40% Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts / Chapter 29: CHAPTER 29

章 29: CHAPTER 29

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Snape arched an eyebrow, his black eyes piercing into Elmi's. "You're telling me you learned these spells from an old grimoire in your home?"

Elmi maintained a steady gaze, not wavering under Snape's scrutiny. "Yes, Professor. A family heirloom passed down through generations."

Snape's expression remained skeptical. "I find it hard to believe that a young wizard like you could comprehend and master these spells without proper guidance. You're not fooling anyone, Fawley."

Elmi, however, stood his ground. "Believe what you will, Professor. Of course, I didn't learn them by myself; my mother helped me. She is a great witch, and I've always had a knack for understanding magical theory. If you don't believe me, you can quiz me, and I believe I have magical theory equal to a 3rd or 4th year."

Snape, with a sardonic smirk, approached Elmi in the dimly lit dungeons. "Fawley, let's see just how well you understand magical theory, shall we?"

Elmi, always up for a challenge, raised an eyebrow in response. "Certainly, Professor. Ask away."

Snape arched an eyebrow. "Explain the principles behind the Levitation Charm. What magical forces are at play?"

Elmi replied, "The Levitation Charm, or Wingardium Leviosa, operates on the principle of magical aerodynamics. By altering the gravitational field around an object, the spell allows a wizard to make it defy gravity and levitate."

This was a knowledge taught in the second year. The spell was taught in the first year, but the principles at play were too much for a 1st year.

Leaning forward, Snape inquired, "What distinguishes a Transfiguration spell from a Charms incantation? Elaborate on the underlying principles."

Elmi explained, "Transfiguration involves changing the form or appearance of an object, while Charms deal with adding specific magical properties to it. The fundamental difference lies in the alteration of inherent qualities versus the addition of magical attributes."

With a sneer, he continued, "Can you outline the key differences between protective enchantments and defensive spells? Provide examples for each."

Elmi responded, "Protective enchantments create a shield or barrier against external threats, like the Shield Charm (Protego). Defensive spells, such as Expelliarmus, are used to disarm or incapacitate an opponent. The former focuses on protection, while the latter involves countering direct attacks."

Snape was starting to feel intrigued by the boy; being able to answer both of these questions meant he had the knowledge of a 3rd year. He wanted to up the hardship, "How does the Wolfsbane Potion work, and why is it crucial for a werewolf's transformation during a full moon?"

Elmi elucidated, "The Wolfsbane Potion allows werewolves to retain their human minds during a transformation. It doesn't prevent the transformation but eases the psychological impact, ensuring they don't pose a threat to others."

He thought Ekmi wouldn't be able to answer these questions, so he wanted to ask something he wouldn't be able to answer; most 5th years wouldn't know the answer to this question,

"Define the magical properties of dragon blood and its applications in potion-making," Snape demanded, his tone challenging.

Elmi confidently replied, "Dragon blood is a potent magical substance with various properties. It's a key ingredient in potions like the Draught of Living Death, providing potency and acting as a stabilizer due to its magical resilience."

Snape would be lying if he didn't find this annoying,

"Didn't you say you had the knowledge of a 3rd year? Even most of the 5th years would know the answers to this question?"

Elmi arrogantly smirked, and this ticked Snape more. Snape felt like slapping his head, then Elmi said, "My general magical knowledge in 3rd year, if it involves areas I am interested in. When it comes to potions, I could say I am around 5th or 6th year. I love potions, but my mother never allowed me to make real potions, thinking I could hurt myself. That is why I am looking forward to your classes, sir."

Snape, though secretly flattered, maintained his stoic exterior. His desire to ensure the young Slytherin didn't grow arrogant and continued to work hard led him to pose another challenging question.

"Let's delve into the intricacies of advanced transfiguration. Can you elucidate the theory behind human transfiguration and the ethical considerations involved?"

Elmi, recognizing the subtle challenge, responded, "Human transfiguration involves altering the form of a human being. While theoretically possible, it's highly complex and ethically questionable. The risks of irreversible consequences, both physical and mental, make it an area where caution and adherence to ethical guidelines are paramount. For example, turning students into animals for punishment is forbidden by the school rules."

Snape felt a bit like he was seeing himself in him. Elmi knew he could never beat Lucius, but he still stood up to him. As for Snape, he always knew James would bully him, but he would never back down when James annoyed him, and he would knowingly push James' buttons to annoy him even if it cost him a beating or humiliation, but he still felt like he needed to show the kid he still had many things to learn so he asked something he wouldn't know, no sane parent would allow their children to know this. Snape's dark eyes bore into Elmi. "Explain the theory behind the Unforgivable Curses. What makes them so inherently dark, and why are they forbidden?"

At first, Elmi didn't answer right away because he didn't want to cause a fuss, but when he saw Snape smirk at him annoyingly, he was ticked off and couldn't help himself; he spoke somberly, "The Unforgivable Curses are spells that cause immense harm. Imperius controls the mind, the Cruciatus inflicts unbearable pain, and Avada Kedavra causes instant death." 

A child's knowledge about The Unforgivable Curses would end here, but Elmi continued,

"Their dark nature lies in the intent and consequences, leading to their prohibition due to the severe harm they inflict. If the curses are not cast with deep and dark intent, they will not work." 

As Elmi talked, cold sweat traveled down Snape's nape.

"For example, Imperius wouldn't work if you didn't want to dominate and crush the target's being their soul. For Cruciatus, you need to desire to cause them unimaginable pain, and as for the Death curse, the intent is in its name; you need to desire that person's death with all your being, or the curse will not work properly."

Snape jumped up from his chair and grabbed Elmi by his shoulders with a firm grip,

"How do you know this boy!"

Elmi realized he fucked up; he needed to stop being impulsive like that. Every time someone ticked him off, he acted explosively, but it was too late to regret, so he said,

"I... I read it in a magic theory book in our house. Mother had forbidden me to read that book, but I managed to sink into the forbidden part of our library and read it without Mother knowing."

"Why did you read something like that? Don't you know it is a crime to cast them? Do you want to go to Azkaban!"

"No sir, I... As you might have realized, I am a bit impulsive. When someone ticks me off, I can't hold myself. As the hat put it, I have the heart of a Gryffindor and the head of a Slytherin. I knew I would make a lot of enemies with a personality like mine, and I needed to defend myself against everything, so I thought I had to first know how they work so I could think of a counter for it."

Of course, he was bull shiting. He knew this because he read the books and watched the movie, but finding a counter for them was a genuine part; he always thought of finding a counter for it. Snape grilled him a bit more, but after giving him a good warning about The Unforgivable Curses, he released him.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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