95.89% Different Batman / Chapter 69: File codename: Strange Question

章 69: File codename: Strange Question

(3rd Person POV)

In the Batgarage Bruce was working on creating some files about the current events that are going on. The Trinity War had started and the hidden parties were trying to achieve their goals.

"File codename: Phantom Stranger

His crime was to train his closest friend which resulted in betrayal. For that he gave himself a cruel and shameful death, but he was punished anyway. Imagine the hubris of the Council of Wizards at the time.

He begged for forgiveness but was punished. His punishment was to forever be a stranger in the world. Those around him would never truly know him.

After he was cast out from the Rock of Eternity he was given a necklace of silver coin and a cloak, which he would wear forever. For him, things were different than it was for Pandora.

You see a voice contacted him at that time. I recorded the voice at that time, since ... well because I could. The voice told him: Sinner! Your ultimate fate awaits. The robe ...'

That voice was the big daddy of the DC universe. This basically made the Phantom Stranger become his lapdog and by doing the bidding of the 'voice', the Phantom Stranger hopes to find a release from his punishment. He is terribly naive. And let me tell you why.

At one point, the Phantom Stranger followed the 'voices' instructions and betrayed a Gotham City detective.

When his fiancé Gwen was kidnapped, Jim Corrigan, which was the name of the detective, was guided by the Phantom Stranger on the instructions of The Voice. He led Jim Corrigan to the abandoned warehouse where she'd been kept, but this turned out to be a trap; Jim and his girlfriend were both killed by the kidnappers.

However, his soul was immediately imbued him with divine powers by The Voice and dubbed The Spectre. He immediately accused the Phantom Stranger of betraying him.

As the Spectre was about to attack the Phantom Stranger, The Voice intervened and sent Spectre off to inflict his wrath on those who were more deserving of Spectre's wrath. The Voice chose James like he did the Stranger to be "the mirror of his desire for justice".", Bruce stopped for a moment.


"I'm just thinking."

[Will this result in a problem in the future?]

"It sure will."

[I am assuming you have a plan already? Going against the representation of the very Multiverse you inhabit is ... not the easiest thing to accomplish, sir.]

"It is not. But some things won't be forgiven. Sooner or later, I will have to meet him and then I need to be ready. Thankfully ... well let's not delve too deep into this for now."


"After the Phantom Stranger did what the Voice told him to, he felt bad about it. But when he did it, he noticed that one silver coin on his necklace fell off. He hopes that if he can do the voice will and remove all of his coins, he can be free from his eternal punishment.

In the most recent history, we come to a topic of great interest to me. John Constantine. And we find out why I haven't visited him yet. The good sorcerer thinks he is off the hook, but that is not hte case. I will get back to him in the future.

You see, the Phantom Stranger asked John Constantine and his 'magical team', which we shall call Justice League Dark, to align with him in the current conflict, the Trinity War. Naturally, the Justice League Dark refused.

However, the Stranger was later summoned by Constantine. You see, John had somehow required one of the Stranger's silver coins from his necklace and revealed that to the Phantom Stranger. Without it, the Phantom Stranger would be screwed for all eternity, since he can't repay his dept and break his curse.

Just like the bastard that he is, Constantine tells the Stranger that if he 'scratches Johnny's back' he will one day get it back. Basically, Constantine wanted the Phantom Stranger's allegiance by holding one of his coins 'hostage'"

[Anything else, sir?]

"No, the Phantom Stranger is finished here. If there's anything else, we'll add it later on. Now let us proceed to the final of the Trinity of Sin, the Question.

No one truly knows the specifics of his crime and in the end, it doesn't matter. But he accumulated a great amount of power and renown and held on to that power. When he was brought before the Council of Wizards he openly challenged them and told them that if they did not kill him, he would rise to power again and the wizards and the world would fear his name.

As for his punishment ... he and everyone else would forget his name."

[Do you know it, sir?]

"Of course. He was born as Narcissus. The punishment was for the Question to forever question his identity and forever search for answers he will never find. They basically made him into a detective. By far the saddest of the Trinity of Sin, in my opinion."

[How so, sir?]

"Because I exist. He was robbed of his name for no reason. I am the greatest detective in the Multiverse, there is nothing he can do that I can't.

Centuries later, he was still wandering the Earth but was now dealing out vigilante justice. One such instance occurred in Hub City where he saved the mayor's kidnapped daughter and tied the kidnapper John Dandy to the top of a light post, leaving a question mark calling card behind.

The Question is solving crimes while attempting to piece together his own identity. He knows of the other two members of the Trinity of Sin and believes that they can help him uncover the secret of who he is.

The Question later appeared to Dr. Thirteen and asked him what it would take for him to betray the Phantom Stranger. Dr. Thirteen then called the Stranger and told him that he had information regarding his kidnapped family. When the Stranger arrived at the lab, the Question distracted him until Dr. Thirteen was able to stab him in the back with the Spear of Destiny, hoping it would kill him.

But that was not successful. The irony of me knowing who he is, is the proof we need as to who is the best detective. But I guess, I can't take all of the credit here."

[Affirmative. What are our current plans, sir?]

"For now, I'll deal with the 'family problem'. The League of Assassins are still going through the succession war, just as Ra's planned. He will return at one point and take what is left of the cake. But that won't happen if I have anything to say about it. 

Deathstroke might be a brilliant fighter and tactician, but Ra's has centuries of experience and his planning is only a step behind that of Vandal Savage. So I'll make sure that he does what I hope he will. However, hope is misplaced in this universe, which is why I will do it myself."

[Understood sir.]



In another part of the world, Talia al Ghul ever the diligent daughter and ambitious woman, has assembled a few assassins who are loyal to her and plans to ambush a location where she knows Deathstroke to be, in order to take back control over the League. They have approached the position in the mountains and are on the lookout for anything suspicious.

They don't see anything and Talia motions for them to follow her. The assassins attack the location blast through the front gate, and enter the old building.


Talia takes the mask off of her face and reveals her outfit. Unlike what is expected of a master assassin, she seemingly dresses for a latex party and not a deadly mission, revealing quite a bit of her decolté.

She unsheaths a Katana and gives orders to the rest of her assassins.

"Deathstroke's mine.", she says and they begin making their way into the labyrinth that is the League's hideout. The group runs through the halls, not realising that the trap has already been set for them. As they run, they are noticed by sensors which trigger explosions in the walls.





The explosions go off, burying most of Talia's group underneath stones and rubble, reducing their already small numbers even further.

In the smoke, a shuriken comes flying, hitting a distracted assassin in the neck, and killing him.

"Argh!", he screams and falls to the ground. This starts the fight between opposing assassins' sides.



From the smoke, Deathstroke's assassins attack and manage to catch Talia's group by surprise, forcing her to get involved. She shows why she is Ra's al Ghul's daughter though and cuts down those who approach her.

Her skills are impressive and she kills one assassin after the other. After a short clash, she is the only one remaining in her group, but there are many more of Deathstroke's followers.

"Haaa ... haaa ...", she is breathing heavily while preparing to fight when she feels a slight change in the air and turns around. What greets her is Deathstroke with the pommel of his blade coming towards her, knocking her out.



She falls to the ground, unconscious.

"Poor Talia. Ra's would be so disappointed. But what can you expect, about someone who was sheltered by her father all her life? Lady Shiva would have been the better choice. Too bad, Batman got involved again. But things will change from now on, Batman will have to face reality soon enough.", Deathstroke says.


In Gotham, Bruce Wayne went to take care of some things at Wayne Enterprises. He had to, there was something he had to take care of. Someone, he had to take care of.

He walks into his office and there ... sitting in his chair, is Damien. The group stops walking.

"What the hell?", someone asks.

"Your profit margin is down in Argentina.", Damian says showing a chart indicating this, "Someone is skimming revenue."

"Argentina? That's my division. Bruce?!", one of them remarks and they all look at Bruce for answers. He looks at Damien and then turns around to address the others.

"It's alright. I'll handle this. Come back in 10 minutes, please.", he tells them and closes the door.

"What are you doing?", Bruce asks Damien who still hasn't left his seat and is looking at him with a smug look. He hasn't learned anything it would seem.

"Reviewing my birthright. This will be mine someday.", Damien replies.

Bruce who has arrived at the window doesn't say anything and simply looks outside in thought. He then turns around and looks down at the boy.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding here. None of this is your birthright."

"Of course, it will. You're my Father and when you go, this will be mine.", Damien remarks, looking at Bruce with a look of conviction and confusion. He doesn't understand what Bruce means.

"It seems like you are in desperate need of education. Let me do that now.", Bruce says and knocks Damien out. Underneath Damien, a black portal appears and takes Damien to the Batgarage, where Batman is waiting for him.

Damien doesn't yet know about the decoy Bruce, and he will keep it that way.


A few minutes later, Damian wakes up again. He looks around and sees that he is inside the training chamber with the real Bruce standing opposite of him. The air around Bruce is different than before. It is threatening.

"What is this?"

"I am going to teach you a few things, boi. Attack me.", Bruce commands.


"Did I stutter?"

"If that's what you want. Don't blame me for this.", Damien says and rushes towards Bruce. He jumps and punches towards Bruce's face, who stands still.

Before the fist can make contact though, another bigger first suddenly appears in Damien's field of vision. Before he can react though, he is smashed in the face and flies back, hitting the ground hard.


"A man can have anything, Damien. If he is willing to sacrifice.", Batman says and starts to walk around Damien as he tells him about the truth of life and his current situation.

Damien still shaken manages to stand up again after a moment. He is angry and lunges at Bruce.

"Raagh!", he screams as he attacks. Bruce catches the fist, twists it upwards and then kicks him away.


"With your birth, comes a solemn vow ... you will have nothing.", Bruce continues as he stands there with his hands behind his back and looks down on Damien who is holding in his pain.

"... your privilege is the dirt."

Another attack comes from the boy as he tries to use a flying kick against Bruce. But he dodges out of the way and pushes Damien to the ground again.

Then, the lights go out ... for dramatic effect.

"In the darkness, only ambition will guide you.", the deep voice of Batman is heard as he continues to 'show' Damien his place.

Damien tries to follow the voice he hears and attacks.





"The oaths you swear, the promises you swear ... they are yours alone."

"Argh", Damien tries to attack again. But in the darkness, he can't find Bruce, even though he can hear his voice. He jumps around, trying to find him, but is punched around and knocked to the ground, over and over again.

"Your freedom would be the fights you choose ..."



"... your birthright, the losses you suffer ..."




"... your entitlement, the pain you endure."


"AAAHH", Damien screams as Bruce breaks his arm. He is on his knees and holding his arm in pain because his pressure points were pressed by Bruce.

"And when darkness finds you ... you will face it ...", the deep and almost sinister voice of Batman is heard, causing Damien's heartbeat to rise.

"... alone."

"Raaaaagghhh", Damien screams as he hears the voice right next to his ear.



Yes yes, this was embarassing. And yet I still did it. Imagine what the character development Damien will get out of this ... *cough*

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C69
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


