6.66% Demiurge: A Poseidon self-insert in PJO from the POV of others(PJO SI) / Chapter 2: Medusa I A.K.A the true loved one

章 2: Medusa I A.K.A the true loved one

She sat alone in her garden made of stones. Stones that were in the likeness of human beings with on the faces despair and anger drawn and sculpted forever.

There was no far from her the statue of a child that fell victim to her gaze, sadness and fear etched on her face showing despair confronted by a monster she could never defend herself against, never defeat.

A part of her ached. Maybe it was some long-forgotten maternal instinct or just mere empathy. It failed to take grip in her cold and withered heart and faded.

'None of those things were her fault' she thought. She was at her core a good and empathetic person. It was the reason why she was a priestess in the past. It was the reason why she had been chosen to be one. Thinking about it now She should not have been one. She should have found a way to refuse but she didn't and paid the price for it. She regretted it.

Her that was lusted after by gods and mortals alike, her that had hundreds fall on their sword in anguish after her refusing their advance. She had mortals singing to her beauty, she was said to be more beautiful than Aphrodite and Hera. She was worshipped for her beauty.

She chuckled. 'See How hard does the mighty fall' she thought. She was now nothing more than an abominable creature stripped from her divinity. She could not rouse storms that could swallow cities if she had wanted. She could not play with the waves like she did in the past. She was now a trophy to be acquired. She was now a target, a hunt prize and it sickened her.

Her beheaded head was even now seen as a symbol of Athena and was forever sculpted on the shield of the war goddess. Both mortals and immortals called it Gorgoneion.

She was a creature of divine descent. Her grandparents were the sea and the earth themselves and not mere placeholders like the current governing Gods.

None of those facts changed her fate. She wished she could take a pike and put the still-living beheaded head of Athena on it to see if she would like it.

Oh, how she wished she could make Athena pay. She wished she could make her beg. She wished she could shatter her pride. She wished to see how her cold grey eyes would change under torture. However, more than anything, She wished none of those things had happened. She wished her sisters, her brave sisters that took on her curse with her were still there. She wished her intrinsic divinity hadn't been removed from her.

She wished for many things that she knew she could never have. Lineage didn't always equal power. It sometimes did but it wasn't always the case. In this world, the only thing that mattered was power and she didn't have enough of it.

She didn't have people powerful enough that could care to protect her. She had begged her father but he had let her prayers be spirited into nothing. It's not that he could not do anything. The simple reason was just that he simply didn't care.

He had thousands of kids and she was never one of his favourites. If it had happened to Skolopondra or one of the Graeae, Athena wouldn't be seated on her bloodstained divine throne.

They called her a monster when the true horror was Athena. Athena was the one that turned her into this. Athena was the one who sent her bastard half-brother with divine weapons to slay her and have her body-less head used as a trophy and a weapon, all of that while she was pregnant. Athena was the true cause of the destruction mortals accused her to do.

Athena was a goddess of law, of justice yet she was sending thousands to butcher and slaughter at her whims without feeling regret in her darkness-filled heart. She was the true monster. It never was herself.

One of the statues fixed her with hate as if to spit on her at the notion of Medusa being innocent and a victim of her circumstances. She crushed it into dust with a swipe of her arm.

She could see those same regards of derision, of hate all around her and it angered her. The statues that were unmoving seemed now alive " How dare you all judge me" she screamed at them. She was now with the help of her two arms a tornado of destruction directed at the stone statues.

"None of you knows what is to bear such a curse" she yelled.

They broke, caved under the force of her blows and turned into dust. A haze had taken possession of her mind and she couldn't muster the will to stop.

" None of you know what it is to fall from the highest cloud to this miserable existence, from a divine queen to a monster. None f you knows what it's like to have everything and to lose it all".

The haze lifted and her sight was welcome with fragments of stones that were people, mostly innocent people that she had hurt and killed.

" I am truly a monster" she admitted to the nothing surrounding her. No justification could change that fact. She had in a fit of rage sent their souls to the domain of the rich one when they didn't deserve it, when they could have lived longer and more fulfilling lives. She fell on her knees on the hard white marble and ignored the sensation of the broken debris of stone prickly under her legs.

She remembered a better time, one when she mattered. She remembered a time when she was the pearl of his eyes and was gifted the most lavish gifts. She remembered his beautiful sea-green eyes and the promises that had been held in them, the sharpness of his chin, his honeyed words that had felt like an intoxicating beverage.

She had felt as if the world was theirs. She remembered proclaiming her love to him and him doing the same. She remembers him having said that he'll always be there for her and that he'll "always protect her.

She remembered becoming pregnant with their children. She thought their love was real and a big part of her still wanted to believe that but it was becoming century after century harder to believe so.

She was just a fancy that had caught his eyes that he used to avoid boredom until he had found another woman that could stoke the lust in his heart or a way to irritate Athena.

She thought he would have protected her. He could have. He was an elder god, one of the strongest of their pantheon. Athena wouldn't have dared to curse her if he had threatened her, had said that Medusa was under his protection. He could have but didn't. He could have also broken the curse. He just left and never talked to her again.

She lost what made and defined her. She lost her beauty. She lost her love and lost her connection to the sea that was now unwelcoming and cold towards her. She lost her sisters that chose to share her burden with her without her even asking and that exhausted from their terrible burden chose to fade.

She laughed while watching her reflection on the white marble floor of her garden. The face watching her back had tusks like a wild boar's jutting from the mouth, the lips were curled in a permanent sneer. The eyes were bulged, making the face look vaguely amphibian. What came out of her mouth was a mad and broken laugh.

She could feel liquids coming from her eyes and falling on the ground. The snakes on her head had awakened from their slumber and were now hissing angrily at the air searching for an invisible threat.

"You promised to be there beloved" she whispered to the nothing. " Why are you not there"

She didn't expect any answer. She had begged for one for thousands of years and not once did he come yet a very deeply buried part of her still hoped that he would answer.

"I am finally there. Sorry for making you cry" a voice answered to me. She knew that she had been alone, that the only things present in her garden were the broken statues and her.

"I must have finally gone mad to delude myself to the point of making you appear before me Poseidon. It's so pathetic". The shadow looming over her moved and fell before her.

A hand touched her left cheek caressing the coarse and rugged snake-like skin. "Medusa, look at me," his hypnotic voice told her. She did and fell into the depth of his ocean eyes. He was really there a part of whispered.

It had begun raining a distant part of her noted. The raindrops fell and with their fall created a discordant note blocking the noise of the world all around her.

At that moment, they were the only ones to exist and she wished it could never end. She leaned towards his touch which reminded her of a glorious and happiness-filled past where everything was much simpler and fair. He didn't back down in disgust. He let her do so.

She finally spoke," What are you doing here". It has been more than a millennium since they saw each other since he left her while she begged for him to stay".

"I'm here to correct an error, something I should have done for a long time," he answered with gravity.

There was only one thing that could be here called an error and it was her existence. She was the error he wanted to correct she realised. She knew that without him having to explain it. She should have been scared, frightened of a possible solution brought by the kronide. There was one thing the elder gods surpassed their titans predecessor without any doubt and it was in cruelty. None of those emotions came to grip her heart.

She was tired and if it was a way to finally end her immemorial torment, she would take it even if it meant her doom. Life wasn't a fairytale where fairness and justice prevailed. It was instead a never-ending gap of cruelty and suffering, one that had worn her down.

"Do it," she told him. " just make it quick if you ever truly loved me.

A frown bloomed on his beautiful face. At least, she would go, watching one of the most beautiful things in her eyes.

He nodded and the smell of the ocean began to overrun her nose. It smelled like an afternoon at the beach with the waves in the background and the yellow sand under her feet.

The divinity that he had from deep inside him was brought to the surface, took shape from his heart, climbed on his shoulder like a snake and coiled like a black mamba before jumping toward her heart.

For a moment, nothing happened and she wondered what it was supposed to do. It would have been disappointing if it was just this with all the gravitas the god emanated. She had the answer to her question when her heart began to burn. It felt as if the fire of Hephaestus's forge had been poured on her heart. She had thought that she knew suffering but nothing could compare to what she was feeling right now.

She has trusted him again like a fool. Shame on her the mortal quote said for being tricked a second time. It wouldn't be wrong to say that She had jumped from a shark-filled ocean to being trapped between Charybdis and Scylla.

She was screaming and struggling against the strong grip of the ocean god a still sane part of her realised. She tried to use her freezing gaze on Poseidon but it didn't work. She tried to bite him with the snakes living on her head but it proved ineffective against him. She tried to do everything possible to make the pain stop.

It finally stopped and she fell like a marionette with cut strings into the now open arms of the elder god. She felt different as if she had been removed from a too-tight shirt. Something that had been missing from her, a core part of her existence that was stripped unjustly from her had been given back. A black loc of luscious hair was dangling where a snake should have been present. She couldn't feel any more of the tusk deformities that Athena had cursed her with.

Did he really do what she thought he did? She mustered her strength and departed from his arms. He didn't try to stop her. She inspected her hands now looking human and less like the claws of an anteater. She watched herself in the marble and found in the reflection the face of a comely woman. She touched her face, now smooth and not rugged like snakeskin and began to cry. It was really her. It wasn't a dream sent by an oneroi to hurt and torment her at her waking.

Poseidon hugged her and she fell into his arms" Thank you, thank you, thank you" she whispered endlessly to him while crying. What she had dreamed of, prayed and begged for centuries had finally been granted.

He Didn't Say or do anything except reinforce his hug. They stayed like that in a scenery of broken statues and never-ending rain. She had stopped crying but didn't leave the arms of her ex-lover. She wondered what all of this meant for her.

She was not a monster anymore. Athena if she learned that would never let her exist peacefully. By being free from her curse, she would invite the ire of Athena on her head be it directly or indirectly through mortal heroes or supernatural mercenaries. She would have to make contingency plans.

Going against an olympian was never a wise thing. It would be more accurate to call it suicidal but she never wanted to let herself suffer again because of the whimsical and deadly mood of a stronger deity.

The Lord of the sea lifted the comfortable silence with his words" I wanted to apologize for not having been there, for not protecting you".

After thinking for a moment, she answered in a weak voice"I forgive you but I could never forget Poseidon. If you knew what it was to be treated like a monster. If you knew how it felt to be rejected by most of your family. If you knew how much I suffered, you would understand."

He sighed." I didn't apologize because I wanted your forgiveness. I apologized to you because it was the right thing to do," Poseidon answered.

She was made voiceless and shocked. She loved Poseidon but she had never been blind to the fact that he was not the most mature god. He had after all always been the type of God that became angry due to childish reasons or that acted before they thought.

"You had changed," she told him.

" We all changed whether it is positive or negative. Nothing is eternal and immutable faced by the oceans of time even for us gods" he answered.

" Come with me under the sea where I'll be at my strongest, where no one would ever dare to hurt you" He continued.

She thought about going back to her home. She thought about never having to worry about being targeted by sadistic and cruel gods. She wanted to accept but there was something that life had taught her that was important. She had learned that nothing was ever free or coming with pure intentions. Why would Poseidon go against another Olympian just for her? What benefit could he gain from such action?

Even then, for how long would his protection stay? Would he discard her after using and breaking for a second time her heart? He already did it. Who says that he wouldn't again? She loved him and in the past, her love for him was greater than the one she had for herself but It wasn't the case anymore. Things had changed.

She had to think logically. Even though she wished from all her heart the contrary, she knew that he could only have done it either for a lustful reason, to provoke Athena or maybe the two reasons together. Thinking that he did it because of another reason would be foolish. Gods were rarely kind.

She knew what she had to do. She left the comfort of his arms and stood tall and spoke "The reason why you came is now perfectly clear ocean's lord. You didn't come here because of kindness or regret. You came because of lust. I knew that it was too perfect to be true. You finally show your true colours".

How could she have been this stupid "You thought that you could come like the shining knight, erase all my problems so I would open my legs for you, warm your bed. Isn't your queen or the mortals good enough? Did they become for now too boring for you" she spat angrily.

She didn't care about the fact that Poseidon could create worse torment than Athena. She was exhausted. She was tired to cower under stronger beings. She was tired of having her emotions being played with. If she suffered, she would do it proud her head high.

"It's not the case, I wanted to-..." Poseidon tried to protest but she cut him. Something that most would call foolish and dangerous.

"To do what Poseidon. I was so stupid to think you had changed, that you were better" she said quietly at the end "that you cared."

"you have to listen to me. I didn't do it for any other reasons than being ashamed and regretting not having done what I should have. I don't want you under the sea to be part of a harem or anything like that. Is it that hard to think that I care? " the lord of the sea questioned.

"It is in the nature of you and brethren my lord to hurt and lust after those weaker or lesser than you. Even with all of this, you know what's the funny thing"?

He now stood straight and taller than her and looked more like a beast than a creature in humanoid form. She didn't back down.

 I still love you" she continued "but I'll never let you use me like you did the first time".

The sky was now dark and angry. The ocean breeze that seemed soothing felt now threatening. The rain was falling violently on the ground making a sound resembling two hammers colliding. His eyes were now glowing a green acid. At that moment, he looked like the portrait of a Christian demon straight from hell.

The divine power that he had used to break her curse came back with vengeance to the surface and took the shape of a trident that he took in his left hand. The trident was pulsing like a human heart. To her mystical senses, the trident was akin to a beast trying to satiate its anger with the flesh and the existence of others.

The god gripped the trident and pointed towards her the three prongs at her. She didn't back down or try to flee. Even if she had wanted to, it would have been pointless. He could have reached her even at the edge of the world from the place where he stood. He twirled the trident switching the prongs to him and the staff-like part to her.

"Why are you doing?" she asked him confused.

"Showing you that I'm genuine".he answered. "It is something special," he said looking at the emerald trident with pride "in the sense that it erases divinity, making immortals mortals and I'm giving it to you" he finished.

It was a known fact that Greek deities couldn't die like mortals. You could behead them and they would walk it off. The only thing effective way to incapacitate a god, to make him as close to death as possible except by throwing him into the endless abyss that was chaos or removing their divinity like she and Poseidon and Appolo in the past were subjected to was to dismember them in many pieces and scatter those pieces in different places to make sure that the god didn't regenerate. It was how the Olympians won against their mad father, the titan lord of time and harvest Kronos.

But now, the paradigm had completely changed. Poseidon had found a way to bypass this immortality and make true the greatest fear of immortals, mortality.

She grabbed the end of the weapon. Poseidon let her remove the weapon from him. With such a weapon, a voice in her head told her, she had a chance to take revenge on Athena, to make her pay for the torture she was subjected to for thousands of years. The rational side of her reminded her that a god didn't need to be in close contact to hurt somebody and in case they were in close contact with an opponent, it wasn't sure that the said god wouldn't be able to dodge the attack with how differently they perceived the world from mortals. Hubris was always the beginning of the fall and she would not drink its alluring nectar.

"You are doing a very foolish thing Poseidon. I thought I had gone mad. Maybe I was mistaken about who the mad person was " Medusa said while pointing the green emerald trident at him.

Instead of backing down or even dissipating the trident, Poseidon did something so foolish she was left aghast. A feeling that was becoming common to her when dealing with the ocean god. He advanced toward the trident until it was at the level of his heart, the tip of the prong having pierced the chiton he wore making fall on the ground golden ichor slowly turning red.

"You asked me what I was doing earlier. Words are fickle and easy to make. They flow like the wind and disappear in a breeze. My words won't make you believe me but my actions can," he said while looking at her in her eyes

"I am one of the architects of your suffering. I was the one that promised to protect you and didn't. I had promised to love you and I didn't. I heard all those centuries your prayers to me, your sacrifices to my person and did nothing. I did nothing while you continued to declare your love to me in your prayers from ancient Greece till last week. If you kill me, you'll inherit my domains and would be strong enough to be able to take personally your revenge on Athena".

He was ready to sacrifice his immortal life to make sure that she trusted the veracity of his intentions, to make her accept his apology. He was ready to give up eternity for her. Could there be a better way to show love and care than being ready to give up everything?

Everything she had ever wanted was before her. She had love and power before her and longed for both. Love broke mentally and physically. It was a force that hurt and shredded the ego. Love was fragile. Love was the reason for her punishment. Power instead was reliable, and gave importance and protection. She knew what she wanted before all. The only thing left to do was to push forward the trident. She could see in his eyes no fear, no anger. Her grip on the trident hardened. She moved and leaned towards him. The trident pierced nothing.

She kissed him. He hesitated before kissing her back. She let the trident fall from her grip.

"I'll come with you," she said to him after stopping to kiss him. It had felt intoxicating in a good way and she wished to experience it again. On his face bloomed one of the most beautiful smiles. The decision she had taken was one that could only be called foolish. It would have been more rational to kill him and take his powers from herself. Only time would prove her right or wrong but for now, in the present, she'll love without limit and try to bask in the present.

"I won't make you regret your decision," he told her.

She smiled and kissed him again "Let's leave," she said. He hugged her and they disappeared far from her curse and despair-filled garden.


They reappeared at the exterior of a palace that could only be called both gothic and divine. It was a structure with two towers with giant windows that looked like an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colour. The facade of the palace was one akin to the facade of a cathedral. On the roof were built statues of sea monsters that almost felt alive as if their immobility was a trick to make intruders lower their guards.

Poseidon opened the door and she was greeted by Floors made of orichalcum gold. Walls made of pearl and white diamonds.

The opulence presented before her was one even the richest of mortals could only dream of. An exquisite chandelier was installed on the ceiling. The height of the ceiling was to her calcul at least greater than 50 meters.

Since she had been undersea, she had begun to feel as if pure energy was directly injected into herself to strengthen her. The effect increased when she entered with Poseidon in the palace.

She was feeling drunk, dizzy as if she had taken too much nectar. Poseidon had stopped kissing her and was now talking of something about servants or whatever that he thought important.

"None of that matter for now," she told him and shut him with his kiss. She battled against his tongue for supremacy for a moment before he won. Her centre felt hot and she could feel running on her left leg arousal.

"So what does matter now?" Poseidon asked her playfully while nibbling at her neck. She couldn't resist and moaned.

She pushed him back to regain some control. Even though she was really horny, it would honestly be embarrassing if she came only for kisses and bites but hey, it wasn't her fault.

It was Athena's fault. Since she's been cursed, she hadn't felt the touch of a man or a woman on her body.

"This place is mine, you say," she told Poseidon but it won't be really the case until something important is done".

Lust was shining in the god's eyes and she was sure that she shared the same look as him even though she couldn't see herself.

"What will it have to be done to make it truly yours," he asked while his lips skimmed over hers.

"We have to baptize it," she told him.

He laughed "isn't that an Abrahamic tradition "

"Yes, but if they can seal from other pantheons. Why can't we do the same she shrugged".

"Let's do a Greek version of it" she whispered to his right ear before biting it. Her body melted into his. She felt his iron-like chest, she basked in the power that by his only existence made the world bask in. She traced the curvature of his muscles.

While she was exploring his body, he didn't stay idle. His hands caressed her back making her shiver in anticipation before he came to the level of her ass and grabbed it with both of his hands roughly.

"Hn..." a moan escaped from her throat

"This time" she continued" I'll be the holy water in which you absolve your sins, where you'll release all of yourself".

Before she could react, he had taken her in his arms and with one step, change the place they were. They were now in a gigantic bedroom with a bed that looked more like a natural cloud than an artificially made one.

He let her fall on the bed. "Strip" he commanded and she did. She removed slowly her t-shirt teasing him before removing completely and letting her boobs bounce.

She removed her pants which were now stained because of her arousal. The god before her watched her as if she was a meal that he couldn't wait to devour, to ruin and it excited her.

"I did as you asked my lord," she said coyly. "What will happen to such a pure maiden like me now? She said while batting her eyes.

The Lord of the Oceans didn't answer. The clothes he wore disappeared in green most and left him naked in all his glory. She began to salivate. All from the length of his members to his naked body produced in her mind images of debauchery.

His long rod came to contact with her lips. She didn't need him to talk to know what he wanted at this moment. She opened her mouth and the tip of his rod penetrated her mouth.

She choked but persevered. She was immortal which means that she didn't need to breathe to live like mortals and that she could do things that they would not have been able to do without experience or hurting themselves.

His penis slides deeper into her mouth until it made an obscene scene of her mouth and throat having taken its shape. His balls were now gangling all over her chin.

"Are you okay?" he asked her. It made her head flutter. She answered his question by sucking on his member and looking at him in the eyes.

It was enough of a confirmation for the god, because, he began to slide in and out of her mouth. The face fucking he was giving her created squelch noises.

She continued to watch him like a submissive slut while he fucked her mouth. From her core was coming froth a deluge because of how aroused she was.

"Yeah, like that. You feel so good" the Olympian god moaned in her mouth. To make it more pleasurable for him, she began to vibrate her mouth as if she was singing.

She felt as if she was lost in a haze, and had exaggerated on a beverage made by Dionysus himself. It was probably whorish to think such a thing but she could see herself living her complete immortal existence doing this.

After a long amount of time, she felt precum leak from the tip of his penis to her throat. She tasted and almost went bad. It tasted so good that she wanted to experience it again, to drain the sea god from his self-made nectar.

She began moving her head back and forth while she deepthroated him. Saliva mixed with precum was running from her mouth and falling on her naked body and her cloud-like bed.

What she was working for finally happened and Poseidon busted into her mouth. She swallowed it like a mad worshipper before a gift of his deity. It continued to flow without an end in her mouth.

She swallowed all of the semen of the god while looking at him in the eyes. He removed his dick from her mouth and smeared some left cum on her face.

"Thank you for this divine gift my lord," she said while smiling at the god. His cock hadn't deflated. It looks more like a weapon than a penis.

Her inside felt hot as if she had a burning furnace inside of her that feverishly needed to be extinguished by one thing, by his essence.

She let herself fall on her back on the cloud bed. She used her fingers to show the horny god before her how much she was aroused.

She couldn't support it anymore. She begged the God" Please my lord, make me yours again".

The god came to the bed. His shaft pressed for a moment her thigh before brushing against her wet pussy. He intertwined their fingers. They were now in a missionary position.

He looked at her face as if checking if she hadn't any doubt, as if asking if she really wanted to do so. She nodded a yes with her head.

The member of the god sank into her vagina. She moaned. She could almost feel every minuscule part of it. She could feel each of the veins. It felt right as if her vagina had been the perfect sheath for his dick.

Poseidon began to thrust in and out hitting places she didn't she had. She tried to retain her most but was unable and began to moan wantonly.

Her pussy was getting spread by his thick member. The god began to trust harder and quickly set a pace. Her naked body was shaking and jiggling.

One of her boobs was cupped and played with by Poseidon while he fucked her. She could feel herself lose complete control of her bodily functions.

The thrust of Poseidon into her created a symphony of squelches and squishes and moans.

One of the thrusts Poseidon reached a pleasurable spot in her and she came hard. Pleasure flooded her and she lost control of her bodily functions. When she came back to her sense, she realised that Poseidon hadn't cum at the same time as her. It had to be rectified.

With the god still inside of her, she in verses their position to be on top of him. The god to that merely lifted an eyebrow and left her to do what she had planned.

She lifted herself slowly from him leaving only the tip of his cock before sliding down hard.

His hands didn't stay idle and grabbed my backside.

I began to ride him up and down. He helped by making her fall harder and harder on his dick. His penis didn't leave anything untouched in her quivering core and she loved it.

The god stood up with her still bouncing on his dick. The way he completely dominated her, made her feel like putty in his hand drove her mad.

She could feel another climax approaching. She began to bounce harder using his shoulders as support. We both came, and I could feel his divine semen fill her to the brim, jet after jet shooting in me. I couldn't really feel my legs.

He put me on the bed and asked" Are you alright". Maybe I would regret it in the future but seeing the love and the care in his eyes and his complexion, any regret that I may have disappeared.

"I'm alright beloved even if I don't feel my legs for now" she answered.

"Sorry," he said while putting a hand on the back of his neck.

"It doesn't mean that we can not do anything else my lord" She turned around exposing her big heart shaped ass.

His dick took life again and made her scream all night.

allen1996 allen1996

Not really good at writing smut but hope you all liked it

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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