse, few had truly witnessed the awe-inspiring scene of a universe's destruction. Yet, at this moment, those present became the fortunate few who witnessed the annihilation of a universe.

"Damn it, this madman deserves to die!"

However, if given the choice, many among them probably wouldn't want to be such 'fortunate' witnesses.

Because the sight of universe collapse and explosion was deeply etched in their minds, haunting them relentlessly.

The demise of the universe also meant the simultaneous disappearance of billions of lives within it, akin to the fleeting brilliance of a fireworks display vanishing completely into the multiverse.

More importantly, this was just the beginning, not the end.

And next, who knew how many universes would be destroyed at the hands of this madman, just like now.

"Haha, wonderful! I love the feeling of destroying everything!" Not everyone would sympathize with the fate of the universe being destroyed.

Some, faced with such a crazy and breathtaking scene, even wore similarly mad smiles on their faces.

"You despicable fiend, don't you understand what this signifies?" Some couldn't help but glare at him, condemning this individual who disregarded life.

"Hmph, it's just the destruction of an inconsequential universe. What's there to sympathize with?"

"Didn't you see the countless universes in the endless starry sky just now?"

"It's just one less, nothing to worry about!"

However, faced with the condemnation, this individual remained unrepentant, even mocking once again.

"Damn bastard..."

"Alright, now, let's find a way to leave here as soon as possible."

"If we continue to be trapped here, half of our universes among us will likely be destroyed, just like what happened just now."

Captain America, having absorbed the Heart of the Universe and transformed into the new star, was equally shocked by the recent destruction of the universe.

However, at this moment, he remained extremely calm, only hoping that they could find a way to escape safely as soon as possible.

Otherwise, as he mentioned, half of the universes among them would likely be destroyed just like what just happened...


"Ha-ha, I'm sure everyone enjoyed the spectacular show I presented for you," the Transcended Celestial addressed the crowd with a smile as the universe fractured.

"But I wonder, are you satisfied with it?" he continued, without giving anyone a chance to speak.

"Unfortunately, spectacular performances are always short-lived. Now, it's time for an even more thrilling showdown," he declared.

"I announce, one hour from now, the second thrilling duel shall commence. Prepare yourselves," the Transcended Celestial concluded before his colossal figure vanished once again from the Area of Combat.

"Damn it, another duel so soon!" Tony's expression soured. Normally, there would be a long interval after the destruction of a universe, but they were given merely an hour.

"This means our time is running out!" Captain America's expression mirrored the gravity of the situation. With less than a hundred people present, if they engaged in a duel every hour, destroying the loser's universe, in just two days, half of them and their universes would be obliterated.

"Now, time is of the essence. I urge everyone to truly unite and discuss our escape plan," Captain America asserted.

"Of course, I believe some among us are confident in their abilities and believe they can emerge victorious in the upcoming battles."

"If you choose not to participate, I won't force you. But if anyone dares to sabotage our plans..." Captain America's eyes gleamed with a hint of menace.

"Then don't blame us for considering you an enemy!" Captain America's words were deliberate, as if anyone who dared to stand in his way would face his fiercest retaliation.

"Indeed, anyone who obstructs us shouldn't expect mercy!" Tony stood beside Captain America, his expression serious.

"Count me in!" With Captain America taking the lead, many who harbored grievances and shared his ideals about their universes rallied beside him without hesitation.

"Ahem, now that we're united, should we come up with a catchy name?" Tony proposed, his tone switching from serious to somewhat eager.

"The Avengers? The Defenders?"

"The Illuminated?"

"Justice League..."

"No, since we're here to protect our respective universes, let's call ourselves—the Guardians of the Universe!"

And so, the discussion ensued...

Meanwhile, the Transcended Celestial, who had just annihilated an entire universe, had left the Area of Combat and returned to the endless void of the multiverse.

However, at this moment, he didn't appear as formidable as he had in the battle realm. His figure seemed somewhat depleted, as if he had expended a great deal of energy.

"Damn it, destroying a multiverse isn't easy," he muttered to himself. Even as a multiverse-level powerhouse, destroying an entire singular universe like he had just done was no easy task.

Yet, to maintain his powerful image, the Transcended Celestial had to conceal the weakness he felt after expending so much energy in front of everyone.

"But it's all worth it," he added with a smile that he struggled to hide.

In the next moment, the weakened Transcended Celestial swiftly traversed through the void of the multiverse.

Almost instantly, he arrived at the remnants of the universe he had just obliterated.

At this moment, that universe lay in complete ruin, with fragments of its explosion scattered everywhere.

Countless universe storms swept through the scene of its destruction, making it nearly impossible for ordinary beings to approach.

"The essence of the universe's origin, such a precious thing," the Transcended Celestial remarked, unable to conceal his excitement upon arriving.

Raising his hands, glowing with a brilliant light, he gradually illuminated and attracted a hazy aura within the universe debris.

Slowly, under his energy's illumination and guidance, a murky breath began to be drawn towards him from the universe ruins. Drifting slowly towards him, it hovered before him.

"Unfortunately, you still have a more important role to play," the Transcended Celestial muttered, his desire to consume the aura evident. However, knowing it held a greater purpose, he resisted the urge.

Enveloped by this aura, his figure vanished from the ruins of the universe in an instant.

Shortly after, the Transcended Celestial's figure reappeared outside a hexagonal structure representing the reality of a singular universe.

Of course, if it weren't for the difficulty in discerning individual universes from their exteriors, someone would have recognized that this universe represented the reality from which he had previously been ousted, his consciousness destroyed.

"May you not disappoint me," he murmured, gazing at the universe, which appeared particularly unique to him.

Slowly, he directed the aura of the universe's origin that he had brought towards it. The murky aura enveloped the universe directly.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light flashed across the previously faint surface of the hexagonal structure. As if stimulated by something, the red light continued to flicker incessantly.

Gradually, the murky aura was completely consumed by it. And the universe, which had appeared extremely dim, now emitted a deep red glow.

It was as if from this moment onwards, the entire universe barrier had become more solid and resilient.

It was as if the entire universe had been reborn at this moment, exuding a more fervent vitality...


"Hmm? Why do I feel something's off?"

As the universe began to change, Peter, who was within the cosmos, instantly sensed this unique feeling.

In this moment, the entire universe seemed to become clearer, as if a display screen, jumping from its original frame rate of dozens to hundreds in an instant.

"What's happening?"

This unique sensation filled Peter with curiosity.

At the same time, he could also sense that the barriers of the universe at this moment seemed tougher and harder to break through compared to before.

But for him, breaking through the barriers of the universe was still not a difficult task.

Just as he was about to break through the cosmic barriers and explore the void beyond the universe to see what had happened, his expression suddenly changed.

Then, in an instant, he disappeared from where he stood.

"Finally, I'm back!"

Above a street in New York City, a figure suddenly appeared here out of nowhere.

He looked around at the towering buildings, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Superman, the protector of Earth? Wait... this doesn't seem to be the universe I was in before!"

However, as he observed, he discovered something that filled him with shock.

"Who are you? Why have you come to this universe?"

Just as he felt immensely shocked, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, questioning him.

"Are you... Superman?"

Facing the figure that had suddenly appeared before him, disbelief filled his face.


(End of Chapter)


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C131
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


