83.33% Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist / Chapter 10: Peggy Carter

章 10: Peggy Carter

Well, apparently not for another 6 months.

With nothing major going on around this time, I decided to transition Al Capone into the acting CEO role at Sterling Enterprises, with Johnny Torrio advising him. Over the years, I'd watched those two give their all for Sterling, especially after I rewarded them each with a 5% share of the company. Usually, I'd just give Al and Johnny the broad outline of priorities and major decisions, while trusting them to handle the finer details and day-to-day operations.

And since we have the time, let me rewind and give you the broad strokes of what unfolded over the last 8 years. As I mentioned earlier, by strategically working together, we managed to buy out a few minor shareholders to secure a 5% stake in the company for both Al Capone and Johnny Torrio. I also dipped my pinkie in to purchase additional shares, boosting my own stake in Sterling Enterprises to a neat 75% - a nice, round number that soothes my OCD. But it's more than just equity percentages; I believe Al and Johnny really bought into the ambitious vision I had for Sterling's future success and all we could achieve together. And sure, reigniting their passion and purpose, which had been flickering out, didn't hurt either.

They might have been tough cookies, but even the hardest of cookies have a soft spot. Especially Al, whose life took a 180° turn thanks to my help. Nevertheless, contingencies were quietly put in place should either of them become disloyal and betray my trust down the road. You can never be too cautious when it comes to human nature. As the saying goes, your parents are the only ones you can ever 100% trust in this life - and even they end up disappointing their kids sometimes despite their best efforts. I had to look out for my own interests first and foremost when building this empire.

Apart from that, Howard Stark Sr. decided to pass down the family jewels (Stark Industries, that is) to his sons Howard Jr. and Edward before kicking the bucket. But then baby bro Edward up and vanished into thin air, leaving his shares ripe for the taking by big brother Howard. Guess that's one way to settle an inheritance, amirite? Not that I want to imply any Stark-on-Stark shenanigans, nosiree. I'm not one to stick my nose in another family's drama. Long story short, I also decided to skip the scramble for that 2% of Stark Industries owned by the minor shareholders. Didn't want to deal with any mysterious risks. Hey, I'm just saying! 

Besides, at that point I was dropping mad stacks on personal security - for me, for my parents, you name it. Had a little heart-to-heart with my pals Al and Johnny and advised them to do the same. When an organization named after an evil Greek serpent starts baring its fangs? Let's just say you don't play around.

Anyway, back to what we were talking about. After that little ownership kerfuffle, I had a 41% slice of the Stark Industries pie while young Howard sat pretty with 59%. Not too shabby for either of us. Speak of the devil, Howard came cruising by last year, asked if I'd be willing to sell some of my shares to him. And I was like, as if! But I didn't want to completely torch that Stark bridge by telling him to go fly a kite. So I tossed him a 1% bone on the condition that if Stark Industries ever tapped the aviation biz, they'd join forces with my flagship Sterling Enterprises. I know, only a measly 1% - but with Howard at the helm, Stark Industries stock has been skyrocketing! Kid's pumping out mad innovation, designing next-level tech for the military-industrial complex. Come to think of it, his old man did say Howard would birth creations that changed the future. Guess he wasn't just hot air.

Wanna know the real reason I slapped that collaboration condition though? Ya boy was looking to cut R&D costs on a potential new venture. What can I say, I pinch pennies tighter than Scrooge McDuck. Sure, the steel and oil rackets have been minting reasonable profits for Sterling - but I've been banking big time on scoring some juicy government military contracts. And hey, with WW2 kicking off and America gearing up to join the party? My ship came sailing in last year loaded with that sweet defense contract cargo. Even so, between constructing the Sterling Tower and buying out shareholders, my pockets ain't as deep as you'd think. Spent money almost as fast as I made it. 

Plus, I knew that Stark Industries was gonna be rollin' in that sweet, sweet government aviation cheddar soon enough! I saw that Pearl Harbor sneak attack coming from a mile away. Next thing you know, Uncle Sam would start ringing up Howard like, "Hey pal, think you could whip us up some custom aircraft orders stat? We've got some major anti-fascism marketing to launch across the Pacific." In the future, Stark Industries would get all sorts of new toys to tinker on with taxpayer dollars! Not to mention VIP access to the ultra-classified Manhattan Project for Howard to geek out over some physics experiments. Slap my mama and call me Nostradamus! No way was I letting the Stark gravy train leave my station without me.

Now, I bet Howard agreed to my aviation collaboration pitch for one of two reasons. Maybe he's got a touch of OCD brewing in that big brain of his like I do and really wanted his Stark Industries shares to hit a neat 60%, a nice round number and all. Or maybe he recognized our partnership posed no downsides for Stark either, considering Sterling's dominating steel production industry which we already purposed toward building ships and submarines. We had the larger operation by far. At the end of the day, it was a win-win deal. Stark got the raw materials and manufacturing muscle it needed, and Sterling got a slice of those sweet, sweet profits. Cha-ching!


A sharp rap at the door snapped Alexander back to the present. His secretary, Edith, poked her head in. "Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Sterling, but Miss Peggy Carter is here to see you. She's waiting in the lounge."

Alexander nodded and gave a casual wave. "Send her up, thank you."

It seemed that it was finally time to get the ball rolling with the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR). Colonel Phillips must hold him in high regard, having dispatched Carter to escort him to their secret HQ base in Washington, DC.

The door opened again, and Peggy Carter strode in, emanating competence and poise, her curled brown hair bouncing lightly as she offered a polite smile. Alexander rose to greet her.

"Miss Carter, I presume?" He extended a hand. "Alexander Sterling. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise, Mr. Sterling. Colonel Phillips sends his regards. Our car is waiting below whenever you're ready." Her cut-glass British accent instantly gave away her nationality.

Alexander gestured toward the door. "Shall we? I'm eager to see what you and the Colonel have put together down in D.C."

As they made their way to the discreet government vehicle, Alexander studied Peggy out of the corner of his eye. She carried herself like someone accustomed to being underestimated, yet with a quiet self-assurance that dared others to try.

"I must say, Miss Carter, I'm impressed that Colonel Phillips selected you as his envoy," Alexander remarked as they pulled away from the curb. "You must have proven yourself exceptionally competent."

Peggy's lips quirked in a hint of a smile. "Let's just say I know how to handle entitled men who don't think women belong in positions of authority."

"Oh, I don't doubt that for a second," Alexander chuckled. "In fact, I'd wager you could teach them a lesson or two in respect."

Peggy's smile lingered, her eyes roaming over the cityscape giving way to open tarmac and dormant aircraft. The hum of the engine filled the comfortable silence between them as the car approached the airport. They passed under the shadow of a hulking military plane, its imposing form a silent guardian of the skies.

As the vehicle stopped, two uniformed officers promptly escorted them through a maze of security checkpoints. Alexander noted the sharp salutes and brisk nods Peggy received, her presence commanding respect without a word.

They boarded the transport plane, its interior a stark landscape of metal and machinery. Alexander took his seat, the firm cushion offering little comfort. Across from him, Peggy sat, unfazed by the austere surroundings.

He broke the silence, his voice a low rumble against the plane's steady hum. "Quite the escort we had back there. You're no stranger to this, are you?"

Peggy's lips curved in a wry smile. "One does grow accustomed to the pomp and circumstance."

The engines roared to life, sending vibrations through the cabin. Alexander watched the ground crew disappear through the small window, the world outside shrinking away.

"Tell me, Miss Carter," Alexander said, leaning back casually, "how does a woman like yourself get involved with a top-secret military operation like the SSR?"

Peggy gave him an appraising look. "I could ask you the same question, Mr. Sterling. You don't exactly look like a soldier."

"No, I suppose I don't," he laughed. "Let's just say Colonel Phillips recognizes talent when he sees it. As I imagine he did for you."

"Mmm, something like that." Peggy crossed her legs, the fabric of her skirt pulling taut. "I earned my place, if that's what you're getting at."

Alexander's eyes flicked down briefly before meeting hers. "Oh, I've no doubt of that."

Peggy held his gaze unflinchingly. "Tell me, Mr. Sterling, do you make a habit of assessing women based on their looks?" Her tone remained light, but there was an edge to it.

"Only when they have looks worth assessing," he returned smoothly.

Peggy leaned forward, eyes glinting. "Careful, Mr. Sterling. Some women bite when baited."

Alexander grinned. "Promises, promises."

Peggy sat back with a small huff, though her expression seemed more amused than offended.





It's just a bit of banter, mate!

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