
章 84: Chapter 84: Stephen Strange(Long Chapter)

Peter returned victorious, but his heart was not filled with much joy.

Although this battle was grand in scale, it even destroyed an entire galaxy.

In the end, victory was his, but in this battle, his own weaknesses were exposed.

Compared to the almost omnipotent Odin, he only had physical strength that reached a terrifying level.

He could casually shatter huge planets.

As for his heat vision and freeze breath, in the terrifying battles where planets were used as weapons, they hardly had much effect.

Unless he truly reached the level of a Silver Superman or a Golden Superman.

"I hope that the mysterious cosmic storm that will arrive on Earth soon will bring me surprises."

At this moment, Peter was eagerly anticipating the cosmic storm that would soon arrive on Earth.

After all, that mysterious storm briefly came into contact with the Fantastic Four and bestowed upon them incredibly powerful special abilities.

If it could be captured, then...

Peter didn't continue thinking further, afraid of becoming too impatient.

Soon, Peter rushed back to the Stellar Technologies Tower.

However, he first went to the rooftop and picked up the Super King artifact axe, which served as a trophy and token.

On the silver surface, fiery red patterns intertwined on the metal axe, exuding a strange beauty.

Moreover, just by holding it, Peter could feel a huge amount of energy pouring into his body.

"Although it's very powerful, it's useless to me."

For Peter, weapons didn't provide much of a boost, and they might even limit the eruption of his own power.

Besides, he himself was actually the most powerful weapon in the universe.

Even if he had to use a weapon, Peter preferred a long-handled two-handed weapon.

Such as the one used by a mythical figure with three eyes...

Thinking of this, Peter casually summoned the Bifrost Bridge, and then without hesitation, threw the axe into it.

In the next moment, his figure flashed, instantly appearing inside the tower.


"Superman, you're here!"

In a huge laboratory built on an entire floor, countless researchers were busy with their tasks.

The massive teleportation portal device opened every few hours, transporting the newly manufactured space station modules to another area for assembly.

"How's the progress with the space station construction?"

Watching the busy yet orderly scene, Peter curiously asked Reed, the project manager for the space station.

"Very smooth, Superman. With the release of our plans to build the space station, countless researchers from all over the world have applied to join this great project."

When talking about the progress of the space station construction, Reed's face showed a hint of uncontrollable excitement.

Previously, he never imagined he would have the opportunity to oversee such a huge project.

After all, when he initially sought investment for his own project, he was rejected everywhere.

"How much longer do you expect until it's completely built?"

Peter noticed Reed's deeply suppressed excitement and continued to ask curiously.

"We have completed most of the main systems of the space station, such as the shield system, ecological recycling system, energy system, propulsion system, particle weapon system, teleportation device system, medical system, and so on, with nearly a hundred subsystems under these main systems."

"What's left are some supplementary subsystems under the main systems, such as medical warehouses needed under the medical system, biological hibernation systems, and so on."

"In short, the space station is now basically perfect, and some less important systems can be continuously supplemented later."

Reed's face was full of excitement, even he found it hard to believe.

A space station so perfect is actually nearing completion in such a short time.

"You're sure what's being constructed now is a space station and not a spacecraft capable of interstellar travel?"

Listening to Reed's explanation, Peter couldn't help but think...

Space Station — ✗

Spaceship — ✓

"However, some technologies are being provided to us for free by other companies we're collaborating with, such as Stark Industries, Hammer Technologies, and governmental aerospace research institutes, among many other globally renowned tech companies supporting our space station project for free."

"Supporting us for free? Are they really that generous?"

Peter, being profit-oriented, doesn't believe those companies would be foolish enough to give away their core technologies.

"They certainly aren't that generous. Most tech companies are doing this for the sake of your reputation. Some even leave backdoors in the provided technology, attempting to control the space station we're building."

Reed's smile disappears.

He knows that if it weren't for Superman backing the construction of the space station, other companies wouldn't even have had time to suppress it, let alone offer assistance for free.

"However, we've thought of a solution. A mysterious team led by Dr. Otto is intensively researching a powerful artificial intelligence."

"By then, everything on the space station will be controlled by our artificial intelligence, rendering those companies' tricks completely ineffective."

The next moment, a sly smile appears on Reed's face as he whispers to Peter.

"Artificial intelligence? Just don't end up creating an Ultron."

Upon hearing "artificial intelligence," Peter can't help but be surprised.

The Marvel Universe is filled with famous artificial intelligences, with Tony's intelligent assistant, J.A.R.V.I.S., being the most well-known, but not all artificial intelligences are under human control.

And Ultron is the most rebellious among them.

While intended to maintain human peace, it desired true human extinction.

Peter even remembers that, before his time traveling, in a certain universe, Ultron successfully merged with Vision's vibranium body, ultimately obtaining six Infinity Stones, nearly destroying all multiverses.

"You guys carry on, I'll go see Dr. Otto."

Thinking this, Peter can't help but want to go to Dr. Otto's place to make sure this artificial intelligence is safe enough.

"Mr. Superman, I'll accompany you."

Reed sets aside what he's doing, preparing to go with Peter.


Soon, the two leave the lab.

However, as they head towards the floor where Dr. Otto is located.

Peter sees someone familiar in the corridor, someone who shouldn't be here.

"What's he doing here?"

Peter points at a person wearing a luxurious suit, looking extremely tired as if they've been playing games for days on end, with prominent dark circles resembling a panda under their eyes, and asks Reed.

"Him? He seems to be a somewhat famous neurosurgeon, named Stephen... Strange, I believe."

Following Peter's gaze, Reed ponders for a moment before introducing.

"Stephen Strange. What's he doing here?"

If it weren't for Peter's sharp eyes, he might not have noticed the tired expression and the dark circles under the panda-like eyes, which belong to the future Sorcerer Supreme successor, Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange.

'However, even though Tony snatched away the title of Sorcerer Supreme from him, according to the timeline, he should still be a doctor who relies on his genius medical skills, gaining numerous fame and wealth, leading a luxurious life as a doctor.'

"How did he end up like this now?"

Peter finds it very strange how 'Strange', a genius doctor, ended up like this.

If he hadn't sensed any energy fluctuations from him, Peter would have thought he came from a universe where Doctor Strange fell into darkness.

"Mr. Superman, do you know him? He seems to be Doctor Hiler's patient now."

After thinking for a moment, Reed says, then noticing Peter's questioning look, he quickly adds.

"Hiler is a famous psychologist in New York City. Now, at our invitation, he's working with Dr. Otto to ensure the healthy psychological state of the artificial intelligence."

"This Mr. Strange should be here to see him, given his appearance, he seems to have not slept well for several days, likely due to some serious psychological issues."

Reed looks sympathetically at Stephen.

Back when he was rejected by countless companies for funding, he was almost in the same state, unable to sleep peacefully at night.

"I see..."

It's not uncommon for doctors to develop psychological illnesses due to certain circumstances.

It was only because it was Stephen that caught Peter's attention.

After that, as the two walk past Stephen, who's sitting on a chair in the corridor, Stephen just lifts his head slightly.

Even upon seeing the figure of the world-famous hero Superman in front of him, his eyes showed little fluctuation.

"Oh, by the way, if you have a chance, keep an eye on this person for me."

It was only after entering the laboratory that Peter slowly instructed Reed.

"Sure... Sure thing, Mr. Superman."

Reed didn't ask Peter why he wanted to keep an eye on such an insignificant guy, he simply agreed.

"Mr. Superman, you're here."

As Peter entered the laboratory, Dr. Otto, who was busy, immediately spotted him and hurried over.

"Do you have a psychologist named Hiler here? Please tell him one of his patients is waiting outside."

Peter speaks up first, mentioning Stephen waiting for someone.

"Okay, I'll inform him right away."

Otto's expression shows some surprise, but he doesn't hesitate much.

Soon, accompanied by a man with a wise look in his eyes, they leave the laboratory.

"Alright, let me see how your so-called artificial intelligence is coming along."

With the matter resolved, Peter shifts his focus to the artificial intelligence, knowing that creating an Ultron would be a disastrous joke.

At the same time, a psychologist named Hiler slowly emerges from the laboratory and sees Stephen, who looks tired, sitting in the corridor.

"Mr. Strange, are you dreaming again, meeting another version of yourself in your dreams?"

Hiler evidently knew about the psychological issues troubling Stephen.

"Dr. Hiler, you've finally come."

Stephen, who hadn't shown any excitement upon seeing Superman, suddenly seemed revitalized upon seeing the psychologist, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Yes, another me has been haunting my dreams these past few days. I've hardly slept in three days."

"So, in your dream, does the other you talk to you about the multiverse and try to get you to accept his existence?"

Hiler turns the corridor into his own therapy space, guiding Stephen out of his psychological dilemma.

"Not only that, after I clearly refused, he even tried to push me into the abyss..."

Recalling the same nightmare he's had every day this past month, Stephen's face contorts with intense pain.

"Mr. Strange, as a doctor yourself, I'm sure you've heard of various psychological schools and their corresponding treatments."

"Since refusal is causing you such distress, why not try a different treatment method, like... accepting the other you from your nightmares..."

Hiler maintains a warm smile, offering Stephen a suggestion completely different from before.

"Accept the other me?"

Stephen's face shows a hint of confusion and hesitation, but then he slowly becomes resolute.


(End the Chapter)


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