7.69% BETRAYAL HYDRA / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 it all fell apart


作者: Damaskinos

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 it all fell apart

"Nate, come to bed, you must be tired." A soft voice drifted out to him as he 

entered the bedroom.

Nate looked at his wife. Nothing in him stirred when he was near her, not 

even a little bit. He knew she married him for his money but that was their 

agreement. He would deposit money into her account every month and at 

the end of a year, he would let her go with a nest egg. She agreed and said 

the wheelchair didn't bother her, but she was lying through her teeth. Twenty 

thousand per month for a year and then one hundred thousand when they 

divorced. She would never make that in her lifetime.

She thought Nate didn't understand her but he did. He installed cameras all 

over the house and she never knew. He would sit in his office and watch her 

move around the house doing nothing. She went into his personal 

belongings, searching for what he didn't know.

"I'm not tired, go to sleep without me." Nate said in a flat tone.

"What's wrong Nate?" Mandy asked sweetly but her stomach churned as she 

thought about spending yet another restless night with this man beside her.

"I have work to do, go to bed." 

"Does it always have to be like this?" Mandy asked softly with a strange look 

on her face.

"Like what?" Mandy sighed and Nate felt her frustration but there was nothing 

he could do.

"I know our marriage was an agreement, but don't you like me even a little?"

Nate frowned. He did not expect this.

"I'm sorry Mandy, we never should have gotten married, and I feel I have 

wasted these few months of your life."

"Well, I feel I took your money and gave nothing in return, we don't have sex, 

you don't even look at me with an ounce of want, we don't spend any time 

together. Hell, we've never been out on a date. Why do you hate me? Have 

I done something to make you feel this way towards me?"

Nate smiled.

"It's okay Mandy, there is no animosity towards you, I know I haven't even 

tried to get close to you and all of this is my fault, don't lose any sleep over 


"We could try again, I'm not a bad looking girl." Mandy smiled.

"You are very beautiful Mandy, but I… I'm not in a good mental place and 

I'm sorry I have neglected you." Nate chuckled at her expression and for the 

first time, he felt comfortable being in the same room as her.

"Don't worry, one day you will find someone who will love you the way you 


He turned and wheeled his chair out and closed the door. His personal 

assistant stood up immediately, awaiting his orders.

"Myk, take me to the club."

"Sir?" Myk let out a surprised response. Nate owned several night clubs in 

the most active parishes in Barbados. They all operated under the name 

Hydra. In Christ Church was the Hydra Gold club for the mature crowd, in St. 

Michael was Hydra Red for the teens, twenties and thirties and Hydra 

Platinum St. James was for the very elite. Nate never visited the clubs; he 

paid well to have them managed and they were all successful.

"I know Myk, let's go to St. James tonight, I need a change of atmosphere."

Myk arranged Nate into the car, and they headed out.

"Myk?" Nate sounded from the backseat.


"Mandy will be leaving soon."

"Best thing. Does she need to be watched?"

"No, I don't feel I'm in danger, she isn't a bad person, she just doesn't need 


As they pulled up to the club... Nate decided to enter through the main door. 

He was greeted with disdain.

"Sir, no wheelchairs allowed."

Myk made a move to intercept, Nate stopped her. Nate looked up at the 

camera he knew was aimed at the entrance and nodded slightly. A few 

moments later two of the biggest bouncers in the club came to greet him.

"Sir, follow us please." They ignored the protests of the man guarding the 

door and lead the duo into the noisy den of the elitist.

There were men in suits, and women dressed as if they were going to meet 

the queen. Nate always believe in separating the sheep from the goats. 

Some hated this mentality but if you think about it, sometimes you need to 

keep apart from one another. This club was exclusively for the rich and 

powerful, it was membership by invitation only. You made an application 

online, security checks were conducted and if accepted, you paid one million 

dollars upfront. Then, a Hydra Platinum Elite VIP Card was hand delivered 

to you. For the next year, you were afforded privileges fit for a king and you 

had access to all the other clubs under the Hydra brand. Only one other club 

on the island offered such treatment but that was a car club operating under 

the name of Rapid Run Swift Club and funny enough, the owner was a friend

of Nate's. She gave him the ideas and he tweaked to suit the club and ran 

with it.

As a member, you could visit the club 24 hrs per day, you had access to the 

best dishes and premium drinks on the island. If you wanted to sleep off 

drunkenness, a room was provided, if they were fully occupied, a driver 

would take you home safely. Nate also provided on-call lawyers, doctors, 

construction, insurance agents, you name it he had access to it. 

This club had thirty-five thousand members. Nate did not tolerate drugs, 

prostitution, or any kind of illegal activity. Any member who violated the rules, 

was kicked out and the value of the balance of their membership was 

calculated and half of it was donated to a charity. Nate referred to it as 

administration expenses.

Myk pushed Nate to his private room and got him settled. She turned on the 

screen that allowed him to watch the show on the stage without subjecting 

him to the looks and scorns of the people who made Nate rich. They didn't 

even know who he was, but the wheelchair made them brush him off when 

they saw him. Nate smiled often when he heard the comments from his club's 

members. He didn't care, every million-dollar deposit that went into his bank 

account was worth the ridicule. They, came to him. As he got comfortable, 

something on the big screen TV caught his eye. There was a dark and sexy 

woman dancing on the stage in an extremely exotic pole performance.

Immediately Nate felt his entire body stiffen. Nate stared at the woman 

dancing on the pole. His reaction was instant and shocking. He almost 

grabbed the front of his pants to ease his discomfort. What the hell?

The woman was agile, skilled, well trained and she was sexy. Every part of 

her needed his touch. He motioned to Myk, pointing at the screen, to send 

the woman an invitation to his private room. Myk looked down at his face 

and she wondered what he was thinking. It was not like him to pick up 

strange women to take home before thoroughly vetting them and many 

nights, Myk ended up getting a taxi to take them home before anything 

happened. She shrugged and decided she would let him play this out.

Maybe he just needed to let off some steam, he was a man after all.

Myk left the room, headed out to the main stage, and waited until the woman

finished her set. As the woman came backstage, Myk motioned to her and 

a whisper to her ear, was softly delivered.

"Miss, the club's owner would like to have a private meeting with you, please 

follow me."

She blushed, nodded and silently followed the tall sexy female bodyguard. 

Yes, Myk was a woman, and she could throw you farther than she could see 

you. When Myk pushed the door of the private room, Elle immediately 

inhaled. The room smelled of a cologne she loved as a child. Eternity for Men 

by Calvin Klein. She always said if she could find a man who wore it, she 

would love him forever.

"Thanks Myk, Everleigh, take a seat please." Nate motioned to the seat 

opposite him as Myk swiftly closed the door and left. Elle looked at the leather 

seats and decided to stand. She quickly took in the man she came to see.

"Good evening, Sir, it's nice to meet you. If you don't mind, I just finished a 

set and I am rather… sticky, I don't want to dirty the seats."

Nate smiled.

"The pleasure is mine Everleigh, I can afford to have them cleaned, it's okay, 

sit, do you need anything?" Nate wheeled to a cupboard and pulled out a soft 

blanket and handed it to her.

"Just some water, thank you."

Nate pointed to an ice bucket with several bottles of water chilling. Elle 

walked over, took one, put the bottle on the coffee table, spread out the 

blanket and sat down.

"Now, let's get a few things off the table, I need you to answer me honestly, 

then we will go from there, agreed?"

"Yes sir."

"Nate is my name, for now, there is no Sir here."

"Okay." Elle whispered.

"Why do they call you Elle?"

"My mother's name is Elleyna; she loves to watch me dance."

"Are you involved with anyone?"


"I have two more questions for you, and they will determine if you leave or 

stay. Remember, I require honesty, don't worry about offending me."


"Does me being in a wheelchair bother you? If yes why, if no, why?"

"Yes. You wear it like a suit of armour. People fear your mental strength not 

your physical. No, because the chair is not who you are."

Nate smiled.

"Last question. If I asked you to be my girlfriend, what would you say?"


The smile on Nate's face faded a bit. Her answer bothered him yes and for 

some reason, her rejection kneed him in the gut.

"Can I explain Nate?" She asked quickly, not wanting the feeling that flittered 

across his face just then to remain.

"You may."

"It's clear you are wealthy since you own three clubs and whatever other 

investments. I am currently a nobody, dancing in a club so I can help support 

my family. People will talk and say I am only after your money. I don't know 

you. The only way I would say yes, is if we spent some time together, talked. 

I would need you to know the real me and not who you see now, and I would 

need to know about you and why you use your chair as an excuse to be 


Nate sighed. How did she know?

"Thank you, Everleigh. You now have two choices, either stay and spend 

some time getting to know me or leave and forget this conversation ever 


"How about I finish my second set, come find you and take you up on that 

offer." She smiled and her eyes twinkled.

"Deal. Do you have a car? I can take you home if you like when we leave 


"My brother usually picks me up but thank you anyway for asking. My set is 

in a few, I have to go." She stood at the door and paused, looking back.

"Promise me you will be here when I get back." She said hopefully.

"I promise."

For some reason Elle believed Nate, she didn't understand it, but she trusted 

herself. Elle smiled and left.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


