
章 5: Mixed-breed isn't that bad

"So, what can you teach me?" I asked the cat after we had gotten home.

"I would teach you to take mana from your surroundings, controls it. Since you don't have any mana skills. I will also form a mana circuit inside your body which will empower you and give you the ability to release mana from any where on your body. " The cat replied.

"Could you form the circuit now?."

"Yes. Have in mind that it will be painful." The cat warned.

"No pain, No gain." I smirked.

The cat used her paw to touch me on my stomach and sent some mana through it. It spread throughout my body as if trying to rebuild and reinforce it. The pain made me scream, thankfully the walls were soundproof. After like 5 or 10 minutes the process was finished and my body was rid of impurities. I took a shower to take care of that mess. Threw a thumbs up to the cat because he didn't lie about the process. Oh, I must name the cat. I can't call him that forever. 

I felt new and improved. Let's see Strength increase- I can now lift 10000 lbs., Speed- I can perform 100 meter dash in 4 seconds, to check endurance I decided to run up a mountain and see if i have fall damage. I ran to the mountain closest to me, weirdly it had stairs maybe it led to a shrine. I kept running for some time until I came across Akeno....who was wearing a shrine maiden dress while sweeping the floor. She looked surprised at my arrival.

"Pat. what are you doing here?" Akeno said surprised at my presence.

"I was taking some fresh air. Though I didn't expect you to be a shrine maiden, Akeno." I replied.

"There are some things you don't know about me. Anyway why don't you come inside and have some tea?"

"Sure." She guided me to her abode and made me wait for her. I didn't remember that she lived in such a place.

"You really took my offer seriously. Your making tea for me everyday."

Akeno didn't reply back at my statement but questioned me,

"Pat, what would you do if you know that I am a mixed-breed?"

 "I don't see anything wrong." I replied calmly.

She came to me and opened her wings. They were different, one was bat-like and another was a black feathery wing.

"These don't disturb you?" Akeno inquired worriedly.

"NO." I replied firmly.

"Who cares akeno if you are a child of a fallen and human. I certainly don't care."

"But it's because of these that my mother died." Akeno said sadly.

"Your mother didn't die because you have fallen blood in you. Your mother died because some racist people decided to kill your mother. Do you want to wallow in despair because of that? Don't you want to take revenge? If so, then embrace your fallen blood, if you want more power." I explained calmly

"So, you don't dislike me?" Akeno asked me with doe eyes.


She hugged me tightly at that. She then looked at me with blank eyes and asked me,

"Will you ever leave me?"

"I don't see any reason to do so." I smiled at her reaction.

She instantly became bright and smiley. She brought me tea and fed me biscuits. After I washed my hands, I told her that I had to go somewhere and she instantly looked at me with a blank look,

"You said you wouldn't leave me then why are you doing so."

"Come on Akeno. We are already going to meet tomorrow, why are you thinking so much about it?" I told with a smiley face because my dream was fulfilled now and i can die without regrets.

"Fine. But you must meet me tomorrow otherwise I'll punish you, okay?" Akeno said glaring.

"So, if I meet you tomorrow, there will be a reward?" I asked curiously.

"~~If you want~~" Akeno sounded as if she was moaning.

"Okay, I'll be gone now." With a straight face I ran out.

My destination was the top of the mountain there I will test if I have fall damage and no need to worry since I have excellent regeneration. I reached the top of the mountain as the wind breezed my hair and tickled my skin.

Before fall test, I decided what I could do with mana. I have read many fictional books in the past life. Oh, I can also summon my familiar here, let's do that. My tattoo on my chest started to glow and it shone a dim light before teleporting my cat in front of me.

"So, what have you called me for?" Angered the cat asked as if I had disturbed him.

"I suddenly remembered I don't your name. What is your name?"

"I don't have one."

"Shouldn't I give one?"

"Do you think you deserve to name me?" The Cat asked in arrogance.

"Don't I ? I am your master."

"Fine. Name me." The cat looked away.

"How about emily?

"For fuck's sake! I am not a woman!" The cat looked angry.

"I see, how about Salman?" 

"Are you joking with me? You can't name me. Some one else must name me." The cat looked tired.

"Okay, Teach me how to control mana?''

"First, sit down and focus on your core. You will feel a certain flow there. that is mana, try to control it and guide it to your heart, brain or lungs. After that guide that mana and try to release it from your fingertips. As you master this, you can release mana from any place of your body."

[ Sorry for the cultivation crap.]

I did as he instructed. I felt a flow in my core and gently guided it to my heart. I instantly felt more rejuvenated. I kept it there and guided the mana to my fingertips. Suddenly, fire burst out of my fingertips, it was wild and ferocious. I was wondering on what possibilities this opened for me. Since I have completed this I wanted to test my fall damage.

"Cat. Do I have fall damage?"

"The fuck are you talking about?" The cat was confused.

 "I meant if I throw myself over this cliff, will I fall to my death or survive?"

"Guess you have to find out." 

"You are right." Saying that I jumped off the cliff and free falled.

I hit against a tree, broke some branches, hit against a rock, hit against a spiky rock, it left me brutalised. Finally, I hit the ground with feelings of embarrassment since I was hurt a lot But it gave me some thoughts on what to expect. My evolution was working at a rapid pace, adapting to injuries and healing it. The cat teleported to me and said,

"You are really stupid aren't you?" The cat said.

"I guess I am." I said.

"Let's go home.'' The Cat said worried.

"Let's go home, Cat." I said joking.

"Hey! Don't call me cat."

We walked together to our home.

[ Can you suggest the cat's name?. ]

LonelyTiger LonelyTiger

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


